
1022 lines
24 KiB

package game
import (
type board struct {
x, y int
w, h int
innerW, innerH int
op *ebiten.DrawImageOptions
backgroundImage *ebiten.Image
Sprites *Sprites
spaces [][]*Sprite // Space contents
spaceRects [][4]int
dragging *Sprite
moving *Sprite // Moving automatically
dragTouchId ebiten.TouchID
touchIDs []ebiten.TouchID
spaceWidth float64
barWidth float64
triangleOffset float64
horizontalBorderSize float64
verticalBorderSize float64
overlapSize float64
lastDirection int
s []string
v []int
drawFrame chan bool
debug int // Print and draw debug information
Client *fibs.Client
dragX, dragY int
func NewBoard() *board {
b := &board{
barWidth: 100,
triangleOffset: float64(50),
horizontalBorderSize: 20,
verticalBorderSize: 10,
overlapSize: 97,
Sprites: &Sprites{
sprites: make([]*Sprite, 30),
num: 30,
spaces: make([][]*Sprite, 26),
spaceRects: make([][4]int, 26),
s: make([]string, 2),
v: make([]int, 42),
drawFrame: make(chan bool, 10),
for i := range b.Sprites.sprites {
s := b.newSprite(i%2 == 1)
b.Sprites.sprites[i] = s
space := i
if space > 25 {
if space%2 == 0 {
space = 0
} else {
space = 25
b.spaces[space] = append(b.spaces[space], s)
go b.handleDraw()
b.op = &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{}
b.dragTouchId = -1
return b
func (b *board) handleDraw() {
drawFreq := time.Second / 144 // TODO
lastDraw := time.Now()
for v := range b.drawFrame {
if !v {
since := time.Since(lastDraw)
if since < drawFreq {
t := time.NewTimer(drawFreq - since)
for {
select {
case <-b.drawFrame:
continue DELAYDRAW
case <-t.C:
lastDraw = time.Now()
func (b *board) newSprite(white bool) *Sprite {
s := &Sprite{}
s.colorWhite = white
s.w, s.h = imgCheckerLight.Size()
return s
func (b *board) updateBackgroundImage() {
borderSize := b.horizontalBorderSize
if borderSize > b.barWidth/2 {
borderSize = b.barWidth / 2
frameW := b.w - int((b.horizontalBorderSize-borderSize)*2)
innerW := float64(b.w) - b.horizontalBorderSize*2 // Outer board width (including frame)
// Table
box := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, b.w, b.h))
img := ebiten.NewImageFromImage(box)
b.backgroundImage = ebiten.NewImageFromImage(img)
// Frame
box = image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, frameW, b.h))
img = ebiten.NewImageFromImage(box)
b.op.GeoM.Translate(float64(b.horizontalBorderSize-borderSize), 0)
b.backgroundImage.DrawImage(img, b.op)
// Face
box = image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, int(innerW), b.h-int(b.verticalBorderSize*2)))
img = ebiten.NewImageFromImage(box)
b.op.GeoM.Translate(float64(b.horizontalBorderSize), float64(b.verticalBorderSize))
b.backgroundImage.DrawImage(img, b.op)
// Bar
box = image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, int(b.barWidth), b.h))
img = ebiten.NewImageFromImage(box)
b.op.GeoM.Translate(float64((b.w/2)-int(b.barWidth/2)), 0)
b.backgroundImage.DrawImage(img, b.op)
// Draw triangles
baseImg := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, b.w-int(b.horizontalBorderSize*2), b.h-int(b.verticalBorderSize*2)))
gc := draw2dimg.NewGraphicContext(baseImg)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
triangleTip := (float64(b.h) - (b.verticalBorderSize * 2)) / 2
if i == 0 {
triangleTip -= b.triangleOffset
} else {
triangleTip += b.triangleOffset
for j := 0; j < 12; j++ {
colorA := j%2 == 0
if i == 1 {
colorA = !colorA
if colorA {
} else {
tx := b.spaceWidth * float64(j)
ty := b.h * i
if j >= 6 {
tx += b.barWidth
gc.MoveTo(float64(tx), float64(ty))
gc.LineTo(float64(tx+b.spaceWidth/2), triangleTip)
gc.LineTo(float64(tx+b.spaceWidth), float64(ty))
img = ebiten.NewImageFromImage(baseImg)
b.op.GeoM.Translate(float64(b.horizontalBorderSize), float64(b.verticalBorderSize))
b.backgroundImage.DrawImage(img, b.op)
// Border
borderImage := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, b.w, b.h))
gc = draw2dimg.NewGraphicContext(borderImage)
// - Outside left
gc.MoveTo(float64(1), float64(0))
gc.LineTo(float64(1), float64(b.h))
// - Center
gc.MoveTo(float64(frameW/2), float64(0))
gc.LineTo(float64(frameW/2), float64(b.h))
// - Outside right
gc.MoveTo(float64(frameW), float64(0))
gc.LineTo(float64(frameW), float64(b.h))
// - Inside left
edge := float64((((innerW) - b.barWidth) / 2) + borderSize)
gc.MoveTo(float64(borderSize), float64(b.verticalBorderSize))
gc.LineTo(edge, float64(b.verticalBorderSize))
gc.LineTo(edge, float64(b.h-int(b.verticalBorderSize)))
gc.LineTo(float64(borderSize), float64(b.h-int(b.verticalBorderSize)))
gc.LineTo(float64(borderSize), float64(b.verticalBorderSize))
// - Inside right
edgeStart := float64((innerW / 2) + (b.barWidth / 2) + borderSize)
edgeEnd := float64(innerW + borderSize)
gc.MoveTo(float64(edgeStart), float64(b.verticalBorderSize))
gc.LineTo(edgeEnd, float64(b.verticalBorderSize))
gc.LineTo(edgeEnd, float64(b.h-int(b.verticalBorderSize)))
gc.LineTo(float64(edgeStart), float64(b.h-int(b.verticalBorderSize)))
gc.LineTo(float64(edgeStart), float64(b.verticalBorderSize))
img = ebiten.NewImageFromImage(borderImage)
b.op.GeoM.Translate(b.horizontalBorderSize-borderSize, 0)
b.backgroundImage.DrawImage(img, b.op)
func (b *board) ScheduleFrame() {
b.drawFrame <- true
func (b *board) resetButtonRect() (int, int, int, int) {
w := 200
h := 75
return (b.w - w) / 2, (b.h - h) / 2, w, h
func (b *board) draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
b.op.GeoM.Translate(float64(b.x), float64(b.y))
screen.DrawImage(b.backgroundImage, b.op)
if b.debug == 2 {
b.iterateSpaces(func(space int) {
x, y, w, h := b.spaceRect(space)
spaceImage := ebiten.NewImage(w, h)
if space%2 == 0 {
spaceImage.Fill(color.RGBA{50, 50, 50, 150})
} else {
spaceImage.Fill(color.RGBA{255, 255, 255, 150})
x, y = b.offsetPosition(x, y)
b.op.GeoM.Translate(float64(x), float64(y))
screen.DrawImage(spaceImage, b.op)
drawSprite := func(sprite *Sprite) {
x, y := float64(sprite.x), float64(sprite.y)
if !sprite.toStart.IsZero() {
progress := float64(time.Since(sprite.toStart)) / float64(sprite.toTime)
if x == float64(sprite.toX) && y == float64(sprite.toY) {
sprite.toStart = time.Time{}
sprite.x = sprite.toX
sprite.y = sprite.toY
} else {
if x < float64(sprite.toX) {
x += (float64(sprite.toX) - x) * progress
if x > float64(sprite.toX) {
x = float64(sprite.toX)
} else if x > float64(sprite.toX) {
x -= (x - float64(sprite.toX)) * progress
if x < float64(sprite.toX) {
x = float64(sprite.toX)
if y < float64(sprite.toY) {
y += (float64(sprite.toY) - y) * progress
if y > float64(sprite.toY) {
y = float64(sprite.toY)
} else if y > float64(sprite.toY) {
y -= (y - float64(sprite.toY)) * progress
if y < float64(sprite.toY) {
y = float64(sprite.toY)
// Schedule another frame
// Draw shadow.
b.op.GeoM.Translate(x, y)
b.op.ColorM.Scale(0, 0, 0, 1)
b.op.Filter = ebiten.FilterLinear
screen.DrawImage(imgCheckerLight, b.op)
// Draw checker.
checkerScale := 0.94
b.op.GeoM.Translate(-b.spaceWidth/2, -b.spaceWidth/2)
b.op.GeoM.Scale(checkerScale, checkerScale)
b.op.GeoM.Translate((b.spaceWidth/2)+x, (b.spaceWidth/2)+y)
c := lightCheckerColor
if !sprite.colorWhite {
c = darkCheckerColor
b.op.ColorM.Scale(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1)
r := float64(c.R) / 0xff
g := float64(c.G) / 0xff
bl := float64(c.B) / 0xff
b.op.ColorM.Translate(r, g, bl, 0)
screen.DrawImage(imgCheckerLight, b.op)
b.op.Filter = ebiten.FilterNearest
b.iterateSpaces(func(space int) {
var numPieces int
for i, sprite := range b.spaces[space] {
if sprite == b.dragging || sprite == b.moving {
var overlayText string
if i > 5 {
overlayText = fmt.Sprintf("%d", numPieces)
if sprite.premove {
if overlayText != "" {
overlayText += " "
overlayText += "%"
if overlayText == "" {
labelColor := color.RGBA{255, 255, 255, 255}
if sprite.colorWhite {
labelColor = color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 255}
bounds := text.BoundString(mediumFont, overlayText)
overlayImage := ebiten.NewImage(bounds.Dx()*2, bounds.Dy()*2)
text.Draw(overlayImage, overlayText, mediumFont, 0, bounds.Dy(), labelColor)
x, y, w, h := b.stackSpaceRect(space, numPieces-1)
x += (w / 2) - (bounds.Dx() / 2)
y += (h / 2) - (bounds.Dy() / 2)
x, y = b.offsetPosition(x, y)
b.op.GeoM.Translate(float64(x), float64(y))
screen.DrawImage(overlayImage, b.op)
// Draw hover overlay
if b.dragging != nil {
dx, dy := b.dragX, b.dragY
x, y := ebiten.CursorPosition()
if x != 0 || y != 0 {
dx, dy = x, y
space := b.spaceAt(dx, dy)
if space > 0 && space < 25 {
x, y, w, h := b.spaceRect(space)
spaceImage := ebiten.NewImage(w, h)
spaceImage.Fill(color.RGBA{255, 255, 255, 50})
x, y = b.offsetPosition(x, y)
b.op.GeoM.Translate(float64(x), float64(y))
screen.DrawImage(spaceImage, b.op)
// Draw opponent name and dice
borderSize := b.horizontalBorderSize
if borderSize > b.barWidth/2 {
borderSize = b.barWidth / 2
playerColor := color.White
opponentColor := color.Black
playerBorderColor := lightCheckerColor
opponentBorderColor := darkCheckerColor
if b.v[fibs.StatePlayerColor] == -1 {
playerColor = color.Black
opponentColor = color.White
playerBorderColor = darkCheckerColor
opponentBorderColor = lightCheckerColor
drawLabel := func(label string, labelColor color.Color, border bool, borderColor color.Color) *ebiten.Image {
bounds := text.BoundString(mediumFont, label)
w := int(float64(bounds.Dx()) * 1.5)
h := int(float64(bounds.Dy()) * 2)
baseImg := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, w, h))
// Draw border
if border {
gc := draw2dimg.NewGraphicContext(baseImg)
gc.MoveTo(float64(0), float64(0))
gc.LineTo(float64(w), 0)
gc.LineTo(float64(w), float64(h))
gc.LineTo(float64(0), float64(h))
img := ebiten.NewImageFromImage(baseImg)
text.Draw(img, label, mediumFont, (w-bounds.Dx())/2, int(float64(h-(bounds.Max.Y/2))*0.75), labelColor)
return img
if b.s[fibs.StateOpponentName] != "" {
label := fmt.Sprintf("%s %d %d", b.s[fibs.StateOpponentName], b.v[fibs.StateOpponentDice1], b.v[fibs.StateOpponentDice2])
img := drawLabel(label, opponentColor, b.v[fibs.StateTurn] != b.v[fibs.StatePlayerColor], opponentBorderColor)
bounds := img.Bounds()
x := int(((float64(b.innerW) - borderSize) / 4) - (float64(bounds.Dx()) / 2))
y := (b.innerH / 2) - (bounds.Dy() / 2)
x, y = b.offsetPosition(x, y)
b.op.GeoM.Translate(float64(x), float64(y))
screen.DrawImage(img, b.op)
// Draw player name and dice
if b.s[fibs.StatePlayerName] != "" {
label := fmt.Sprintf("%s %d %d", b.s[fibs.StatePlayerName], b.v[fibs.StatePlayerDice1], b.v[fibs.StatePlayerDice2])
img := drawLabel(label, playerColor, b.v[fibs.StateTurn] == b.v[fibs.StatePlayerColor], playerBorderColor)
bounds := img.Bounds()
x := ((b.innerW / 4) * 3) - (bounds.Dx() / 2)
y := (b.innerH / 2) - (bounds.Dy() / 2)
x, y = b.offsetPosition(x, y)
b.op.GeoM.Translate(float64(x), float64(y))
screen.DrawImage(img, b.op)
if len(b.Client.Board.GetPreMoves()) > 0 {
x, y, w, h := b.resetButtonRect()
baseImg := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, w, h))
gc := draw2dimg.NewGraphicContext(baseImg)
gc.MoveTo(0, 0)
gc.LineTo(float64(w), 0)
gc.LineTo(float64(w), float64(h))
gc.LineTo(0, float64(h))
img := ebiten.NewImage(w, h)
img.Fill(color.RGBA{225.0, 188, 125, 255})
img.DrawImage(ebiten.NewImageFromImage(baseImg), nil)
label := "Reset"
bounds := text.BoundString(mediumFont, label)
text.Draw(img, label, mediumFont, (w-bounds.Dx())/2, (h+(bounds.Dy()/2))/2, color.Black)
b.op.GeoM.Translate(float64(x), float64(y))
screen.DrawImage(img, b.op)
// Draw moving sprite
if b.moving != nil {
// Draw dragged sprite
if b.dragging != nil {
if b.debug == 2 {
homeStart, homeEnd := b.Client.Board.PlayerHomeSpaces()
b.iterateSpaces(func(space int) {
x, y, w, h := b.spaceRect(space)
spaceImage := ebiten.NewImage(w, h)
br := ""
if space >= homeStart && space <= homeEnd {
br += "H"
if space == b.Client.Board.PlayerBarSpace() {
br += "(PB)"
} else if space == 25-b.Client.Board.PlayerBarSpace() {
br += "(OB)"
ebitenutil.DebugPrint(spaceImage, fmt.Sprintf(" %d %s", space, br))
x, y = b.offsetPosition(x, y)
b.op.GeoM.Scale(2, 2)
b.op.GeoM.Translate(float64(x), float64(y))
screen.DrawImage(spaceImage, b.op)
func (b *board) setRect(x, y, w, h int) {
if b.x == x && b.y == y && b.w == w && b.h == h {
b.x, b.y, b.w, b.h = x, y, w, h
b.triangleOffset = (float64(b.h) - (b.verticalBorderSize * 2)) / 15
b.spaceWidth = (float64(b.w) - (b.horizontalBorderSize * 2)) / 13
b.barWidth = b.spaceWidth
b.overlapSize = (((float64(b.h) - (b.verticalBorderSize * 2)) - (b.triangleOffset * 2)) / 2) / 5
if b.overlapSize > b.spaceWidth*0.94 {
b.overlapSize = b.spaceWidth * 0.94
extraSpace := float64(b.w) - (b.spaceWidth * 12)
largeBarWidth := float64(b.spaceWidth) * 1.25
if extraSpace >= largeBarWidth {
b.barWidth = largeBarWidth
b.spaceWidth = ((float64(b.w) - (b.horizontalBorderSize * 2)) - b.barWidth) / 12
if b.barWidth < 1 {
b.barWidth = 1
if b.spaceWidth < 1 {
b.spaceWidth = 1
borderSize := b.horizontalBorderSize
if borderSize > b.barWidth/2 {
borderSize = b.barWidth / 2
b.innerW = int(float64(b.w) - (b.horizontalBorderSize * 2))
b.innerH = int(float64(b.h) - (b.verticalBorderSize * 2))
for i := 0; i < b.Sprites.num; i++ {
s := b.Sprites.sprites[i]
s.w, s.h = imgCheckerLight.Size()
func (b *board) offsetPosition(x, y int) (int, int) {
return b.x + x + int(b.horizontalBorderSize), b.y + y + int(b.verticalBorderSize)
// Do not call _positionCheckers directly. Call ProcessState instead.
func (b *board) _positionCheckers() {
for space := 0; space < 26; space++ {
sprites := b.spaces[space]
for i := range sprites {
s := sprites[i]
if b.dragging == s {
x, y, w, _ := b.stackSpaceRect(space, i)
s.x, s.y = b.offsetPosition(x, y)
// Center piece in space
s.x += (w - s.w) / 2
func (b *board) spriteAt(x, y int) *Sprite {
space := b.spaceAt(x, y)
if space == -1 {
return nil
pieces := b.spaces[space]
if len(pieces) == 0 {
return nil
return pieces[len(pieces)-1]
func (b *board) spaceAt(x, y int) int {
for i := 0; i < 26; i++ {
sx, sy, sw, sh := b.spaceRect(i)
sx, sy = b.offsetPosition(sx, sy)
if x >= sx && x <= sx+sw && y >= sy && y <= sy+sh {
return i
return -1
func (b *board) iterateSpaces(f func(space int)) {
for space := 0; space <= 25; space++ {
func (b *board) translateSpace(space int) int {
if b.v[fibs.StateDirection] == -1 {
// Spaces range from 24 - 1.
if space == 0 || space == 25 {
space = 25 - space
} else if space <= 12 {
space = 12 + space
} else {
space = space - 12
return space
func (b *board) setSpaceRects() {
var x, y, w, h int
for i := 0; i < 26; i++ {
trueSpace := i
space := b.translateSpace(i)
if !b.bottomRow(trueSpace) {
y = 0
} else {
y = int((float64(b.h) / 2) - b.verticalBorderSize)
w = int(b.spaceWidth)
var hspace int // horizontal space
var add int
if space == 0 {
hspace = 6
w = int(b.barWidth)
} else if space == 25 {
hspace = 6
w = int(b.barWidth)
} else if space <= 6 {
hspace = space - 1
} else if space <= 12 {
hspace = space - 1
add = int(b.barWidth)
} else if space <= 18 {
hspace = 24 - space
add = int(b.barWidth)
} else {
hspace = 24 - space
x = int((b.spaceWidth * float64(hspace)) + float64(add))
h = int((float64(b.h) - (b.verticalBorderSize * 2)) / 2)
b.spaceRects[trueSpace] = [4]int{x, y, w, h}
// relX, relY
func (b *board) spaceRect(space int) (x, y, w, h int) {
rect := b.spaceRects[space]
return rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]
func (b *board) bottomRow(space int) bool {
bottomStart := 1
bottomEnd := 12
bottomBar := 25
if b.v[fibs.StateDirection] == 1 {
bottomStart = 13
bottomEnd = 24
bottomBar = 0
return space == bottomBar || (space >= bottomStart && space <= bottomEnd)
// relX, relY
func (b *board) stackSpaceRect(space int, stack int) (x, y, w, h int) {
x, y, w, h = b.spaceRect(space)
// Stack pieces
var o int
osize := float64(stack)
if stack > 4 {
osize = 3.5
if b.bottomRow(space) {
osize += 1.0
o = int(osize * float64(b.overlapSize))
padding := int(b.spaceWidth - b.overlapSize)
if b.bottomRow(space) {
o += padding
} else {
o -= padding - 3
if !b.bottomRow(space) {
y += o
} else {
y = y + (h - o)
w, h = int(b.spaceWidth), int(b.spaceWidth)
if space == 0 || space == 25 {
w = int(b.barWidth)
return x, y, w, h
func (b *board) SetState(s []string, v []int) {
log.Printf("OLD %+v", b.v)
log.Printf("NEW %+v", v)
for i := 0; i < 26; i++ {
var str string
if b.v[fibs.StateBoardSpace0+i] != v[fibs.StateBoardSpace0+i] {
str = "^^^"
log.Printf("SPACE %d WAS %d, NOW %d %s", i, b.v[fibs.StateBoardSpace0+i], v[fibs.StateBoardSpace0+i], str)
copy(b.s, s)
copy(b.v, v)
func (b *board) ProcessState() {
v := b.v
if b.lastDirection != v[fibs.StateDirection] {
b.lastDirection = v[fibs.StateDirection]
b.Sprites = &Sprites{}
b.spaces = make([][]*Sprite, 26)
for space := 0; space < 26; space++ {
spaceValue := v[fibs.StateBoardSpace0+space]
white := spaceValue > 0
if spaceValue == 0 {
white = v[fibs.StatePlayerColor] == 1
abs := spaceValue
if abs < 0 {
abs *= -1
var preMovesTo int
var preMovesFrom int
if b.Client != nil {
preMovesTo = b.Client.Board.Premoveto[space]
preMovesFrom = b.Client.Board.Premovefrom[space]
for i := 0; i < abs+(preMovesTo-preMovesFrom); i++ {
s := b.newSprite(white)
if i >= abs {
s.colorWhite = v[fibs.StatePlayerColor] == 1
s.premove = true
b.spaces[space] = append(b.spaces[space], s)
b.Sprites.sprites = append(b.Sprites.sprites, s)
b.Sprites.num = len(b.Sprites.sprites)
// _movePiece returns after moving the piece.
func (b *board) _movePiece(sprite *Sprite, from int, to int, speed int, pause bool) {
moveTime := (750 * time.Millisecond) / time.Duration(speed)
pauseTime := 500 * time.Millisecond
b.moving = sprite
space := to // Immediately go to target space
stack := len(b.spaces[space])
if stack == 1 && sprite.colorWhite != b.spaces[space][0].colorWhite {
stack = 0 // Hit
} else if space != to {
x, y, w, _ := b.stackSpaceRect(space, stack)
x, y = b.offsetPosition(x, y)
// Center piece in space
x += (w - int(b.spaceWidth)) / 2
sprite.toX = x
sprite.toY = y
sprite.toTime = moveTime
sprite.toStart = time.Now()
sprite.x = x
sprite.y = y
sprite.toStart = time.Time{}
/*homeSpace := b.Client.Board.PlayerHomeSpace()
if b.v[fibs.StateTurn] != b.v[fibs.StatePlayerColor] {
homeSpace = 25 - homeSpace
if to != homeSpace {*/
b.spaces[to] = append(b.spaces[to], sprite)
for i, s := range b.spaces[from] {
if s == sprite {
b.spaces[from] = append(b.spaces[from][:i], b.spaces[from][i+1:]...)
b.moving = nil
if pause {
} else {
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
// movePiece returns when finished moving the piece.
func (b *board) movePiece(from int, to int) {
pieces := b.spaces[from]
if len(pieces) == 0 {
log.Printf("%d-%d: NO PIECES AT SPACE %d", from, to, from)
sprite := pieces[len(pieces)-1]
var moveAfter *Sprite
if len(b.spaces[to]) == 1 {
if sprite.colorWhite != b.spaces[to][0].colorWhite {
moveAfter = b.spaces[to][0]
b._movePiece(sprite, from, to, 1, moveAfter == nil)
if moveAfter != nil {
bar := b.Client.Board.PlayerBarSpace()
if b.v[fibs.StateTurn] == b.v[fibs.StatePlayerColor] {
bar = 25 - bar
b._movePiece(moveAfter, to, bar, 1, true)
func (b *board) update() {
if b.Client == nil {
if b.dragging == nil {
// TODO allow grabbing multiple pieces by grabbing further down the stack
handleReset := func(x, y int) bool {
if len(b.Client.Board.GetPreMoves()) > 0 {
rx, ry, rw, rh := b.resetButtonRect()
if x >= rx && x <= rx+rw && y >= ry && y <= ry+rh {
return true
return false
if inpututil.IsMouseButtonJustPressed(ebiten.MouseButtonLeft) {
if b.dragging == nil {
x, y := ebiten.CursorPosition()
handled := handleReset(x, y)
if !handled {
s := b.spriteAt(x, y)
if s != nil {
b.dragging = s
// TODO set dragFrom instead of calculating later
b.touchIDs = inpututil.AppendJustPressedTouchIDs(b.touchIDs[:0])
for _, id := range b.touchIDs {
x, y := ebiten.TouchPosition(id)
handled := handleReset(x, y)
if !handled {
b.dragX, b.dragY = x, y
s := b.spriteAt(x, y)
if s != nil {
b.dragging = s
b.dragTouchId = id
x, y := ebiten.CursorPosition()
if b.dragTouchId != -1 {
x, y = ebiten.TouchPosition(b.dragTouchId)
if x != 0 || y != 0 { // 0,0 is returned when the touch is released
b.dragX, b.dragY = x, y
} else {
x, y = b.dragX, b.dragY
var dropped *Sprite
if b.dragTouchId == -1 {
if inpututil.IsMouseButtonJustReleased(ebiten.MouseButtonLeft) {
dropped = b.dragging
b.dragging = nil
} else if inpututil.IsTouchJustReleased(b.dragTouchId) {
dropped = b.dragging
b.dragging = nil
if dropped != nil {
index := b.spaceAt(x, y)
// Bear off by dragging outside the board.
if index == fibs.SpaceUnknown && b.Client.Board.PlayerPieceAreHome() {
index = b.Client.Board.PlayerBearOffSpace()
if index >= 0 && b.Client != nil {
for space, pieces := range b.spaces {
for _, piece := range pieces {
if piece == dropped {
if space != index {
b.Client.Board.SetSelection(1, space)
b.Client.Board.AddPreMove(space, index)
if b.dragging != nil {
sprite := b.dragging
sprite.x = x - (sprite.w / 2)
sprite.y = y - (sprite.h / 2)