This document covers how to host a harmony server. # Requirements ## Bandwidth Clients may simultaneously transmit and receive up to four audio streams at a rate of 64 kilobits/second. - Average: 64 kilobits/second * Number of users voice chatting - Maximum: 256 kilobits/second * Number of users voice chatting ## HTTPS A web client is hosted from the server using insecure HTTP. Do not expose the web client directly to the Internet. Place it behind a HTTP daemon such as [Caddy](, [nginx]( or [Apache]( via [reverse proxy]( instead. ### Caddy example Launch harmony-server with the following configuration option: ```webaddress: localhost:19000``` Add the following to the relevant site directive in your Caddyfile: ``` proxy /w http://localhost:19000 { websocket } proxy / http://localhost:19000 ``` # Installation There are two ways to install harmony-server: ### Download [**Download harmony-server**]( ### Compile Download and install the [Go compiler](, then install harmony-server with the following command: ```GO111MODULE=on go get``` This command will also update the server when ran again. Execute harmony-server with the ```-help``` flag for more information: ```harmony-server -help``` If the command was not found, add ```~/go/bin``` to your [PATH variable]( # Configuration The path to a configuration file may be specified with ```--config```, or the default path of ```~/.config/harmony-server/config.yaml``` may be used. Example configuration: ``` webaddress: localhost:19000 webpath: / channels: Lobby-Text: type: text topic: Example text channel Lobby-Voice: type: voice topic: Example voice channel Lobby-Voice2: type: voice topic: Another voice channel ``` ## Hosting the web client on a different path The web client expects to be hosted at the root of the domain, ```/```. To host the web client on a different path, such as ```/chat/```, set the ```webpath``` configuration option: ```webpath: /chat/``` ## Hosting the web client on multiple addresses Multiple address may be specified: ```webaddress: localhost:19000,```