package main import ( "fmt" "strings" "" "" ) const logo = ` ======= === === === ======== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ====== === === === === ====== === === =========== ======= == === ======== ==== ==== ` const subtitle = "Terminal-based user interface toolkit" // Cover returns the cover page. func Cover(nextSlide func()) (title string, info string, content cview.Primitive) { // What's the size of the logo? lines := strings.Split(logo, "\n") logoWidth := 0 logoHeight := len(lines) for _, line := range lines { if len(line) > logoWidth { logoWidth = len(line) } } logoBox := cview.NewTextView() logoBox.SetTextColor(tcell.ColorGreen.TrueColor()) logoBox.SetDoneFunc(func(key tcell.Key) { nextSlide() }) fmt.Fprint(logoBox, logo) // Create a frame for the subtitle and navigation infos. frame := cview.NewFrame(cview.NewBox()) frame.SetBorders(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) frame.AddText(subtitle, true, cview.AlignCenter, tcell.ColorDarkMagenta.TrueColor()) // Create a Flex layout that centers the logo and subtitle. subFlex := cview.NewFlex() subFlex.AddItem(cview.NewBox(), 0, 1, false) subFlex.AddItem(logoBox, logoWidth, 1, true) subFlex.AddItem(cview.NewBox(), 0, 1, false) flex := cview.NewFlex() flex.SetDirection(cview.FlexRow) flex.AddItem(cview.NewBox(), 0, 7, false) flex.AddItem(subFlex, logoHeight, 1, true) flex.AddItem(frame, 0, 10, false) return "Start", appInfo, flex }