
156 lines
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package tview
import (
// frameText holds information about a line of text shown in the frame.
type frameText struct {
Text string // The text to be displayed.
Header bool // true = place in header, false = place in footer.
Align int // One of the Align constants.
Color tcell.Color // The text color.
// Frame is a wrapper which adds a border around another primitive. The top and
// the bottom border may also contain text.
type Frame struct {
// The contained primitive.
primitive Primitive
// The lines of text to be displayed.
text []*frameText
// Border spacing.
top, bottom, header, footer, left, right int
// NewFrame returns a new frame around the given primitive. The primitive's
// size will be changed to fit within this frame.
func NewFrame(primitive Primitive) *Frame {
return &Frame{
Box: *NewBox(),
primitive: primitive,
top: 1,
bottom: 1,
header: 1,
footer: 1,
left: 1,
right: 1,
// AddText adds text to the frame. Set "header" to true if the text is to appear
// in the header, above the contained primitive. Set it to false for it to
// appear in the footer, below the contained primitive. "align" must be one of
// the Align constants. Rows in the header are printed top to bottom, rows in
// the footer are printed bottom to top. Note that long text can overlap as
// different alignments will be placed on the same row.
func (f *Frame) AddText(text string, header bool, align int, color tcell.Color) *Frame {
f.text = append(f.text, &frameText{
Text: text,
Header: header,
Align: align,
Color: color,
return f
// SetBorders sets the width of the frame borders as well as "header" and
// "footer", the vertical space between the header and footer text and the
// contained primitive (does not apply if there is no text).
func (f *Frame) SetBorders(top, bottom, header, footer, left, right int) *Frame {, f.bottom, f.header, f.footer, f.left, f.right = top, bottom, header, footer, left, right
return f
// Draw draws this primitive onto the screen.
func (f *Frame) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
// Calculate start positions.
left := f.x
right := f.x + f.width - 1
top := f.y
bottom := f.y + f.height - 1
if f.border {
left += f.left
right -= f.right
top +=
bottom -= f.bottom
center := (left + right) / 2
if left >= right || top >= bottom {
return // No space left.
// Draw text.
var rows [6]int // top-left, top-center, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right.
topMax := top
bottomMin := bottom
for _, text := range f.text {
// Where do we place this text?
var y int
if text.Header {
y = top + rows[text.Align]
if y >= bottomMin {
if y+1 > topMax {
topMax = y + 1
} else {
y = bottom - rows[3+text.Align]
if y <= topMax {
if y-1 < bottomMin {
bottomMin = y - 1
x := left
if text.Align == AlignCenter {
x = center
} else if text.Align == AlignRight {
x = right
// Draw text.
Print(screen, text.Text, x, y, right-left+1, text.Align, text.Color)
// Set the size of the contained primitive.
if topMax > top {
top = topMax + 1 + f.header
if bottomMin < bottom {
bottom = bottomMin - f.footer
if top >= bottom {
return // No space for the primitive.
f.primitive.SetRect(left, top, right+1-left, bottom-top)
// Finally, draw the contained primitive.
// Focus is called when this primitive receives focus.
func (f *Frame) Focus(app *Application) {
// InputHandler returns the handler for this primitive.
func (f *Frame) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey) {
return func(event *tcell.EventKey) {