
270 lines
5.7 KiB

package world
import (
const SectionWidth = ScreenWidth * 2
type Section struct {
X float64
Y float64
Entities []gohan.Entity
TileOccupied [][]bool
ShoreDepth int
Creeps [][]gohan.Entity
func NewSection(x, y float64) *Section {
s := &Section{
X: x,
Y: y,
s.TileOccupied = make([][]bool, ScreenHeight/16)
for ty := range s.TileOccupied {
s.TileOccupied[ty] = make([]bool, SectionWidth/16)
s.Creeps = make([][]gohan.Entity, ScreenHeight/16)
for ty := range s.Creeps {
s.Creeps[ty] = make([]gohan.Entity, SectionWidth/16)
return s
func (s *Section) SetPosition(x float64, y float64) {
defer s.Unlock()
s.X = x
s.Y = y
func (s *Section) tileAvailable(tx, ty int, creep bool) bool {
if ty < 0 {
return true // TODO
} else if ty > s.ShoreDepth || (!creep && ty == s.ShoreDepth-1) {
return false
if tx < 0 || tx >= SectionWidth/16 || ty < 0 || ty >= ScreenHeight/16 {
return false
return !s.TileOccupied[ty][tx]
func (s *Section) Regenerate(lastShoreDepth int) {
defer s.Unlock()
for _, e := range s.Entities {
s.Entities = s.Entities[:0]
for ty := range s.TileOccupied {
for tx := range s.TileOccupied[ty] {
s.TileOccupied[ty][tx] = false
for ty := range s.Creeps {
for tx := range s.Creeps[ty] {
s.Creeps[ty][tx] = 0
const minShoreDepth = 3
const maxShoreDepth = 6
var firstShore bool
if lastShoreDepth == 0 {
lastShoreDepth = minShoreDepth + rand.Intn(maxShoreDepth-minShoreDepth)
firstShore = true
s.ShoreDepth = lastShoreDepth + 1 - rand.Intn(3)
if s.ShoreDepth < minShoreDepth {
s.ShoreDepth = minShoreDepth
} else if s.ShoreDepth > maxShoreDepth {
s.ShoreDepth = maxShoreDepth
// Fill with sea water.
// TODO optimize
for y := 0; y <= ScreenHeight/16; y++ {
for x := 0; x < SectionWidth/16; x++ {
e := gohan.NewEntity()
X: s.X + float64(x)*16,
Y: s.Y + float64(y)*16,
Z: level.LayerSea,
Image: asset.ImgWater,
s.Entities = append(s.Entities, e)
addTile := func(img *ebiten.Image, tx, ty int) {
e := gohan.NewEntity()
X: s.X + float64(tx)*16,
Y: s.Y + float64(ty)*16,
Z: level.LayerLand,
Image: img,
s.Entities = append(s.Entities, e)
// Generate land.
var tile *ebiten.Image
for y := 0; y < s.ShoreDepth; y++ {
for x := 0; x < SectionWidth/16; x++ {
if y == s.ShoreDepth-1 {
tile = asset.FishTileXY(1, 14)
} else {
switch rand.Intn(4) {
case 0:
tile = asset.FishTileXY(5, 9)
case 1:
tile = asset.FishTileXY(6, 9)
case 2:
tile = asset.FishTileXY(5, 10)
case 3:
tile = asset.FishTileXY(6, 10)
if !firstShore {
if s.ShoreDepth-lastShoreDepth > 0 {
if x == 0 && y == lastShoreDepth-1 {
tile = asset.FishTileXY(4, 13)
} else if x == 0 && y == lastShoreDepth {
tile = asset.FishTileXY(0, 14)
} else if s.ShoreDepth-lastShoreDepth < 0 {
if x == 0 && y == lastShoreDepth-2 {
tile = asset.FishTileXY(3, 13)
addTile(asset.FishTileXY(2, 14), x, y+1)
addTile(tile, x, y)
// Generate buildings.
// TODO bag of random buildings
addBuildings := rand.Intn(14)
for j := 0; j < addBuildings; j++ {
specialBuilding := rand.Intn(4) == 0
var building [][][2]int
if specialBuilding {
switch rand.Intn(3) {
case 0:
building = buildingBar
case 1:
building = buildingCrabShackA
case 2:
building = buildingCrabShackB
} else {
switch rand.Intn(3) {
case 0:
building = buildingFishingShackA
case 1:
building = buildingFishingShackB
case 2:
building = buildingFishingShackC
buildingHeight := len(building)
tx, ty := rand.Intn(SectionWidth/16), rand.Intn(s.ShoreDepth)-buildingHeight
if !s.canBuild(building, tx, ty) {
}, tx, ty, level.LayerBuilding)
// Generate creeps.
const numCreeps = 40 // TODO
for attempt := 0; attempt < numCreeps; attempt++ {
tx, ty := rand.Intn(SectionWidth/16), int(float64(rand.Intn(s.ShoreDepth-1)))
if !s.tileAvailable(tx, ty, true) || (ty != 0 && !s.tileAvailable(tx, ty-1, true)) || !s.tileAvailable(tx, ty+1, true) || !s.tileAvailable(tx-1, ty, true) || !s.tileAvailable(tx+1, ty, true) {
x, y := s.X+float64(tx)*16, s.Y+float64(ty)*16
creep := entity.NewCreep(0, x, y)
s.Creeps[ty][tx] = creep
s.TileOccupied[ty][tx] = true
s.Entities = append(s.Entities, creep)
func (s *Section) canBuild(tiles [][][2]int, tx, ty int) bool {
for tty := range tiles {
for ttx, _ := range tiles[tty] {
tileX, tileY := tx+ttx, ty+tty
if !s.tileAvailable(tileX, tileY, false) {
return false
return true
func (s *Section) build(tiles [][][2]int, tx, ty int, z int) {
for tty := range tiles {
for ttx, tile := range tiles[tty] {
tileX, tileY := tx+ttx, ty+tty
if tileY < 0 {
continue // Off-screen
s.TileOccupied[tileY][tileX] = true
e := gohan.NewEntity()
X: s.X + float64(tileX)*16,
Y: s.Y + float64(tileY)*16,
Z: z,
Image: asset.FishTileXY(tile[0], tile[1]),
s.Entities = append(s.Entities, e)