
181 lines
4.7 KiB

package desktop
import (
// EntryType may be Application, Link or Directory.
type EntryType int
const (
Unknown EntryType = iota
func (t EntryType) String() string {
switch t {
case Unknown:
return "Unknown"
case Application:
return "Application"
case Link:
return "Link"
case Directory:
return "Directory"
return strconv.Itoa(int(t))
var (
entryHeader = []byte("[desktop entry]")
entryType = []byte("type=")
entryName = []byte("name=")
entryGenericName = []byte("genericname=")
entryComment = []byte("comment=")
entryIcon = []byte("icon=")
entryPath = []byte("path=")
entryExec = []byte("exec=")
entryURL = []byte("url=")
entryTerminal = []byte("terminal=true")
entryNoDisplay = []byte("nodisplay=true")
entryHidden = []byte("hidden=true")
var quotes = map[string]string{
`%%`: `%`,
`\\\\ `: `\\ `,
`\\\\` + "`": `\\` + "`",
`\\\\$`: `\\$`,
`\\\\(`: `\\(`,
`\\\\)`: `\\)`,
`\\\\\`: `\\\`,
`\\\\\\\\`: `\\\\`,
// Entry represents a parsed desktop entry.
type Entry struct {
// Type is the type of the entry. It may be Application, Link or Directory.
Type EntryType
// Name is the name of the entry.
Name string
// GenericName is a generic description of the entry.
GenericName string
// Comment is extra information about the entry.
Comment string
// Icon is the path to an icon file or name of a themed icon.
Icon string
// Path is the directory to start in.
Path string
// Exec is the command(s) to be executed when launched.
Exec string
// URL is the URL to be visited when launched.
URL string
// Terminal controls whether to run in a terminal.
Terminal bool
// ExpandExec fills keywords in the provided entry's Exec with user arguments.
func (e *Entry) ExpandExec(args string) string {
ex := e.Exec
ex = strings.ReplaceAll(ex, "%F", args)
ex = strings.ReplaceAll(ex, "%f", args)
ex = strings.ReplaceAll(ex, "%U", args)
ex = strings.ReplaceAll(ex, "%u", args)
return ex
func unquoteExec(ex string) string {
for qs, qr := range quotes {
ex = strings.ReplaceAll(ex, qs, qr)
return ex
// Parse reads and parses a .desktop file into an *Entry.
func Parse(content io.Reader, buf []byte) (*Entry, error) {
var (
scanner = bufio.NewScanner(content)
scannedBytes []byte
scannedBytesLen int
entry = &Entry{}
foundHeader bool
scanner.Buffer(buf, len(buf))
for scanner.Scan() {
scannedBytes = bytes.TrimSpace(scanner.Bytes())
scannedBytesLen = len(scannedBytes)
if scannedBytesLen == 0 || scannedBytes[0] == byte('#') {
} else if scannedBytes[0] == byte('[') {
if !foundHeader {
if scannedBytesLen < 15 || !bytes.EqualFold(scannedBytes[0:15], entryHeader) {
return nil, errors.New("invalid desktop entry: section header not found")
foundHeader = true
} else {
break // Start of new section
} else if scannedBytesLen >= 6 && bytes.EqualFold(scannedBytes[0:5], entryType) {
t := strings.ToLower(string(scannedBytes[5:]))
switch t {
case "application":
entry.Type = Application
case "link":
entry.Type = Link
case "directory":
entry.Type = Directory
} else if scannedBytesLen >= 6 && bytes.EqualFold(scannedBytes[0:5], entryName) {
entry.Name = string(scannedBytes[5:])
} else if scannedBytesLen >= 13 && bytes.EqualFold(scannedBytes[0:12], entryGenericName) {
entry.GenericName = string(scannedBytes[12:])
} else if scannedBytesLen >= 9 && bytes.EqualFold(scannedBytes[0:8], entryComment) {
entry.Comment = string(scannedBytes[8:])
} else if scannedBytesLen >= 6 && bytes.EqualFold(scannedBytes[0:5], entryIcon) {
entry.Icon = string(scannedBytes[5:])
} else if scannedBytesLen >= 6 && bytes.EqualFold(scannedBytes[0:5], entryPath) {
entry.Path = string(scannedBytes[5:])
} else if scannedBytesLen >= 6 && bytes.EqualFold(scannedBytes[0:5], entryExec) {
entry.Exec = unquoteExec(string(scannedBytes[5:]))
} else if scannedBytesLen >= 5 && bytes.EqualFold(scannedBytes[0:4], entryURL) {
entry.URL = string(scannedBytes[4:])
} else if scannedBytesLen == 13 && bytes.EqualFold(scannedBytes, entryTerminal) {
entry.Terminal = true
} else if (scannedBytesLen == 14 && bytes.EqualFold(scannedBytes, entryNoDisplay)) || (scannedBytesLen == 11 && bytes.EqualFold(scannedBytes, entryHidden)) {
return nil, nil
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse desktop entry")
} else if !foundHeader {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "invalid desktop entry")
return entry, nil