
188 lines
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package system
import (
type RenderHudSystem struct {
op *ebiten.DrawImageOptions
hudImg *ebiten.Image
tmpImg *ebiten.Image
sidebarColor color.RGBA
func NewRenderHudSystem() *RenderHudSystem {
s := &RenderHudSystem{
op: &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{},
hudImg: ebiten.NewImage(1, 1),
tmpImg: ebiten.NewImage(1, 1),
sidebarShade := uint8(111)
s.sidebarColor = color.RGBA{sidebarShade, sidebarShade, sidebarShade, 255}
return s
func (s *RenderHudSystem) Needs() []gohan.ComponentID {
return []gohan.ComponentID{
func (s *RenderHudSystem) Uses() []gohan.ComponentID {
return nil
func (s *RenderHudSystem) Update(_ *gohan.Context) error {
return nil
func (s *RenderHudSystem) Draw(_ *gohan.Context, screen *ebiten.Image) error {
// Draw HUD.
if world.World.HUDUpdated {
world.World.HUDUpdated = false
screen.DrawImage(s.hudImg, nil)
return nil
func (s *RenderHudSystem) drawHUD() {
bounds := s.hudImg.Bounds()
if bounds.Dx() != world.World.ScreenW || bounds.Dy() != world.World.ScreenH {
s.hudImg = ebiten.NewImage(world.World.ScreenW, world.World.ScreenH)
s.tmpImg = ebiten.NewImage(world.SidebarWidth, world.World.ScreenH)
} else {
w := world.SidebarWidth
if bounds.Dx() < w {
w = bounds.Dx()
// Fill background.
// Draw buttons.
paddingSize := 1
columns := 3
buttonWidth := world.SidebarWidth / columns
buttonHeight := buttonWidth
world.World.HUDButtonRects = make([]image.Rectangle, len(world.HUDButtons))
var lastButtonY int
for i, button := range world.HUDButtons {
row := i / columns
x, y := (i%columns)*buttonWidth, row*buttonHeight
r := image.Rect(x+paddingSize, y+paddingSize, x+buttonWidth-paddingSize, y+buttonHeight-paddingSize)
selected := world.World.HoverStructure == button.StructureType
// Draw background.
s.drawButtonBackground(s.tmpImg, r, selected)
// Draw sprite.
op := &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{}
op.GeoM.Translate(float64(x+paddingSize)+button.SpriteOffsetX, float64(y+paddingSize)+button.SpriteOffsetY)
s.tmpImg.SubImage(image.Rect(r.Min.X, r.Min.Y, r.Max.X, r.Max.Y)).(*ebiten.Image).DrawImage(button.Sprite, op)
s.drawButtonBorder(s.tmpImg, r, selected)
world.World.HUDButtonRects[i] = r
lastButtonY = y
// Draw RCI indicator.
rciPadding := buttonWidth / 2
const rciSize = 100
rciX := buttonWidth
rciY := lastButtonY + buttonHeight + rciPadding
// Draw RCI bars.
colorR := color.RGBA{0, 255, 0, 255}
colorC := color.RGBA{0, 0, 255, 255}
colorI := color.RGBA{231, 231, 72, 255}
demandR, demandC, demandI := world.Demand()
drawDemandBar := func(demand float64, clr color.RGBA, i int) {
barOffsetSize := 12
barOffset := -barOffsetSize + (i * barOffsetSize)
barWidth := 7
barX := rciX + buttonWidth/2 - barWidth/2 + barOffset
barHeight := int((float64(rciSize) / 2) * demand)
s.tmpImg.SubImage(image.Rect(barX, rciY+(rciSize/2), barX+barWidth, rciY+(rciSize/2)-barHeight)).(*ebiten.Image).Fill(clr)
drawDemandBar(demandR, colorR, 0)
drawDemandBar(demandC, colorC, 1)
drawDemandBar(demandI, colorI, 2)
// Draw RCI button.
const rciButtonPadding = 12
const rciButtonHeight = 20
const rciButtonLabelPaddingX = 6
const rciButtonLabelPaddingY = 1
rciButtonY := rciY + (rciSize / 2) - (rciButtonHeight / 2)
rciButtonRect := image.Rect(rciX+rciButtonPadding, rciButtonY, rciX+buttonWidth-rciButtonPadding, rciButtonY+rciButtonHeight)
s.drawButtonBackground(s.tmpImg, rciButtonRect, false) // TODO
// Draw RCI label.
ebitenutil.DebugPrintAt(s.tmpImg, "R C I", rciX+rciButtonPadding+rciButtonLabelPaddingX, rciButtonY+rciButtonLabelPaddingY)
s.drawButtonBorder(s.tmpImg, rciButtonRect, false) // TODO
s.hudImg.DrawImage(s.tmpImg, nil)
func (s *RenderHudSystem) drawButtonBackground(img *ebiten.Image, r image.Rectangle, selected bool) {
buttonShade := uint8(142)
colorButton := color.RGBA{buttonShade, buttonShade, buttonShade, 255}
bgColor := colorButton
if selected {
bgColor = s.sidebarColor
func (s *RenderHudSystem) drawButtonBorder(img *ebiten.Image, r image.Rectangle, selected bool) {
borderSize := 2
lightBorderShade := uint8(216)
colorLightBorder := color.RGBA{lightBorderShade, lightBorderShade, lightBorderShade, 255}
mediumBorderShade := uint8(56)
colorMediumBorder := color.RGBA{mediumBorderShade, mediumBorderShade, mediumBorderShade, 255}
darkBorderShade := uint8(42)
colorDarkBorder := color.RGBA{darkBorderShade, darkBorderShade, darkBorderShade, 255}
topLeftBorder := colorLightBorder
bottomRightBorder := colorMediumBorder
if selected {
topLeftBorder = colorDarkBorder
bottomRightBorder = colorLightBorder
// Draw top and left border.
img.SubImage(image.Rect(r.Min.X, r.Min.Y, r.Max.X, r.Min.Y+borderSize)).(*ebiten.Image).Fill(topLeftBorder)
img.SubImage(image.Rect(r.Min.X, r.Min.Y, r.Min.X+borderSize, r.Max.Y)).(*ebiten.Image).Fill(topLeftBorder)
// Draw bottom and right border.
img.SubImage(image.Rect(r.Min.X, r.Max.Y-borderSize, r.Max.X, r.Max.Y)).(*ebiten.Image).Fill(bottomRightBorder)
img.SubImage(image.Rect(r.Max.X-borderSize, r.Min.Y, r.Max.X, r.Max.Y)).(*ebiten.Image).Fill(bottomRightBorder)