package cview import ( "strings" "sync" "" "" ) // DropDownOption is one option that can be selected in a drop-down primitive. type DropDownOption struct { text string // The text to be displayed in the drop-down. selected func(index int, option *DropDownOption) // The (optional) callback for when this option was selected. reference interface{} // An optional reference object. sync.RWMutex } // NewDropDownOption returns a new option for a dropdown. func NewDropDownOption(text string) *DropDownOption { return &DropDownOption{text: text} } // GetText returns the text of this dropdown option. func (d *DropDownOption) GetText() string { d.RLock() defer d.RUnlock() return d.text } // SetText returns the text of this dropdown option. func (d *DropDownOption) SetText(text string) *DropDownOption { d.text = text return d } // SetSelectedFunc sets the handler to be called when this option is selected. func (d *DropDownOption) SetSelectedFunc(handler func(index int, option *DropDownOption)) *DropDownOption { d.selected = handler return d } // GetReference returns the reference object of this dropdown option. func (d *DropDownOption) GetReference() interface{} { d.RLock() defer d.RUnlock() return d.reference } // SetReference allows you to store a reference of any type in this option. func (d *DropDownOption) SetReference(reference interface{}) *DropDownOption { d.reference = reference return d } // DropDown implements a selection widget whose options become visible in a // drop-down list when activated. type DropDown struct { *Box // The options from which the user can choose. options []*DropDownOption // Strings to be placed before and after each drop-down option. optionPrefix, optionSuffix string // The index of the currently selected option. Negative if no option is // currently selected. currentOption int // Strings to be placed before and after the current option. currentOptionPrefix, currentOptionSuffix string // The text to be displayed when no option has yet been selected. noSelection string // Set to true if the options are visible and selectable. open bool // The runes typed so far to directly access one of the list items. prefix string // The list element for the options. list *List // The text to be displayed before the input area. label string // The label color. labelColor tcell.Color // The label color when focused. labelColorFocused tcell.Color // The background color of the input area. fieldBackgroundColor tcell.Color // The background color of the input area when focused. fieldBackgroundColorFocused tcell.Color // The text color of the input area. fieldTextColor tcell.Color // The text color of the input area when focused. fieldTextColorFocused tcell.Color // The color for prefixes. prefixTextColor tcell.Color // The screen width of the label area. A value of 0 means use the width of // the label text. labelWidth int // The screen width of the input area. A value of 0 means extend as much as // possible. fieldWidth int // An optional function which is called when the user indicated that they // are done selecting options. The key which was pressed is provided (tab, // shift-tab, or escape). done func(tcell.Key) // A callback function set by the Form class and called when the user leaves // this form item. finished func(tcell.Key) // A callback function which is called when the user changes the drop-down's // selection. selected func(index int, option *DropDownOption) // Set to true when mouse dragging is in progress. dragging bool // The chars to show when the option's text gets shortened. abbreviationChars string // The symbol to draw at the end of the field. dropDownSymbol rune sync.RWMutex } // NewDropDown returns a new drop-down. func NewDropDown() *DropDown { list := NewList() list.ShowSecondaryText(false). SetMainTextColor(Styles.PrimitiveBackgroundColor). SetSelectedTextColor(Styles.PrimitiveBackgroundColor). SetSelectedBackgroundColor(Styles.PrimaryTextColor). SetHighlightFullLine(true). SetBackgroundColor(Styles.MoreContrastBackgroundColor) d := &DropDown{ Box: NewBox(), currentOption: -1, list: list, labelColor: Styles.SecondaryTextColor, fieldBackgroundColor: Styles.ContrastBackgroundColor, fieldTextColor: Styles.PrimaryTextColor, prefixTextColor: Styles.ContrastSecondaryTextColor, dropDownSymbol: Styles.DropDownSymbol, abbreviationChars: Styles.DropDownAbbreviationChars, labelColorFocused: ColorUnset, fieldBackgroundColorFocused: ColorUnset, fieldTextColorFocused: ColorUnset, } d.focus = d return d } // SetDropDownSymbolRune sets the rune to be drawn at the end of the dropdown field // to indicate that this field is a dropdown. func (d *DropDown) SetDropDownSymbolRune(symbol rune) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.dropDownSymbol = symbol return d } // SetCurrentOption sets the index of the currently selected option. This may // be a negative value to indicate that no option is currently selected. Calling // this function will also trigger the "selected" callback (if there is one). func (d *DropDown) SetCurrentOption(index int) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() if index >= 0 && index < len(d.options) { d.currentOption = index d.list.SetCurrentItem(index) if d.selected != nil { d.Unlock() d.selected(index, d.options[index]) d.Lock() } if d.options[index].selected != nil { d.Unlock() d.options[index].selected(index, d.options[index]) d.Lock() } } else { d.currentOption = -1 d.list.SetCurrentItem(0) // Set to 0 because -1 means "last item". if d.selected != nil { d.Unlock() d.selected(-1, nil) d.Lock() } } return d } // GetCurrentOption returns the index of the currently selected option as well // as the option itself. If no option was selected, -1 and nil is returned. func (d *DropDown) GetCurrentOption() (int, *DropDownOption) { d.RLock() defer d.RUnlock() var option *DropDownOption if d.currentOption >= 0 && d.currentOption < len(d.options) { option = d.options[d.currentOption] } return d.currentOption, option } // SetTextOptions sets the text to be placed before and after each drop-down // option (prefix/suffix), the text placed before and after the currently // selected option (currentPrefix/currentSuffix) as well as the text to be // displayed when no option is currently selected. Per default, all of these // strings are empty. func (d *DropDown) SetTextOptions(prefix, suffix, currentPrefix, currentSuffix, noSelection string) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.currentOptionPrefix = currentPrefix d.currentOptionSuffix = currentSuffix d.noSelection = noSelection d.optionPrefix = prefix d.optionSuffix = suffix for index := 0; index < d.list.GetItemCount(); index++ { d.list.SetItemText(index, prefix+d.options[index].text+suffix, "") } return d } // SetLabel sets the text to be displayed before the input area. func (d *DropDown) SetLabel(label string) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.label = label return d } // GetLabel returns the text to be displayed before the input area. func (d *DropDown) GetLabel() string { d.RLock() defer d.RUnlock() return d.label } // SetLabelWidth sets the screen width of the label. A value of 0 will cause the // primitive to use the width of the label string. func (d *DropDown) SetLabelWidth(width int) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.labelWidth = width return d } // SetLabelColor sets the color of the label. func (d *DropDown) SetLabelColor(color tcell.Color) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.labelColor = color return d } // SetLabelColorFocused sets the color of the label when focused. func (d *DropDown) SetLabelColorFocused(color tcell.Color) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.labelColorFocused = color return d } // SetFieldBackgroundColor sets the background color of the options area. func (d *DropDown) SetFieldBackgroundColor(color tcell.Color) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.fieldBackgroundColor = color return d } // SetFieldBackgroundColorFocused sets the background color of the options area when focused. func (d *DropDown) SetFieldBackgroundColorFocused(color tcell.Color) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.fieldBackgroundColorFocused = color return d } // SetFieldTextColor sets the text color of the options area. func (d *DropDown) SetFieldTextColor(color tcell.Color) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.fieldTextColor = color return d } // SetFieldTextColorFocused sets the text color of the options area when focused. func (d *DropDown) SetFieldTextColorFocused(color tcell.Color) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.fieldTextColorFocused = color return d } // SetDropDownTextColor sets text color of the drop-down list. func (d *DropDown) SetDropDownTextColor(color tcell.Color) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.list.SetMainTextColor(color) return d } // SetDropDownBackgroundColor sets the background color of the drop-down list. func (d *DropDown) SetDropDownBackgroundColor(color tcell.Color) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.list.SetBackgroundColor(color) return d } // SetDropDownSelectedTextColor sets the text color of the selected option in // the drop-down list. func (d *DropDown) SetDropDownSelectedTextColor(color tcell.Color) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.list.SetSelectedTextColor(color) return d } // SetDropDownSelectedBackgroundColor sets the background color of the selected // option in the drop-down list. func (d *DropDown) SetDropDownSelectedBackgroundColor(color tcell.Color) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.list.SetSelectedBackgroundColor(color) return d } // SetPrefixTextColor sets the color of the prefix string. The prefix string is // shown when the user starts typing text, which directly selects the first // option that starts with the typed string. func (d *DropDown) SetPrefixTextColor(color tcell.Color) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.prefixTextColor = color return d } // SetFieldWidth sets the screen width of the options area. A value of 0 means // extend to as long as the longest option text. func (d *DropDown) SetFieldWidth(width int) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.fieldWidth = width return d } // GetFieldHeight returns the height of the field. func (d *DropDown) GetFieldHeight() int { return 1 } // GetFieldWidth returns this primitive's field screen width. func (d *DropDown) GetFieldWidth() int { d.RLock() defer d.RUnlock() return d.getFieldWidth() } func (d *DropDown) getFieldWidth() int { if d.fieldWidth > 0 { return d.fieldWidth } fieldWidth := 0 for _, option := range d.options { width := TaggedStringWidth(option.text) if width > fieldWidth { fieldWidth = width } } fieldWidth += len(d.optionPrefix) + len(d.optionSuffix) fieldWidth += len(d.currentOptionPrefix) + len(d.currentOptionSuffix) fieldWidth += 3 // space + dropDownSymbol + space return fieldWidth } // AddOptionsSimple adds new selectable options to this drop-down. func (d *DropDown) AddOptionsSimple(options ...string) *DropDown { optionsToAdd := make([]*DropDownOption, len(options)) for i, option := range options { optionsToAdd[i] = NewDropDownOption(option) } d.AddOptions(optionsToAdd...) return d } // AddOptions adds new selectable options to this drop-down. func (d *DropDown) AddOptions(options ...*DropDownOption) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() return d.addOptions(options...) } func (d *DropDown) addOptions(options ...*DropDownOption) *DropDown { d.options = append(d.options, options...) for _, option := range options { d.list.AddItem(NewListItem(d.optionPrefix + option.text + d.optionSuffix)) } return d } // SetOptionsSimple replaces all current options with the ones provided and installs // one callback function which is called when one of the options is selected. // It will be called with the option's index and the option itself // The "selected" parameter may be nil. func (d *DropDown) SetOptionsSimple(selected func(index int, option *DropDownOption), options ...string) *DropDown { optionsToSet := make([]*DropDownOption, len(options)) for i, option := range options { optionsToSet[i] = NewDropDownOption(option) } d.SetOptions(selected, optionsToSet...) return d } // SetOptions replaces all current options with the ones provided and installs // one callback function which is called when one of the options is selected. // It will be called with the option's index and the option itself. // The "selected" parameter may be nil. func (d *DropDown) SetOptions(selected func(index int, option *DropDownOption), options ...*DropDownOption) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.list.Clear() d.options = nil d.addOptions(options...) d.selected = selected return d } // SetChangedFunc sets a handler which is called when the user changes the // focused drop-down option. The handler is provided with the selected option's // index and the option itself. If "no option" was selected, these values are // -1 and nil. func (d *DropDown) SetChangedFunc(handler func(index int, option *DropDownOption)) *DropDown { d.list.SetChangedFunc(func(index int, item *ListItem) { handler(index, d.options[index]) }) return d } // SetSelectedFunc sets a handler which is called when the user selects a // drop-down's option. This handler will be called in addition and prior to // an option's optional individual handler. The handler is provided with the // selected option's index and the option itself. If "no option" was selected, these values // are -1 and nil. func (d *DropDown) SetSelectedFunc(handler func(index int, option *DropDownOption)) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.selected = handler return d } // SetDoneFunc sets a handler which is called when the user is done selecting // options. The callback function is provided with the key that was pressed, // which is one of the following: // // - KeyEscape: Abort selection. // - KeyTab: Move to the next field. // - KeyBacktab: Move to the previous field. func (d *DropDown) SetDoneFunc(handler func(key tcell.Key)) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.done = handler return d } // SetFinishedFunc sets a callback invoked when the user leaves this form item. func (d *DropDown) SetFinishedFunc(handler func(key tcell.Key)) *DropDown { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.finished = handler return d } // SetAttributes applies attribute settings to a form item. func (d *DropDown) SetAttributes(attrs *FormItemAttributes) { d.SetLabelWidth(attrs.LabelWidth) d.SetBackgroundColor(attrs.BackgroundColor) d.SetLabelColor(attrs.LabelColor) d.SetLabelColorFocused(attrs.LabelColorFocused) d.SetFieldTextColor(attrs.FieldTextColor) d.SetFieldTextColorFocused(attrs.FieldTextColorFocused) d.SetFieldBackgroundColor(attrs.FieldBackgroundColor) d.SetFieldBackgroundColorFocused(attrs.FieldBackgroundColorFocused) if attrs.FinishedFunc != nil { d.SetFinishedFunc(attrs.FinishedFunc) } } // Draw draws this primitive onto the screen. func (d *DropDown) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) { d.Box.Draw(screen) hasFocus := d.GetFocusable().HasFocus() d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() // Select colors labelColor := d.labelColor fieldBackgroundColor := d.fieldBackgroundColor fieldTextColor := d.fieldTextColor if hasFocus { if d.labelColorFocused != ColorUnset { labelColor = d.labelColorFocused } if d.fieldBackgroundColorFocused != ColorUnset { fieldBackgroundColor = d.fieldBackgroundColorFocused } if d.fieldTextColorFocused != ColorUnset { fieldTextColor = d.fieldTextColorFocused } } // Prepare. x, y, width, height := d.GetInnerRect() rightLimit := x + width if height < 1 || rightLimit <= x { return } // Draw label. if d.labelWidth > 0 { labelWidth := d.labelWidth if labelWidth > rightLimit-x { labelWidth = rightLimit - x } Print(screen, []byte(d.label), x, y, labelWidth, AlignLeft, labelColor) x += labelWidth } else { _, drawnWidth := Print(screen, []byte(d.label), x, y, rightLimit-x, AlignLeft, labelColor) x += drawnWidth } // What's the longest option text? maxWidth := 0 optionWrapWidth := TaggedStringWidth(d.optionPrefix + d.optionSuffix) for _, option := range d.options { strWidth := TaggedStringWidth(option.text) + optionWrapWidth if strWidth > maxWidth { maxWidth = strWidth } } // Draw selection area. fieldWidth := d.getFieldWidth() if fieldWidth == 0 { fieldWidth = maxWidth if d.currentOption < 0 { noSelectionWidth := TaggedStringWidth(d.noSelection) if noSelectionWidth > fieldWidth { fieldWidth = noSelectionWidth } } else if d.currentOption < len(d.options) { currentOptionWidth := TaggedStringWidth(d.currentOptionPrefix + d.options[d.currentOption].text + d.currentOptionSuffix) if currentOptionWidth > fieldWidth { fieldWidth = currentOptionWidth } } } if rightLimit-x < fieldWidth { fieldWidth = rightLimit - x } fieldStyle := tcell.StyleDefault.Background(fieldBackgroundColor) for index := 0; index < fieldWidth; index++ { screen.SetContent(x+index, y, ' ', nil, fieldStyle) } // Draw selected text. if && len(d.prefix) > 0 { // Show the prefix. currentOptionPrefixWidth := TaggedStringWidth(d.currentOptionPrefix) prefixWidth := runewidth.StringWidth(d.prefix) listItemText := d.options[d.list.GetCurrentItemIndex()].text Print(screen, []byte(d.currentOptionPrefix), x, y, fieldWidth, AlignLeft, fieldTextColor) Print(screen, []byte(d.prefix), x+currentOptionPrefixWidth, y, fieldWidth-currentOptionPrefixWidth, AlignLeft, d.prefixTextColor) if len(d.prefix) < len(listItemText) { Print(screen, []byte(listItemText[len(d.prefix):]+d.currentOptionSuffix), x+prefixWidth+currentOptionPrefixWidth, y, fieldWidth-prefixWidth-currentOptionPrefixWidth, AlignLeft, fieldTextColor) } } else { color := fieldTextColor text := d.noSelection if d.currentOption >= 0 && d.currentOption < len(d.options) { text = d.currentOptionPrefix + d.options[d.currentOption].text + d.currentOptionSuffix } // Abbreviate text when not fitting if fieldWidth > len(d.abbreviationChars)+3 && len(text) > fieldWidth { text = text[0:fieldWidth-3-len(d.abbreviationChars)] + d.abbreviationChars } // Just show the current selection. Print(screen, []byte(text), x, y, fieldWidth, AlignLeft, color) } // Draw drop-down symbol screen.SetContent(x+fieldWidth-2, y, d.dropDownSymbol, nil, new(tcell.Style).Foreground(fieldTextColor).Background(fieldBackgroundColor)) // Draw options list. if hasFocus && { // We prefer to drop-down but if there is no space, maybe drop up? lx := x ly := y + 1 lheight := len(d.options) _, sheight := screen.Size() if ly+lheight >= sheight && ly-2 > lheight-ly { ly = y - lheight if ly < 0 { ly = 0 } } if ly+lheight >= sheight { lheight = sheight - ly } lwidth := maxWidth if d.list.scrollBarVisibility == ScrollBarAlways || (d.list.scrollBarVisibility == ScrollBarAuto && len(d.options) > lheight) { lwidth++ // Add space for scroll bar } if lwidth < fieldWidth { lwidth = fieldWidth } d.list.SetRect(lx, ly, lwidth, lheight) d.list.Draw(screen) } } // InputHandler returns the handler for this primitive. func (d *DropDown) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Primitive)) { return d.WrapInputHandler(func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Primitive)) { // Process key event. switch key := event.Key(); key { case tcell.KeyEnter, tcell.KeyRune, tcell.KeyDown: d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.prefix = "" // If the first key was a letter already, it becomes part of the prefix. if r := event.Rune(); key == tcell.KeyRune && r != ' ' { d.prefix += string(r) d.evalPrefix() } d.openList(setFocus) case tcell.KeyEscape, tcell.KeyTab, tcell.KeyBacktab: if d.done != nil { d.done(key) } if d.finished != nil { d.finished(key) } } }) } // evalPrefix selects an item in the drop-down list based on the current prefix. func (d *DropDown) evalPrefix() { if len(d.prefix) > 0 { for index, option := range d.options { if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(option.text), d.prefix) { d.list.SetCurrentItem(index) return } } // Prefix does not match any item. Remove last rune. r := []rune(d.prefix) d.prefix = string(r[:len(r)-1]) } } // openList hands control over to the embedded List primitive. func (d *DropDown) openList(setFocus func(Primitive)) { = true optionBefore := d.currentOption d.list.SetSelectedFunc(func(index int, item *ListItem) { if d.dragging { return // If we're dragging the mouse, we don't want to trigger any events. } // An option was selected. Close the list again. d.currentOption = index d.closeList(setFocus) // Trigger "selected" event. if d.selected != nil { d.selected(d.currentOption, d.options[d.currentOption]) } if d.options[d.currentOption].selected != nil { d.options[d.currentOption].selected(d.currentOption, d.options[d.currentOption]) } }).SetInputCapture(func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey { if event.Key() == tcell.KeyRune { d.prefix += string(event.Rune()) d.evalPrefix() } else if event.Key() == tcell.KeyBackspace || event.Key() == tcell.KeyBackspace2 { if len(d.prefix) > 0 { r := []rune(d.prefix) d.prefix = string(r[:len(r)-1]) } d.evalPrefix() } else if event.Key() == tcell.KeyEscape { d.currentOption = optionBefore d.list.SetCurrentItem(d.currentOption) d.closeList(setFocus) if d.selected != nil { if d.currentOption > -1 { d.selected(d.currentOption, d.options[d.currentOption]) } } } else { d.prefix = "" } return event }) setFocus(d.list) } // closeList closes the embedded List element by hiding it and removing focus // from it. func (d *DropDown) closeList(setFocus func(Primitive)) { = false if d.list.HasFocus() { setFocus(d) } } // Focus is called by the application when the primitive receives focus. func (d *DropDown) Focus(delegate func(p Primitive)) { d.Box.Focus(delegate) if { delegate(d.list) } } // HasFocus returns whether or not this primitive has focus. func (d *DropDown) HasFocus() bool { d.RLock() defer d.RUnlock() if { return d.list.HasFocus() } return d.hasFocus } // MouseHandler returns the mouse handler for this primitive. func (d *DropDown) MouseHandler() func(action MouseAction, event *tcell.EventMouse, setFocus func(p Primitive)) (consumed bool, capture Primitive) { return d.WrapMouseHandler(func(action MouseAction, event *tcell.EventMouse, setFocus func(p Primitive)) (consumed bool, capture Primitive) { // Was the mouse event in the drop-down box itself (or on its label)? x, y := event.Position() _, rectY, _, _ := d.GetInnerRect() inRect := y == rectY if ! && !inRect { return d.InRect(x, y), nil // No, and it's not expanded either. Ignore. } // Handle dragging. Clicks are implicitly handled by this logic. switch action { case MouseLeftDown: consumed = || inRect capture = d if ! { d.openList(setFocus) d.dragging = true } else if consumed, _ := d.list.MouseHandler()(MouseLeftClick, event, setFocus); !consumed { d.closeList(setFocus) // Close drop-down if clicked outside of it. } case MouseMove: if d.dragging { // We pretend it's a left click so we can see the selection during // dragging. Because we don't act upon it, it's not a problem. d.list.MouseHandler()(MouseLeftClick, event, setFocus) consumed = true capture = d } case MouseLeftUp: if d.dragging { d.dragging = false d.list.MouseHandler()(MouseLeftClick, event, setFocus) consumed = true } } return }) }