// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package argon2 import ( "encoding/binary" "hash" "golang.org/x/crypto/blake2b" ) // blake2bHash computes an arbitrary long hash value of in // and writes the hash to out. func blake2bHash(out []byte, in []byte) { var b2 hash.Hash if n := len(out); n < blake2b.Size { b2, _ = blake2b.New(n, nil) } else { b2, _ = blake2b.New512(nil) } var buffer [blake2b.Size]byte binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buffer[:4], uint32(len(out))) b2.Write(buffer[:4]) b2.Write(in) if len(out) <= blake2b.Size { b2.Sum(out[:0]) return } outLen := len(out) b2.Sum(buffer[:0]) b2.Reset() copy(out, buffer[:32]) out = out[32:] for len(out) > blake2b.Size { b2.Write(buffer[:]) b2.Sum(buffer[:0]) copy(out, buffer[:32]) out = out[32:] b2.Reset() } if outLen%blake2b.Size > 0 { // outLen > 64 r := ((outLen + 31) / 32) - 2 // ⌈τ /32⌉-2 b2, _ = blake2b.New(outLen-32*r, nil) } b2.Write(buffer[:]) b2.Sum(out[:0]) }