package main import "" // Introduction returns a cview.List with the highlights of the cview package. func Introduction(nextSlide func()) (title string, info string, content cview.Primitive) { list := cview.NewList() listText := [][]string{ {"A Go package for terminal based UIs", "with a special focus on rich interactive widgets"}, {"Based on", "Like termbox but better (see tcell docs)"}, {"Designed to be simple", `"Hello world" is 5 lines of code`}, {"Good for data entry", `For charts, use "termui" - for low-level views, use "gocui" - ...`}, {"Supports context menus", "Right click on one of these items or press Alt+Enter"}, {"Extensive documentation", "Demo code is available for each widget"}, } reset := func() { list.Clear() for i, itemText := range listText { item := cview.NewListItem(itemText[0]) item.SetSecondaryText(itemText[1]) item.SetShortcut(rune('1' + i)) item.SetSelectedFunc(nextSlide) list.AddItem(item) } list.ContextMenuList().SetItemEnabled(3, false) } list.AddContextItem("Delete item", 'i', func(index int) { list.RemoveItem(index) if list.GetItemCount() == 0 { list.ContextMenuList().SetItemEnabled(0, false) list.ContextMenuList().SetItemEnabled(1, false) } list.ContextMenuList().SetItemEnabled(3, true) }) list.AddContextItem("Delete all", 'a', func(index int) { list.Clear() list.ContextMenuList().SetItemEnabled(0, false) list.ContextMenuList().SetItemEnabled(1, false) list.ContextMenuList().SetItemEnabled(3, true) }) list.AddContextItem("", 0, nil) list.AddContextItem("Reset", 'r', func(index int) { reset() list.ContextMenuList().SetItemEnabled(0, true) list.ContextMenuList().SetItemEnabled(1, true) list.ContextMenuList().SetItemEnabled(3, false) }) reset() return "Introduction", listInfo, Center(80, 12, list) }