
134 lines
2.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-01-17 00:53:51 +00:00
package cview
import (
// ProgressBar indicates the progress of an operation.
type ProgressBar struct {
// Rune to use when rendering the empty area of the progress bar.
EmptyRune rune
// Color of the empty area of the progress bar.
EmptyColor tcell.Color
// Rune to use when rendering the filled area of the progress bar.
FilledRune rune
// Color of the filled area of the progress bar.
FilledColor tcell.Color
// If set to true, instead of filling from left to right, the bar is filled
// from bottom to top.
Vertical bool
max int
progress int
// NewProgressBar returns a new progress bar.
func NewProgressBar() *ProgressBar {
return &ProgressBar{
Box: NewBox(),
EmptyRune: ' ',
EmptyColor: tcell.ColorDefault,
FilledRune: tcell.RuneBlock,
FilledColor: tcell.ColorDefault,
max: 100,
Mutex: new(sync.Mutex),
// SetMax sets the progress required to fill the bar.
func (p *ProgressBar) SetMax(max int) {
defer p.Unlock()
p.max = max
// GetMax returns the progress required to fill the bar.
func (p *ProgressBar) GetMax() int {
defer p.Unlock()
return p.max
// AddProgress adds to the current progress.
func (p *ProgressBar) AddProgress(progress int) {
defer p.Unlock()
p.progress += progress
// SetProgress sets the current progress.
func (p *ProgressBar) SetProgress(progress int) {
defer p.Unlock()
p.progress = progress
// GetProgress gets the current progress.
func (p *ProgressBar) GetProgress() int {
defer p.Unlock()
return p.progress
// Complete returns whether the progress bar has been filled.
func (p *ProgressBar) Complete() bool {
defer p.Unlock()
return p.progress >= p.max
// Draw draws this primitive onto the screen.
func (p *ProgressBar) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
defer p.Unlock()
x, y, width, height := p.GetInnerRect()
barSize := height
maxLength := width
if p.Vertical {
barSize = width
maxLength = height
barLength := int(math.RoundToEven(float64(maxLength) * (float64(p.progress) / float64(p.max))))
if barLength > maxLength {
barLength = maxLength
for i := 0; i < barSize; i++ {
for j := 0; j < barLength; j++ {
if p.Vertical {
screen.SetContent(x+i, y+(height-1-j), p.FilledRune, nil, tcell.StyleDefault.Foreground(p.FilledColor))
} else {
screen.SetContent(x+j, y+i, p.FilledRune, nil, tcell.StyleDefault.Foreground(p.FilledColor))
for j := barLength; j < maxLength; j++ {
if p.Vertical {
screen.SetContent(x+i, y+(height-1-j), p.EmptyRune, nil, tcell.StyleDefault.Foreground(p.EmptyColor))
} else {
screen.SetContent(x+j, y+i, p.EmptyRune, nil, tcell.StyleDefault.Foreground(p.EmptyColor))