package cview import ( "bytes" "fmt" "strings" "sync" "" ) // ListItem represents an item in a List. type ListItem struct { disabled bool // Whether or not the list item is selectable. mainText []byte // The main text of the list item. secondaryText []byte // A secondary text to be shown underneath the main text. shortcut rune // The key to select the list item directly, 0 if there is no shortcut. selected func() // The optional function which is called when the item is selected. reference interface{} // An optional reference object. sync.RWMutex } // NewListItem returns a new item for a list. func NewListItem(mainText string) *ListItem { return &ListItem{ mainText: []byte(mainText), } } // SetMainBytes sets the main text of the list item. func (l *ListItem) SetMainBytes(val []byte) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.mainText = val } // SetMainText sets the main text of the list item. func (l *ListItem) SetMainText(val string) { l.SetMainBytes([]byte(val)) } // GetMainBytes returns the item's main text. func (l *ListItem) GetMainBytes() []byte { l.RLock() defer l.RUnlock() return l.mainText } // GetMainText returns the item's main text. func (l *ListItem) GetMainText() string { return string(l.GetMainBytes()) } // SetSecondaryBytes sets a secondary text to be shown underneath the main text. func (l *ListItem) SetSecondaryBytes(val []byte) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.secondaryText = val } // SetSecondaryText sets a secondary text to be shown underneath the main text. func (l *ListItem) SetSecondaryText(val string) { l.SetSecondaryBytes([]byte(val)) } // GetSecondaryBytes returns the item's secondary text. func (l *ListItem) GetSecondaryBytes() []byte { l.RLock() defer l.RUnlock() return l.secondaryText } // GetSecondaryText returns the item's secondary text. func (l *ListItem) GetSecondaryText() string { return string(l.GetSecondaryBytes()) } // SetShortcut sets the key to select the ListItem directly, 0 if there is no shortcut. func (l *ListItem) SetShortcut(val rune) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.shortcut = val } // GetShortcut returns the ListItem's shortcut. func (l *ListItem) GetShortcut() rune { l.RLock() defer l.RUnlock() return l.shortcut } // SetSelectedFunc sets a function which is called when the ListItem is selected. func (l *ListItem) SetSelectedFunc(handler func()) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.selected = handler } // SetReference allows you to store a reference of any type in the item func (l *ListItem) SetReference(val interface{}) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.reference = val } // GetReference returns the item's reference object. func (l *ListItem) GetReference() interface{} { l.RLock() defer l.RUnlock() return l.reference } // List displays rows of items, each of which can be selected. type List struct { *Box *ContextMenu // The items of the list. items []*ListItem // The index of the currently selected item. currentItem int // Whether or not to show the secondary item texts. showSecondaryText bool // The item main text color. mainTextColor tcell.Color // The item secondary text color. secondaryTextColor tcell.Color // The item shortcut text color. shortcutColor tcell.Color // The text color for selected items. selectedTextColor tcell.Color // The style attributes for selected items. selectedTextAttributes tcell.AttrMask // Visibility of the scroll bar. scrollBarVisibility ScrollBarVisibility // The scroll bar color. scrollBarColor tcell.Color // The background color for selected items. selectedBackgroundColor tcell.Color // If true, the selection is only shown when the list has focus. selectedFocusOnly bool // If true, the selection must remain visible when scrolling. selectedAlwaysVisible bool // If true, the selection must remain centered when scrolling. selectedAlwaysCentered bool // If true, the entire row is highlighted when selected. highlightFullLine bool // Whether or not navigating the list will wrap around. wrapAround bool // Whether or not hovering over an item will highlight it. hover bool // The number of list items and columns by which the list is scrolled // down/to the right. itemOffset, columnOffset int // An optional function which is called when the user has navigated to a list // item. changed func(index int, item *ListItem) // An optional function which is called when a list item was selected. This // function will be called even if the list item defines its own callback. selected func(index int, item *ListItem) // An optional function which is called when the user presses the Escape key. done func() // The height of the list the last time it was drawn. height int // Prefix and suffix strings drawn for unselected elements. unselectedPrefix, unselectedSuffix []byte // Prefix and suffix strings drawn for selected elements. selectedPrefix, selectedSuffix []byte // Maximum prefix and suffix width. prefixWidth, suffixWidth int sync.RWMutex } // NewList returns a new form. func NewList() *List { l := &List{ Box: NewBox(), showSecondaryText: true, scrollBarVisibility: ScrollBarAuto, mainTextColor: Styles.PrimaryTextColor, secondaryTextColor: Styles.TertiaryTextColor, shortcutColor: Styles.SecondaryTextColor, selectedTextColor: Styles.PrimitiveBackgroundColor, scrollBarColor: Styles.ScrollBarColor, selectedBackgroundColor: Styles.PrimaryTextColor, } l.ContextMenu = NewContextMenu(l) l.focus = l return l } // SetCurrentItem sets the currently selected item by its index, starting at 0 // for the first item. If a negative index is provided, items are referred to // from the back (-1 = last item, -2 = second-to-last item, and so on). Out of // range indices are clamped to the beginning/end. // // Calling this function triggers a "changed" event if the selection changes. func (l *List) SetCurrentItem(index int) { l.Lock() if index < 0 { index = len(l.items) + index } if index >= len(l.items) { index = len(l.items) - 1 } if index < 0 { index = 0 } previousItem := l.currentItem l.currentItem = index l.updateOffset() if index != previousItem && index < len(l.items) && l.changed != nil { item := l.items[index] l.Unlock() l.changed(index, item) } else { l.Unlock() } } // GetCurrentItem returns the currently selected list item, // Returns nil if no item is selected. func (l *List) GetCurrentItem() *ListItem { l.RLock() defer l.RUnlock() if len(l.items) == 0 || l.currentItem >= len(l.items) { return nil } return l.items[l.currentItem] } // GetCurrentItemIndex returns the index of the currently selected list item, // starting at 0 for the first item and its struct. func (l *List) GetCurrentItemIndex() int { l.RLock() defer l.RUnlock() return l.currentItem } // GetItems returns all list items. func (l *List) GetItems() []*ListItem { l.RLock() defer l.RUnlock() return l.items } // RemoveItem removes the item with the given index (starting at 0) from the // list. If a negative index is provided, items are referred to from the back // (-1 = last item, -2 = second-to-last item, and so on). Out of range indices // are clamped to the beginning/end, i.e. unless the list is empty, an item is // always removed. // // The currently selected item is shifted accordingly. If it is the one that is // removed, a "changed" event is fired. func (l *List) RemoveItem(index int) { l.Lock() if len(l.items) == 0 { l.Unlock() return } // Adjust index. if index < 0 { index = len(l.items) + index } if index >= len(l.items) { index = len(l.items) - 1 } if index < 0 { index = 0 } // Remove item. l.items = append(l.items[:index], l.items[index+1:]...) // If there is nothing left, we're done. if len(l.items) == 0 { l.Unlock() return } // Shift current item. previousItem := l.currentItem if l.currentItem >= index && l.currentItem > 0 { l.currentItem-- } // Fire "changed" event for removed items. if previousItem == index && index < len(l.items) && l.changed != nil { item := l.items[l.currentItem] l.Unlock() l.changed(l.currentItem, item) } else { l.Unlock() } } // SetOffset sets the number of list items and columns by which the list is // scrolled down/to the right. func (l *List) SetOffset(items, columns int) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() if items < 0 { items = 0 } if columns < 0 { columns = 0 } l.itemOffset, l.columnOffset = items, columns } // GetOffset returns the number of list items and columns by which the list is // scrolled down/to the right. func (l *List) GetOffset() (int, int) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() return l.itemOffset, l.columnOffset } // SetMainTextColor sets the color of the items' main text. func (l *List) SetMainTextColor(color tcell.Color) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.mainTextColor = color } // SetSecondaryTextColor sets the color of the items' secondary text. func (l *List) SetSecondaryTextColor(color tcell.Color) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.secondaryTextColor = color } // SetShortcutColor sets the color of the items' shortcut. func (l *List) SetShortcutColor(color tcell.Color) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.shortcutColor = color } // SetSelectedTextColor sets the text color of selected items. func (l *List) SetSelectedTextColor(color tcell.Color) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.selectedTextColor = color } // SetSelectedTextAttributes sets the style attributes of selected items. func (l *List) SetSelectedTextAttributes(attr tcell.AttrMask) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.selectedTextAttributes = attr } // SetSelectedBackgroundColor sets the background color of selected items. func (l *List) SetSelectedBackgroundColor(color tcell.Color) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.selectedBackgroundColor = color } // SetSelectedFocusOnly sets a flag which determines when the currently selected // list item is highlighted. If set to true, selected items are only highlighted // when the list has focus. If set to false, they are always highlighted. func (l *List) SetSelectedFocusOnly(focusOnly bool) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.selectedFocusOnly = focusOnly } // SetSelectedAlwaysVisible sets a flag which determines whether the currently // selected list item must remain visible when scrolling. func (l *List) SetSelectedAlwaysVisible(alwaysVisible bool) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.selectedAlwaysVisible = alwaysVisible } // SetSelectedAlwaysCentered sets a flag which determines whether the currently // selected list item must remain centered when scrolling. func (l *List) SetSelectedAlwaysCentered(alwaysCentered bool) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.selectedAlwaysCentered = alwaysCentered } // SetHighlightFullLine sets a flag which determines whether the colored // background of selected items spans the entire width of the view. If set to // true, the highlight spans the entire view. If set to false, only the text of // the selected item from beginning to end is highlighted. func (l *List) SetHighlightFullLine(highlight bool) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.highlightFullLine = highlight } // ShowSecondaryText determines whether or not to show secondary item texts. func (l *List) ShowSecondaryText(show bool) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.showSecondaryText = show return } // SetScrollBarVisibility specifies the display of the scroll bar. func (l *List) SetScrollBarVisibility(visibility ScrollBarVisibility) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.scrollBarVisibility = visibility } // SetScrollBarColor sets the color of the scroll bar. func (l *List) SetScrollBarColor(color tcell.Color) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.scrollBarColor = color } // SetHover sets the flag that determines whether hovering over an item will // highlight it (without triggering callbacks set with SetSelectedFunc). func (l *List) SetHover(hover bool) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.hover = hover } // SetWrapAround sets the flag that determines whether navigating the list will // wrap around. That is, navigating downwards on the last item will move the // selection to the first item (similarly in the other direction). If set to // false, the selection won't change when navigating downwards on the last item // or navigating upwards on the first item. func (l *List) SetWrapAround(wrapAround bool) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.wrapAround = wrapAround } // SetChangedFunc sets the function which is called when the user navigates to // a list item. The function receives the item's index in the list of items // (starting with 0) and the list item. // // This function is also called when the first item is added or when // SetCurrentItem() is called. func (l *List) SetChangedFunc(handler func(index int, item *ListItem)) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.changed = handler } // SetSelectedFunc sets the function which is called when the user selects a // list item by pressing Enter on the current selection. The function receives // the item's index in the list of items (starting with 0) and its struct. func (l *List) SetSelectedFunc(handler func(int, *ListItem)) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.selected = handler } // SetDoneFunc sets a function which is called when the user presses the Escape // key. func (l *List) SetDoneFunc(handler func()) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.done = handler } // AddItem calls InsertItem() with an index of -1. func (l *List) AddItem(item *ListItem) { l.InsertItem(-1, item) } // InsertItem adds a new item to the list at the specified index. An index of 0 // will insert the item at the beginning, an index of 1 before the second item, // and so on. An index of GetItemCount() or higher will insert the item at the // end of the list. Negative indices are also allowed: An index of -1 will // insert the item at the end of the list, an index of -2 before the last item, // and so on. An index of -GetItemCount()-1 or lower will insert the item at the // beginning. // // An item has a main text which will be highlighted when selected. It also has // a secondary text which is shown underneath the main text (if it is set to // visible) but which may remain empty. // // The shortcut is a key binding. If the specified rune is entered, the item // is selected immediately. Set to 0 for no binding. // // The "selected" callback will be invoked when the user selects the item. You // may provide nil if no such callback is needed or if all events are handled // through the selected callback set with SetSelectedFunc(). // // The currently selected item will shift its position accordingly. If the list // was previously empty, a "changed" event is fired because the new item becomes // selected. func (l *List) InsertItem(index int, item *ListItem) { l.Lock() // Shift index to range. if index < 0 { index = len(l.items) + index + 1 } if index < 0 { index = 0 } else if index > len(l.items) { index = len(l.items) } // Shift current item. if l.currentItem < len(l.items) && l.currentItem >= index { l.currentItem++ } // Insert item (make space for the new item, then shift and insert). l.items = append(l.items, nil) if index < len(l.items)-1 { // -1 because l.items has already grown by one item. copy(l.items[index+1:], l.items[index:]) } l.items[index] = item // Fire a "change" event for the first item in the list. if len(l.items) == 1 && l.changed != nil { item := l.items[0] l.Unlock() l.changed(0, item) } else { l.Unlock() } } // GetItem returns the ListItem at the given index. // Returns nil when index is out of bounds. func (l *List) GetItem(index int) *ListItem { if index > len(l.items)-1 { return nil } return l.items[index] } // GetItemCount returns the number of items in the list. func (l *List) GetItemCount() int { l.RLock() defer l.RUnlock() return len(l.items) } // GetItemText returns an item's texts (main and secondary). Panics if the index // is out of range. func (l *List) GetItemText(index int) (main, secondary string) { l.RLock() defer l.RUnlock() return string(l.items[index].mainText), string(l.items[index].secondaryText) } // SetItemText sets an item's main and secondary text. Panics if the index is // out of range. func (l *List) SetItemText(index int, main, secondary string) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() item := l.items[index] item.mainText = []byte(main) item.secondaryText = []byte(secondary) } // SetItemEnabled sets whether an item is selectable. Panics if the index is // out of range. func (l *List) SetItemEnabled(index int, enabled bool) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() item := l.items[index] item.disabled = !enabled } // SetIndicators is used to set prefix and suffix indicators for selected and unselected items. func (l *List) SetIndicators(selectedPrefix, selectedSuffix, unselectedPrefix, unselectedSuffix string) { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.selectedPrefix = []byte(selectedPrefix) l.selectedSuffix = []byte(selectedSuffix) l.unselectedPrefix = []byte(unselectedPrefix) l.unselectedSuffix = []byte(unselectedSuffix) l.prefixWidth = len(selectedPrefix) if len(unselectedPrefix) > l.prefixWidth { l.prefixWidth = len(unselectedPrefix) } l.suffixWidth = len(selectedSuffix) if len(unselectedSuffix) > l.suffixWidth { l.suffixWidth = len(unselectedSuffix) } } // FindItems searches the main and secondary texts for the given strings and // returns a list of item indices in which those strings are found. One of the // two search strings may be empty, it will then be ignored. Indices are always // returned in ascending order. // // If mustContainBoth is set to true, mainSearch must be contained in the main // text AND secondarySearch must be contained in the secondary text. If it is // false, only one of the two search strings must be contained. // // Set ignoreCase to true for case-insensitive search. func (l *List) FindItems(mainSearch, secondarySearch string, mustContainBoth, ignoreCase bool) (indices []int) { l.RLock() defer l.RUnlock() if mainSearch == "" && secondarySearch == "" { return } if ignoreCase { mainSearch = strings.ToLower(mainSearch) secondarySearch = strings.ToLower(secondarySearch) } mainSearchBytes := []byte(mainSearch) secondarySearchBytes := []byte(secondarySearch) for index, item := range l.items { mainText := item.mainText secondaryText := item.secondaryText if ignoreCase { mainText = bytes.ToLower(mainText) secondaryText = bytes.ToLower(secondaryText) } // strings.Contains() always returns true for a "" search. mainContained := bytes.Contains(mainText, mainSearchBytes) secondaryContained := bytes.Contains(secondaryText, secondarySearchBytes) if mustContainBoth && mainContained && secondaryContained || !mustContainBoth && (len(mainText) > 0 && mainContained || len(secondaryText) > 0 && secondaryContained) { indices = append(indices, index) } } return } // Clear removes all items from the list. func (l *List) Clear() { l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() l.items = nil l.currentItem = 0 l.itemOffset = 0 l.columnOffset = 0 } // Focus is called by the application when the primitive receives focus. func (l *List) Focus(delegate func(p Primitive)) { l.Box.Focus(delegate) if { delegate(l.ContextMenu.list) } } // HasFocus returns whether or not this primitive has focus. func (l *List) HasFocus() bool { if { return l.ContextMenu.list.HasFocus() } l.RLock() defer l.RUnlock() return l.hasFocus } // Transform modifies the current selection. func (l *List) Transform(tr Transformation) { l.Lock() previousItem := l.currentItem l.transform(tr) if l.currentItem != previousItem && l.currentItem < len(l.items) && l.changed != nil { item := l.items[l.currentItem] l.Unlock() l.changed(l.currentItem, item) } else { l.Unlock() } } func (l *List) transform(tr Transformation) { var decreasing bool pageItems := l.height if l.showSecondaryText { pageItems /= 2 } if pageItems < 1 { pageItems = 1 } switch tr { case TransformFirstItem: l.currentItem = 0 l.itemOffset = 0 decreasing = true case TransformLastItem: l.currentItem = len(l.items) - 1 case TransformPreviousItem: l.currentItem-- decreasing = true case TransformNextItem: l.currentItem++ case TransformPreviousPage: l.currentItem -= pageItems decreasing = true case TransformNextPage: l.currentItem += pageItems l.itemOffset += pageItems } for i := 0; i < len(l.items); i++ { if l.currentItem < 0 { if l.wrapAround { l.currentItem = len(l.items) - 1 } else { l.currentItem = 0 l.itemOffset = 0 } } else if l.currentItem >= len(l.items) { if l.wrapAround { l.currentItem = 0 l.itemOffset = 0 } else { l.currentItem = len(l.items) - 1 } } item := l.items[l.currentItem] if !item.disabled && (item.shortcut > 0 || len(item.mainText) > 0 || len(item.secondaryText) > 0) { break } if decreasing { l.currentItem-- } else { l.currentItem++ } } l.updateOffset() } func (l *List) updateOffset() { _, _, _, l.height = l.GetInnerRect() h := l.height if l.selectedAlwaysCentered { h /= 2 } if l.currentItem < l.itemOffset { l.itemOffset = l.currentItem } else if l.showSecondaryText { if 2*(l.currentItem-l.itemOffset) >= h-1 { l.itemOffset = (2*l.currentItem + 3 - h) / 2 } } else { if l.currentItem-l.itemOffset >= h { l.itemOffset = l.currentItem + 1 - h } } if l.showSecondaryText { if l.itemOffset > len(l.items)-(l.height/2) { l.itemOffset = len(l.items) - l.height/2 } } else { if l.itemOffset > len(l.items)-l.height { l.itemOffset = len(l.items) - l.height } } if l.itemOffset < 0 { l.itemOffset = 0 } // Maximum width of item text maxWidth := 0 for _, option := range l.items { strWidth := TaggedTextWidth(option.mainText) secondaryWidth := TaggedTextWidth(option.secondaryText) if secondaryWidth > strWidth { strWidth = secondaryWidth } if option.shortcut != 0 { strWidth += 4 } if strWidth > maxWidth { maxWidth = strWidth } } // Additional width for scroll bar addWidth := 0 if l.scrollBarVisibility == ScrollBarAlways || (l.scrollBarVisibility == ScrollBarAuto && ((!l.showSecondaryText && len(l.items) > l.innerHeight) || (l.showSecondaryText && len(l.items) > l.innerHeight/2))) { addWidth = 1 } if l.columnOffset > (maxWidth-l.innerWidth)+addWidth { l.columnOffset = (maxWidth - l.innerWidth) + addWidth } if l.columnOffset < 0 { l.columnOffset = 0 } } // Draw draws this primitive onto the screen. func (l *List) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) { if !l.GetVisible() { return } l.Box.Draw(screen) hasFocus := l.GetFocusable().HasFocus() l.Lock() defer l.Unlock() // Determine the dimensions. x, y, width, height := l.GetInnerRect() leftEdge := x fullWidth := width + l.paddingLeft + l.paddingRight + l.prefixWidth + l.suffixWidth bottomLimit := y + height l.height = height screenWidth, _ := screen.Size() scrollBarHeight := height scrollBarX := x + (width - 1) + l.paddingLeft + l.paddingRight if scrollBarX > screenWidth-1 { scrollBarX = screenWidth - 1 } // Halve scroll bar height when drawing two lines per list item. if l.showSecondaryText { scrollBarHeight /= 2 } // Do we show any shortcuts? var showShortcuts bool for _, item := range l.items { if item.shortcut != 0 { showShortcuts = true x += 4 width -= 4 break } } // Adjust offset to keep the current selection in view. if l.selectedAlwaysVisible || l.selectedAlwaysCentered { l.updateOffset() } scrollBarCursor := int(float64(len(l.items)) * (float64(l.itemOffset) / float64(len(l.items)-height))) // Draw the list items. for index, item := range l.items { if index < l.itemOffset { continue } if y >= bottomLimit { break } mainText := item.mainText secondaryText := item.secondaryText if l.columnOffset > 0 { if l.columnOffset < len(mainText) { mainText = mainText[l.columnOffset:] } else { mainText = nil } if l.columnOffset < len(secondaryText) { secondaryText = secondaryText[l.columnOffset:] } else { secondaryText = nil } } if len(item.mainText) == 0 && len(item.secondaryText) == 0 && item.shortcut == 0 { // Divider Print(screen, []byte(string(tcell.RuneLTee)), leftEdge-2, y, 1, AlignLeft, l.mainTextColor) Print(screen, bytes.Repeat([]byte(string(tcell.RuneHLine)), fullWidth), leftEdge-1, y, fullWidth, AlignLeft, l.mainTextColor) Print(screen, []byte(string(tcell.RuneRTee)), leftEdge+fullWidth-1, y, 1, AlignLeft, l.mainTextColor) RenderScrollBar(screen, l.scrollBarVisibility, scrollBarX, y, scrollBarHeight, len(l.items), scrollBarCursor, index-l.itemOffset, l.hasFocus, l.scrollBarColor) y++ continue } if index == l.currentItem { if len(l.selectedPrefix) > 0 { mainText = append(l.selectedPrefix, mainText...) } if len(l.selectedSuffix) > 0 { mainText = append(mainText, l.selectedSuffix...) } } else { if len(l.unselectedPrefix) > 0 { mainText = append(l.unselectedPrefix, mainText...) } if len(l.unselectedSuffix) > 0 { mainText = append(mainText, l.unselectedSuffix...) } } if item.disabled { // Shortcuts. if showShortcuts && item.shortcut != 0 { Print(screen, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("(%c)", item.shortcut)), x-5, y, 4, AlignRight, tcell.ColorDarkSlateGray.TrueColor()) } // Main text. Print(screen, mainText, x, y, width, AlignLeft, tcell.ColorGray.TrueColor()) RenderScrollBar(screen, l.scrollBarVisibility, scrollBarX, y, scrollBarHeight, len(l.items), scrollBarCursor, index-l.itemOffset, l.hasFocus, l.scrollBarColor) y++ continue } // Shortcuts. if showShortcuts && item.shortcut != 0 { Print(screen, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("(%c)", item.shortcut)), x-5, y, 4, AlignRight, l.shortcutColor) } // Main text. Print(screen, mainText, x, y, width, AlignLeft, l.mainTextColor) // Background color of selected text. if index == l.currentItem && (!l.selectedFocusOnly || hasFocus) { textWidth := width if !l.highlightFullLine { if w := TaggedTextWidth(mainText); w < textWidth { textWidth = w } } for bx := 0; bx < textWidth; bx++ { m, c, style, _ := screen.GetContent(x+bx, y) fg, _, _ := style.Decompose() if fg == l.mainTextColor { fg = l.selectedTextColor } style = SetAttributes(style.Background(l.selectedBackgroundColor).Foreground(fg), l.selectedTextAttributes) screen.SetContent(x+bx, y, m, c, style) } } RenderScrollBar(screen, l.scrollBarVisibility, scrollBarX, y, scrollBarHeight, len(l.items), scrollBarCursor, index-l.itemOffset, l.hasFocus, l.scrollBarColor) y++ if y >= bottomLimit { break } // Secondary text. if l.showSecondaryText { Print(screen, secondaryText, x, y, width, AlignLeft, l.secondaryTextColor) RenderScrollBar(screen, l.scrollBarVisibility, scrollBarX, y, scrollBarHeight, len(l.items), scrollBarCursor, index-l.itemOffset, l.hasFocus, l.scrollBarColor) y++ } } // Overdraw scroll bar when necessary. for y < bottomLimit { RenderScrollBar(screen, l.scrollBarVisibility, scrollBarX, y, scrollBarHeight, len(l.items), scrollBarCursor, bottomLimit-y, l.hasFocus, l.scrollBarColor) y++ } // Draw context menu. if hasFocus && { ctx := l.ContextMenuList() x, y, width, height = l.GetInnerRect() // What's the longest option text? maxWidth := 0 for _, option := range ctx.items { strWidth := TaggedTextWidth(option.mainText) if option.shortcut != 0 { strWidth += 4 } if strWidth > maxWidth { maxWidth = strWidth } } lheight := len(ctx.items) lwidth := maxWidth // Add space for borders lwidth += 2 lheight += 2 lwidth += ctx.paddingLeft + ctx.paddingRight lheight += ctx.paddingTop + ctx.paddingBottom cx, cy := l.ContextMenu.x, l.ContextMenu.y if cx < 0 || cy < 0 { offsetX := 7 if showShortcuts { offsetX += 4 } offsetY := l.currentItem if l.showSecondaryText { offsetY *= 2 } x, y, _, _ := l.GetInnerRect() cx, cy = x+offsetX, y+offsetY } _, sheight := screen.Size() if cy+lheight >= sheight && cy-2 > lheight-cy { for i := (cy + lheight) - sheight; i > 0; i-- { cy-- if cy+lheight < sheight { break } } if cy < 0 { cy = 0 } } if cy+lheight >= sheight { lheight = sheight - cy } if ctx.scrollBarVisibility == ScrollBarAlways || (ctx.scrollBarVisibility == ScrollBarAuto && len(ctx.items) > lheight) { lwidth++ // Add space for scroll bar } ctx.SetRect(cx, cy, lwidth, lheight) ctx.Draw(screen) } } // InputHandler returns the handler for this primitive. func (l *List) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Primitive)) { return l.WrapInputHandler(func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Primitive)) { l.Lock() if HitShortcut(event, Keys.Cancel) { if { l.Unlock() l.ContextMenu.hide(setFocus) return } if l.done != nil { l.Unlock() l.done() } else { l.Unlock() } return } else if HitShortcut(event, Keys.Select, Keys.Select2) { if l.currentItem >= 0 && l.currentItem < len(l.items) { item := l.items[l.currentItem] if !item.disabled { if item.selected != nil { l.Unlock() item.selected() l.Lock() } if l.selected != nil { l.Unlock() l.selected(l.currentItem, item) l.Lock() } } } } else if HitShortcut(event, Keys.ShowContextMenu) { defer, -1, -1, setFocus) } else if len(l.items) == 0 { l.Unlock() return } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyRune { ch := event.Rune() if ch != ' ' { // It's not a space bar. Is it a shortcut? for index, item := range l.items { if !item.disabled && item.shortcut == ch { // We have a shortcut. l.currentItem = index item := l.items[l.currentItem] if item.selected != nil { l.Unlock() item.selected() l.Lock() } if l.selected != nil { l.Unlock() l.selected(l.currentItem, item) l.Lock() } l.Unlock() return } } } } previousItem := l.currentItem if HitShortcut(event, Keys.MoveFirst, Keys.MoveFirst2) { l.transform(TransformFirstItem) } else if HitShortcut(event, Keys.MoveLast, Keys.MoveLast2) { l.transform(TransformLastItem) } else if HitShortcut(event, Keys.MoveUp, Keys.MoveUp2) { l.transform(TransformPreviousItem) } else if HitShortcut(event, Keys.MoveDown, Keys.MoveDown2) { l.transform(TransformNextItem) } else if HitShortcut(event, Keys.MoveLeft, Keys.MoveLeft2) { l.columnOffset-- l.updateOffset() } else if HitShortcut(event, Keys.MoveRight, Keys.MoveRight2) { l.columnOffset++ l.updateOffset() } else if HitShortcut(event, Keys.MovePreviousPage) { l.transform(TransformPreviousPage) } else if HitShortcut(event, Keys.MoveNextPage) { l.transform(TransformNextPage) } if l.currentItem != previousItem && l.currentItem < len(l.items) && l.changed != nil { item := l.items[l.currentItem] l.Unlock() l.changed(l.currentItem, item) } else { l.Unlock() } }) } // indexAtY returns the index of the list item found at the given Y position // or a negative value if there is no such list item. func (l *List) indexAtY(y int) int { _, rectY, _, height := l.GetInnerRect() if y < rectY || y >= rectY+height { return -1 } index := y - rectY if l.showSecondaryText { index /= 2 } index += l.itemOffset if index >= len(l.items) { return -1 } return index } // indexAtPoint returns the index of the list item found at the given position // or a negative value if there is no such list item. func (l *List) indexAtPoint(x, y int) int { rectX, rectY, width, height := l.GetInnerRect() if x < rectX || x >= rectX+width || y < rectY || y >= rectY+height { return -1 } index := y - rectY if l.showSecondaryText { index /= 2 } index += l.itemOffset if index >= len(l.items) { return -1 } return index } // MouseHandler returns the mouse handler for this primitive. func (l *List) MouseHandler() func(action MouseAction, event *tcell.EventMouse, setFocus func(p Primitive)) (consumed bool, capture Primitive) { return l.WrapMouseHandler(func(action MouseAction, event *tcell.EventMouse, setFocus func(p Primitive)) (consumed bool, capture Primitive) { l.Lock() // Pass events to context menu. if l.ContextMenuVisible() && l.ContextMenuList().InRect(event.Position()) { defer l.ContextMenuList().MouseHandler()(action, event, setFocus) consumed = true l.Unlock() return } if !l.InRect(event.Position()) { l.Unlock() return false, nil } // Process mouse event. switch action { case MouseLeftClick: if l.ContextMenuVisible() { defer l.ContextMenu.hide(setFocus) consumed = true l.Unlock() return } l.Unlock() setFocus(l) l.Lock() index := l.indexAtPoint(event.Position()) if index != -1 { item := l.items[index] if !item.disabled { l.currentItem = index if item.selected != nil { l.Unlock() item.selected() l.Lock() } if l.selected != nil { l.Unlock() l.selected(index, item) l.Lock() } if index != l.currentItem && l.changed != nil { l.Unlock() l.changed(index, item) l.Lock() } } } consumed = true case MouseMiddleClick: if { defer l.ContextMenu.hide(setFocus) consumed = true l.Unlock() return } case MouseRightDown: if len(l.ContextMenuList().items) == 0 { l.Unlock() return } x, y := event.Position() index := l.indexAtPoint(event.Position()) if index != -1 { item := l.items[index] if !item.disabled { l.currentItem = index if index != l.currentItem && l.changed != nil { l.Unlock() l.changed(index, item) l.Lock() } } } defer, x, y, setFocus) l.ContextMenu.drag = true consumed = true case MouseMove: if l.hover { _, y := event.Position() index := l.indexAtY(y) if index >= 0 { item := l.items[index] if !item.disabled { l.currentItem = index } } consumed = true } case MouseScrollUp: if l.itemOffset > 0 { l.itemOffset-- } consumed = true case MouseScrollDown: lines := len(l.items) - l.itemOffset if l.showSecondaryText { lines *= 2 } if _, _, _, height := l.GetInnerRect(); lines > height { l.itemOffset++ } consumed = true } l.Unlock() return }) }