package etk import ( "image" "image/color" "sync" "" "" ) // Window displays child widgets in floating or maximized windows. type Window struct { *Box fontFace font.Face fontMutex *sync.Mutex frameSize int titleSize int titles []*Text floating []bool fullscreen []Widget modified bool } // NewWindow returns a new Window widget. func NewWindow() *Window { return &Window{ Box: NewBox(), fontFace: Style.TextFont, fontMutex: Style.TextFontMutex, frameSize: Scale(4), titleSize: Scale(40), } } // SetRect sets the position and size of the widget. func (w *Window) SetRect(r image.Rectangle) { w.Lock() defer w.Unlock() w.rect = r w.modified = true } // SetFont sets the font face of the window titles. func (w *Window) SetFont(face font.Face, mutex *sync.Mutex) { w.Lock() defer w.Unlock() w.fontFace = face w.fontMutex = mutex for _, title := range w.titles { title.SetFont(w.fontFace, w.fontMutex) } } // SetFrameSize sets the size of the frame around each window. func (w *Window) SetFrameSize(size int) { w.Lock() defer w.Unlock() w.frameSize = size w.modified = true } // SetTitleSize sets the height of the title bars. func (w *Window) SetTitleSize(size int) { w.Lock() defer w.Unlock() w.titleSize = size w.modified = true } // SetFullscreen expands the specified widget to fill the netire screen, hiding // the title bar. When -1 is provided, the currently fullscreen widget is // restored to its a normal size. func (w *Window) SetFullscreen(index int) { w.Lock() defer w.Unlock() if index == -1 { w.fullscreen = w.fullscreen[:0] } else if index >= 0 && index < len(w.children) { w.fullscreen = append(w.fullscreen[:0], w.children[index]) } w.modified = true } // Children returns the children of the widget. func (w *Window) Children() []Widget { w.Lock() defer w.Unlock() if len(w.fullscreen) != 0 { return w.fullscreen } return w.children } // Clear removes all children from the widget. func (w *Window) Clear() { w.Lock() defer w.Unlock() w.children = w.children[:0] w.titles = w.titles[:0] w.floating = w.floating[:0] w.fullscreen = w.fullscreen[:0] } // HandleKeyboard is called when a keyboard event occurs. func (w *Window) HandleKeyboard(ebiten.Key, rune) (handled bool, err error) { return true, nil } // HandleMouse is called when a mouse event occurs. func (w *Window) HandleMouse(cursor image.Point, pressed bool, clicked bool) (handled bool, err error) { return true, nil } // Draw draws the widget on the screen. func (w *Window) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) error { if w.modified { if len(w.fullscreen) != 0 { w.fullscreen[0].SetRect(w.rect) } else { for i, wgt := range w.children { r := wgt.Rect() if r.Empty() || (!w.floating[i] && !r.Eq(w.rect)) { r = w.rect } if r.Max.X >= w.rect.Max.X { r = r.Sub(image.Point{r.Max.X - w.rect.Max.X, 0}) } if r.Max.Y >= w.rect.Max.Y { r = r.Sub(image.Point{0, r.Max.Y - w.rect.Max.Y}) } if r.Min.X < w.rect.Min.X { r.Min.X = w.rect.Min.X } if r.Min.Y < w.rect.Min.Y { r.Min.Y = w.rect.Min.Y } wgt.SetRect(r) } } w.modified = false } return nil } // AddChild adds a child to the window. func (w *Window) AddChild(wgt ...Widget) { w.Lock() defer w.Unlock() for _, widget := range wgt { t := NewText("") t.SetFont(w.fontFace, w.fontMutex) w.children = append(w.children, &windowWidget{NewBox(), t, widget, w}) w.titles = append(w.titles, t) w.floating = append(w.floating, false) } w.modified = true } // AddChildWithTitle adds a child to the window with the specified window title. func (w *Window) AddChildWithTitle(wgt Widget, title string) int { w.Lock() defer w.Unlock() t := NewText(title) t.SetFont(w.fontFace, w.fontMutex) w.children = append(w.children, &windowWidget{NewBox(), t, wgt, w}) w.titles = append(w.titles, t) w.floating = append(w.floating, false) w.modified = true return len(w.children) - 1 } type windowWidget struct { *Box title *Text wgt Widget w *Window } func (w *windowWidget) SetRect(r image.Rectangle) { w.Lock() defer w.Unlock() w.rect = r w.title.SetRect(image.Rect(r.Min.X, r.Min.Y, r.Max.X, r.Min.Y+w.w.titleSize)) w.wgt.SetRect(image.Rect(r.Min.X, r.Min.Y+w.w.titleSize, r.Max.X, r.Max.Y)) } func (w *windowWidget) Background() color.RGBA { return color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 255} } func (w *windowWidget) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) error { w.title.Draw(screen) background := w.wgt.Background() if background.A != 0 { screen.SubImage(w.wgt.Rect()).(*ebiten.Image).Fill(background) } return w.wgt.Draw(screen) }