Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Trevor Slocum 2017-09-28 21:14:47 -07:00
commit 80b5f52263
131 changed files with 27545 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

Gopkg.lock generated Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# This file is autogenerated, do not edit; changes may be undone by the next 'dep ensure'.
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "b26d9c308763d68093482582cea63d69be07a0f0"
version = "v0.3.0"
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "a0583e0143b1624142adab07e0e97fe106d99561"
version = "v1.3"
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "96dc06278ce32a0e9d957d590bb987c81ee66407"
version = "v1.3.0"
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "645ef00459ed84a119197bfb8d8205042c6df63d"
version = "v0.8.0"
analyzer-name = "dep"
analyzer-version = 1
inputs-digest = "4e36729243a8c8c39dc25c43e2d8dd3bb0bea73e05adaf4fcd87f74b8ff578af"
solver-name = "gps-cdcl"
solver-version = 1

Gopkg.toml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Gopkg.toml example
# Refer to
# for detailed Gopkg.toml documentation.
# required = [""]
# ignored = ["", ""]
# [[constraint]]
# name = ""
# version = "1.0.0"
# [[constraint]]
# name = ""
# branch = "dev"
# source = ""
# [[override]]
# name = ""
# version = "2.4.0"
branch = "master"
name = ""

LICENSE Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works.
The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
know their rights.
Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
authors of previous versions.
Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. Definitions.
"This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
"Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
works, such as semiconductor masks.
"The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
on the Program.
To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
public, and in some countries other activities as well.
To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
1. Source Code.
The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
form of a work.
A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
is widely used among developers working in that language.
The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for
the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
subprograms and other parts of the work.
The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
same work.
2. Basic Permissions.
All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
makes it unnecessary.
3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
technological measures.
4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
it, and giving a relevant date.
b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
released under this License and any conditions added under section
7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
"keep intact all notices".
c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
work need not make them do so.
A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate.
6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
in one of these ways:
a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
customarily used for software interchange.
b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
with subsection 6b.
d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
charge under subsection 6d.
A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
included in conveying the object code work.
A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
the only significant mode of use of the product.
"Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
modification has been made.
If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
been installed in ROM).
The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network.
Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for
unpacking, reading or copying.
7. Additional Terms.
"Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
this License without regard to the additional permissions.
When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
Notices displayed by works containing it; or
c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
authors of the material; or
e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
those licensors and authors.
All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
governed by this License along with a term that is a further
restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
not survive such relicensing or conveying.
If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
where to find the applicable terms.
Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
the above requirements apply either way.
8. Termination.
You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
paragraph of section 11).
However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
prior to 60 days after the cessation.
Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice.
Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
material under section 10.
9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
11. Patents.
A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
this License.
Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
propagate the contents of its contributor version.
In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
patent against the party.
If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
country that you have reason to believe are valid.
If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
work and works based on it.
A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
combination as such.
14. Revised Versions of this License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
to choose that version for the Program.
Later license versions may give you additional or different
permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
later version.
15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
16. Limitation of Liability.
17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
copy of the Program in return for a fee.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
{one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.}
Copyright (C) {year} {name of author}
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
{project} Copyright (C) {year} {fullname}
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License. But first, please read

TODO Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
move api, market, app columns into account
fill in missing completed (0) on insert only as all existing sessions were updated
(also need to update completed in legacy medinet)

database.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
package main
import (
_ ""
const KEY_LENGTH = 32 // Was using MD5 hashes
const STREAK_BUFFER = 14400 // 4:00 AM
type Database struct {
db *sql.DB
var letters = []rune("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
type Account struct {
ID int
Key string
type Session struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Posted int `json:"posted"`
Started int `json:"started"`
StreakDay int `json:"streakday"`
Length int `json:"length"`
Completed int `json:"completed"`
Message string `json:"message"`
func generateKey() string {
b := make([]rune, KEY_LENGTH)
for i := range b {
b[i] = letters[rand.Intn(len(letters))]
return string(b)
func NewDatabase(host string, user string, password string, database string) (*Database, error) {
var err error
d := new(Database)
d.db, err = sql.Open("mysql", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@%s/%s?charset=utf8", user, password, host, database))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to connect to database")
return d, nil
func (d *Database) authenticate(token string) (*Account, error) {
key := ""
resp, err := http.Get("" + token)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get userinfo from Google")
defer resp.Body.Close()
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read userinfo response from Google")
var userinfo map[string]interface{}
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &userinfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal userinfo response from Google")
googleid := ""
email := ""
name := ""
if v, ok := userinfo["sub"]; ok {
googleid = v.(string)
if googleid == "" || googleid == "0" {
log.Printf("Userinfo: %+v", userinfo)
log.Printf("Access token: %+v", googleid)
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "invalid access token")
if v, ok := userinfo["email"]; ok {
email = v.(string)
if v, ok := userinfo["name"]; ok {
name = v.(string)
err = d.db.QueryRow("SELECT `key` FROM accounts WHERE google_id=?", googleid).Scan(&key)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
key = generateKey()
_, err = d.db.Exec("INSERT INTO accounts (`key`, `google_id`, `email`, `name`, `registered`) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", key, googleid, email, name, time.Now().Unix())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to insert account")
} else if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to fetch account key")
return d.getAccount(key)
func (d *Database) getAccount(key string) (*Account, error) {
a := new(Account)
err := d.db.QueryRow("SELECT `id`, `key` FROM accounts WHERE `key`=?", key).Scan(&a.ID, &a.Key)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "getAccount error")
return a, nil
func (d *Database) getStreak(accountid int) (int64, int64, int64, error) {
streakday := int64(0)
streakend := int64(0)
topstreak := int64(0)
err := d.db.QueryRow("SELECT `streak`, `streakend`, `topstreak` FROM accounts WHERE `id`=?", accountid).Scan(&streakday, &streakend, &topstreak)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return 0, 0, 0, errors.Wrap(err, "invalid account ID")
} else if err != nil {
return 0, 0, 0, errors.Wrap(err, "getStreak error")
// Expire streak
if streakend <= time.Now().Unix() {
streakday = 0
streakend = 0
_, err := d.db.Exec("UPDATE accounts SET `streak`=?, `streakend`=? WHERE `id`=?", streakday, streakend, accountid)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, 0, errors.Wrap(err, "uanble to expire streak")
return streakday, streakend, topstreak, nil
func (d *Database) updateLastActive(accountid int) error {
_, err := d.db.Exec("UPDATE accounts SET `lastactive`=? WHERE `id`=?", time.Now().Unix(), accountid)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "uanble to update last active")
return err
func (d *Database) updateTopStreak(accountid int) error {
_, err := d.db.Exec("UPDATE accounts SET `topstreak`=GREATEST(`streak`, `topstreak`) WHERE `id`=?", accountid)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "uanble to update top streak")
return err
func (d *Database) calculateStreak(accountid int, tz *time.Location) (int, error) {
t := time.Now().In(tz)
log.Printf("caluclate start %v", t)
if t.Hour() < 4 {
t = t.AddDate(0, 0, -1)
log.Printf("caluclate added %v", t)
streak := 0
for {
exists, err := d.sessionExistsForDate(t, accountid)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to check if session exists for date")
} else if exists {
t = t.AddDate(0, 0, -1)
} else {
log.Printf("Calculated streak as %d", streak)
return streak, nil
func (d *Database) setStreak(streakday int, accountid int, tz *time.Location) error {
t := time.Now().In(tz)
t = midnight(t.AddDate(0, 0, 2))
t = t.Add(STREAK_BUFFER * time.Second)
log.Printf("SETTING STREAK Account %d, Day %d, TZ %s, Streak end: %d", accountid, streakday, tz.String(), t.Unix())
_, err := d.db.Exec("UPDATE accounts SET `streak`=?, `streakend`=? WHERE `id`=?", streakday, t.Unix(), accountid)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to update streak")
err = d.updateTopStreak(accountid)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to update top streak")
return nil
func (d *Database) setSessionStreakDay(started int, streakday int, accountid int) error {
_, err := d.db.Exec("UPDATE sessions SET `streakday`=? WHERE `account`=? AND `started`=? LIMIT 1", streakday, accountid, started)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to delete session")
return nil
func (d *Database) scanSession(rows *sql.Rows) (*Session, error) {
s := new(Session)
err := rows.Scan(&s.ID, &s.Posted, &s.Started, &s.StreakDay, &s.Length, &s.Completed, &s.Message)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to scan session")
return s, nil
func (d *Database) addSession(s Session, accountid int) (bool, error) {
exs, err := d.getSession(s.Started, accountid)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to fetch session")
} else if exs != nil {
return false, nil // Session exists
// Fix zero completed from older versions of the app
if s.Completed == 0 {
s.Completed = s.Started + s.Length
_, err = d.db.Exec("INSERT INTO sessions (`account`, `posted`, `started`, `streakday`, `length`, `completed`, `message`) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", accountid, time.Now().Unix(), s.Started, s.StreakDay, s.Length, s.Completed, s.Message)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to add session")
return true, nil
func (d *Database) getSession(started int, accountid int) (*Session, error) {
rows, err := d.db.Query("SELECT `id`, `posted`, `started`, `streakday`, `length`, `completed`, `message` FROM sessions WHERE `started`=? AND `account`=? LIMIT 1", started, accountid)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to fetch session")
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
return d.scanSession(rows)
return nil, nil
func (d *Database) sessionExistsForDate(date time.Time, accountid int) (bool, error) {
sessionid := 0
date = midnight(date).Add(STREAK_BUFFER * time.Second)
log.Printf("SESSION EXISTS %v - START %v END %v", date, date.Unix(), date.AddDate(0, 0, 1).Unix())
err := d.db.QueryRow("SELECT `id` FROM sessions WHERE `account`=? AND `started`>=? AND `started`<? LIMIT 1", accountid, date.Unix(), date.AddDate(0, 0, 1).Unix()).Scan(&sessionid)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "sessionExistsForDate failed")
return sessionid > 0, nil
func (d *Database) getSessions(accountid int) ([]Session, error) {
sessions := []Session{}
rows, err := d.db.Query("SELECT `id`, `posted`, `started`, `streakday`, `length`, `completed`, `message` FROM sessions WHERE `account`=?", accountid)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to fetch sessions")
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
s, err := d.scanSession(rows)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to scan session")
sessions = append(sessions, *s)
return sessions, nil
func (d *Database) deleteSession(started int, accountid int) (bool, error) {
r, err := d.db.Exec("DELETE FROM sessions WHERE `account`=? AND `started`=? LIMIT 1", accountid, started)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to delete session")
affected, err := r.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to fetch number of deleted sessions")
return affected > 0, nil

medinet.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
// MediNET - Meditation Assistant back-end
// Written by Trevor 'tee' Slocum <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package main
import (
type Config struct {
Om int
SQLHost string
SQLUser string
SQLPassword string
SQLDatabase string
var config *Config
func midnight(t time.Time) time.Time {
year, month, day := t.Date()
return time.Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, t.Location())
func failOnError(err error) {
if err != nil {
func main() {
var opts struct {
ConfigFile string `short:"c" long:"config" description:"Configuration file"`
_, err := flags.Parse(&opts)
if opts.ConfigFile == "" {
log.Fatal("Please specify configuration file with: medinet -c <config file>")
if _, err = os.Stat(opts.ConfigFile); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Configuration file %s does not exist: %s", opts.ConfigFile, err)
config = new(Config)
if _, err = toml.DecodeFile(opts.ConfigFile, &config); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to read %s: %v", opts.ConfigFile, err)
if config.Om == 0 {
log.Fatal("Specify Om port in configuration file")
d, err := NewDatabase(config.SQLHost, config.SQLUser, config.SQLPassword, config.SQLDatabase)
http.HandleFunc("/om/community", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "COMMUNITY, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.RequestURI()))
http.HandleFunc("/om/sessions", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "COMMUNITY, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.RequestURI()))
http.HandleFunc("/om/account", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "COMMUNITY, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.RequestURI()))
http.HandleFunc("/om/forum", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "COMMUNITY, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.RequestURI()))
http.HandleFunc("/om/groups", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "COMMUNITY, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.RequestURI()))
http.HandleFunc("/om", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
// Authenticate (signin)
// Send key, client will then call (connect)
token := r.FormValue("token")
if token != "" {
a, err := d.authenticate(token)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR! %v", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to authenticate token"))
} else if a == nil {
log.Printf("ERROR! %v", errors.New("failed to retrieve authenticated account"))
w.Header().Set("x-MediNET", "connected")
w.Header().Set("x-MediNET-Key", a.Key)
key := r.URL.Query().Get("x")
if key == "" {
key = r.FormValue("x")
a, err := d.getAccount(key)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR! %v", err)
if a == nil {
w.Header().Set("x-MediNET", "signin")
log.Printf("Asking to sign in %s %q", key, html.EscapeString(r.URL.RequestURI()))
go d.updateLastActive(a.ID)
data := make(map[string]interface{})
data["status"] = "success"
action := r.FormValue("action")
tz, err := time.LoadLocation(r.URL.Query().Get("tz"))
if err != nil {
tz, err = time.LoadLocation("UTC")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR! %v", err)
apiver, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("v"))
if err != nil {
apiver = 0
av := r.URL.Query().Get("avn")
if av == "" {
av = r.URL.Query().Get("av")
onlynum := regexp.MustCompile("[0-9]+")
match := onlynum.FindAllString(av, -1)
if match != nil {
av = strings.Join(match, "")
appver, err := strconv.Atoi(av)
if err != nil {
appver = 0
// TODO: read from announcement table on successful connect
//data["announce"] = "First line\n\nSecond line"
switch action {
case "deletesession":
data["result"] = "notdeleted"
st := r.FormValue("session")
if st == "" {
started, err := strconv.Atoi(st)
if err != nil || started == 0 {
log.Println(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read session started when deleting session"))
deleted, err := d.deleteSession(started, a.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR! %v", err)
} else if deleted {
data["result"] = "deleted"
case "downloadsessions": // Confirmed working
sessions, err := d.getSessions(a.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR! %v", err)
data["downloadsessions"] = sessions
case "uploadsessions":
data["result"] = "corrupt"
u := r.FormValue("uploadsessions")
if u == "" {
var uploadsessions []Session
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(u), &uploadsessions)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR! %v", err)
data["result"] = "uploaded"
sessionsuploaded := 0
for _, session := range uploadsessions {
added, err := d.addSession(session, a.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR! %v", err)
if added {
data["sessionsuploaded"] = sessionsuploaded
if sessionsuploaded > 0 {
started := 0
completed := 0
streakday := 0
for _, session := range uploadsessions {
if session.Started > started {
started = session.Started
completed = session.Completed
streakday = session.StreakDay
t := time.Now().In(tz)
if t.Hour() < 4 {
t = t.AddDate(0, 0, -1)
t = midnight(t).Add(STREAK_BUFFER * time.Second)
if int64(completed) >= t.Unix() { // Session was recently uploaded
streak, err := d.calculateStreak(a.ID, tz)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR! %v", err)
log.Printf("NEW SESSION %v - CALCULATED: %d, SUBMITTED: %d", t, streak, streakday)
if streak < streakday {
streak = streakday
} else if streak > streakday {
err = d.setSessionStreakDay(started, streak, a.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR! %v", err)
err = d.setStreak(streak, a.ID, tz)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR! %v", err)
// "postsession" is set when posting directly from complete screen or session list
p := r.FormValue("postsession")
if p != "" {
if sessionsuploaded > 0 {
data["result"] = "posted"
} else {
data["result"] = "alreadyposted"
w.Header().Set("x-MediNET", "connected")
// Send streak
if action == "connect" || action == "downloadsessions" || action == "uploadsessions" {
streakday, streakend, topstreak, err := d.getStreak(a.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR! %v", err)
w.Header().Set("x-MediNET-Streak", fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d", streakday, streakend))
w.Header().Set("x-MediNET-MaxStreak", fmt.Sprintf("%d", topstreak))
j, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR! %v", err)
log.Printf("App: %d API: %d Action: %s - %q", appver, apiver, action, html.EscapeString(r.URL.RequestURI()))
log.Printf("Account ID: %d, JSON: %s", a.ID, string(j))
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", config.Om), nil))

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
language: go
- 1.1
- 1.2
- 1.3
- 1.4
- 1.5
- 1.6
- tip
- go install ./...
- go get
- export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/gopath/bin"
- make test

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Compatible with TOML version

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
go install ./...
test: install
go test -v
toml-test toml-test-decoder
toml-test -encoder toml-test-encoder
gofmt -w *.go */*.go
colcheck *.go */*.go
find ./ -name '*.go' -print0 | xargs -0 gotags > TAGS
git push origin master
git push github master

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
## TOML parser and encoder for Go with reflection
TOML stands for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language. This Go package provides a
reflection interface similar to Go's standard library `json` and `xml`
packages. This package also supports the `encoding.TextUnmarshaler` and
`encoding.TextMarshaler` interfaces so that you can define custom data
representations. (There is an example of this below.)
Compatible with TOML version
go get
Try the toml validator:
go get
tomlv some-toml-file.toml
[![Build Status](]( [![GoDoc](](
### Testing
This package passes all tests in
[toml-test]( for both the decoder
and the encoder.
### Examples
This package works similarly to how the Go standard library handles `XML`
and `JSON`. Namely, data is loaded into Go values via reflection.
For the simplest example, consider some TOML file as just a list of keys
and values:
Age = 25
Cats = [ "Cauchy", "Plato" ]
Pi = 3.14
Perfection = [ 6, 28, 496, 8128 ]
DOB = 1987-07-05T05:45:00Z
Which could be defined in Go as:
type Config struct {
Age int
Cats []string
Pi float64
Perfection []int
DOB time.Time // requires `import time`
And then decoded with:
var conf Config
if _, err := toml.Decode(tomlData, &conf); err != nil {
// handle error
You can also use struct tags if your struct field name doesn't map to a TOML
key value directly:
some_key_NAME = "wat"
type TOML struct {
ObscureKey string `toml:"some_key_NAME"`
### Using the `encoding.TextUnmarshaler` interface
Here's an example that automatically parses duration strings into
`time.Duration` values:
name = "Thunder Road"
duration = "4m49s"
name = "Stairway to Heaven"
duration = "8m03s"
Which can be decoded with:
type song struct {
Name string
Duration duration
type songs struct {
Song []song
var favorites songs
if _, err := toml.Decode(blob, &favorites); err != nil {
for _, s := range favorites.Song {
fmt.Printf("%s (%s)\n", s.Name, s.Duration)
And you'll also need a `duration` type that satisfies the
`encoding.TextUnmarshaler` interface:
type duration struct {
func (d *duration) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
var err error
d.Duration, err = time.ParseDuration(string(text))
return err
### More complex usage
Here's an example of how to load the example from the official spec page:
# This is a TOML document. Boom.
title = "TOML Example"
name = "Tom Preston-Werner"
organization = "GitHub"
bio = "GitHub Cofounder & CEO\nLikes tater tots and beer."
dob = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z # First class dates? Why not?
server = ""
ports = [ 8001, 8001, 8002 ]
connection_max = 5000
enabled = true
# You can indent as you please. Tabs or spaces. TOML don't care.
ip = ""
dc = "eqdc10"
ip = ""
dc = "eqdc10"
data = [ ["gamma", "delta"], [1, 2] ] # just an update to make sure parsers support it
# Line breaks are OK when inside arrays
hosts = [
And the corresponding Go types are:
type tomlConfig struct {
Title string
Owner ownerInfo
DB database `toml:"database"`
Servers map[string]server
Clients clients
type ownerInfo struct {
Name string
Org string `toml:"organization"`
Bio string
DOB time.Time
type database struct {
Server string
Ports []int
ConnMax int `toml:"connection_max"`
Enabled bool
type server struct {
IP string
DC string
type clients struct {
Data [][]interface{}
Hosts []string
Note that a case insensitive match will be tried if an exact match can't be
A working example of the above can be found in `_examples/example.{go,toml}`.

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
package main
import (
type tomlConfig struct {
Title string
Owner ownerInfo
DB database `toml:"database"`
Servers map[string]server
Clients clients
type ownerInfo struct {
Name string
Org string `toml:"organization"`
Bio string
DOB time.Time
type database struct {
Server string
Ports []int
ConnMax int `toml:"connection_max"`
Enabled bool
type server struct {
IP string
DC string
type clients struct {
Data [][]interface{}
Hosts []string
func main() {
var config tomlConfig
if _, err := toml.DecodeFile("example.toml", &config); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Title: %s\n", config.Title)
fmt.Printf("Owner: %s (%s, %s), Born: %s\n",
config.Owner.Name, config.Owner.Org, config.Owner.Bio,
fmt.Printf("Database: %s %v (Max conn. %d), Enabled? %v\n",
config.DB.Server, config.DB.Ports, config.DB.ConnMax,
for serverName, server := range config.Servers {
fmt.Printf("Server: %s (%s, %s)\n", serverName, server.IP, server.DC)
fmt.Printf("Client data: %v\n", config.Clients.Data)
fmt.Printf("Client hosts: %v\n", config.Clients.Hosts)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# This is a TOML document. Boom.
title = "TOML Example"
name = "Tom Preston-Werner"
organization = "GitHub"
bio = "GitHub Cofounder & CEO\nLikes tater tots and beer."
dob = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z # First class dates? Why not?
server = ""
ports = [ 8001, 8001, 8002 ]
connection_max = 5000
enabled = true
# You can indent as you please. Tabs or spaces. TOML don't care.
ip = ""
dc = "eqdc10"
ip = ""
dc = "eqdc10"
data = [ ["gamma", "delta"], [1, 2] ] # just an update to make sure parsers support it
# Line breaks are OK when inside arrays
hosts = [

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Test file for TOML
# Only this one tries to emulate a TOML file written by a user of the kind of parser writers probably hate
# This part you'll really hate
test_string = "You'll hate me after this - #" # " Annoying, isn't it?
test_array = [ "] ", " # "] # ] There you go, parse this!
test_array2 = [ "Test #11 ]proved that", "Experiment #9 was a success" ]
# You didn't think it'd as easy as chucking out the last #, did you?
another_test_string = " Same thing, but with a string #"
harder_test_string = " And when \"'s are in the string, along with # \"" # "and comments are there too"
# Things will get harder
what? = "You don't think some user won't do that?"
multi_line_array = [
# ] Oh yes I did

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# [x] you
# [x.y] don't
# [x.y.z] need these
[x.y.z.w] # for this to work

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
type = "apple"
apple = "yes"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# This is an INVALID TOML document. Boom.
# Can you spot the error without help?
title = "TOML Example"
name = "Tom Preston-Werner"
organization = "GitHub"
bio = "GitHub Cofounder & CEO\nLikes tater tots and beer."
dob = 1979-05-27T7:32:00Z # First class dates? Why not?
server = ""
ports = [ 8001, 8001, 8002 ]
connection_max = 5000
enabled = true
# You can indent as you please. Tabs or spaces. TOML don't care.
ip = ""
dc = "eqdc10"
ip = ""
dc = "eqdc10"
data = [ ["gamma", "delta"], [1, 2] ] # just an update to make sure parsers support it
# Line breaks are OK when inside arrays
hosts = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Age = 25
Cats = [ "Cauchy", "Plato" ]
Pi = 3.14
Perfection = [ 6, 28, 496, 8128 ]
DOB = 1987-07-05T05:45:00Z

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
some_key_NAME = "wat"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Implements the TOML test suite interface
This is an implementation of the interface expected by
[toml-test]( for my
[toml parser written in Go](
In particular, it maps TOML data on `stdin` to a JSON format on `stdout`.
Compatible with TOML version
Compatible with `toml-test` version

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
// Command toml-test-decoder satisfies the toml-test interface for testing
// TOML decoders. Namely, it accepts TOML on stdin and outputs JSON on stdout.
package main
import (
func init() {
flag.Usage = usage
func usage() {
log.Printf("Usage: %s < toml-file\n", path.Base(os.Args[0]))
func main() {
if flag.NArg() != 0 {
var tmp interface{}
if _, err := toml.DecodeReader(os.Stdin, &tmp); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error decoding TOML: %s", err)
typedTmp := translate(tmp)
if err := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout).Encode(typedTmp); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error encoding JSON: %s", err)
func translate(tomlData interface{}) interface{} {
switch orig := tomlData.(type) {
case map[string]interface{}:
typed := make(map[string]interface{}, len(orig))
for k, v := range orig {
typed[k] = translate(v)
return typed
case []map[string]interface{}:
typed := make([]map[string]interface{}, len(orig))
for i, v := range orig {
typed[i] = translate(v).(map[string]interface{})
return typed
case []interface{}:
typed := make([]interface{}, len(orig))
for i, v := range orig {
typed[i] = translate(v)
// We don't really need to tag arrays, but let's be future proof.
// (If TOML ever supports tuples, we'll need this.)
return tag("array", typed)
case time.Time:
return tag("datetime", orig.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"))
case bool:
return tag("bool", fmt.Sprintf("%v", orig))
case int64:
return tag("integer", fmt.Sprintf("%d", orig))
case float64:
return tag("float", fmt.Sprintf("%v", orig))
case string:
return tag("string", orig)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown type: %T", tomlData))
func tag(typeName string, data interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{
"type": typeName,
"value": data,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Implements the TOML test suite interface for TOML encoders
This is an implementation of the interface expected by
[toml-test]( for the
[TOML encoder](
In particular, it maps JSON data on `stdin` to a TOML format on `stdout`.
Compatible with TOML version
Compatible with `toml-test` version

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
// Command toml-test-encoder satisfies the toml-test interface for testing
// TOML encoders. Namely, it accepts JSON on stdin and outputs TOML on stdout.
package main
import (
func init() {
flag.Usage = usage
func usage() {
log.Printf("Usage: %s < json-file\n", path.Base(os.Args[0]))
func main() {
if flag.NArg() != 0 {
var tmp interface{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(os.Stdin).Decode(&tmp); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error decoding JSON: %s", err)
tomlData := translate(tmp)
if err := toml.NewEncoder(os.Stdout).Encode(tomlData); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error encoding TOML: %s", err)
func translate(typedJson interface{}) interface{} {
switch v := typedJson.(type) {
case map[string]interface{}:
if len(v) == 2 && in("type", v) && in("value", v) {
return untag(v)
m := make(map[string]interface{}, len(v))
for k, v2 := range v {
m[k] = translate(v2)
return m
case []interface{}:
tabArray := make([]map[string]interface{}, len(v))
for i := range v {
if m, ok := translate(v[i]).(map[string]interface{}); ok {
tabArray[i] = m
} else {
log.Fatalf("JSON arrays may only contain objects. This " +
"corresponds to only tables being allowed in " +
"TOML table arrays.")
return tabArray
log.Fatalf("Unrecognized JSON format '%T'.", typedJson)
func untag(typed map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
t := typed["type"].(string)
v := typed["value"]
switch t {
case "string":
return v.(string)
case "integer":
v := v.(string)
n, err := strconv.Atoi(v)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not parse '%s' as integer: %s", v, err)
return n
case "float":
v := v.(string)
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not parse '%s' as float64: %s", v, err)
return f
case "datetime":
v := v.(string)
t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z", v)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not parse '%s' as a datetime: %s", v, err)
return t
case "bool":
v := v.(string)
switch v {
case "true":
return true
case "false":
return false
log.Fatalf("Could not parse '%s' as a boolean.", v)
case "array":
v := v.([]interface{})
array := make([]interface{}, len(v))
for i := range v {
if m, ok := v[i].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
array[i] = untag(m)
} else {
log.Fatalf("Arrays may only contain other arrays or "+
"primitive values, but found a '%T'.", m)
return array
log.Fatalf("Unrecognized tag type '%s'.", t)
func in(key string, m map[string]interface{}) bool {
_, ok := m[key]
return ok

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# TOML Validator
If Go is installed, it's simple to try it out:
go get
tomlv some-toml-file.toml
You can see the types of every key in a TOML file with:
tomlv -types some-toml-file.toml
At the moment, only one error message is reported at a time. Error messages
include line numbers. No output means that the files given are valid TOML, or
there is a bug in `tomlv`.
Compatible with TOML version

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
// Command tomlv validates TOML documents and prints each key's type.
package main
import (
var (
flagTypes = false
func init() {
flag.BoolVar(&flagTypes, "types", flagTypes,
"When set, the types of every defined key will be shown.")
flag.Usage = usage
func usage() {
log.Printf("Usage: %s toml-file [ toml-file ... ]\n",
func main() {
if flag.NArg() < 1 {
for _, f := range flag.Args() {
var tmp interface{}
md, err := toml.DecodeFile(f, &tmp)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error in '%s': %s", f, err)
if flagTypes {
func printTypes(md toml.MetaData) {
tabw := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 0, 2, ' ', 0)
for _, key := range md.Keys() {
fmt.Fprintf(tabw, "%s%s\t%s\n",
strings.Repeat(" ", len(key)-1), key, md.Type(key...))

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
package toml
import (
func e(format string, args ...interface{}) error {
return fmt.Errorf("toml: "+format, args...)
// Unmarshaler is the interface implemented by objects that can unmarshal a
// TOML description of themselves.
type Unmarshaler interface {
UnmarshalTOML(interface{}) error
// Unmarshal decodes the contents of `p` in TOML format into a pointer `v`.
func Unmarshal(p []byte, v interface{}) error {
_, err := Decode(string(p), v)
return err
// Primitive is a TOML value that hasn't been decoded into a Go value.
// When using the various `Decode*` functions, the type `Primitive` may
// be given to any value, and its decoding will be delayed.
// A `Primitive` value can be decoded using the `PrimitiveDecode` function.
// The underlying representation of a `Primitive` value is subject to change.
// Do not rely on it.
// N.B. Primitive values are still parsed, so using them will only avoid
// the overhead of reflection. They can be useful when you don't know the
// exact type of TOML data until run time.
type Primitive struct {
undecoded interface{}
context Key
// Use MetaData.PrimitiveDecode instead.
func PrimitiveDecode(primValue Primitive, v interface{}) error {
md := MetaData{decoded: make(map[string]bool)}
return md.unify(primValue.undecoded, rvalue(v))
// PrimitiveDecode is just like the other `Decode*` functions, except it
// decodes a TOML value that has already been parsed. Valid primitive values
// can *only* be obtained from values filled by the decoder functions,
// including this method. (i.e., `v` may contain more `Primitive`
// values.)
// Meta data for primitive values is included in the meta data returned by
// the `Decode*` functions with one exception: keys returned by the Undecoded
// method will only reflect keys that were decoded. Namely, any keys hidden
// behind a Primitive will be considered undecoded. Executing this method will
// update the undecoded keys in the meta data. (See the example.)
func (md *MetaData) PrimitiveDecode(primValue Primitive, v interface{}) error {
md.context = primValue.context
defer func() { md.context = nil }()
return md.unify(primValue.undecoded, rvalue(v))
// Decode will decode the contents of `data` in TOML format into a pointer
// `v`.
// TOML hashes correspond to Go structs or maps. (Dealer's choice. They can be
// used interchangeably.)
// TOML arrays of tables correspond to either a slice of structs or a slice
// of maps.
// TOML datetimes correspond to Go `time.Time` values.
// All other TOML types (float, string, int, bool and array) correspond
// to the obvious Go types.
// An exception to the above rules is if a type implements the
// encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface. In this case, any primitive TOML value
// (floats, strings, integers, booleans and datetimes) will be converted to
// a byte string and given to the value's UnmarshalText method. See the
// Unmarshaler example for a demonstration with time duration strings.
// Key mapping
// TOML keys can map to either keys in a Go map or field names in a Go
// struct. The special `toml` struct tag may be used to map TOML keys to
// struct fields that don't match the key name exactly. (See the example.)
// A case insensitive match to struct names will be tried if an exact match
// can't be found.
// The mapping between TOML values and Go values is loose. That is, there
// may exist TOML values that cannot be placed into your representation, and
// there may be parts of your representation that do not correspond to
// TOML values. This loose mapping can be made stricter by using the IsDefined
// and/or Undecoded methods on the MetaData returned.
// This decoder will not handle cyclic types. If a cyclic type is passed,
// `Decode` will not terminate.
func Decode(data string, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return MetaData{}, e("Decode of non-pointer %s", reflect.TypeOf(v))
if rv.IsNil() {
return MetaData{}, e("Decode of nil %s", reflect.TypeOf(v))
p, err := parse(data)
if err != nil {
return MetaData{}, err
md := MetaData{
p.mapping, p.types, p.ordered,
make(map[string]bool, len(p.ordered)), nil,
return md, md.unify(p.mapping, indirect(rv))
// DecodeFile is just like Decode, except it will automatically read the
// contents of the file at `fpath` and decode it for you.
func DecodeFile(fpath string, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) {
bs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fpath)
if err != nil {
return MetaData{}, err
return Decode(string(bs), v)
// DecodeReader is just like Decode, except it will consume all bytes
// from the reader and decode it for you.
func DecodeReader(r io.Reader, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) {
bs, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return MetaData{}, err
return Decode(string(bs), v)
// unify performs a sort of type unification based on the structure of `rv`,
// which is the client representation.
// Any type mismatch produces an error. Finding a type that we don't know
// how to handle produces an unsupported type error.
func (md *MetaData) unify(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
// Special case. Look for a `Primitive` value.
if rv.Type() == reflect.TypeOf((*Primitive)(nil)).Elem() {
// Save the undecoded data and the key context into the primitive
// value.
context := make(Key, len(md.context))
copy(context, md.context)
undecoded: data,
context: context,
return nil
// Special case. Unmarshaler Interface support.
if rv.CanAddr() {
if v, ok := rv.Addr().Interface().(Unmarshaler); ok {
return v.UnmarshalTOML(data)
// Special case. Handle time.Time values specifically.
// TODO: Remove this code when we decide to drop support for Go 1.1.
// This isn't necessary in Go 1.2 because time.Time satisfies the encoding
// interfaces.
if rv.Type().AssignableTo(rvalue(time.Time{}).Type()) {
return md.unifyDatetime(data, rv)
// Special case. Look for a value satisfying the TextUnmarshaler interface.
if v, ok := rv.Interface().(TextUnmarshaler); ok {
return md.unifyText(data, v)
// BUG(burntsushi)
// The behavior here is incorrect whenever a Go type satisfies the
// encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface but also corresponds to a TOML
// hash or array. In particular, the unmarshaler should only be applied
// to primitive TOML values. But at this point, it will be applied to
// all kinds of values and produce an incorrect error whenever those values
// are hashes or arrays (including arrays of tables).
k := rv.Kind()
// laziness
if k >= reflect.Int && k <= reflect.Uint64 {
return md.unifyInt(data, rv)
switch k {
case reflect.Ptr:
elem := reflect.New(rv.Type().Elem())
err := md.unify(data, reflect.Indirect(elem))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
case reflect.Struct:
return md.unifyStruct(data, rv)
case reflect.Map:
return md.unifyMap(data, rv)
case reflect.Array:
return md.unifyArray(data, rv)
case reflect.Slice:
return md.unifySlice(data, rv)
case reflect.String:
return md.unifyString(data, rv)
case reflect.Bool:
return md.unifyBool(data, rv)
case reflect.Interface:
// we only support empty interfaces.
if rv.NumMethod() > 0 {
return e("unsupported type %s", rv.Type())
return md.unifyAnything(data, rv)
case reflect.Float32:
case reflect.Float64:
return md.unifyFloat64(data, rv)
return e("unsupported type %s", rv.Kind())
func (md *MetaData) unifyStruct(mapping interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
tmap, ok := mapping.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
if mapping == nil {
return nil
return e("type mismatch for %s: expected table but found %T",
rv.Type().String(), mapping)
for key, datum := range tmap {
var f *field
fields := cachedTypeFields(rv.Type())
for i := range fields {
ff := &fields[i]
if == key {
f = ff
if f == nil && strings.EqualFold(, key) {
f = ff
if f != nil {
subv := rv
for _, i := range f.index {
subv = indirect(subv.Field(i))
if isUnifiable(subv) {
md.decoded[md.context.add(key).String()] = true
md.context = append(md.context, key)
if err := md.unify(datum, subv); err != nil {
return err
md.context = md.context[0 : len(md.context)-1]
} else if != "" {
// Bad user! No soup for you!
return e("cannot write unexported field %s.%s",
return nil
func (md *MetaData) unifyMap(mapping interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
tmap, ok := mapping.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
if tmap == nil {
return nil
return badtype("map", mapping)
if rv.IsNil() {
for k, v := range tmap {
md.decoded[md.context.add(k).String()] = true
md.context = append(md.context, k)
rvkey := indirect(reflect.New(rv.Type().Key()))
rvval := reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(rv.Type().Elem()))
if err := md.unify(v, rvval); err != nil {
return err
md.context = md.context[0 : len(md.context)-1]
rv.SetMapIndex(rvkey, rvval)
return nil
func (md *MetaData) unifyArray(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
datav := reflect.ValueOf(data)
if datav.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
if !datav.IsValid() {
return nil
return badtype("slice", data)
sliceLen := datav.Len()
if sliceLen != rv.Len() {
return e("expected array length %d; got TOML array of length %d",
rv.Len(), sliceLen)
return md.unifySliceArray(datav, rv)
func (md *MetaData) unifySlice(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
datav := reflect.ValueOf(data)
if datav.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
if !datav.IsValid() {
return nil
return badtype("slice", data)
n := datav.Len()
if rv.IsNil() || rv.Cap() < n {
rv.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(rv.Type(), n, n))
return md.unifySliceArray(datav, rv)
func (md *MetaData) unifySliceArray(data, rv reflect.Value) error {
sliceLen := data.Len()
for i := 0; i < sliceLen; i++ {
v := data.Index(i).Interface()
sliceval := indirect(rv.Index(i))
if err := md.unify(v, sliceval); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (md *MetaData) unifyDatetime(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
if _, ok := data.(time.Time); ok {
return nil
return badtype("time.Time", data)
func (md *MetaData) unifyString(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
if s, ok := data.(string); ok {
return nil
return badtype("string", data)
func (md *MetaData) unifyFloat64(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
if num, ok := data.(float64); ok {
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Float32:
case reflect.Float64:
return nil
return badtype("float", data)
func (md *MetaData) unifyInt(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
if num, ok := data.(int64); ok {
if rv.Kind() >= reflect.Int && rv.Kind() <= reflect.Int64 {
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int64:
// No bounds checking necessary.
case reflect.Int8:
if num < math.MinInt8 || num > math.MaxInt8 {
return e("value %d is out of range for int8", num)
case reflect.Int16:
if num < math.MinInt16 || num > math.MaxInt16 {
return e("value %d is out of range for int16", num)
case reflect.Int32:
if num < math.MinInt32 || num > math.MaxInt32 {
return e("value %d is out of range for int32", num)
} else if rv.Kind() >= reflect.Uint && rv.Kind() <= reflect.Uint64 {
unum := uint64(num)
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint64:
// No bounds checking necessary.
case reflect.Uint8:
if num < 0 || unum > math.MaxUint8 {
return e("value %d is out of range for uint8", num)
case reflect.Uint16:
if num < 0 || unum > math.MaxUint16 {
return e("value %d is out of range for uint16", num)
case reflect.Uint32:
if num < 0 || unum > math.MaxUint32 {
return e("value %d is out of range for uint32", num)
} else {
return nil
return badtype("integer", data)
func (md *MetaData) unifyBool(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
if b, ok := data.(bool); ok {
return nil
return badtype("boolean", data)
func (md *MetaData) unifyAnything(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error {
return nil
func (md *MetaData) unifyText(data interface{}, v TextUnmarshaler) error {
var s string
switch sdata := data.(type) {
case TextMarshaler:
text, err := sdata.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
return err
s = string(text)
case fmt.Stringer:
s = sdata.String()
case string:
s = sdata
case bool:
s = fmt.Sprintf("%v", sdata)
case int64:
s = fmt.Sprintf("%d", sdata)
case float64:
s = fmt.Sprintf("%f", sdata)
return badtype("primitive (string-like)", data)
if err := v.UnmarshalText([]byte(s)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// rvalue returns a reflect.Value of `v`. All pointers are resolved.
func rvalue(v interface{}) reflect.Value {
return indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v))
// indirect returns the value pointed to by a pointer.
// Pointers are followed until the value is not a pointer.
// New values are allocated for each nil pointer.
// An exception to this rule is if the value satisfies an interface of
// interest to us (like encoding.TextUnmarshaler).
func indirect(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
if v.CanSet() {
pv := v.Addr()
if _, ok := pv.Interface().(TextUnmarshaler); ok {
return pv
return v
if v.IsNil() {
return indirect(reflect.Indirect(v))
func isUnifiable(rv reflect.Value) bool {
if rv.CanSet() {
return true
if _, ok := rv.Interface().(TextUnmarshaler); ok {
return true
return false
func badtype(expected string, data interface{}) error {
return e("cannot load TOML value of type %T into a Go %s", data, expected)

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
package toml
import "strings"
// MetaData allows access to meta information about TOML data that may not
// be inferrable via reflection. In particular, whether a key has been defined
// and the TOML type of a key.
type MetaData struct {
mapping map[string]interface{}
types map[string]tomlType
keys []Key
decoded map[string]bool
context Key // Used only during decoding.
// IsDefined returns true if the key given exists in the TOML data. The key
// should be specified hierarchially. e.g.,
// // access the TOML key 'a.b.c'
// IsDefined("a", "b", "c")
// IsDefined will return false if an empty key given. Keys are case sensitive.
func (md *MetaData) IsDefined(key ...string) bool {
if len(key) == 0 {
return false
var hash map[string]interface{}
var ok bool
var hashOrVal interface{} = md.mapping
for _, k := range key {
if hash, ok = hashOrVal.(map[string]interface{}); !ok {
return false
if hashOrVal, ok = hash[k]; !ok {
return false
return true
// Type returns a string representation of the type of the key specified.
// Type will return the empty string if given an empty key or a key that
// does not exist. Keys are case sensitive.
func (md *MetaData) Type(key ...string) string {
fullkey := strings.Join(key, ".")
if typ, ok := md.types[fullkey]; ok {
return typ.typeString()
return ""
// Key is the type of any TOML key, including key groups. Use (MetaData).Keys
// to get values of this type.
type Key []string
func (k Key) String() string {
return strings.Join(k, ".")
func (k Key) maybeQuotedAll() string {
var ss []string
for i := range k {
ss = append(ss, k.maybeQuoted(i))
return strings.Join(ss, ".")
func (k Key) maybeQuoted(i int) string {
quote := false
for _, c := range k[i] {
if !isBareKeyChar(c) {
quote = true
if quote {
return "\"" + strings.Replace(k[i], "\"", "\\\"", -1) + "\""
return k[i]
func (k Key) add(piece string) Key {
newKey := make(Key, len(k)+1)
copy(newKey, k)
newKey[len(k)] = piece
return newKey
// Keys returns a slice of every key in the TOML data, including key groups.
// Each key is itself a slice, where the first element is the top of the
// hierarchy and the last is the most specific.
// The list will have the same order as the keys appeared in the TOML data.
// All keys returned are non-empty.
func (md *MetaData) Keys() []Key {
return md.keys
// Undecoded returns all keys that have not been decoded in the order in which
// they appear in the original TOML document.
// This includes keys that haven't been decoded because of a Primitive value.
// Once the Primitive value is decoded, the keys will be considered decoded.
// Also note that decoding into an empty interface will result in no decoding,
// and so no keys will be considered decoded.
// In this sense, the Undecoded keys correspond to keys in the TOML document
// that do not have a concrete type in your representation.
func (md *MetaData) Undecoded() []Key {
undecoded := make([]Key, 0, len(md.keys))
for _, key := range md.keys {
if !md.decoded[key.String()] {
undecoded = append(undecoded, key)
return undecoded

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Package toml provides facilities for decoding and encoding TOML configuration
files via reflection. There is also support for delaying decoding with
the Primitive type, and querying the set of keys in a TOML document with the
MetaData type.
The specification implemented:
The sub-command can be used to verify
whether a file is a valid TOML document. It can also be used to print the
type of each key in a TOML document.
There are two important types of tests used for this package. The first is
contained inside '*_test.go' files and uses the standard Go unit testing
framework. These tests are primarily devoted to holistically testing the
decoder and encoder.
The second type of testing is used to verify the implementation's adherence
to the TOML specification. These tests have been factored into their own
The reason the tests are in a separate project is so that they can be used by
any implementation of TOML. Namely, it is language agnostic.
package toml

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@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
package toml
import (
type tomlEncodeError struct{ error }
var (
errArrayMixedElementTypes = errors.New(
"toml: cannot encode array with mixed element types")
errArrayNilElement = errors.New(
"toml: cannot encode array with nil element")
errNonString = errors.New(
"toml: cannot encode a map with non-string key type")
errAnonNonStruct = errors.New(
"toml: cannot encode an anonymous field that is not a struct")
errArrayNoTable = errors.New(
"toml: TOML array element cannot contain a table")
errNoKey = errors.New(
"toml: top-level values must be Go maps or structs")
errAnything = errors.New("") // used in testing
var quotedReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(
"\t", "\\t",
"\n", "\\n",
"\r", "\\r",
"\"", "\\\"",
"\\", "\\\\",
// Encoder controls the encoding of Go values to a TOML document to some
// io.Writer.
// The indentation level can be controlled with the Indent field.
type Encoder struct {
// A single indentation level. By default it is two spaces.
Indent string
// hasWritten is whether we have written any output to w yet.
hasWritten bool
w *bufio.Writer
// NewEncoder returns a TOML encoder that encodes Go values to the io.Writer
// given. By default, a single indentation level is 2 spaces.
func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder {
return &Encoder{
w: bufio.NewWriter(w),
Indent: " ",
// Encode writes a TOML representation of the Go value to the underlying
// io.Writer. If the value given cannot be encoded to a valid TOML document,
// then an error is returned.
// The mapping between Go values and TOML values should be precisely the same
// as for the Decode* functions. Similarly, the TextMarshaler interface is
// supported by encoding the resulting bytes as strings. (If you want to write
// arbitrary binary data then you will need to use something like base64 since
// TOML does not have any binary types.)
// When encoding TOML hashes (i.e., Go maps or structs), keys without any
// sub-hashes are encoded first.
// If a Go map is encoded, then its keys are sorted alphabetically for
// deterministic output. More control over this behavior may be provided if
// there is demand for it.
// Encoding Go values without a corresponding TOML representation---like map
// types with non-string keys---will cause an error to be returned. Similarly
// for mixed arrays/slices, arrays/slices with nil elements, embedded
// non-struct types and nested slices containing maps or structs.
// (e.g., [][]map[string]string is not allowed but []map[string]string is OK
// and so is []map[string][]string.)
func (enc *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) error {
rv := eindirect(reflect.ValueOf(v))
if err := enc.safeEncode(Key([]string{}), rv); err != nil {
return err
return enc.w.Flush()
func (enc *Encoder) safeEncode(key Key, rv reflect.Value) (err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
if terr, ok := r.(tomlEncodeError); ok {
err = terr.error
enc.encode(key, rv)
return nil
func (enc *Encoder) encode(key Key, rv reflect.Value) {
// Special case. Time needs to be in ISO8601 format.
// Special case. If we can marshal the type to text, then we used that.
// Basically, this prevents the encoder for handling these types as
// generic structs (or whatever the underlying type of a TextMarshaler is).
switch rv.Interface().(type) {
case time.Time, TextMarshaler:
enc.keyEqElement(key, rv)
k := rv.Kind()
switch k {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32,
reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32,
reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.String, reflect.Bool:
enc.keyEqElement(key, rv)
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
if typeEqual(tomlArrayHash, tomlTypeOfGo(rv)) {
enc.eArrayOfTables(key, rv)
} else {
enc.keyEqElement(key, rv)
case reflect.Interface:
if rv.IsNil() {
enc.encode(key, rv.Elem())
case reflect.Map:
if rv.IsNil() {
enc.eTable(key, rv)
case reflect.Ptr:
if rv.IsNil() {
enc.encode(key, rv.Elem())
case reflect.Struct:
enc.eTable(key, rv)
panic(e("unsupported type for key '%s': %s", key, k))
// eElement encodes any value that can be an array element (primitives and
// arrays).
func (enc *Encoder) eElement(rv reflect.Value) {
switch v := rv.Interface().(type) {
case time.Time:
// Special case time.Time as a primitive. Has to come before
// TextMarshaler below because time.Time implements
// encoding.TextMarshaler, but we need to always use UTC."2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"))
case TextMarshaler:
// Special case. Use text marshaler if it's available for this value.
if s, err := v.MarshalText(); err != nil {
} else {
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32,
reflect.Int64:, 10))
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16,
reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:, 10))
case reflect.Float32:, 'f', -1, 32)))
case reflect.Float64:, 'f', -1, 64)))
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
case reflect.Interface:
case reflect.String:
panic(e("unexpected primitive type: %s", rv.Kind()))
// By the TOML spec, all floats must have a decimal with at least one
// number on either side.
func floatAddDecimal(fstr string) string {
if !strings.Contains(fstr, ".") {
return fstr + ".0"
return fstr
func (enc *Encoder) writeQuoted(s string) {"\"%s\"", quotedReplacer.Replace(s))
func (enc *Encoder) eArrayOrSliceElement(rv reflect.Value) {
length := rv.Len()"[")
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
elem := rv.Index(i)
if i != length-1 {", ")
func (enc *Encoder) eArrayOfTables(key Key, rv reflect.Value) {
if len(key) == 0 {
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
trv := rv.Index(i)
if isNil(trv) {
enc.newline()"%s[[%s]]", enc.indentStr(key), key.maybeQuotedAll())
enc.eMapOrStruct(key, trv)
func (enc *Encoder) eTable(key Key, rv reflect.Value) {
if len(key) == 1 {
// Output an extra newline between top-level tables.
// (The newline isn't written if nothing else has been written though.)
if len(key) > 0 {"%s[%s]", enc.indentStr(key), key.maybeQuotedAll())
enc.eMapOrStruct(key, rv)
func (enc *Encoder) eMapOrStruct(key Key, rv reflect.Value) {
switch rv := eindirect(rv); rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
enc.eMap(key, rv)
case reflect.Struct:
enc.eStruct(key, rv)
panic("eTable: unhandled reflect.Value Kind: " + rv.Kind().String())
func (enc *Encoder) eMap(key Key, rv reflect.Value) {
rt := rv.Type()
if rt.Key().Kind() != reflect.String {
// Sort keys so that we have deterministic output. And write keys directly
// underneath this key first, before writing sub-structs or sub-maps.
var mapKeysDirect, mapKeysSub []string
for _, mapKey := range rv.MapKeys() {
k := mapKey.String()
if typeIsHash(tomlTypeOfGo(rv.MapIndex(mapKey))) {
mapKeysSub = append(mapKeysSub, k)
} else {
mapKeysDirect = append(mapKeysDirect, k)
var writeMapKeys = func(mapKeys []string) {
for _, mapKey := range mapKeys {
mrv := rv.MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(mapKey))
if isNil(mrv) {
// Don't write anything for nil fields.
enc.encode(key.add(mapKey), mrv)
func (enc *Encoder) eStruct(key Key, rv reflect.Value) {
// Write keys for fields directly under this key first, because if we write
// a field that creates a new table, then all keys under it will be in that
// table (not the one we're writing here).
rt := rv.Type()
var fieldsDirect, fieldsSub [][]int
var addFields func(rt reflect.Type, rv reflect.Value, start []int)
addFields = func(rt reflect.Type, rv reflect.Value, start []int) {
for i := 0; i < rt.NumField(); i++ {
f := rt.Field(i)
// skip unexported fields
if f.PkgPath != "" && !f.Anonymous {
frv := rv.Field(i)
if f.Anonymous {
t := f.Type
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
// Treat anonymous struct fields with
// tag names as though they are not
// anonymous, like encoding/json does.
if getOptions(f.Tag).name == "" {
addFields(t, frv, f.Index)
case reflect.Ptr:
if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct &&
getOptions(f.Tag).name == "" {
if !frv.IsNil() {
addFields(t.Elem(), frv.Elem(), f.Index)
// Fall through to the normal field encoding logic below
// for non-struct anonymous fields.
if typeIsHash(tomlTypeOfGo(frv)) {
fieldsSub = append(fieldsSub, append(start, f.Index...))
} else {
fieldsDirect = append(fieldsDirect, append(start, f.Index...))
addFields(rt, rv, nil)
var writeFields = func(fields [][]int) {
for _, fieldIndex := range fields {
sft := rt.FieldByIndex(fieldIndex)
sf := rv.FieldByIndex(fieldIndex)
if isNil(sf) {
// Don't write anything for nil fields.
opts := getOptions(sft.Tag)
if opts.skip {
keyName := sft.Name
if != "" {
keyName =
if opts.omitempty && isEmpty(sf) {
if opts.omitzero && isZero(sf) {
enc.encode(key.add(keyName), sf)
// tomlTypeName returns the TOML type name of the Go value's type. It is
// used to determine whether the types of array elements are mixed (which is
// forbidden). If the Go value is nil, then it is illegal for it to be an array
// element, and valueIsNil is returned as true.
// Returns the TOML type of a Go value. The type may be `nil`, which means
// no concrete TOML type could be found.
func tomlTypeOfGo(rv reflect.Value) tomlType {
if isNil(rv) || !rv.IsValid() {
return nil
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
return tomlBool
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32,
reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32,
return tomlInteger
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return tomlFloat
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
if typeEqual(tomlHash, tomlArrayType(rv)) {
return tomlArrayHash
return tomlArray
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface:
return tomlTypeOfGo(rv.Elem())
case reflect.String:
return tomlString
case reflect.Map:
return tomlHash
case reflect.Struct:
switch rv.Interface().(type) {
case time.Time:
return tomlDatetime
case TextMarshaler:
return tomlString
return tomlHash
panic("unexpected reflect.Kind: " + rv.Kind().String())
// tomlArrayType returns the element type of a TOML array. The type returned
// may be nil if it cannot be determined (e.g., a nil slice or a zero length
// slize). This function may also panic if it finds a type that cannot be
// expressed in TOML (such as nil elements, heterogeneous arrays or directly
// nested arrays of tables).
func tomlArrayType(rv reflect.Value) tomlType {
if isNil(rv) || !rv.IsValid() || rv.Len() == 0 {
return nil
firstType := tomlTypeOfGo(rv.Index(0))
if firstType == nil {
rvlen := rv.Len()
for i := 1; i < rvlen; i++ {
elem := rv.Index(i)
switch elemType := tomlTypeOfGo(elem); {
case elemType == nil:
case !typeEqual(firstType, elemType):
// If we have a nested array, then we must make sure that the nested
// array contains ONLY primitives.
// This checks arbitrarily nested arrays.
if typeEqual(firstType, tomlArray) || typeEqual(firstType, tomlArrayHash) {
nest := tomlArrayType(eindirect(rv.Index(0)))
if typeEqual(nest, tomlHash) || typeEqual(nest, tomlArrayHash) {
return firstType
type tagOptions struct {
skip bool // "-"
name string
omitempty bool
omitzero bool
func getOptions(tag reflect.StructTag) tagOptions {
t := tag.Get("toml")
if t == "-" {
return tagOptions{skip: true}
var opts tagOptions
parts := strings.Split(t, ",") = parts[0]
for _, s := range parts[1:] {
switch s {
case "omitempty":
opts.omitempty = true
case "omitzero":
opts.omitzero = true
return opts
func isZero(rv reflect.Value) bool {
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
return rv.Int() == 0
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
return rv.Uint() == 0
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return rv.Float() == 0.0
return false
func isEmpty(rv reflect.Value) bool {
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map, reflect.String:
return rv.Len() == 0
case reflect.Bool:
return !rv.Bool()
return false
func (enc *Encoder) newline() {
if enc.hasWritten {"\n")
func (enc *Encoder) keyEqElement(key Key, val reflect.Value) {
if len(key) == 0 {
panicIfInvalidKey(key)"%s%s = ", enc.indentStr(key), key.maybeQuoted(len(key)-1))
func (enc *Encoder) wf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(enc.w, format, v...); err != nil {
enc.hasWritten = true
func (enc *Encoder) indentStr(key Key) string {
return strings.Repeat(enc.Indent, len(key)-1)
func encPanic(err error) {
func eindirect(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface:
return eindirect(v.Elem())
return v
func isNil(rv reflect.Value) bool {
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Interface, reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice:
return rv.IsNil()
return false
func panicIfInvalidKey(key Key) {
for _, k := range key {
if len(k) == 0 {
encPanic(e("Key '%s' is not a valid table name. Key names "+
"cannot be empty.", key.maybeQuotedAll()))
func isValidKeyName(s string) bool {
return len(s) != 0

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
package toml
import (
func TestEncodeRoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
type Config struct {
Age int
Cats []string
Pi float64
Perfection []int
DOB time.Time
Ipaddress net.IP
var inputs = Config{
[]string{"one", "two", "three"},
[]int{11, 2, 3, 4},
var firstBuffer bytes.Buffer
e := NewEncoder(&firstBuffer)
err := e.Encode(inputs)
if err != nil {
var outputs Config
if _, err := Decode(firstBuffer.String(), &outputs); err != nil {
t.Logf("Could not decode:\n-----\n%s\n-----\n",
// could test each value individually, but I'm lazy
var secondBuffer bytes.Buffer
e2 := NewEncoder(&secondBuffer)
err = e2.Encode(outputs)
if err != nil {
if firstBuffer.String() != secondBuffer.String() {
"\n\n is not identical to\n\n",
// XXX(burntsushi)
// I think these tests probably should be removed. They are good, but they
// ought to be obsolete by toml-test.
func TestEncode(t *testing.T) {
type Embedded struct {
Int int `toml:"_int"`
type NonStruct int
date := time.Date(2014, 5, 11, 20, 30, 40, 0, time.FixedZone("IST", 3600))
dateStr := "2014-05-11T19:30:40Z"
tests := map[string]struct {
input interface{}
wantOutput string
wantError error
"bool field": {
input: struct {
BoolTrue bool
BoolFalse bool
}{true, false},
wantOutput: "BoolTrue = true\nBoolFalse = false\n",
"int fields": {
input: struct {
Int int
Int8 int8
Int16 int16
Int32 int32
Int64 int64
}{1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
wantOutput: "Int = 1\nInt8 = 2\nInt16 = 3\nInt32 = 4\nInt64 = 5\n",
"uint fields": {
input: struct {
Uint uint
Uint8 uint8
Uint16 uint16
Uint32 uint32
Uint64 uint64
}{1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
wantOutput: "Uint = 1\nUint8 = 2\nUint16 = 3\nUint32 = 4" +
"\nUint64 = 5\n",
"float fields": {
input: struct {
Float32 float32
Float64 float64
}{1.5, 2.5},
wantOutput: "Float32 = 1.5\nFloat64 = 2.5\n",
"string field": {
input: struct{ String string }{"foo"},
wantOutput: "String = \"foo\"\n",
"string field and unexported field": {
input: struct {
String string
unexported int
}{"foo", 0},
wantOutput: "String = \"foo\"\n",
"datetime field in UTC": {
input: struct{ Date time.Time }{date},
wantOutput: fmt.Sprintf("Date = %s\n", dateStr),
"datetime field as primitive": {
// Using a map here to fail if isStructOrMap() returns true for
// time.Time.
input: map[string]interface{}{
"Date": date,
"Int": 1,
wantOutput: fmt.Sprintf("Date = %s\nInt = 1\n", dateStr),
"array fields": {
input: struct {
IntArray0 [0]int
IntArray3 [3]int
}{[0]int{}, [3]int{1, 2, 3}},
wantOutput: "IntArray0 = []\nIntArray3 = [1, 2, 3]\n",
"slice fields": {
input: struct{ IntSliceNil, IntSlice0, IntSlice3 []int }{
nil, []int{}, []int{1, 2, 3},
wantOutput: "IntSlice0 = []\nIntSlice3 = [1, 2, 3]\n",
"datetime slices": {
input: struct{ DatetimeSlice []time.Time }{
[]time.Time{date, date},
wantOutput: fmt.Sprintf("DatetimeSlice = [%s, %s]\n",
dateStr, dateStr),
"nested arrays and slices": {
input: struct {
SliceOfArrays [][2]int
ArrayOfSlices [2][]int
SliceOfArraysOfSlices [][2][]int
ArrayOfSlicesOfArrays [2][][2]int
SliceOfMixedArrays [][2]interface{}
ArrayOfMixedSlices [2][]interface{}
[][2]int{{1, 2}, {3, 4}},
[2][]int{{1, 2}, {3, 4}},
{1, 2}, {3, 4},
{5, 6}, {7, 8},
{1, 2}, {3, 4},
{5, 6}, {7, 8},
{1, 2}, {"a", "b"},
{1, 2}, {"a", "b"},
wantOutput: `SliceOfArrays = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
ArrayOfSlices = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
SliceOfArraysOfSlices = [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]
ArrayOfSlicesOfArrays = [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]
SliceOfMixedArrays = [[1, 2], ["a", "b"]]
ArrayOfMixedSlices = [[1, 2], ["a", "b"]]
"empty slice": {
input: struct{ Empty []interface{} }{[]interface{}{}},
wantOutput: "Empty = []\n",
"(error) slice with element type mismatch (string and integer)": {
input: struct{ Mixed []interface{} }{[]interface{}{1, "a"}},
wantError: errArrayMixedElementTypes,
"(error) slice with element type mismatch (integer and float)": {
input: struct{ Mixed []interface{} }{[]interface{}{1, 2.5}},
wantError: errArrayMixedElementTypes,
"slice with elems of differing Go types, same TOML types": {
input: struct {
MixedInts []interface{}
MixedFloats []interface{}
int(1), int8(2), int16(3), int32(4), int64(5),
uint(1), uint8(2), uint16(3), uint32(4), uint64(5),
[]interface{}{float32(1.5), float64(2.5)},
wantOutput: "MixedInts = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n" +
"MixedFloats = [1.5, 2.5]\n",
"(error) slice w/ element type mismatch (one is nested array)": {
input: struct{ Mixed []interface{} }{
[]interface{}{1, []interface{}{2}},
wantError: errArrayMixedElementTypes,
"(error) slice with 1 nil element": {
input: struct{ NilElement1 []interface{} }{[]interface{}{nil}},
wantError: errArrayNilElement,
"(error) slice with 1 nil element (and other non-nil elements)": {
input: struct{ NilElement []interface{} }{
[]interface{}{1, nil},
wantError: errArrayNilElement,
"simple map": {
input: map[string]int{"a": 1, "b": 2},
wantOutput: "a = 1\nb = 2\n",
"map with interface{} value type": {
input: map[string]interface{}{"a": 1, "b": "c"},
wantOutput: "a = 1\nb = \"c\"\n",
"map with interface{} value type, some of which are structs": {
input: map[string]interface{}{
"a": struct{ Int int }{2},
"b": 1,
wantOutput: "b = 1\n\n[a]\n Int = 2\n",
"nested map": {
input: map[string]map[string]int{
"a": {"b": 1},
"c": {"d": 2},
wantOutput: "[a]\n b = 1\n\n[c]\n d = 2\n",
"nested struct": {
input: struct{ Struct struct{ Int int } }{
struct{ Int int }{1},
wantOutput: "[Struct]\n Int = 1\n",
"nested struct and non-struct field": {
input: struct {
Struct struct{ Int int }
Bool bool
}{struct{ Int int }{1}, true},
wantOutput: "Bool = true\n\n[Struct]\n Int = 1\n",
"2 nested structs": {
input: struct{ Struct1, Struct2 struct{ Int int } }{
struct{ Int int }{1}, struct{ Int int }{2},
wantOutput: "[Struct1]\n Int = 1\n\n[Struct2]\n Int = 2\n",
"deeply nested structs": {
input: struct {
Struct1, Struct2 struct{ Struct3 *struct{ Int int } }
struct{ Struct3 *struct{ Int int } }{&struct{ Int int }{1}},
struct{ Struct3 *struct{ Int int } }{nil},
wantOutput: "[Struct1]\n [Struct1.Struct3]\n Int = 1" +
"nested struct with nil struct elem": {
input: struct {
Struct struct{ Inner *struct{ Int int } }
struct{ Inner *struct{ Int int } }{nil},
wantOutput: "[Struct]\n",
"nested struct with no fields": {
input: struct {
Struct struct{ Inner struct{} }
struct{ Inner struct{} }{struct{}{}},
wantOutput: "[Struct]\n [Struct.Inner]\n",
"struct with tags": {
input: struct {
Struct struct {
Int int `toml:"_int"`
} `toml:"_struct"`
Bool bool `toml:"_bool"`
struct {
Int int `toml:"_int"`
}{1}, true,
wantOutput: "_bool = true\n\n[_struct]\n _int = 1\n",
"embedded struct": {
input: struct{ Embedded }{Embedded{1}},
wantOutput: "_int = 1\n",
"embedded *struct": {
input: struct{ *Embedded }{&Embedded{1}},
wantOutput: "_int = 1\n",
"nested embedded struct": {
input: struct {
Struct struct{ Embedded } `toml:"_struct"`
}{struct{ Embedded }{Embedded{1}}},
wantOutput: "[_struct]\n _int = 1\n",
"nested embedded *struct": {
input: struct {
Struct struct{ *Embedded } `toml:"_struct"`
}{struct{ *Embedded }{&Embedded{1}}},
wantOutput: "[_struct]\n _int = 1\n",
"embedded non-struct": {
input: struct{ NonStruct }{5},
wantOutput: "NonStruct = 5\n",
"array of tables": {
input: struct {
Structs []*struct{ Int int } `toml:"struct"`
[]*struct{ Int int }{{1}, {3}},
wantOutput: "[[struct]]\n Int = 1\n\n[[struct]]\n Int = 3\n",
"array of tables order": {
input: map[string]interface{}{
"map": map[string]interface{}{
"zero": 5,
"arr": []map[string]int{
"friend": 5,
wantOutput: "[map]\n zero = 5\n\n [[map.arr]]\n friend = 5\n",
"(error) top-level slice": {
input: []struct{ Int int }{{1}, {2}, {3}},
wantError: errNoKey,
"(error) slice of slice": {
input: struct {
Slices [][]struct{ Int int }
[][]struct{ Int int }{{{1}}, {{2}}, {{3}}},
wantError: errArrayNoTable,
"(error) map no string key": {
input: map[int]string{1: ""},
wantError: errNonString,
"(error) empty key name": {
input: map[string]int{"": 1},
wantError: errAnything,
"(error) empty map name": {
input: map[string]interface{}{
"": map[string]int{"v": 1},
wantError: errAnything,
for label, test := range tests {
encodeExpected(t, label, test.input, test.wantOutput, test.wantError)
func TestEncodeNestedTableArrays(t *testing.T) {
type song struct {
Name string `toml:"name"`
type album struct {
Name string `toml:"name"`
Songs []song `toml:"songs"`
type springsteen struct {
Albums []album `toml:"albums"`
value := springsteen{
{"Born to Run",
[]song{{"Jungleland"}, {"Meeting Across the River"}}},
{"Born in the USA",
[]song{{"Glory Days"}, {"Dancing in the Dark"}}},
expected := `[[albums]]
name = "Born to Run"
name = "Jungleland"
name = "Meeting Across the River"
name = "Born in the USA"
name = "Glory Days"
name = "Dancing in the Dark"
encodeExpected(t, "nested table arrays", value, expected, nil)
func TestEncodeArrayHashWithNormalHashOrder(t *testing.T) {
type Alpha struct {
V int
type Beta struct {
V int
type Conf struct {
V int
A Alpha
B []Beta
val := Conf{
V: 1,
A: Alpha{2},
B: []Beta{{3}},
expected := "V = 1\n\n[A]\n V = 2\n\n[[B]]\n V = 3\n"
encodeExpected(t, "array hash with normal hash order", val, expected, nil)
func TestEncodeWithOmitEmpty(t *testing.T) {
type simple struct {
Bool bool `toml:"bool,omitempty"`
String string `toml:"string,omitempty"`
Array [0]byte `toml:"array,omitempty"`
Slice []int `toml:"slice,omitempty"`
Map map[string]string `toml:"map,omitempty"`
var v simple
encodeExpected(t, "fields with omitempty are omitted when empty", v, "", nil)
v = simple{
Bool: true,
String: " ",
Slice: []int{2, 3, 4},
Map: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
expected := `bool = true
string = " "
slice = [2, 3, 4]
foo = "bar"
encodeExpected(t, "fields with omitempty are not omitted when non-empty",
v, expected, nil)
func TestEncodeWithOmitZero(t *testing.T) {
type simple struct {
Number int `toml:"number,omitzero"`
Real float64 `toml:"real,omitzero"`
Unsigned uint `toml:"unsigned,omitzero"`
value := simple{0, 0.0, uint(0)}
expected := ""
encodeExpected(t, "simple with omitzero, all zero", value, expected, nil)
value.Number = 10
value.Real = 20
value.Unsigned = 5
expected = `number = 10
real = 20.0
unsigned = 5
encodeExpected(t, "simple with omitzero, non-zero", value, expected, nil)
func TestEncodeOmitemptyWithEmptyName(t *testing.T) {
type simple struct {
S []int `toml:",omitempty"`
v := simple{[]int{1, 2, 3}}
expected := "S = [1, 2, 3]\n"
encodeExpected(t, "simple with omitempty, no name, non-empty field",
v, expected, nil)
func TestEncodeAnonymousStruct(t *testing.T) {
type Inner struct{ N int }
type Outer0 struct{ Inner }
type Outer1 struct {
Inner `toml:"inner"`
v0 := Outer0{Inner{3}}
expected := "N = 3\n"
encodeExpected(t, "embedded anonymous untagged struct", v0, expected, nil)
v1 := Outer1{Inner{3}}
expected = "[inner]\n N = 3\n"
encodeExpected(t, "embedded anonymous tagged struct", v1, expected, nil)
func TestEncodeAnonymousStructPointerField(t *testing.T) {
type Inner struct{ N int }
type Outer0 struct{ *Inner }
type Outer1 struct {
*Inner `toml:"inner"`
v0 := Outer0{}
expected := ""
encodeExpected(t, "nil anonymous untagged struct pointer field", v0, expected, nil)
v0 = Outer0{&Inner{3}}
expected = "N = 3\n"
encodeExpected(t, "non-nil anonymous untagged struct pointer field", v0, expected, nil)
v1 := Outer1{}
expected = ""
encodeExpected(t, "nil anonymous tagged struct pointer field", v1, expected, nil)
v1 = Outer1{&Inner{3}}
expected = "[inner]\n N = 3\n"
encodeExpected(t, "non-nil anonymous tagged struct pointer field", v1, expected, nil)
func TestEncodeIgnoredFields(t *testing.T) {
type simple struct {
Number int `toml:"-"`
value := simple{}
expected := ""
encodeExpected(t, "ignored field", value, expected, nil)
func encodeExpected(
t *testing.T, label string, val interface{}, wantStr string, wantErr error,
) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
enc := NewEncoder(&buf)
err := enc.Encode(val)
if err != wantErr {
if wantErr != nil {
if wantErr == errAnything && err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: want Encode error %v, got %v", label, wantErr, err)
} else {
t.Errorf("%s: Encode failed: %s", label, err)
if err != nil {
if got := buf.String(); wantStr != got {
t.Errorf("%s: want\n-----\n%q\n-----\nbut got\n-----\n%q\n-----\n",
label, wantStr, got)
func ExampleEncoder_Encode() {
date, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC822, "14 Mar 10 18:00 UTC")
var config = map[string]interface{}{
"date": date,
"counts": []int{1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8},
"hash": map[string]string{
"key1": "val1",
"key2": "val2",
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := NewEncoder(buf).Encode(config); err != nil {
// Output:
// counts = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]
// date = 2010-03-14T18:00:00Z
// [hash]
// key1 = "val1"
// key2 = "val2"

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// +build go1.2
package toml
// In order to support Go 1.1, we define our own TextMarshaler and
// TextUnmarshaler types. For Go 1.2+, we just alias them with the
// standard library interfaces.
import (
// TextMarshaler is a synonym for encoding.TextMarshaler. It is defined here
// so that Go 1.1 can be supported.
type TextMarshaler encoding.TextMarshaler
// TextUnmarshaler is a synonym for encoding.TextUnmarshaler. It is defined
// here so that Go 1.1 can be supported.
type TextUnmarshaler encoding.TextUnmarshaler

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// +build !go1.2
package toml
// These interfaces were introduced in Go 1.2, so we add them manually when
// compiling for Go 1.1.
// TextMarshaler is a synonym for encoding.TextMarshaler. It is defined here
// so that Go 1.1 can be supported.
type TextMarshaler interface {
MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
// TextUnmarshaler is a synonym for encoding.TextUnmarshaler. It is defined
// here so that Go 1.1 can be supported.
type TextUnmarshaler interface {
UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,953 @@
package toml
import (
type itemType int
const (
itemError itemType = iota
itemNIL // used in the parser to indicate no type
itemArray // the start of an array
const (
eof = 0
comma = ','
tableStart = '['
tableEnd = ']'
arrayTableStart = '['
arrayTableEnd = ']'
tableSep = '.'
keySep = '='
arrayStart = '['
arrayEnd = ']'
commentStart = '#'
stringStart = '"'
stringEnd = '"'
rawStringStart = '\''
rawStringEnd = '\''
inlineTableStart = '{'
inlineTableEnd = '}'
type stateFn func(lx *lexer) stateFn
type lexer struct {
input string
start int
pos int
line int
state stateFn
items chan item
// Allow for backing up up to three runes.
// This is necessary because TOML contains 3-rune tokens (""" and ''').
prevWidths [3]int
nprev int // how many of prevWidths are in use
// If we emit an eof, we can still back up, but it is not OK to call
// next again.
atEOF bool
// A stack of state functions used to maintain context.
// The idea is to reuse parts of the state machine in various places.
// For example, values can appear at the top level or within arbitrarily
// nested arrays. The last state on the stack is used after a value has
// been lexed. Similarly for comments.
stack []stateFn
type item struct {
typ itemType
val string
line int
func (lx *lexer) nextItem() item {
for {
select {
case item := <-lx.items:
return item
lx.state = lx.state(lx)
func lex(input string) *lexer {
lx := &lexer{
input: input,
state: lexTop,
line: 1,
items: make(chan item, 10),
stack: make([]stateFn, 0, 10),
return lx
func (lx *lexer) push(state stateFn) {
lx.stack = append(lx.stack, state)
func (lx *lexer) pop() stateFn {
if len(lx.stack) == 0 {
return lx.errorf("BUG in lexer: no states to pop")
last := lx.stack[len(lx.stack)-1]
lx.stack = lx.stack[0 : len(lx.stack)-1]
return last
func (lx *lexer) current() string {
return lx.input[lx.start:lx.pos]
func (lx *lexer) emit(typ itemType) {
lx.items <- item{typ, lx.current(), lx.line}
lx.start = lx.pos
func (lx *lexer) emitTrim(typ itemType) {
lx.items <- item{typ, strings.TrimSpace(lx.current()), lx.line}
lx.start = lx.pos
func (lx *lexer) next() (r rune) {
if lx.atEOF {
panic("next called after EOF")
if lx.pos >= len(lx.input) {
lx.atEOF = true
return eof
if lx.input[lx.pos] == '\n' {
lx.prevWidths[2] = lx.prevWidths[1]
lx.prevWidths[1] = lx.prevWidths[0]
if lx.nprev < 3 {
r, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(lx.input[lx.pos:])
lx.prevWidths[0] = w
lx.pos += w
return r
// ignore skips over the pending input before this point.
func (lx *lexer) ignore() {
lx.start = lx.pos
// backup steps back one rune. Can be called only twice between calls to next.
func (lx *lexer) backup() {
if lx.atEOF {
lx.atEOF = false
if lx.nprev < 1 {
panic("backed up too far")
w := lx.prevWidths[0]
lx.prevWidths[0] = lx.prevWidths[1]
lx.prevWidths[1] = lx.prevWidths[2]
lx.pos -= w
if lx.pos < len(lx.input) && lx.input[lx.pos] == '\n' {
// accept consumes the next rune if it's equal to `valid`.
func (lx *lexer) accept(valid rune) bool {
if == valid {
return true
return false
// peek returns but does not consume the next rune in the input.
func (lx *lexer) peek() rune {
r :=
return r
// skip ignores all input that matches the given predicate.
func (lx *lexer) skip(pred func(rune) bool) {
for {
r :=
if pred(r) {
// errorf stops all lexing by emitting an error and returning `nil`.
// Note that any value that is a character is escaped if it's a special
// character (newlines, tabs, etc.).
func (lx *lexer) errorf(format string, values ...interface{}) stateFn {
lx.items <- item{
fmt.Sprintf(format, values...),
return nil
// lexTop consumes elements at the top level of TOML data.
func lexTop(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r :=
if isWhitespace(r) || isNL(r) {
return lexSkip(lx, lexTop)
switch r {
case commentStart:
return lexCommentStart
case tableStart:
return lexTableStart
case eof:
if lx.pos > lx.start {
return lx.errorf("unexpected EOF")
return nil
// At this point, the only valid item can be a key, so we back up
// and let the key lexer do the rest.
return lexKeyStart
// lexTopEnd is entered whenever a top-level item has been consumed. (A value
// or a table.) It must see only whitespace, and will turn back to lexTop
// upon a newline. If it sees EOF, it will quit the lexer successfully.
func lexTopEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r :=
switch {
case r == commentStart:
// a comment will read to a newline for us.
return lexCommentStart
case isWhitespace(r):
return lexTopEnd
case isNL(r):
return lexTop
case r == eof:
return nil
return lx.errorf("expected a top-level item to end with a newline, "+
"comment, or EOF, but got %q instead", r)
// lexTable lexes the beginning of a table. Namely, it makes sure that
// it starts with a character other than '.' and ']'.
// It assumes that '[' has already been consumed.
// It also handles the case that this is an item in an array of tables.
// e.g., '[[name]]'.
func lexTableStart(lx *lexer) stateFn {
if lx.peek() == arrayTableStart {
} else {
return lexTableNameStart
func lexTableEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn {
return lexTopEnd
func lexArrayTableEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn {
if r :=; r != arrayTableEnd {
return lx.errorf("expected end of table array name delimiter %q, "+
"but got %q instead", arrayTableEnd, r)
return lexTopEnd
func lexTableNameStart(lx *lexer) stateFn {
switch r := lx.peek(); {
case r == tableEnd || r == eof:
return lx.errorf("unexpected end of table name " +
"(table names cannot be empty)")
case r == tableSep:
return lx.errorf("unexpected table separator " +
"(table names cannot be empty)")
case r == stringStart || r == rawStringStart:
return lexValue // reuse string lexing
return lexBareTableName
// lexBareTableName lexes the name of a table. It assumes that at least one
// valid character for the table has already been read.
func lexBareTableName(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r :=
if isBareKeyChar(r) {
return lexBareTableName
return lexTableNameEnd
// lexTableNameEnd reads the end of a piece of a table name, optionally
// consuming whitespace.
func lexTableNameEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn {
switch r :=; {
case isWhitespace(r):
return lexTableNameEnd
case r == tableSep:
return lexTableNameStart
case r == tableEnd:
return lx.pop()
return lx.errorf("expected '.' or ']' to end table name, "+
"but got %q instead", r)
// lexKeyStart consumes a key name up until the first non-whitespace character.
// lexKeyStart will ignore whitespace.
func lexKeyStart(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r := lx.peek()
switch {
case r == keySep:
return lx.errorf("unexpected key separator %q", keySep)
case isWhitespace(r) || isNL(r):
return lexSkip(lx, lexKeyStart)
case r == stringStart || r == rawStringStart:
return lexValue // reuse string lexing
return lexBareKey
// lexBareKey consumes the text of a bare key. Assumes that the first character
// (which is not whitespace) has not yet been consumed.
func lexBareKey(lx *lexer) stateFn {
switch r :=; {
case isBareKeyChar(r):
return lexBareKey
case isWhitespace(r):
return lexKeyEnd
case r == keySep:
return lexKeyEnd
return lx.errorf("bare keys cannot contain %q", r)
// lexKeyEnd consumes the end of a key and trims whitespace (up to the key
// separator).
func lexKeyEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn {
switch r :=; {
case r == keySep:
return lexSkip(lx, lexValue)
case isWhitespace(r):
return lexSkip(lx, lexKeyEnd)
return lx.errorf("expected key separator %q, but got %q instead",
keySep, r)
// lexValue starts the consumption of a value anywhere a value is expected.
// lexValue will ignore whitespace.
// After a value is lexed, the last state on the next is popped and returned.
func lexValue(lx *lexer) stateFn {
// We allow whitespace to precede a value, but NOT newlines.
// In array syntax, the array states are responsible for ignoring newlines.
r :=
switch {
case isWhitespace(r):
return lexSkip(lx, lexValue)
case isDigit(r):
lx.backup() // avoid an extra state and use the same as above
return lexNumberOrDateStart
switch r {
case arrayStart:
return lexArrayValue
case inlineTableStart:
return lexInlineTableValue
case stringStart:
if lx.accept(stringStart) {
if lx.accept(stringStart) {
lx.ignore() // Ignore """
return lexMultilineString
lx.ignore() // ignore the '"'
return lexString
case rawStringStart:
if lx.accept(rawStringStart) {
if lx.accept(rawStringStart) {
lx.ignore() // Ignore """
return lexMultilineRawString
lx.ignore() // ignore the "'"
return lexRawString
case '+', '-':
return lexNumberStart
case '.': // special error case, be kind to users
return lx.errorf("floats must start with a digit, not '.'")
if unicode.IsLetter(r) {
// Be permissive here; lexBool will give a nice error if the
// user wrote something like
// x = foo
// (i.e. not 'true' or 'false' but is something else word-like.)
return lexBool
return lx.errorf("expected value but found %q instead", r)
// lexArrayValue consumes one value in an array. It assumes that '[' or ','
// have already been consumed. All whitespace and newlines are ignored.
func lexArrayValue(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r :=
switch {
case isWhitespace(r) || isNL(r):
return lexSkip(lx, lexArrayValue)
case r == commentStart:
return lexCommentStart
case r == comma:
return lx.errorf("unexpected comma")
case r == arrayEnd:
// NOTE(caleb): The spec isn't clear about whether you can have
// a trailing comma or not, so we'll allow it.
return lexArrayEnd
return lexValue
// lexArrayValueEnd consumes everything between the end of an array value and
// the next value (or the end of the array): it ignores whitespace and newlines
// and expects either a ',' or a ']'.
func lexArrayValueEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r :=
switch {
case isWhitespace(r) || isNL(r):
return lexSkip(lx, lexArrayValueEnd)
case r == commentStart:
return lexCommentStart
case r == comma:
return lexArrayValue // move on to the next value
case r == arrayEnd:
return lexArrayEnd
return lx.errorf(
"expected a comma or array terminator %q, but got %q instead",
arrayEnd, r,
// lexArrayEnd finishes the lexing of an array.
// It assumes that a ']' has just been consumed.
func lexArrayEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn {
return lx.pop()
// lexInlineTableValue consumes one key/value pair in an inline table.
// It assumes that '{' or ',' have already been consumed. Whitespace is ignored.
func lexInlineTableValue(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r :=
switch {
case isWhitespace(r):
return lexSkip(lx, lexInlineTableValue)
case isNL(r):
return lx.errorf("newlines not allowed within inline tables")
case r == commentStart:
return lexCommentStart
case r == comma:
return lx.errorf("unexpected comma")
case r == inlineTableEnd:
return lexInlineTableEnd
return lexKeyStart
// lexInlineTableValueEnd consumes everything between the end of an inline table
// key/value pair and the next pair (or the end of the table):
// it ignores whitespace and expects either a ',' or a '}'.
func lexInlineTableValueEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r :=
switch {
case isWhitespace(r):
return lexSkip(lx, lexInlineTableValueEnd)
case isNL(r):
return lx.errorf("newlines not allowed within inline tables")
case r == commentStart:
return lexCommentStart
case r == comma:
return lexInlineTableValue
case r == inlineTableEnd:
return lexInlineTableEnd
return lx.errorf("expected a comma or an inline table terminator %q, "+
"but got %q instead", inlineTableEnd, r)
// lexInlineTableEnd finishes the lexing of an inline table.
// It assumes that a '}' has just been consumed.
func lexInlineTableEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn {
return lx.pop()
// lexString consumes the inner contents of a string. It assumes that the
// beginning '"' has already been consumed and ignored.
func lexString(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r :=
switch {
case r == eof:
return lx.errorf("unexpected EOF")
case isNL(r):
return lx.errorf("strings cannot contain newlines")
case r == '\\':
return lexStringEscape
case r == stringEnd:
return lx.pop()
return lexString
// lexMultilineString consumes the inner contents of a string. It assumes that
// the beginning '"""' has already been consumed and ignored.
func lexMultilineString(lx *lexer) stateFn {
switch {
case eof:
return lx.errorf("unexpected EOF")
case '\\':
return lexMultilineStringEscape
case stringEnd:
if lx.accept(stringEnd) {
if lx.accept(stringEnd) {
return lx.pop()
return lexMultilineString
// lexRawString consumes a raw string. Nothing can be escaped in such a string.
// It assumes that the beginning "'" has already been consumed and ignored.
func lexRawString(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r :=
switch {
case r == eof:
return lx.errorf("unexpected EOF")
case isNL(r):
return lx.errorf("strings cannot contain newlines")
case r == rawStringEnd:
return lx.pop()
return lexRawString
// lexMultilineRawString consumes a raw string. Nothing can be escaped in such
// a string. It assumes that the beginning "'''" has already been consumed and
// ignored.
func lexMultilineRawString(lx *lexer) stateFn {
switch {
case eof:
return lx.errorf("unexpected EOF")
case rawStringEnd:
if lx.accept(rawStringEnd) {
if lx.accept(rawStringEnd) {
return lx.pop()
return lexMultilineRawString
// lexMultilineStringEscape consumes an escaped character. It assumes that the
// preceding '\\' has already been consumed.
func lexMultilineStringEscape(lx *lexer) stateFn {
// Handle the special case first:
if isNL( {
return lexMultilineString
return lexStringEscape(lx)
func lexStringEscape(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r :=
switch r {
case 'b':
case 't':
case 'n':
case 'f':
case 'r':
case '"':
case '\\':
return lx.pop()
case 'u':
return lexShortUnicodeEscape
case 'U':
return lexLongUnicodeEscape
return lx.errorf("invalid escape character %q; only the following "+
"escape characters are allowed: "+
`\b, \t, \n, \f, \r, \", \\, \uXXXX, and \UXXXXXXXX`, r)
func lexShortUnicodeEscape(lx *lexer) stateFn {
var r rune
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
r =
if !isHexadecimal(r) {
return lx.errorf(`expected four hexadecimal digits after '\u', `+
"but got %q instead", lx.current())
return lx.pop()
func lexLongUnicodeEscape(lx *lexer) stateFn {
var r rune
for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
r =
if !isHexadecimal(r) {
return lx.errorf(`expected eight hexadecimal digits after '\U', `+
"but got %q instead", lx.current())
return lx.pop()
// lexNumberOrDateStart consumes either an integer, a float, or datetime.
func lexNumberOrDateStart(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r :=
if isDigit(r) {
return lexNumberOrDate
switch r {
case '_':
return lexNumber
case 'e', 'E':
return lexFloat
case '.':
return lx.errorf("floats must start with a digit, not '.'")
return lx.errorf("expected a digit but got %q", r)
// lexNumberOrDate consumes either an integer, float or datetime.
func lexNumberOrDate(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r :=
if isDigit(r) {
return lexNumberOrDate
switch r {
case '-':
return lexDatetime
case '_':
return lexNumber
case '.', 'e', 'E':
return lexFloat
return lx.pop()
// lexDatetime consumes a Datetime, to a first approximation.
// The parser validates that it matches one of the accepted formats.
func lexDatetime(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r :=
if isDigit(r) {
return lexDatetime
switch r {
case '-', 'T', ':', '.', 'Z':
return lexDatetime
return lx.pop()
// lexNumberStart consumes either an integer or a float. It assumes that a sign
// has already been read, but that *no* digits have been consumed.
// lexNumberStart will move to the appropriate integer or float states.
func lexNumberStart(lx *lexer) stateFn {
// We MUST see a digit. Even floats have to start with a digit.
r :=
if !isDigit(r) {
if r == '.' {
return lx.errorf("floats must start with a digit, not '.'")
return lx.errorf("expected a digit but got %q", r)
return lexNumber
// lexNumber consumes an integer or a float after seeing the first digit.
func lexNumber(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r :=
if isDigit(r) {
return lexNumber
switch r {
case '_':
return lexNumber
case '.', 'e', 'E':
return lexFloat
return lx.pop()
// lexFloat consumes the elements of a float. It allows any sequence of
// float-like characters, so floats emitted by the lexer are only a first
// approximation and must be validated by the parser.
func lexFloat(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r :=
if isDigit(r) {
return lexFloat
switch r {
case '_', '.', '-', '+', 'e', 'E':
return lexFloat
return lx.pop()
// lexBool consumes a bool string: 'true' or 'false.
func lexBool(lx *lexer) stateFn {
var rs []rune
for {
r :=
if !unicode.IsLetter(r) {
rs = append(rs, r)
s := string(rs)
switch s {
case "true", "false":
return lx.pop()
return lx.errorf("expected value but found %q instead", s)
// lexCommentStart begins the lexing of a comment. It will emit
// itemCommentStart and consume no characters, passing control to lexComment.
func lexCommentStart(lx *lexer) stateFn {
return lexComment
// lexComment lexes an entire comment. It assumes that '#' has been consumed.
// It will consume *up to* the first newline character, and pass control
// back to the last state on the stack.
func lexComment(lx *lexer) stateFn {
r := lx.peek()
if isNL(r) || r == eof {
return lx.pop()
return lexComment
// lexSkip ignores all slurped input and moves on to the next state.
func lexSkip(lx *lexer, nextState stateFn) stateFn {
return func(lx *lexer) stateFn {
return nextState
// isWhitespace returns true if `r` is a whitespace character according
// to the spec.
func isWhitespace(r rune) bool {
return r == '\t' || r == ' '
func isNL(r rune) bool {
return r == '\n' || r == '\r'
func isDigit(r rune) bool {
return r >= '0' && r <= '9'
func isHexadecimal(r rune) bool {
return (r >= '0' && r <= '9') ||
(r >= 'a' && r <= 'f') ||
(r >= 'A' && r <= 'F')
func isBareKeyChar(r rune) bool {
return (r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z') ||
(r >= 'a' && r <= 'z') ||
(r >= '0' && r <= '9') ||
r == '_' ||
r == '-'
func (itype itemType) String() string {
switch itype {
case itemError:
return "Error"
case itemNIL:
return "NIL"
case itemEOF:
return "EOF"
case itemText:
return "Text"
case itemString, itemRawString, itemMultilineString, itemRawMultilineString:
return "String"
case itemBool:
return "Bool"
case itemInteger:
return "Integer"
case itemFloat:
return "Float"
case itemDatetime:
return "DateTime"
case itemTableStart:
return "TableStart"
case itemTableEnd:
return "TableEnd"
case itemKeyStart:
return "KeyStart"
case itemArray:
return "Array"
case itemArrayEnd:
return "ArrayEnd"
case itemCommentStart:
return "CommentStart"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: Unknown type '%d'.", int(itype)))
func (item item) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s, %s)", item.typ.String(), item.val)

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@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
package toml
import (
type parser struct {
mapping map[string]interface{}
types map[string]tomlType
lx *lexer
// A list of keys in the order that they appear in the TOML data.
ordered []Key
// the full key for the current hash in scope
context Key
// the base key name for everything except hashes
currentKey string
// rough approximation of line number
approxLine int
// A map of '' to whether they were created implicitly.
implicits map[string]bool
type parseError string
func (pe parseError) Error() string {
return string(pe)
func parse(data string) (p *parser, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
var ok bool
if err, ok = r.(parseError); ok {
p = &parser{
mapping: make(map[string]interface{}),
types: make(map[string]tomlType),
lx: lex(data),
ordered: make([]Key, 0),
implicits: make(map[string]bool),
for {
item :=
if item.typ == itemEOF {
return p, nil
func (p *parser) panicf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Near line %d (last key parsed '%s'): %s",
p.approxLine, p.current(), fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
func (p *parser) next() item {
it := p.lx.nextItem()
if it.typ == itemError {
p.panicf("%s", it.val)
return it
func (p *parser) bug(format string, v ...interface{}) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: "+format+"\n\n", v...))
func (p *parser) expect(typ itemType) item {
it :=
p.assertEqual(typ, it.typ)
return it
func (p *parser) assertEqual(expected, got itemType) {
if expected != got {
p.bug("Expected '%s' but got '%s'.", expected, got)
func (p *parser) topLevel(item item) {
switch item.typ {
case itemCommentStart:
p.approxLine = item.line
case itemTableStart:
kg :=
p.approxLine = kg.line
var key Key
for ; kg.typ != itemTableEnd && kg.typ != itemEOF; kg = {
key = append(key, p.keyString(kg))
p.assertEqual(itemTableEnd, kg.typ)
p.establishContext(key, false)
p.setType("", tomlHash)
p.ordered = append(p.ordered, key)
case itemArrayTableStart:
kg :=
p.approxLine = kg.line
var key Key
for ; kg.typ != itemArrayTableEnd && kg.typ != itemEOF; kg = {
key = append(key, p.keyString(kg))
p.assertEqual(itemArrayTableEnd, kg.typ)
p.establishContext(key, true)
p.setType("", tomlArrayHash)
p.ordered = append(p.ordered, key)
case itemKeyStart:
kname :=
p.approxLine = kname.line
p.currentKey = p.keyString(kname)
val, typ := p.value(
p.setValue(p.currentKey, val)
p.setType(p.currentKey, typ)
p.ordered = append(p.ordered, p.context.add(p.currentKey))
p.currentKey = ""
p.bug("Unexpected type at top level: %s", item.typ)
// Gets a string for a key (or part of a key in a table name).
func (p *parser) keyString(it item) string {
switch it.typ {
case itemText:
return it.val
case itemString, itemMultilineString,
itemRawString, itemRawMultilineString:
s, _ := p.value(it)
return s.(string)
p.bug("Unexpected key type: %s", it.typ)
// value translates an expected value from the lexer into a Go value wrapped
// as an empty interface.
func (p *parser) value(it item) (interface{}, tomlType) {
switch it.typ {
case itemString:
return p.replaceEscapes(it.val), p.typeOfPrimitive(it)
case itemMultilineString:
trimmed := stripFirstNewline(stripEscapedWhitespace(it.val))
return p.replaceEscapes(trimmed), p.typeOfPrimitive(it)
case itemRawString:
return it.val, p.typeOfPrimitive(it)
case itemRawMultilineString:
return stripFirstNewline(it.val), p.typeOfPrimitive(it)
case itemBool:
switch it.val {
case "true":
return true, p.typeOfPrimitive(it)
case "false":
return false, p.typeOfPrimitive(it)
p.bug("Expected boolean value, but got '%s'.", it.val)
case itemInteger:
if !numUnderscoresOK(it.val) {
p.panicf("Invalid integer %q: underscores must be surrounded by digits",
val := strings.Replace(it.val, "_", "", -1)
num, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
// Distinguish integer values. Normally, it'd be a bug if the lexer
// provides an invalid integer, but it's possible that the number is
// out of range of valid values (which the lexer cannot determine).
// So mark the former as a bug but the latter as a legitimate user
// error.
if e, ok := err.(*strconv.NumError); ok &&
e.Err == strconv.ErrRange {
p.panicf("Integer '%s' is out of the range of 64-bit "+
"signed integers.", it.val)
} else {
p.bug("Expected integer value, but got '%s'.", it.val)
return num, p.typeOfPrimitive(it)
case itemFloat:
parts := strings.FieldsFunc(it.val, func(r rune) bool {
switch r {
case '.', 'e', 'E':
return true
return false
for _, part := range parts {
if !numUnderscoresOK(part) {
p.panicf("Invalid float %q: underscores must be "+
"surrounded by digits", it.val)
if !numPeriodsOK(it.val) {
// As a special case, numbers like '123.' or '1.e2',
// which are valid as far as Go/strconv are concerned,
// must be rejected because TOML says that a fractional
// part consists of '.' followed by 1+ digits.
p.panicf("Invalid float %q: '.' must be followed "+
"by one or more digits", it.val)
val := strings.Replace(it.val, "_", "", -1)
num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64)
if err != nil {
if e, ok := err.(*strconv.NumError); ok &&
e.Err == strconv.ErrRange {
p.panicf("Float '%s' is out of the range of 64-bit "+
"IEEE-754 floating-point numbers.", it.val)
} else {
p.panicf("Invalid float value: %q", it.val)
return num, p.typeOfPrimitive(it)
case itemDatetime:
var t time.Time
var ok bool
var err error
for _, format := range []string{
} {
t, err = time.ParseInLocation(format, it.val, time.Local)
if err == nil {
ok = true
if !ok {
p.panicf("Invalid TOML Datetime: %q.", it.val)
return t, p.typeOfPrimitive(it)
case itemArray:
array := make([]interface{}, 0)
types := make([]tomlType, 0)
for it =; it.typ != itemArrayEnd; it = {
if it.typ == itemCommentStart {
val, typ := p.value(it)
array = append(array, val)
types = append(types, typ)
return array, p.typeOfArray(types)
case itemInlineTableStart:
var (
hash = make(map[string]interface{})
outerContext = p.context
outerKey = p.currentKey
p.context = append(p.context, p.currentKey)
p.currentKey = ""
for it :=; it.typ != itemInlineTableEnd; it = {
if it.typ != itemKeyStart {
p.bug("Expected key start but instead found %q, around line %d",
it.val, p.approxLine)
if it.typ == itemCommentStart {
// retrieve key
k :=
p.approxLine = k.line
kname := p.keyString(k)
// retrieve value
p.currentKey = kname
val, typ := p.value(
// make sure we keep metadata up to date
p.setType(kname, typ)
p.ordered = append(p.ordered, p.context.add(p.currentKey))
hash[kname] = val
p.context = outerContext
p.currentKey = outerKey
return hash, tomlHash
p.bug("Unexpected value type: %s", it.typ)
// numUnderscoresOK checks whether each underscore in s is surrounded by
// characters that are not underscores.
func numUnderscoresOK(s string) bool {
accept := false
for _, r := range s {
if r == '_' {
if !accept {
return false
accept = false
accept = true
return accept
// numPeriodsOK checks whether every period in s is followed by a digit.
func numPeriodsOK(s string) bool {
period := false
for _, r := range s {
if period && !isDigit(r) {
return false
period = r == '.'
return !period
// establishContext sets the current context of the parser,
// where the context is either a hash or an array of hashes. Which one is
// set depends on the value of the `array` parameter.
// Establishing the context also makes sure that the key isn't a duplicate, and
// will create implicit hashes automatically.
func (p *parser) establishContext(key Key, array bool) {
var ok bool
// Always start at the top level and drill down for our context.
hashContext := p.mapping
keyContext := make(Key, 0)
// We only need implicit hashes for key[0:-1]
for _, k := range key[0 : len(key)-1] {
_, ok = hashContext[k]
keyContext = append(keyContext, k)
// No key? Make an implicit hash and move on.
if !ok {
hashContext[k] = make(map[string]interface{})
// If the hash context is actually an array of tables, then set
// the hash context to the last element in that array.
// Otherwise, it better be a table, since this MUST be a key group (by
// virtue of it not being the last element in a key).
switch t := hashContext[k].(type) {
case []map[string]interface{}:
hashContext = t[len(t)-1]
case map[string]interface{}:
hashContext = t
p.panicf("Key '%s' was already created as a hash.", keyContext)
p.context = keyContext
if array {
// If this is the first element for this array, then allocate a new
// list of tables for it.
k := key[len(key)-1]
if _, ok := hashContext[k]; !ok {
hashContext[k] = make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, 5)
// Add a new table. But make sure the key hasn't already been used
// for something else.
if hash, ok := hashContext[k].([]map[string]interface{}); ok {
hashContext[k] = append(hash, make(map[string]interface{}))
} else {
p.panicf("Key '%s' was already created and cannot be used as "+
"an array.", keyContext)
} else {
p.setValue(key[len(key)-1], make(map[string]interface{}))
p.context = append(p.context, key[len(key)-1])
// setValue sets the given key to the given value in the current context.
// It will make sure that the key hasn't already been defined, account for
// implicit key groups.
func (p *parser) setValue(key string, value interface{}) {
var tmpHash interface{}
var ok bool
hash := p.mapping
keyContext := make(Key, 0)
for _, k := range p.context {
keyContext = append(keyContext, k)
if tmpHash, ok = hash[k]; !ok {
p.bug("Context for key '%s' has not been established.", keyContext)
switch t := tmpHash.(type) {
case []map[string]interface{}:
// The context is a table of hashes. Pick the most recent table
// defined as the current hash.
hash = t[len(t)-1]
case map[string]interface{}:
hash = t
p.bug("Expected hash to have type 'map[string]interface{}', but "+
"it has '%T' instead.", tmpHash)
keyContext = append(keyContext, key)
if _, ok := hash[key]; ok {
// Typically, if the given key has already been set, then we have
// to raise an error since duplicate keys are disallowed. However,
// it's possible that a key was previously defined implicitly. In this
// case, it is allowed to be redefined concretely. (See the
// `tests/valid/implicit-and-explicit-after.toml` test in `toml-test`.)
// But we have to make sure to stop marking it as an implicit. (So that
// another redefinition provokes an error.)
// Note that since it has already been defined (as a hash), we don't
// want to overwrite it. So our business is done.
if p.isImplicit(keyContext) {
// Otherwise, we have a concrete key trying to override a previous
// key, which is *always* wrong.
p.panicf("Key '%s' has already been defined.", keyContext)
hash[key] = value
// setType sets the type of a particular value at a given key.
// It should be called immediately AFTER setValue.
// Note that if `key` is empty, then the type given will be applied to the
// current context (which is either a table or an array of tables).
func (p *parser) setType(key string, typ tomlType) {
keyContext := make(Key, 0, len(p.context)+1)
for _, k := range p.context {
keyContext = append(keyContext, k)
if len(key) > 0 { // allow type setting for hashes
keyContext = append(keyContext, key)
p.types[keyContext.String()] = typ
// addImplicit sets the given Key as having been created implicitly.
func (p *parser) addImplicit(key Key) {
p.implicits[key.String()] = true
// removeImplicit stops tagging the given key as having been implicitly
// created.
func (p *parser) removeImplicit(key Key) {
p.implicits[key.String()] = false
// isImplicit returns true if the key group pointed to by the key was created
// implicitly.
func (p *parser) isImplicit(key Key) bool {
return p.implicits[key.String()]
// current returns the full key name of the current context.
func (p *parser) current() string {
if len(p.currentKey) == 0 {
return p.context.String()
if len(p.context) == 0 {
return p.currentKey
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", p.context, p.currentKey)
func stripFirstNewline(s string) string {
if len(s) == 0 || s[0] != '\n' {
return s
return s[1:]
func stripEscapedWhitespace(s string) string {
esc := strings.Split(s, "\\\n")
if len(esc) > 1 {
for i := 1; i < len(esc); i++ {
esc[i] = strings.TrimLeftFunc(esc[i], unicode.IsSpace)
return strings.Join(esc, "")
func (p *parser) replaceEscapes(str string) string {
var replaced []rune
s := []byte(str)
r := 0
for r < len(s) {
if s[r] != '\\' {
c, size := utf8.DecodeRune(s[r:])
r += size
replaced = append(replaced, c)
r += 1
if r >= len(s) {
p.bug("Escape sequence at end of string.")
return ""
switch s[r] {
p.bug("Expected valid escape code after \\, but got %q.", s[r])
return ""
case 'b':
replaced = append(replaced, rune(0x0008))
r += 1
case 't':
replaced = append(replaced, rune(0x0009))
r += 1
case 'n':
replaced = append(replaced, rune(0x000A))
r += 1
case 'f':
replaced = append(replaced, rune(0x000C))
r += 1
case 'r':
replaced = append(replaced, rune(0x000D))
r += 1
case '"':
replaced = append(replaced, rune(0x0022))
r += 1
case '\\':
replaced = append(replaced, rune(0x005C))
r += 1
case 'u':
// At this point, we know we have a Unicode escape of the form
// `uXXXX` at [r, r+5). (Because the lexer guarantees this
// for us.)
escaped := p.asciiEscapeToUnicode(s[r+1 : r+5])
replaced = append(replaced, escaped)
r += 5
case 'U':
// At this point, we know we have a Unicode escape of the form
// `uXXXX` at [r, r+9). (Because the lexer guarantees this
// for us.)
escaped := p.asciiEscapeToUnicode(s[r+1 : r+9])
replaced = append(replaced, escaped)
r += 9
return string(replaced)
func (p *parser) asciiEscapeToUnicode(bs []byte) rune {
s := string(bs)
hex, err := strconv.ParseUint(strings.ToLower(s), 16, 32)
if err != nil {
p.bug("Could not parse '%s' as a hexadecimal number, but the "+
"lexer claims it's OK: %s", s, err)
if !utf8.ValidRune(rune(hex)) {
p.panicf("Escaped character '\\u%s' is not valid UTF-8.", s)
return rune(hex)
func isStringType(ty itemType) bool {
return ty == itemString || ty == itemMultilineString ||
ty == itemRawString || ty == itemRawMultilineString

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au BufWritePost *.go silent!make tags > /dev/null 2>&1

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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
package toml
// tomlType represents any Go type that corresponds to a TOML type.
// While the first draft of the TOML spec has a simplistic type system that
// probably doesn't need this level of sophistication, we seem to be militating
// toward adding real composite types.
type tomlType interface {
typeString() string
// typeEqual accepts any two types and returns true if they are equal.
func typeEqual(t1, t2 tomlType) bool {
if t1 == nil || t2 == nil {
return false
return t1.typeString() == t2.typeString()
func typeIsHash(t tomlType) bool {
return typeEqual(t, tomlHash) || typeEqual(t, tomlArrayHash)
type tomlBaseType string
func (btype tomlBaseType) typeString() string {
return string(btype)
func (btype tomlBaseType) String() string {
return btype.typeString()
var (
tomlInteger tomlBaseType = "Integer"
tomlFloat tomlBaseType = "Float"
tomlDatetime tomlBaseType = "Datetime"
tomlString tomlBaseType = "String"
tomlBool tomlBaseType = "Bool"
tomlArray tomlBaseType = "Array"
tomlHash tomlBaseType = "Hash"
tomlArrayHash tomlBaseType = "ArrayHash"
// typeOfPrimitive returns a tomlType of any primitive value in TOML.
// Primitive values are: Integer, Float, Datetime, String and Bool.
// Passing a lexer item other than the following will cause a BUG message
// to occur: itemString, itemBool, itemInteger, itemFloat, itemDatetime.
func (p *parser) typeOfPrimitive(lexItem item) tomlType {
switch lexItem.typ {
case itemInteger:
return tomlInteger
case itemFloat:
return tomlFloat
case itemDatetime:
return tomlDatetime
case itemString:
return tomlString
case itemMultilineString:
return tomlString
case itemRawString:
return tomlString
case itemRawMultilineString:
return tomlString
case itemBool:
return tomlBool
p.bug("Cannot infer primitive type of lex item '%s'.", lexItem)
// typeOfArray returns a tomlType for an array given a list of types of its
// values.
// In the current spec, if an array is homogeneous, then its type is always
// "Array". If the array is not homogeneous, an error is generated.
func (p *parser) typeOfArray(types []tomlType) tomlType {
// Empty arrays are cool.
if len(types) == 0 {
return tomlArray
theType := types[0]
for _, t := range types[1:] {
if !typeEqual(theType, t) {
p.panicf("Array contains values of type '%s' and '%s', but "+
"arrays must be homogeneous.", theType, t)
return tomlArray

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@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
package toml
// Struct field handling is adapted from code in encoding/json:
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the Go distribution.
import (
// A field represents a single field found in a struct.
type field struct {
name string // the name of the field (`toml` tag included)
tag bool // whether field has a `toml` tag
index []int // represents the depth of an anonymous field
typ reflect.Type // the type of the field
// byName sorts field by name, breaking ties with depth,
// then breaking ties with "name came from toml tag", then
// breaking ties with index sequence.
type byName []field
func (x byName) Len() int { return len(x) }
func (x byName) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
func (x byName) Less(i, j int) bool {
if x[i].name != x[j].name {
return x[i].name < x[j].name
if len(x[i].index) != len(x[j].index) {
return len(x[i].index) < len(x[j].index)
if x[i].tag != x[j].tag {
return x[i].tag
return byIndex(x).Less(i, j)
// byIndex sorts field by index sequence.
type byIndex []field
func (x byIndex) Len() int { return len(x) }
func (x byIndex) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
func (x byIndex) Less(i, j int) bool {
for k, xik := range x[i].index {
if k >= len(x[j].index) {
return false
if xik != x[j].index[k] {
return xik < x[j].index[k]
return len(x[i].index) < len(x[j].index)
// typeFields returns a list of fields that TOML should recognize for the given
// type. The algorithm is breadth-first search over the set of structs to
// include - the top struct and then any reachable anonymous structs.
func typeFields(t reflect.Type) []field {
// Anonymous fields to explore at the current level and the next.
current := []field{}
next := []field{{typ: t}}
// Count of queued names for current level and the next.
count := map[reflect.Type]int{}
nextCount := map[reflect.Type]int{}
// Types already visited at an earlier level.
visited := map[reflect.Type]bool{}
// Fields found.
var fields []field
for len(next) > 0 {
current, next = next, current[:0]
count, nextCount = nextCount, map[reflect.Type]int{}
for _, f := range current {
if visited[f.typ] {
visited[f.typ] = true
// Scan f.typ for fields to include.
for i := 0; i < f.typ.NumField(); i++ {
sf := f.typ.Field(i)
if sf.PkgPath != "" && !sf.Anonymous { // unexported
opts := getOptions(sf.Tag)
if opts.skip {
index := make([]int, len(f.index)+1)
copy(index, f.index)
index[len(f.index)] = i
ft := sf.Type
if ft.Name() == "" && ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
// Follow pointer.
ft = ft.Elem()
// Record found field and index sequence.
if != "" || !sf.Anonymous || ft.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
tagged := != ""
name :=
if name == "" {
name = sf.Name
fields = append(fields, field{name, tagged, index, ft})
if count[f.typ] > 1 {
// If there were multiple instances, add a second,
// so that the annihilation code will see a duplicate.
// It only cares about the distinction between 1 or 2,
// so don't bother generating any more copies.
fields = append(fields, fields[len(fields)-1])
// Record new anonymous struct to explore in next round.
if nextCount[ft] == 1 {
f := field{name: ft.Name(), index: index, typ: ft}
next = append(next, f)
// Delete all fields that are hidden by the Go rules for embedded fields,
// except that fields with TOML tags are promoted.
// The fields are sorted in primary order of name, secondary order
// of field index length. Loop over names; for each name, delete
// hidden fields by choosing the one dominant field that survives.
out := fields[:0]
for advance, i := 0, 0; i < len(fields); i += advance {
// One iteration per name.
// Find the sequence of fields with the name of this first field.
fi := fields[i]
name :=
for advance = 1; i+advance < len(fields); advance++ {
fj := fields[i+advance]
if != name {
if advance == 1 { // Only one field with this name
out = append(out, fi)
dominant, ok := dominantField(fields[i : i+advance])
if ok {
out = append(out, dominant)
fields = out
return fields
// dominantField looks through the fields, all of which are known to
// have the same name, to find the single field that dominates the
// others using Go's embedding rules, modified by the presence of
// TOML tags. If there are multiple top-level fields, the boolean
// will be false: This condition is an error in Go and we skip all
// the fields.
func dominantField(fields []field) (field, bool) {
// The fields are sorted in increasing index-length order. The winner
// must therefore be one with the shortest index length. Drop all
// longer entries, which is easy: just truncate the slice.
length := len(fields[0].index)
tagged := -1 // Index of first tagged field.
for i, f := range fields {
if len(f.index) > length {
fields = fields[:i]
if f.tag {
if tagged >= 0 {
// Multiple tagged fields at the same level: conflict.
// Return no field.
return field{}, false
tagged = i
if tagged >= 0 {
return fields[tagged], true
// All remaining fields have the same length. If there's more than one,
// we have a conflict (two fields named "X" at the same level) and we
// return no field.
if len(fields) > 1 {
return field{}, false
return fields[0], true
var fieldCache struct {
m map[reflect.Type][]field
// cachedTypeFields is like typeFields but uses a cache to avoid repeated work.
func cachedTypeFields(t reflect.Type) []field {
f := fieldCache.m[t]
if f != nil {
return f
// Compute fields without lock.
// Might duplicate effort but won't hold other computations back.
f = typeFields(t)
if f == nil {
f = []field{}
if fieldCache.m == nil {
fieldCache.m = map[reflect.Type][]field{}
fieldCache.m[t] = f
return f

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
### Issue description
Tell us what should happen and what happens instead
### Example code
If possible, please enter some example code here to reproduce the issue.
### Error log
If you have an error log, please paste it here.
### Configuration
*Driver version (or git SHA):*
*Go version:* run `go version` in your console
*Server version:* E.g. MySQL 5.6, MariaDB 10.0.20
*Server OS:* E.g. Debian 8.1 (Jessie), Windows 10

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
### Description
Please explain the changes you made here.
### Checklist
- [ ] Code compiles correctly
- [ ] Created tests which fail without the change (if possible)
- [ ] All tests passing
- [ ] Extended the README / documentation, if necessary
- [ ] Added myself / the copyright holder to the AUTHORS file

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sudo: false
language: go
- 1.2
- 1.3
- 1.4
- 1.5
- 1.6
- 1.7
- tip
- mysql -e 'create database gotest;'

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# This is the official list of Go-MySQL-Driver authors for copyright purposes.
# If you are submitting a patch, please add your name or the name of the
# organization which holds the copyright to this list in alphabetical order.
# Names should be added to this file as
# Name <email address>
# The email address is not required for organizations.
# Please keep the list sorted.
# Individual Persons
Aaron Hopkins <go-sql-driver at>
Arne Hormann <arnehormann at>
Carlos Nieto <jose.carlos at>
Chris Moos <chris at>
Daniel Nichter <nil at>
Daniël van Eeden <git at>
DisposaBoy <disposaboy at>
Frederick Mayle <frederickmayle at>
Gustavo Kristic <gkristic at>
Hanno Braun <mail at>
Henri Yandell <flamefew at>
Hirotaka Yamamoto <ymmt2005 at>
INADA Naoki <songofacandy at>
James Harr <james.harr at>
Jian Zhen <zhenjl at>
Joshua Prunier <joshua.prunier at>
Julien Lefevre <julien.lefevr at>
Julien Schmidt <go-sql-driver at>
Kamil Dziedzic <kamil at>
Kevin Malachowski <kevin at>
Lennart Rudolph <lrudolph at>
Leonardo YongUk Kim <dalinaum at>
Luca Looz <luca.looz92 at>
Lucas Liu <extrafliu at>
Luke Scott <luke at>
Michael Woolnough <michael.woolnough at>
Nicola Peduzzi <thenikso at>
Olivier Mengué <dolmen at>
Paul Bonser <misterpib at>
Runrioter Wung <runrioter at>
Soroush Pour <me at>
Stan Putrya <root.vagner at>
Stanley Gunawan <gunawan.stanley at>
Xiangyu Hu < at>
Xiaobing Jiang <s7v7nislands at>
Xiuming Chen <cc at>
Zhenye Xie <xiezhenye at>
# Organizations
Barracuda Networks, Inc.
Google Inc.
Stripe Inc.

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## Version 1.3 (2016-12-01)
- Go 1.1 is no longer supported
- Use decimals fields in MySQL to format time types (#249)
- Buffer optimizations (#269)
- TLS ServerName defaults to the host (#283)
- Refactoring (#400, #410, #437)
- Adjusted documentation for second generation CloudSQL (#485)
- Documented DSN system var quoting rules (#502)
- Made statement.Close() calls idempotent to avoid errors in Go 1.6+ (#512)
New Features:
- Enable microsecond resolution on TIME, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP (#249)
- Support for returning table alias on Columns() (#289, #359, #382)
- Placeholder interpolation, can be actived with the DSN parameter `interpolateParams=true` (#309, #318, #490)
- Support for uint64 parameters with high bit set (#332, #345)
- Cleartext authentication plugin support (#327)
- Exported ParseDSN function and the Config struct (#403, #419, #429)
- Read / Write timeouts (#401)
- Support for JSON field type (#414)
- Support for multi-statements and multi-results (#411, #431)
- DSN parameter to set the driver-side max_allowed_packet value manually (#489)
- Native password authentication plugin support (#494, #524)
- Fixed handling of queries without columns and rows (#255)
- Fixed a panic when SetKeepAlive() failed (#298)
- Handle ERR packets while reading rows (#321)
- Fixed reading NULL length-encoded integers in MySQL 5.6+ (#349)
- Fixed absolute paths support in LOAD LOCAL DATA INFILE (#356)
- Actually zero out bytes in handshake response (#378)
- Fixed race condition in registering LOAD DATA INFILE handler (#383)
- Fixed tests with MySQL 5.7.9+ (#380)
- QueryUnescape TLS config names (#397)
- Fixed "broken pipe" error by writing to closed socket (#390)
- Fixed LOAD LOCAL DATA INFILE buffering (#424)
- Fixed parsing of floats into float64 when placeholders are used (#434)
- Fixed DSN tests with Go 1.7+ (#459)
- Handle ERR packets while waiting for EOF (#473)
- Invalidate connection on error while discarding additional results (#513)
- Allow terminating packets of length 0 (#516)
## Version 1.2 (2014-06-03)
- We switched back to a "rolling release". `go get` installs the current master branch again
- Version v1 of the driver will not be maintained anymore. Go 1.0 is no longer supported by this driver
- Exported errors to allow easy checking from application code
- Enabled TCP Keepalives on TCP connections
- Optimized INFILE handling (better buffer size calculation, lazy init, ...)
- The DSN parser also checks for a missing separating slash
- Faster binary date / datetime to string formatting
- Also exported the MySQLWarning type
- mysqlConn.Close returns the first error encountered instead of ignoring all errors
- writePacket() automatically writes the packet size to the header
- readPacket() uses an iterative approach instead of the recursive approach to merge splitted packets
New Features:
- `RegisterDial` allows the usage of a custom dial function to establish the network connection
- Setting the connection collation is possible with the `collation` DSN parameter. This parameter should be preferred over the `charset` parameter
- Logging of critical errors is configurable with `SetLogger`
- Google CloudSQL support
- Allow more than 32 parameters in prepared statements
- Various old_password fixes
- Fixed TestConcurrent test to pass Go's race detection
- Fixed appendLengthEncodedInteger for large numbers
- Renamed readLengthEnodedString to readLengthEncodedString and skipLengthEnodedString to skipLengthEncodedString (fixed typo)
## Version 1.1 (2013-11-02)
- Go-MySQL-Driver now requires Go 1.1
- Connections now use the collation `utf8_general_ci` by default. Adding `&charset=UTF8` to the DSN should not be necessary anymore
- Made closing rows and connections error tolerant. This allows for example deferring rows.Close() without checking for errors
- `[]byte(nil)` is now treated as a NULL value. Before, it was treated like an empty string / `[]byte("")`
- DSN parameter values must now be url.QueryEscape'ed. This allows text values to contain special characters, such as '&'.
- Use the IO buffer also for writing. This results in zero allocations (by the driver) for most queries
- Optimized the buffer for reading
- stmt.Query now caches column metadata
- New Logo
- Changed the copyright header to include all contributors
- Improved the LOAD INFILE documentation
- The driver struct is now exported to make the driver directly accessible
- Refactored the driver tests
- Added more benchmarks and moved all to a separate file
- Other small refactoring
New Features:
- Added *old_passwords* support: Required in some cases, but must be enabled by adding `allowOldPasswords=true` to the DSN since it is insecure
- Added a `clientFoundRows` parameter: Return the number of matching rows instead of the number of rows changed on UPDATEs
- Added TLS/SSL support: Use a TLS/SSL encrypted connection to the server. Custom TLS configs can be registered and used
- Fixed MySQL 4.1 support: MySQL 4.1 sends packets with lengths which differ from the specification
- Convert to DB timezone when inserting `time.Time`
- Splitted packets (more than 16MB) are now merged correctly
- Fixed false positive `io.EOF` errors when the data was fully read
- Avoid panics on reuse of closed connections
- Fixed empty string producing false nil values
- Fixed sign byte for positive TIME fields
## Version 1.0 (2013-05-14)
Initial Release

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# Contributing Guidelines
## Reporting Issues
Before creating a new Issue, please check first if a similar Issue [already exists]( or was [recently closed](
## Contributing Code
By contributing to this project, you share your code under the Mozilla Public License 2, as specified in the LICENSE file.
Don't forget to add yourself to the AUTHORS file.
### Code Review
Everyone is invited to review and comment on pull requests.
If it looks fine to you, comment with "LGTM" (Looks good to me).
If changes are required, notice the reviewers with "PTAL" (Please take another look) after committing the fixes.
Before merging the Pull Request, at least one [team member]( must have commented with "LGTM".
## Development Ideas
If you are looking for ideas for code contributions, please check our [Development Ideas]( Wiki page.

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Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
1. Definitions
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1.2. "Contributor Version"
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1.4. "Covered Software"
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10.3. Modified Versions
If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to
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You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice
This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

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# Go-MySQL-Driver
A MySQL-Driver for Go's [database/sql]( package
![Go-MySQL-Driver logo]( "Golang Gopher holding the MySQL Dolphin")
* [Features](#features)
* [Requirements](#requirements)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [DSN (Data Source Name)](#dsn-data-source-name)
* [Password](#password)
* [Protocol](#protocol)
* [Address](#address)
* [Parameters](#parameters)
* [Examples](#examples)
* [LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE support](#load-data-local-infile-support)
* [time.Time support](#timetime-support)
* [Unicode support](#unicode-support)
* [Testing / Development](#testing--development)
* [License](#license)
## Features
* Lightweight and [fast]( "golang MySQL-Driver performance")
* Native Go implementation. No C-bindings, just pure Go
* Connections over TCP/IPv4, TCP/IPv6, Unix domain sockets or [custom protocols](
* Automatic handling of broken connections
* Automatic Connection Pooling *(by database/sql package)*
* Supports queries larger than 16MB
* Full [`sql.RawBytes`]( support.
* Intelligent `LONG DATA` handling in prepared statements
* Secure `LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE` support with file Whitelisting and `io.Reader` support
* Optional `time.Time` parsing
* Optional placeholder interpolation
## Requirements
* Go 1.2 or higher
* MySQL (4.1+), MariaDB, Percona Server, Google CloudSQL or Sphinx (2.2.3+)
## Installation
Simple install the package to your [$GOPATH]( "GOPATH") with the [go tool]( "go command") from shell:
$ go get
Make sure [Git is installed]( on your machine and in your system's `PATH`.
## Usage
_Go MySQL Driver_ is an implementation of Go's `database/sql/driver` interface. You only need to import the driver and can use the full [`database/sql`]( API then.
Use `mysql` as `driverName` and a valid [DSN](#dsn-data-source-name) as `dataSourceName`:
import "database/sql"
import _ ""
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "user:password@/dbname")
[Examples are available in our Wiki]( "Go-MySQL-Driver Examples").
### DSN (Data Source Name)
The Data Source Name has a common format, like e.g. [PEAR DB]( uses it, but without type-prefix (optional parts marked by squared brackets):
A DSN in its fullest form:
Except for the databasename, all values are optional. So the minimal DSN is:
If you do not want to preselect a database, leave `dbname` empty:
This has the same effect as an empty DSN string:
Alternatively, [Config.FormatDSN]( can be used to create a DSN string by filling a struct.
#### Password
Passwords can consist of any character. Escaping is **not** necessary.
#### Protocol
See [net.Dial]( for more information which networks are available.
In general you should use an Unix domain socket if available and TCP otherwise for best performance.
#### Address
For TCP and UDP networks, addresses have the form `host:port`.
If `host` is a literal IPv6 address, it must be enclosed in square brackets.
The functions [net.JoinHostPort]( and [net.SplitHostPort]( manipulate addresses in this form.
For Unix domain sockets the address is the absolute path to the MySQL-Server-socket, e.g. `/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock` or `/tmp/mysql.sock`.
#### Parameters
*Parameters are case-sensitive!*
Notice that any of `true`, `TRUE`, `True` or `1` is accepted to stand for a true boolean value. Not surprisingly, false can be specified as any of: `false`, `FALSE`, `False` or `0`.
##### `allowAllFiles`
Type: bool
Valid Values: true, false
Default: false
`allowAllFiles=true` disables the file Whitelist for `LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE` and allows *all* files.
[*Might be insecure!*](
##### `allowCleartextPasswords`
Type: bool
Valid Values: true, false
Default: false
`allowCleartextPasswords=true` allows using the [cleartext client side plugin]( if required by an account, such as one defined with the [PAM authentication plugin]( Sending passwords in clear text may be a security problem in some configurations. To avoid problems if there is any possibility that the password would be intercepted, clients should connect to MySQL Server using a method that protects the password. Possibilities include [TLS / SSL](#tls), IPsec, or a private network.
##### `allowNativePasswords`
Type: bool
Valid Values: true, false
Default: false
`allowNativePasswords=true` allows the usage of the mysql native password method.
##### `allowOldPasswords`
Type: bool
Valid Values: true, false
Default: false
`allowOldPasswords=true` allows the usage of the insecure old password method. This should be avoided, but is necessary in some cases. See also [the old_passwords wiki page](
##### `charset`
Type: string
Valid Values: <name>
Default: none
Sets the charset used for client-server interaction (`"SET NAMES <value>"`). If multiple charsets are set (separated by a comma), the following charset is used if setting the charset failes. This enables for example support for `utf8mb4` ([introduced in MySQL 5.5.3]( with fallback to `utf8` for older servers (`charset=utf8mb4,utf8`).
Usage of the `charset` parameter is discouraged because it issues additional queries to the server.
Unless you need the fallback behavior, please use `collation` instead.
##### `collation`
Type: string
Valid Values: <name>
Default: utf8_general_ci
Sets the collation used for client-server interaction on connection. In contrast to `charset`, `collation` does not issue additional queries. If the specified collation is unavailable on the target server, the connection will fail.
A list of valid charsets for a server is retrievable with `SHOW COLLATION`.
##### `clientFoundRows`
Type: bool
Valid Values: true, false
Default: false
`clientFoundRows=true` causes an UPDATE to return the number of matching rows instead of the number of rows changed.
##### `columnsWithAlias`
Type: bool
Valid Values: true, false
Default: false
When `columnsWithAlias` is true, calls to `sql.Rows.Columns()` will return the table alias and the column name separated by a dot. For example:
SELECT FROM users as u
will return `` instead of just `id` if `columnsWithAlias=true`.
##### `interpolateParams`
Type: bool
Valid Values: true, false
Default: false
If `interpolateParams` is true, placeholders (`?`) in calls to `db.Query()` and `db.Exec()` are interpolated into a single query string with given parameters. This reduces the number of roundtrips, since the driver has to prepare a statement, execute it with given parameters and close the statement again with `interpolateParams=false`.
*This can not be used together with the multibyte encodings BIG5, CP932, GB2312, GBK or SJIS. These are blacklisted as they may [introduce a SQL injection vulnerability](!*
##### `loc`
Type: string
Valid Values: <escaped name>
Default: UTC
Sets the location for time.Time values (when using `parseTime=true`). *"Local"* sets the system's location. See [time.LoadLocation]( for details.
Note that this sets the location for time.Time values but does not change MySQL's [time_zone setting]( For that see the [time_zone system variable](#system-variables), which can also be set as a DSN parameter.
Please keep in mind, that param values must be [url.QueryEscape]('ed. Alternatively you can manually replace the `/` with `%2F`. For example `US/Pacific` would be `loc=US%2FPacific`.
##### `maxAllowedPacket`
Type: decimal number
Default: 0
Max packet size allowed in bytes. Use `maxAllowedPacket=0` to automatically fetch the `max_allowed_packet` variable from server.
##### `multiStatements`
Type: bool
Valid Values: true, false
Default: false
Allow multiple statements in one query. While this allows batch queries, it also greatly increases the risk of SQL injections. Only the result of the first query is returned, all other results are silently discarded.
When `multiStatements` is used, `?` parameters must only be used in the first statement.
##### `parseTime`
Type: bool
Valid Values: true, false
Default: false
`parseTime=true` changes the output type of `DATE` and `DATETIME` values to `time.Time` instead of `[]byte` / `string`
##### `readTimeout`
Type: decimal number
Default: 0
I/O read timeout. The value must be a decimal number with an unit suffix ( *"ms"*, *"s"*, *"m"*, *"h"* ), such as *"30s"*, *"0.5m"* or *"1m30s"*.
##### `strict`
Type: bool
Valid Values: true, false
Default: false
`strict=true` enables a driver-side strict mode in which MySQL warnings are treated as errors. This mode should not be used in production as it may lead to data corruption in certain situations.
A server-side strict mode, which is safe for production use, can be set via the [`sql_mode`]( system variable.
By default MySQL also treats notes as warnings. Use [`sql_notes=false`]( to ignore notes.
##### `timeout`
Type: decimal number
Default: OS default
*Driver* side connection timeout. The value must be a decimal number with an unit suffix ( *"ms"*, *"s"*, *"m"*, *"h"* ), such as *"30s"*, *"0.5m"* or *"1m30s"*. To set a server side timeout, use the parameter [`wait_timeout`](
##### `tls`
Type: bool / string
Valid Values: true, false, skip-verify, <name>
Default: false
`tls=true` enables TLS / SSL encrypted connection to the server. Use `skip-verify` if you want to use a self-signed or invalid certificate (server side). Use a custom value registered with [`mysql.RegisterTLSConfig`](
##### `writeTimeout`
Type: decimal number
Default: 0
I/O write timeout. The value must be a decimal number with an unit suffix ( *"ms"*, *"s"*, *"m"*, *"h"* ), such as *"30s"*, *"0.5m"* or *"1m30s"*.
##### System Variables
Any other parameters are interpreted as system variables:
* `<boolean_var>=<value>`: `SET <boolean_var>=<value>`
* `<enum_var>=<value>`: `SET <enum_var>=<value>`
* `<string_var>=%27<value>%27`: `SET <string_var>='<value>'`
* The values for string variables must be quoted with '
* The values must also be [url.QueryEscape]('ed!
(which implies values of string variables must be wrapped with `%27`)
* `autocommit=1`: `SET autocommit=1`
* [`time_zone=%27Europe%2FParis%27`]( `SET time_zone='Europe/Paris'`
* [`tx_isolation=%27REPEATABLE-READ%27`]( `SET tx_isolation='REPEATABLE-READ'`
#### Examples
Treat warnings as errors by setting the system variable [`sql_mode`](
TCP via IPv6:
TCP on a remote host, e.g. Amazon RDS:
Google Cloud SQL on App Engine (First Generation MySQL Server):
Google Cloud SQL on App Engine (Second Generation MySQL Server):
TCP using default port (3306) on localhost:
Use the default protocol (tcp) and host (localhost:3306):
No Database preselected:
For this feature you need direct access to the package. Therefore you must change the import path (no `_`):
import ""
Files must be whitelisted by registering them with `mysql.RegisterLocalFile(filepath)` (recommended) or the Whitelist check must be deactivated by using the DSN parameter `allowAllFiles=true` ([*Might be insecure!*](
To use a `io.Reader` a handler function must be registered with `mysql.RegisterReaderHandler(name, handler)` which returns a `io.Reader` or `io.ReadCloser`. The Reader is available with the filepath `Reader::<name>` then. Choose different names for different handlers and `DeregisterReaderHandler` when you don't need it anymore.
See the [godoc of Go-MySQL-Driver]( "golang mysql driver documentation") for details.
### `time.Time` support
The default internal output type of MySQL `DATE` and `DATETIME` values is `[]byte` which allows you to scan the value into a `[]byte`, `string` or `sql.RawBytes` variable in your programm.
However, many want to scan MySQL `DATE` and `DATETIME` values into `time.Time` variables, which is the logical opposite in Go to `DATE` and `DATETIME` in MySQL. You can do that by changing the internal output type from `[]byte` to `time.Time` with the DSN parameter `parseTime=true`. You can set the default [`time.Time` location]( with the `loc` DSN parameter.
**Caution:** As of Go 1.1, this makes `time.Time` the only variable type you can scan `DATE` and `DATETIME` values into. This breaks for example [`sql.RawBytes` support](
Alternatively you can use the [`NullTime`]( type as the scan destination, which works with both `time.Time` and `string` / `[]byte`.
### Unicode support
Since version 1.1 Go-MySQL-Driver automatically uses the collation `utf8_general_ci` by default.
Other collations / charsets can be set using the [`collation`](#collation) DSN parameter.
Version 1.0 of the driver recommended adding `&charset=utf8` (alias for `SET NAMES utf8`) to the DSN to enable proper UTF-8 support. This is not necessary anymore. The [`collation`](#collation) parameter should be preferred to set another collation / charset than the default.
See for more details on MySQL's Unicode support.
## Testing / Development
To run the driver tests you may need to adjust the configuration. See the [Testing Wiki-Page]( "Testing") for details.
Go-MySQL-Driver is not feature-complete yet. Your help is very appreciated.
If you want to contribute, you can work on an [open issue]( or review a [pull request](
See the [Contribution Guidelines]( for details.
## License
Go-MySQL-Driver is licensed under the [Mozilla Public License Version 2.0](
Mozilla summarizes the license scope as follows:
> MPL: The copyleft applies to any files containing MPLed code.
That means:
* You can **use** the **unchanged** source code both in private and commercially
* When distributing, you **must publish** the source code of any **changed files** licensed under the MPL 2.0 under a) the MPL 2.0 itself or b) a compatible license (e.g. GPL 3.0 or Apache License 2.0)
* You **needn't publish** the source code of your library as long as the files licensed under the MPL 2.0 are **unchanged**
Please read the [MPL 2.0 FAQ]( if you have further questions regarding the license.
You can read the full terms here: [LICENSE](
![Go Gopher and MySQL Dolphin]( "Golang Gopher transporting the MySQL Dolphin in a wheelbarrow")

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
// +build appengine
package mysql
import (
func init() {
RegisterDial("cloudsql", cloudsql.Dial)

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
import (
type TB testing.B
func (tb *TB) check(err error) {
if err != nil {
func (tb *TB) checkDB(db *sql.DB, err error) *sql.DB {
return db
func (tb *TB) checkRows(rows *sql.Rows, err error) *sql.Rows {
return rows
func (tb *TB) checkStmt(stmt *sql.Stmt, err error) *sql.Stmt {
return stmt
func initDB(b *testing.B, queries ...string) *sql.DB {
tb := (*TB)(b)
db := tb.checkDB(sql.Open("mysql", dsn))
for _, query := range queries {
if _, err := db.Exec(query); err != nil {
if w, ok := err.(MySQLWarnings); ok {
b.Logf("warning on %q: %v", query, w)
} else {
b.Fatalf("error on %q: %v", query, err)
return db
const concurrencyLevel = 10
func BenchmarkQuery(b *testing.B) {
tb := (*TB)(b)
db := initDB(b,
`INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, "one")`,
`INSERT INTO foo VALUES (2, "two")`,
defer db.Close()
stmt := tb.checkStmt(db.Prepare("SELECT val FROM foo WHERE id=?"))
defer stmt.Close()
remain := int64(b.N)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Wait()
for i := 0; i < concurrencyLevel; i++ {
go func() {
for {
if atomic.AddInt64(&remain, -1) < 0 {
var got string
if got != "one" {
b.Errorf("query = %q; want one", got)
func BenchmarkExec(b *testing.B) {
tb := (*TB)(b)
db := tb.checkDB(sql.Open("mysql", dsn))
defer db.Close()
stmt := tb.checkStmt(db.Prepare("DO 1"))
defer stmt.Close()
remain := int64(b.N)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Wait()
for i := 0; i < concurrencyLevel; i++ {
go func() {
for {
if atomic.AddInt64(&remain, -1) < 0 {
if _, err := stmt.Exec(); err != nil {
// data, but no db writes
var roundtripSample []byte
func initRoundtripBenchmarks() ([]byte, int, int) {
if roundtripSample == nil {
roundtripSample = []byte(strings.Repeat("0123456789abcdef", 1024*1024))
return roundtripSample, 16, len(roundtripSample)
func BenchmarkRoundtripTxt(b *testing.B) {
sample, min, max := initRoundtripBenchmarks()
sampleString := string(sample)
tb := (*TB)(b)
db := tb.checkDB(sql.Open("mysql", dsn))
defer db.Close()
var result string
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
length := min + i
if length > max {
length = max
test := sampleString[0:length]
rows := tb.checkRows(db.Query(`SELECT "` + test + `"`))
if !rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&result)
if err != nil {
if result != test {
func BenchmarkRoundtripBin(b *testing.B) {
sample, min, max := initRoundtripBenchmarks()
tb := (*TB)(b)
db := tb.checkDB(sql.Open("mysql", dsn))
defer db.Close()
stmt := tb.checkStmt(db.Prepare("SELECT ?"))
defer stmt.Close()
var result sql.RawBytes
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
length := min + i
if length > max {
length = max
test := sample[0:length]
rows := tb.checkRows(stmt.Query(test))
if !rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&result)
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(result, test) {
func BenchmarkInterpolation(b *testing.B) {
mc := &mysqlConn{
cfg: &Config{
InterpolateParams: true,
Loc: time.UTC,
maxAllowedPacket: maxPacketSize,
maxWriteSize: maxPacketSize - 1,
buf: newBuffer(nil),
args := []driver.Value{
time.Unix(1423411542, 807015000),
[]byte("bytes containing special chars ' \" \a \x00"),
"string containing special chars ' \" \a \x00",
q := "SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?"
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_, err := mc.interpolateParams(q, args)
if err != nil {

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
import (
const defaultBufSize = 4096
// A buffer which is used for both reading and writing.
// This is possible since communication on each connection is synchronous.
// In other words, we can't write and read simultaneously on the same connection.
// The buffer is similar to bufio.Reader / Writer but zero-copy-ish
// Also highly optimized for this particular use case.
type buffer struct {
buf []byte
nc net.Conn
idx int
length int
timeout time.Duration
func newBuffer(nc net.Conn) buffer {
var b [defaultBufSize]byte
return buffer{
buf: b[:],
nc: nc,
// fill reads into the buffer until at least _need_ bytes are in it
func (b *buffer) fill(need int) error {
n := b.length
// move existing data to the beginning
if n > 0 && b.idx > 0 {
copy(b.buf[0:n], b.buf[b.idx:])
// grow buffer if necessary
// TODO: let the buffer shrink again at some point
// Maybe keep the org buf slice and swap back?
if need > len(b.buf) {
// Round up to the next multiple of the default size
newBuf := make([]byte, ((need/defaultBufSize)+1)*defaultBufSize)
copy(newBuf, b.buf)
b.buf = newBuf
b.idx = 0
for {
if b.timeout > 0 {
if err :=; err != nil {
return err
nn, err :=[n:])
n += nn
switch err {
case nil:
if n < need {
b.length = n
return nil
case io.EOF:
if n >= need {
b.length = n
return nil
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return err
// returns next N bytes from buffer.
// The returned slice is only guaranteed to be valid until the next read
func (b *buffer) readNext(need int) ([]byte, error) {
if b.length < need {
// refill
if err := b.fill(need); err != nil {
return nil, err
offset := b.idx
b.idx += need
b.length -= need
return b.buf[offset:b.idx], nil
// returns a buffer with the requested size.
// If possible, a slice from the existing buffer is returned.
// Otherwise a bigger buffer is made.
// Only one buffer (total) can be used at a time.
func (b *buffer) takeBuffer(length int) []byte {
if b.length > 0 {
return nil
// test (cheap) general case first
if length <= defaultBufSize || length <= cap(b.buf) {
return b.buf[:length]
if length < maxPacketSize {
b.buf = make([]byte, length)
return b.buf
return make([]byte, length)
// shortcut which can be used if the requested buffer is guaranteed to be
// smaller than defaultBufSize
// Only one buffer (total) can be used at a time.
func (b *buffer) takeSmallBuffer(length int) []byte {
if b.length == 0 {
return b.buf[:length]
return nil
// takeCompleteBuffer returns the complete existing buffer.
// This can be used if the necessary buffer size is unknown.
// Only one buffer (total) can be used at a time.
func (b *buffer) takeCompleteBuffer() []byte {
if b.length == 0 {
return b.buf
return nil

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@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2014 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
const defaultCollation = "utf8_general_ci"
// A list of available collations mapped to the internal ID.
// To update this map use the following MySQL query:
var collations = map[string]byte{
"big5_chinese_ci": 1,
"latin2_czech_cs": 2,
"dec8_swedish_ci": 3,
"cp850_general_ci": 4,
"latin1_german1_ci": 5,
"hp8_english_ci": 6,
"koi8r_general_ci": 7,
"latin1_swedish_ci": 8,
"latin2_general_ci": 9,
"swe7_swedish_ci": 10,
"ascii_general_ci": 11,
"ujis_japanese_ci": 12,
"sjis_japanese_ci": 13,
"cp1251_bulgarian_ci": 14,
"latin1_danish_ci": 15,
"hebrew_general_ci": 16,
"tis620_thai_ci": 18,
"euckr_korean_ci": 19,
"latin7_estonian_cs": 20,
"latin2_hungarian_ci": 21,
"koi8u_general_ci": 22,
"cp1251_ukrainian_ci": 23,
"gb2312_chinese_ci": 24,
"greek_general_ci": 25,
"cp1250_general_ci": 26,
"latin2_croatian_ci": 27,
"gbk_chinese_ci": 28,
"cp1257_lithuanian_ci": 29,
"latin5_turkish_ci": 30,
"latin1_german2_ci": 31,
"armscii8_general_ci": 32,
"utf8_general_ci": 33,
"cp1250_czech_cs": 34,
"ucs2_general_ci": 35,
"cp866_general_ci": 36,
"keybcs2_general_ci": 37,
"macce_general_ci": 38,
"macroman_general_ci": 39,
"cp852_general_ci": 40,
"latin7_general_ci": 41,
"latin7_general_cs": 42,
"macce_bin": 43,
"cp1250_croatian_ci": 44,
"utf8mb4_general_ci": 45,
"utf8mb4_bin": 46,
"latin1_bin": 47,
"latin1_general_ci": 48,
"latin1_general_cs": 49,
"cp1251_bin": 50,
"cp1251_general_ci": 51,
"cp1251_general_cs": 52,
"macroman_bin": 53,
"utf16_general_ci": 54,
"utf16_bin": 55,
"utf16le_general_ci": 56,
"cp1256_general_ci": 57,
"cp1257_bin": 58,
"cp1257_general_ci": 59,
"utf32_general_ci": 60,
"utf32_bin": 61,
"utf16le_bin": 62,
"binary": 63,
"armscii8_bin": 64,
"ascii_bin": 65,
"cp1250_bin": 66,
"cp1256_bin": 67,
"cp866_bin": 68,
"dec8_bin": 69,
"greek_bin": 70,
"hebrew_bin": 71,
"hp8_bin": 72,
"keybcs2_bin": 73,
"koi8r_bin": 74,
"koi8u_bin": 75,
"latin2_bin": 77,
"latin5_bin": 78,
"latin7_bin": 79,
"cp850_bin": 80,
"cp852_bin": 81,
"swe7_bin": 82,
"utf8_bin": 83,
"big5_bin": 84,
"euckr_bin": 85,
"gb2312_bin": 86,
"gbk_bin": 87,
"sjis_bin": 88,
"tis620_bin": 89,
"ucs2_bin": 90,
"ujis_bin": 91,
"geostd8_general_ci": 92,
"geostd8_bin": 93,
"latin1_spanish_ci": 94,
"cp932_japanese_ci": 95,
"cp932_bin": 96,
"eucjpms_japanese_ci": 97,
"eucjpms_bin": 98,
"cp1250_polish_ci": 99,
"utf16_unicode_ci": 101,
"utf16_icelandic_ci": 102,
"utf16_latvian_ci": 103,
"utf16_romanian_ci": 104,
"utf16_slovenian_ci": 105,
"utf16_polish_ci": 106,
"utf16_estonian_ci": 107,
"utf16_spanish_ci": 108,
"utf16_swedish_ci": 109,
"utf16_turkish_ci": 110,
"utf16_czech_ci": 111,
"utf16_danish_ci": 112,
"utf16_lithuanian_ci": 113,
"utf16_slovak_ci": 114,
"utf16_spanish2_ci": 115,
"utf16_roman_ci": 116,
"utf16_persian_ci": 117,
"utf16_esperanto_ci": 118,
"utf16_hungarian_ci": 119,
"utf16_sinhala_ci": 120,
"utf16_german2_ci": 121,
"utf16_croatian_ci": 122,
"utf16_unicode_520_ci": 123,
"utf16_vietnamese_ci": 124,
"ucs2_unicode_ci": 128,
"ucs2_icelandic_ci": 129,
"ucs2_latvian_ci": 130,
"ucs2_romanian_ci": 131,
"ucs2_slovenian_ci": 132,
"ucs2_polish_ci": 133,
"ucs2_estonian_ci": 134,
"ucs2_spanish_ci": 135,
"ucs2_swedish_ci": 136,
"ucs2_turkish_ci": 137,
"ucs2_czech_ci": 138,
"ucs2_danish_ci": 139,
"ucs2_lithuanian_ci": 140,
"ucs2_slovak_ci": 141,
"ucs2_spanish2_ci": 142,
"ucs2_roman_ci": 143,
"ucs2_persian_ci": 144,
"ucs2_esperanto_ci": 145,
"ucs2_hungarian_ci": 146,
"ucs2_sinhala_ci": 147,
"ucs2_german2_ci": 148,
"ucs2_croatian_ci": 149,
"ucs2_unicode_520_ci": 150,
"ucs2_vietnamese_ci": 151,
"ucs2_general_mysql500_ci": 159,
"utf32_unicode_ci": 160,
"utf32_icelandic_ci": 161,
"utf32_latvian_ci": 162,
"utf32_romanian_ci": 163,
"utf32_slovenian_ci": 164,
"utf32_polish_ci": 165,
"utf32_estonian_ci": 166,
"utf32_spanish_ci": 167,
"utf32_swedish_ci": 168,
"utf32_turkish_ci": 169,
"utf32_czech_ci": 170,
"utf32_danish_ci": 171,
"utf32_lithuanian_ci": 172,
"utf32_slovak_ci": 173,
"utf32_spanish2_ci": 174,
"utf32_roman_ci": 175,
"utf32_persian_ci": 176,
"utf32_esperanto_ci": 177,
"utf32_hungarian_ci": 178,
"utf32_sinhala_ci": 179,
"utf32_german2_ci": 180,
"utf32_croatian_ci": 181,
"utf32_unicode_520_ci": 182,
"utf32_vietnamese_ci": 183,
"utf8_unicode_ci": 192,
"utf8_icelandic_ci": 193,
"utf8_latvian_ci": 194,
"utf8_romanian_ci": 195,
"utf8_slovenian_ci": 196,
"utf8_polish_ci": 197,
"utf8_estonian_ci": 198,
"utf8_spanish_ci": 199,
"utf8_swedish_ci": 200,
"utf8_turkish_ci": 201,
"utf8_czech_ci": 202,
"utf8_danish_ci": 203,
"utf8_lithuanian_ci": 204,
"utf8_slovak_ci": 205,
"utf8_spanish2_ci": 206,
"utf8_roman_ci": 207,
"utf8_persian_ci": 208,
"utf8_esperanto_ci": 209,
"utf8_hungarian_ci": 210,
"utf8_sinhala_ci": 211,
"utf8_german2_ci": 212,
"utf8_croatian_ci": 213,
"utf8_unicode_520_ci": 214,
"utf8_vietnamese_ci": 215,
"utf8_general_mysql500_ci": 223,
"utf8mb4_unicode_ci": 224,
"utf8mb4_icelandic_ci": 225,
"utf8mb4_latvian_ci": 226,
"utf8mb4_romanian_ci": 227,
"utf8mb4_slovenian_ci": 228,
"utf8mb4_polish_ci": 229,
"utf8mb4_estonian_ci": 230,
"utf8mb4_spanish_ci": 231,
"utf8mb4_swedish_ci": 232,
"utf8mb4_turkish_ci": 233,
"utf8mb4_czech_ci": 234,
"utf8mb4_danish_ci": 235,
"utf8mb4_lithuanian_ci": 236,
"utf8mb4_slovak_ci": 237,
"utf8mb4_spanish2_ci": 238,
"utf8mb4_roman_ci": 239,
"utf8mb4_persian_ci": 240,
"utf8mb4_esperanto_ci": 241,
"utf8mb4_hungarian_ci": 242,
"utf8mb4_sinhala_ci": 243,
"utf8mb4_german2_ci": 244,
"utf8mb4_croatian_ci": 245,
"utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci": 246,
"utf8mb4_vietnamese_ci": 247,
// A blacklist of collations which is unsafe to interpolate parameters.
// These multibyte encodings may contains 0x5c (`\`) in their trailing bytes.
var unsafeCollations = map[string]bool{
"big5_chinese_ci": true,
"sjis_japanese_ci": true,
"gbk_chinese_ci": true,
"big5_bin": true,
"gb2312_bin": true,
"gbk_bin": true,
"sjis_bin": true,
"cp932_japanese_ci": true,
"cp932_bin": true,

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
import (
type mysqlConn struct {
buf buffer
netConn net.Conn
affectedRows uint64
insertId uint64
cfg *Config
maxAllowedPacket int
maxWriteSize int
writeTimeout time.Duration
flags clientFlag
status statusFlag
sequence uint8
parseTime bool
strict bool
// Handles parameters set in DSN after the connection is established
func (mc *mysqlConn) handleParams() (err error) {
for param, val := range mc.cfg.Params {
switch param {
// Charset
case "charset":
charsets := strings.Split(val, ",")
for i := range charsets {
// ignore errors here - a charset may not exist
err = mc.exec("SET NAMES " + charsets[i])
if err == nil {
if err != nil {
// System Vars
err = mc.exec("SET " + param + "=" + val + "")
if err != nil {
func (mc *mysqlConn) Begin() (driver.Tx, error) {
if mc.netConn == nil {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
err := mc.exec("START TRANSACTION")
if err == nil {
return &mysqlTx{mc}, err
return nil, err
func (mc *mysqlConn) Close() (err error) {
// Makes Close idempotent
if mc.netConn != nil {
err = mc.writeCommandPacket(comQuit)
// Closes the network connection and unsets internal variables. Do not call this
// function after successfully authentication, call Close instead. This function
// is called before auth or on auth failure because MySQL will have already
// closed the network connection.
func (mc *mysqlConn) cleanup() {
// Makes cleanup idempotent
if mc.netConn != nil {
if err := mc.netConn.Close(); err != nil {
mc.netConn = nil
mc.cfg = nil = nil
func (mc *mysqlConn) Prepare(query string) (driver.Stmt, error) {
if mc.netConn == nil {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
// Send command
err := mc.writeCommandPacketStr(comStmtPrepare, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stmt := &mysqlStmt{
mc: mc,
// Read Result
columnCount, err := stmt.readPrepareResultPacket()
if err == nil {
if stmt.paramCount > 0 {
if err = mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if columnCount > 0 {
err = mc.readUntilEOF()
return stmt, err
func (mc *mysqlConn) interpolateParams(query string, args []driver.Value) (string, error) {
// Number of ? should be same to len(args)
if strings.Count(query, "?") != len(args) {
return "", driver.ErrSkip
buf := mc.buf.takeCompleteBuffer()
if buf == nil {
// can not take the buffer. Something must be wrong with the connection
return "", driver.ErrBadConn
buf = buf[:0]
argPos := 0
for i := 0; i < len(query); i++ {
q := strings.IndexByte(query[i:], '?')
if q == -1 {
buf = append(buf, query[i:]...)
buf = append(buf, query[i:i+q]...)
i += q
arg := args[argPos]
if arg == nil {
buf = append(buf, "NULL"...)
switch v := arg.(type) {
case int64:
buf = strconv.AppendInt(buf, v, 10)
case float64:
buf = strconv.AppendFloat(buf, v, 'g', -1, 64)
case bool:
if v {
buf = append(buf, '1')
} else {
buf = append(buf, '0')
case time.Time:
if v.IsZero() {
buf = append(buf, "'0000-00-00'"...)
} else {
v := v.In(mc.cfg.Loc)
v = v.Add(time.Nanosecond * 500) // To round under microsecond
year := v.Year()
year100 := year / 100
year1 := year % 100
month := v.Month()
day := v.Day()
hour := v.Hour()
minute := v.Minute()
second := v.Second()
micro := v.Nanosecond() / 1000
buf = append(buf, []byte{
digits10[year100], digits01[year100],
digits10[year1], digits01[year1],
digits10[month], digits01[month],
digits10[day], digits01[day],
' ',
digits10[hour], digits01[hour],
digits10[minute], digits01[minute],
digits10[second], digits01[second],
if micro != 0 {
micro10000 := micro / 10000
micro100 := micro / 100 % 100
micro1 := micro % 100
buf = append(buf, []byte{
digits10[micro10000], digits01[micro10000],
digits10[micro100], digits01[micro100],
digits10[micro1], digits01[micro1],
buf = append(buf, '\'')
case []byte:
if v == nil {
buf = append(buf, "NULL"...)
} else {
buf = append(buf, "_binary'"...)
if mc.status&statusNoBackslashEscapes == 0 {
buf = escapeBytesBackslash(buf, v)
} else {
buf = escapeBytesQuotes(buf, v)
buf = append(buf, '\'')
case string:
buf = append(buf, '\'')
if mc.status&statusNoBackslashEscapes == 0 {
buf = escapeStringBackslash(buf, v)
} else {
buf = escapeStringQuotes(buf, v)
buf = append(buf, '\'')
return "", driver.ErrSkip
if len(buf)+4 > mc.maxAllowedPacket {
return "", driver.ErrSkip
if argPos != len(args) {
return "", driver.ErrSkip
return string(buf), nil
func (mc *mysqlConn) Exec(query string, args []driver.Value) (driver.Result, error) {
if mc.netConn == nil {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
if len(args) != 0 {
if !mc.cfg.InterpolateParams {
return nil, driver.ErrSkip
// try to interpolate the parameters to save extra roundtrips for preparing and closing a statement
prepared, err := mc.interpolateParams(query, args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
query = prepared
args = nil
mc.affectedRows = 0
mc.insertId = 0
err := mc.exec(query)
if err == nil {
return &mysqlResult{
affectedRows: int64(mc.affectedRows),
insertId: int64(mc.insertId),
}, err
return nil, err
// Internal function to execute commands
func (mc *mysqlConn) exec(query string) error {
// Send command
err := mc.writeCommandPacketStr(comQuery, query)
if err != nil {
return err
// Read Result
resLen, err := mc.readResultSetHeaderPacket()
if err == nil && resLen > 0 {
if err = mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil {
return err
err = mc.readUntilEOF()
return err
func (mc *mysqlConn) Query(query string, args []driver.Value) (driver.Rows, error) {
if mc.netConn == nil {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
if len(args) != 0 {
if !mc.cfg.InterpolateParams {
return nil, driver.ErrSkip
// try client-side prepare to reduce roundtrip
prepared, err := mc.interpolateParams(query, args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
query = prepared
args = nil
// Send command
err := mc.writeCommandPacketStr(comQuery, query)
if err == nil {
// Read Result
var resLen int
resLen, err = mc.readResultSetHeaderPacket()
if err == nil {
rows := new(textRows) = mc
if resLen == 0 {
// no columns, no more data
return emptyRows{}, nil
// Columns
rows.columns, err = mc.readColumns(resLen)
return rows, err
return nil, err
// Gets the value of the given MySQL System Variable
// The returned byte slice is only valid until the next read
func (mc *mysqlConn) getSystemVar(name string) ([]byte, error) {
// Send command
if err := mc.writeCommandPacketStr(comQuery, "SELECT @@"+name); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Read Result
resLen, err := mc.readResultSetHeaderPacket()
if err == nil {
rows := new(textRows) = mc
rows.columns = []mysqlField{{fieldType: fieldTypeVarChar}}
if resLen > 0 {
// Columns
if err := mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil {
return nil, err
dest := make([]driver.Value, resLen)
if err = rows.readRow(dest); err == nil {
return dest[0].([]byte), mc.readUntilEOF()
return nil, err

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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2016 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
import (
func TestInterpolateParams(t *testing.T) {
mc := &mysqlConn{
buf: newBuffer(nil),
maxAllowedPacket: maxPacketSize,
cfg: &Config{
InterpolateParams: true,
q, err := mc.interpolateParams("SELECT ?+?", []driver.Value{int64(42), "gopher"})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected err=nil, got %#v", err)
expected := `SELECT 42+'gopher'`
if q != expected {
t.Errorf("Expected: %q\nGot: %q", expected, q)
func TestInterpolateParamsTooManyPlaceholders(t *testing.T) {
mc := &mysqlConn{
buf: newBuffer(nil),
maxAllowedPacket: maxPacketSize,
cfg: &Config{
InterpolateParams: true,
q, err := mc.interpolateParams("SELECT ?+?", []driver.Value{int64(42)})
if err != driver.ErrSkip {
t.Errorf("Expected err=driver.ErrSkip, got err=%#v, q=%#v", err, q)
// We don't support placeholder in string literal for now.
func TestInterpolateParamsPlaceholderInString(t *testing.T) {
mc := &mysqlConn{
buf: newBuffer(nil),
maxAllowedPacket: maxPacketSize,
cfg: &Config{
InterpolateParams: true,
q, err := mc.interpolateParams("SELECT 'abc?xyz',?", []driver.Value{int64(42)})
// When InterpolateParams support string literal, this should return `"SELECT 'abc?xyz', 42`
if err != driver.ErrSkip {
t.Errorf("Expected err=driver.ErrSkip, got err=%#v, q=%#v", err, q)

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
const (
minProtocolVersion byte = 10
maxPacketSize = 1<<24 - 1
timeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999"
// MySQL constants documentation:
const (
iOK byte = 0x00
iLocalInFile byte = 0xfb
iEOF byte = 0xfe
iERR byte = 0xff
type clientFlag uint32
const (
clientLongPassword clientFlag = 1 << iota
const (
comQuit byte = iota + 1
const (
fieldTypeDecimal byte = iota
const (
fieldTypeJSON byte = iota + 0xf5
type fieldFlag uint16
const (
flagNotNULL fieldFlag = 1 << iota
type statusFlag uint16
const (
statusInTrans statusFlag = 1 << iota
statusReserved // Not in documentation

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
// Package mysql provides a MySQL driver for Go's database/sql package
// The driver should be used via the database/sql package:
// import "database/sql"
// import _ ""
// db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "user:password@/dbname")
// See for details
package mysql
import (
// MySQLDriver is exported to make the driver directly accessible.
// In general the driver is used via the database/sql package.
type MySQLDriver struct{}
// DialFunc is a function which can be used to establish the network connection.
// Custom dial functions must be registered with RegisterDial
type DialFunc func(addr string) (net.Conn, error)
var dials map[string]DialFunc
// RegisterDial registers a custom dial function. It can then be used by the
// network address mynet(addr), where mynet is the registered new network.
// addr is passed as a parameter to the dial function.
func RegisterDial(net string, dial DialFunc) {
if dials == nil {
dials = make(map[string]DialFunc)
dials[net] = dial
// Open new Connection.
// See for how
// the DSN string is formated
func (d MySQLDriver) Open(dsn string) (driver.Conn, error) {
var err error
// New mysqlConn
mc := &mysqlConn{
maxAllowedPacket: maxPacketSize,
maxWriteSize: maxPacketSize - 1,
mc.cfg, err = ParseDSN(dsn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mc.parseTime = mc.cfg.ParseTime
mc.strict = mc.cfg.Strict
// Connect to Server
if dial, ok := dials[mc.cfg.Net]; ok {
mc.netConn, err = dial(mc.cfg.Addr)
} else {
nd := net.Dialer{Timeout: mc.cfg.Timeout}
mc.netConn, err = nd.Dial(mc.cfg.Net, mc.cfg.Addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Enable TCP Keepalives on TCP connections
if tc, ok := mc.netConn.(*net.TCPConn); ok {
if err := tc.SetKeepAlive(true); err != nil {
// Don't send COM_QUIT before handshake.
mc.netConn = nil
return nil, err
mc.buf = newBuffer(mc.netConn)
// Set I/O timeouts
mc.buf.timeout = mc.cfg.ReadTimeout
mc.writeTimeout = mc.cfg.WriteTimeout
// Reading Handshake Initialization Packet
cipher, err := mc.readInitPacket()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Send Client Authentication Packet
if err = mc.writeAuthPacket(cipher); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Handle response to auth packet, switch methods if possible
if err = handleAuthResult(mc, cipher); err != nil {
// Authentication failed and MySQL has already closed the connection
// (
// Do not send COM_QUIT, just cleanup and return the error.
return nil, err
if mc.cfg.MaxAllowedPacket > 0 {
mc.maxAllowedPacket = mc.cfg.MaxAllowedPacket
} else {
// Get max allowed packet size
maxap, err := mc.getSystemVar("max_allowed_packet")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mc.maxAllowedPacket = stringToInt(maxap) - 1
if mc.maxAllowedPacket < maxPacketSize {
mc.maxWriteSize = mc.maxAllowedPacket
// Handle DSN Params
err = mc.handleParams()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mc, nil
func handleAuthResult(mc *mysqlConn, oldCipher []byte) error {
// Read Result Packet
cipher, err := mc.readResultOK()
if err == nil {
return nil // auth successful
if mc.cfg == nil {
return err // auth failed and retry not possible
// Retry auth if configured to do so.
if mc.cfg.AllowOldPasswords && err == ErrOldPassword {
// Retry with old authentication method. Note: there are edge cases
// where this should work but doesn't; this is currently "wontfix":
// If CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH capability is not supported, no new cipher is
// sent and we have to keep using the cipher sent in the init packet.
if cipher == nil {
cipher = oldCipher
if err = mc.writeOldAuthPacket(cipher); err != nil {
return err
_, err = mc.readResultOK()
} else if mc.cfg.AllowCleartextPasswords && err == ErrCleartextPassword {
// Retry with clear text password for
if err = mc.writeClearAuthPacket(); err != nil {
return err
_, err = mc.readResultOK()
} else if mc.cfg.AllowNativePasswords && err == ErrNativePassword {
if err = mc.writeNativeAuthPacket(cipher); err != nil {
return err
_, err = mc.readResultOK()
return err
func init() {
sql.Register("mysql", &MySQLDriver{})

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2016 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
import (
var (
errInvalidDSNUnescaped = errors.New("invalid DSN: did you forget to escape a param value?")
errInvalidDSNAddr = errors.New("invalid DSN: network address not terminated (missing closing brace)")
errInvalidDSNNoSlash = errors.New("invalid DSN: missing the slash separating the database name")
errInvalidDSNUnsafeCollation = errors.New("invalid DSN: interpolateParams can not be used with unsafe collations")
// Config is a configuration parsed from a DSN string
type Config struct {
User string // Username
Passwd string // Password (requires User)
Net string // Network type
Addr string // Network address (requires Net)
DBName string // Database name
Params map[string]string // Connection parameters
Collation string // Connection collation
Loc *time.Location // Location for time.Time values
MaxAllowedPacket int // Max packet size allowed
TLSConfig string // TLS configuration name
tls *tls.Config // TLS configuration
Timeout time.Duration // Dial timeout
ReadTimeout time.Duration // I/O read timeout
WriteTimeout time.Duration // I/O write timeout
AllowAllFiles bool // Allow all files to be used with LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
AllowCleartextPasswords bool // Allows the cleartext client side plugin
AllowNativePasswords bool // Allows the native password authentication method
AllowOldPasswords bool // Allows the old insecure password method
ClientFoundRows bool // Return number of matching rows instead of rows changed
ColumnsWithAlias bool // Prepend table alias to column names
InterpolateParams bool // Interpolate placeholders into query string
MultiStatements bool // Allow multiple statements in one query
ParseTime bool // Parse time values to time.Time
Strict bool // Return warnings as errors
// FormatDSN formats the given Config into a DSN string which can be passed to
// the driver.
func (cfg *Config) FormatDSN() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
// [username[:password]@]
if len(cfg.User) > 0 {
if len(cfg.Passwd) > 0 {
// [protocol[(address)]]
if len(cfg.Net) > 0 {
if len(cfg.Addr) > 0 {
// /dbname
// [?param1=value1&...&paramN=valueN]
hasParam := false
if cfg.AllowAllFiles {
hasParam = true
if cfg.AllowCleartextPasswords {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if cfg.AllowNativePasswords {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if cfg.AllowOldPasswords {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if cfg.ClientFoundRows {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if col := cfg.Collation; col != defaultCollation && len(col) > 0 {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if cfg.ColumnsWithAlias {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if cfg.InterpolateParams {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if cfg.Loc != time.UTC && cfg.Loc != nil {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if cfg.MultiStatements {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if cfg.ParseTime {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if cfg.ReadTimeout > 0 {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if cfg.Strict {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if cfg.Timeout > 0 {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if len(cfg.TLSConfig) > 0 {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if cfg.WriteTimeout > 0 {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if cfg.MaxAllowedPacket > 0 {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
// other params
if cfg.Params != nil {
for param, value := range cfg.Params {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
return buf.String()
// ParseDSN parses the DSN string to a Config
func ParseDSN(dsn string) (cfg *Config, err error) {
// New config with some default values
cfg = &Config{
Loc: time.UTC,
Collation: defaultCollation,
// [user[:password]@][net[(addr)]]/dbname[?param1=value1&paramN=valueN]
// Find the last '/' (since the password or the net addr might contain a '/')
foundSlash := false
for i := len(dsn) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if dsn[i] == '/' {
foundSlash = true
var j, k int
// left part is empty if i <= 0
if i > 0 {
// [username[:password]@][protocol[(address)]]
// Find the last '@' in dsn[:i]
for j = i; j >= 0; j-- {
if dsn[j] == '@' {
// username[:password]
// Find the first ':' in dsn[:j]
for k = 0; k < j; k++ {
if dsn[k] == ':' {
cfg.Passwd = dsn[k+1 : j]
cfg.User = dsn[:k]
// [protocol[(address)]]
// Find the first '(' in dsn[j+1:i]
for k = j + 1; k < i; k++ {
if dsn[k] == '(' {
// dsn[i-1] must be == ')' if an address is specified
if dsn[i-1] != ')' {
if strings.ContainsRune(dsn[k+1:i], ')') {
return nil, errInvalidDSNUnescaped
return nil, errInvalidDSNAddr
cfg.Addr = dsn[k+1 : i-1]
cfg.Net = dsn[j+1 : k]
// dbname[?param1=value1&...&paramN=valueN]
// Find the first '?' in dsn[i+1:]
for j = i + 1; j < len(dsn); j++ {
if dsn[j] == '?' {
if err = parseDSNParams(cfg, dsn[j+1:]); err != nil {
cfg.DBName = dsn[i+1 : j]
if !foundSlash && len(dsn) > 0 {
return nil, errInvalidDSNNoSlash
if cfg.InterpolateParams && unsafeCollations[cfg.Collation] {
return nil, errInvalidDSNUnsafeCollation
// Set default network if empty
if cfg.Net == "" {
cfg.Net = "tcp"
// Set default address if empty
if cfg.Addr == "" {
switch cfg.Net {
case "tcp":
cfg.Addr = ""
case "unix":
cfg.Addr = "/tmp/mysql.sock"
return nil, errors.New("default addr for network '" + cfg.Net + "' unknown")
// parseDSNParams parses the DSN "query string"
// Values must be url.QueryEscape'ed
func parseDSNParams(cfg *Config, params string) (err error) {
for _, v := range strings.Split(params, "&") {
param := strings.SplitN(v, "=", 2)
if len(param) != 2 {
// cfg params
switch value := param[1]; param[0] {
// Disable INFILE whitelist / enable all files
case "allowAllFiles":
var isBool bool
cfg.AllowAllFiles, isBool = readBool(value)
if !isBool {
return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value)
// Use cleartext authentication mode (MySQL 5.5.10+)
case "allowCleartextPasswords":
var isBool bool
cfg.AllowCleartextPasswords, isBool = readBool(value)
if !isBool {
return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value)
// Use native password authentication
case "allowNativePasswords":
var isBool bool
cfg.AllowNativePasswords, isBool = readBool(value)
if !isBool {
return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value)
// Use old authentication mode (pre MySQL 4.1)
case "allowOldPasswords":
var isBool bool
cfg.AllowOldPasswords, isBool = readBool(value)
if !isBool {
return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value)
// Switch "rowsAffected" mode
case "clientFoundRows":
var isBool bool
cfg.ClientFoundRows, isBool = readBool(value)
if !isBool {
return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value)
// Collation
case "collation":
cfg.Collation = value
case "columnsWithAlias":
var isBool bool
cfg.ColumnsWithAlias, isBool = readBool(value)
if !isBool {
return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value)
// Compression
case "compress":
return errors.New("compression not implemented yet")
// Enable client side placeholder substitution
case "interpolateParams":
var isBool bool
cfg.InterpolateParams, isBool = readBool(value)
if !isBool {
return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value)
// Time Location
case "loc":
if value, err = url.QueryUnescape(value); err != nil {
cfg.Loc, err = time.LoadLocation(value)
if err != nil {
// multiple statements in one query
case "multiStatements":
var isBool bool
cfg.MultiStatements, isBool = readBool(value)
if !isBool {
return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value)
// time.Time parsing
case "parseTime":
var isBool bool
cfg.ParseTime, isBool = readBool(value)
if !isBool {
return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value)
// I/O read Timeout
case "readTimeout":
cfg.ReadTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(value)
if err != nil {
// Strict mode
case "strict":
var isBool bool
cfg.Strict, isBool = readBool(value)
if !isBool {
return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value)
// Dial Timeout
case "timeout":
cfg.Timeout, err = time.ParseDuration(value)
if err != nil {
// TLS-Encryption
case "tls":
boolValue, isBool := readBool(value)
if isBool {
if boolValue {
cfg.TLSConfig = "true"
cfg.tls = &tls.Config{}
} else {
cfg.TLSConfig = "false"
} else if vl := strings.ToLower(value); vl == "skip-verify" {
cfg.TLSConfig = vl
cfg.tls = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}
} else {
name, err := url.QueryUnescape(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for TLS config name: %v", err)
if tlsConfig, ok := tlsConfigRegister[name]; ok {
if len(tlsConfig.ServerName) == 0 && !tlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify {
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(cfg.Addr)
if err == nil {
tlsConfig.ServerName = host
cfg.TLSConfig = name
cfg.tls = tlsConfig
} else {
return errors.New("invalid value / unknown config name: " + name)
// I/O write Timeout
case "writeTimeout":
cfg.WriteTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(value)
if err != nil {
case "maxAllowedPacket":
cfg.MaxAllowedPacket, err = strconv.Atoi(value)
if err != nil {
// lazy init
if cfg.Params == nil {
cfg.Params = make(map[string]string)
if cfg.Params[param[0]], err = url.QueryUnescape(value); err != nil {

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2016 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
import (
var testDSNs = []struct {
in string
out *Config
&Config{User: "username", Passwd: "password", Net: "protocol", Addr: "address", DBName: "dbname", Params: map[string]string{"param": "value"}, Collation: "utf8_general_ci", Loc: time.UTC},
}, {
&Config{User: "username", Passwd: "password", Net: "protocol", Addr: "address", DBName: "dbname", Params: map[string]string{"param": "value"}, Collation: "utf8_general_ci", Loc: time.UTC, ColumnsWithAlias: true},
}, {
&Config{User: "username", Passwd: "password", Net: "protocol", Addr: "address", DBName: "dbname", Params: map[string]string{"param": "value"}, Collation: "utf8_general_ci", Loc: time.UTC, ColumnsWithAlias: true, MultiStatements: true},
}, {
&Config{User: "user", Net: "unix", Addr: "/path/to/socket", DBName: "dbname", Params: map[string]string{"charset": "utf8"}, Collation: "utf8_general_ci", Loc: time.UTC},
}, {
&Config{User: "user", Passwd: "password", Net: "tcp", Addr: "localhost:5555", DBName: "dbname", Params: map[string]string{"charset": "utf8"}, Collation: "utf8_general_ci", Loc: time.UTC, TLSConfig: "true"},
}, {
&Config{User: "user", Passwd: "password", Net: "tcp", Addr: "localhost:5555", DBName: "dbname", Params: map[string]string{"charset": "utf8mb4,utf8"}, Collation: "utf8_general_ci", Loc: time.UTC, TLSConfig: "skip-verify"},
}, {
&Config{User: "user", Passwd: "password", Net: "tcp", Addr: "", DBName: "dbname", Collation: "utf8mb4_unicode_ci", Loc: time.UTC, Timeout: 30 * time.Second, ReadTimeout: time.Second, WriteTimeout: time.Second, AllowAllFiles: true, AllowOldPasswords: true, ClientFoundRows: true, MaxAllowedPacket: 16777216},
}, {
&Config{User: "user", Passwd: "p@ss(word)", Net: "tcp", Addr: "[de:ad:be:ef::ca:fe]:80", DBName: "dbname", Collation: "utf8_general_ci", Loc: time.Local},
}, {
&Config{Net: "tcp", Addr: "", DBName: "dbname", Collation: "utf8_general_ci", Loc: time.UTC},
}, {
&Config{Net: "tcp", Addr: "", Collation: "utf8_general_ci", Loc: time.UTC},
}, {
&Config{Net: "tcp", Addr: "", Collation: "utf8_general_ci", Loc: time.UTC},
}, {
&Config{Net: "tcp", Addr: "", Collation: "utf8_general_ci", Loc: time.UTC},
}, {
&Config{User: "user", Passwd: "p@/ssword", Net: "tcp", Addr: "", Collation: "utf8_general_ci", Loc: time.UTC},
}, {
&Config{Net: "unix", Addr: "/tmp/mysql.sock", Params: map[string]string{"arg": "/some/path.ext"}, Collation: "utf8_general_ci", Loc: time.UTC},
func TestDSNParser(t *testing.T) {
for i, tst := range testDSNs {
cfg, err := ParseDSN(
if err != nil {
// pointer not static
cfg.tls = nil
if !reflect.DeepEqual(cfg, tst.out) {
t.Errorf("%d. ParseDSN(%q) mismatch:\ngot %+v\nwant %+v", i,, cfg, tst.out)
func TestDSNParserInvalid(t *testing.T) {
var invalidDSNs = []string{
"@net(addr/", // no closing brace
"@tcp(/", // no closing brace
"tcp(/", // no closing brace
"(/", // no closing brace
"net(addr)//", // unescaped
"User:pass@tcp(", // no trailing slash
for i, tst := range invalidDSNs {
if _, err := ParseDSN(tst); err == nil {
t.Errorf("invalid DSN #%d. (%s) didn't error!", i, tst)
func TestDSNReformat(t *testing.T) {
for i, tst := range testDSNs {
dsn1 :=
cfg1, err := ParseDSN(dsn1)
if err != nil {
cfg1.tls = nil // pointer not static
res1 := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", cfg1)
dsn2 := cfg1.FormatDSN()
cfg2, err := ParseDSN(dsn2)
if err != nil {
cfg2.tls = nil // pointer not static
res2 := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", cfg2)
if res1 != res2 {
t.Errorf("%d. %q does not match %q", i, res2, res1)
func TestDSNWithCustomTLS(t *testing.T) {
baseDSN := "User:password@tcp(localhost:5555)/dbname?tls="
tlsCfg := tls.Config{}
RegisterTLSConfig("utils_test", &tlsCfg)
// Custom TLS is missing
tst := baseDSN + "invalid_tls"
cfg, err := ParseDSN(tst)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("invalid custom TLS in DSN (%s) but did not error. Got config: %#v", tst, cfg)
tst = baseDSN + "utils_test"
// Custom TLS with a server name
name := "foohost"
tlsCfg.ServerName = name
cfg, err = ParseDSN(tst)
if err != nil {
} else if cfg.tls.ServerName != name {
t.Errorf("did not get the correct TLS ServerName (%s) parsing DSN (%s).", name, tst)
// Custom TLS without a server name
name = "localhost"
tlsCfg.ServerName = ""
cfg, err = ParseDSN(tst)
if err != nil {
} else if cfg.tls.ServerName != name {
t.Errorf("did not get the correct ServerName (%s) parsing DSN (%s).", name, tst)
func TestDSNWithCustomTLSQueryEscape(t *testing.T) {
const configKey = "&%!:"
dsn := "User:password@tcp(localhost:5555)/dbname?tls=" + url.QueryEscape(configKey)
name := "foohost"
tlsCfg := tls.Config{ServerName: name}
RegisterTLSConfig(configKey, &tlsCfg)
cfg, err := ParseDSN(dsn)
if err != nil {
} else if cfg.tls.ServerName != name {
t.Errorf("did not get the correct TLS ServerName (%s) parsing DSN (%s).", name, dsn)
func TestDSNUnsafeCollation(t *testing.T) {
_, err := ParseDSN("/dbname?collation=gbk_chinese_ci&interpolateParams=true")
if err != errInvalidDSNUnsafeCollation {
t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", errInvalidDSNUnsafeCollation, err)
_, err = ParseDSN("/dbname?collation=gbk_chinese_ci&interpolateParams=false")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", nil, err)
_, err = ParseDSN("/dbname?collation=gbk_chinese_ci")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", nil, err)
_, err = ParseDSN("/dbname?collation=ascii_bin&interpolateParams=true")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", nil, err)
_, err = ParseDSN("/dbname?collation=latin1_german1_ci&interpolateParams=true")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", nil, err)
_, err = ParseDSN("/dbname?collation=utf8_general_ci&interpolateParams=true")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", nil, err)
_, err = ParseDSN("/dbname?collation=utf8mb4_general_ci&interpolateParams=true")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", nil, err)
func BenchmarkParseDSN(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
for _, tst := range testDSNs {
if _, err := ParseDSN(; err != nil {

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@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
import (
// Various errors the driver might return. Can change between driver versions.
var (
ErrInvalidConn = errors.New("invalid connection")
ErrMalformPkt = errors.New("malformed packet")
ErrNoTLS = errors.New("TLS requested but server does not support TLS")
ErrCleartextPassword = errors.New("this user requires clear text authentication. If you still want to use it, please add 'allowCleartextPasswords=1' to your DSN")
ErrNativePassword = errors.New("this user requires mysql native password authentication.")
ErrOldPassword = errors.New("this user requires old password authentication. If you still want to use it, please add 'allowOldPasswords=1' to your DSN. See also")
ErrUnknownPlugin = errors.New("this authentication plugin is not supported")
ErrOldProtocol = errors.New("MySQL server does not support required protocol 41+")
ErrPktSync = errors.New("commands out of sync. You can't run this command now")
ErrPktSyncMul = errors.New("commands out of sync. Did you run multiple statements at once?")
ErrPktTooLarge = errors.New("packet for query is too large. Try adjusting the 'max_allowed_packet' variable on the server")
ErrBusyBuffer = errors.New("busy buffer")
var errLog = Logger(log.New(os.Stderr, "[mysql] ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile))
// Logger is used to log critical error messages.
type Logger interface {
Print(v ...interface{})
// SetLogger is used to set the logger for critical errors.
// The initial logger is os.Stderr.
func SetLogger(logger Logger) error {
if logger == nil {
return errors.New("logger is nil")
errLog = logger
return nil
// MySQLError is an error type which represents a single MySQL error
type MySQLError struct {
Number uint16
Message string
func (me *MySQLError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Error %d: %s", me.Number, me.Message)
// MySQLWarnings is an error type which represents a group of one or more MySQL
// warnings
type MySQLWarnings []MySQLWarning
func (mws MySQLWarnings) Error() string {
var msg string
for i, warning := range mws {
if i > 0 {
msg += "\r\n"
msg += fmt.Sprintf(
"%s %s: %s",
return msg
// MySQLWarning is an error type which represents a single MySQL warning.
// Warnings are returned in groups only. See MySQLWarnings
type MySQLWarning struct {
Level string
Code string
Message string
func (mc *mysqlConn) getWarnings() (err error) {
rows, err := mc.Query("SHOW WARNINGS", nil)
if err != nil {
var warnings = MySQLWarnings{}
var values = make([]driver.Value, 3)
for {
err = rows.Next(values)
switch err {
case nil:
warning := MySQLWarning{}
if raw, ok := values[0].([]byte); ok {
warning.Level = string(raw)
} else {
warning.Level = fmt.Sprintf("%s", values[0])
if raw, ok := values[1].([]byte); ok {
warning.Code = string(raw)
} else {
warning.Code = fmt.Sprintf("%s", values[1])
if raw, ok := values[2].([]byte); ok {
warning.Message = string(raw)
} else {
warning.Message = fmt.Sprintf("%s", values[0])
warnings = append(warnings, warning)
case io.EOF:
return warnings

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
import (
func TestErrorsSetLogger(t *testing.T) {
previous := errLog
defer func() {
errLog = previous
// set up logger
const expected = "prefix: test\n"
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 64))
logger := log.New(buffer, "prefix: ", 0)
// print
// check result
if actual := buffer.String(); actual != expected {
t.Errorf("expected %q, got %q", expected, actual)
func TestErrorsStrictIgnoreNotes(t *testing.T) {
runTests(t, dsn+"&sql_notes=false", func(dbt *DBTest) {
dbt.mustExec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS does_not_exist")

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@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
import (
var (
fileRegister map[string]bool
fileRegisterLock sync.RWMutex
readerRegister map[string]func() io.Reader
readerRegisterLock sync.RWMutex
// RegisterLocalFile adds the given file to the file whitelist,
// so that it can be used by "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE <filepath>".
// Alternatively you can allow the use of all local files with
// the DSN parameter 'allowAllFiles=true'
// filePath := "/home/gopher/data.csv"
// mysql.RegisterLocalFile(filePath)
// err := db.Exec("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '" + filePath + "' INTO TABLE foo")
// if err != nil {
// ...
func RegisterLocalFile(filePath string) {
// lazy map init
if fileRegister == nil {
fileRegister = make(map[string]bool)
fileRegister[strings.Trim(filePath, `"`)] = true
// DeregisterLocalFile removes the given filepath from the whitelist.
func DeregisterLocalFile(filePath string) {
delete(fileRegister, strings.Trim(filePath, `"`))
// RegisterReaderHandler registers a handler function which is used
// to receive a io.Reader.
// The Reader can be used by "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE Reader::<name>".
// If the handler returns a io.ReadCloser Close() is called when the
// request is finished.
// mysql.RegisterReaderHandler("data", func() io.Reader {
// var csvReader io.Reader // Some Reader that returns CSV data
// ... // Open Reader here
// return csvReader
// })
// err := db.Exec("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'Reader::data' INTO TABLE foo")
// if err != nil {
// ...
func RegisterReaderHandler(name string, handler func() io.Reader) {
// lazy map init
if readerRegister == nil {
readerRegister = make(map[string]func() io.Reader)
readerRegister[name] = handler
// DeregisterReaderHandler removes the ReaderHandler function with
// the given name from the registry.
func DeregisterReaderHandler(name string) {
delete(readerRegister, name)
func deferredClose(err *error, closer io.Closer) {
closeErr := closer.Close()
if *err == nil {
*err = closeErr
func (mc *mysqlConn) handleInFileRequest(name string) (err error) {
var rdr io.Reader
var data []byte
packetSize := 16 * 1024 // 16KB is small enough for disk readahead and large enough for TCP
if mc.maxWriteSize < packetSize {
packetSize = mc.maxWriteSize
if idx := strings.Index(name, "Reader::"); idx == 0 || (idx > 0 && name[idx-1] == '/') { // io.Reader
// The server might return an an absolute path. See issue #355.
name = name[idx+8:]
handler, inMap := readerRegister[name]
if inMap {
rdr = handler()
if rdr != nil {
if cl, ok := rdr.(io.Closer); ok {
defer deferredClose(&err, cl)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("Reader '%s' is <nil>", name)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("Reader '%s' is not registered", name)
} else { // File
name = strings.Trim(name, `"`)
fr := fileRegister[name]
if mc.cfg.AllowAllFiles || fr {
var file *os.File
var fi os.FileInfo
if file, err = os.Open(name); err == nil {
defer deferredClose(&err, file)
// get file size
if fi, err = file.Stat(); err == nil {
rdr = file
if fileSize := int(fi.Size()); fileSize < packetSize {
packetSize = fileSize
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("local file '%s' is not registered", name)
// send content packets
if err == nil {
data := make([]byte, 4+packetSize)
var n int
for err == nil {
n, err = rdr.Read(data[4:])
if n > 0 {
if ioErr := mc.writePacket(data[:4+n]); ioErr != nil {
return ioErr
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
// send empty packet (termination)
if data == nil {
data = make([]byte, 4)
if ioErr := mc.writePacket(data[:4]); ioErr != nil {
return ioErr
// read OK packet
if err == nil {
_, err = mc.readResultOK()
return err
return err

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2016 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
import (
var (
errConnClosed = errors.New("connection is closed")
errConnTooManyReads = errors.New("too many reads")
errConnTooManyWrites = errors.New("too many writes")
// struct to mock a net.Conn for testing purposes
type mockConn struct {
laddr net.Addr
raddr net.Addr
data []byte
closed bool
read int
written int
reads int
writes int
maxReads int
maxWrites int
func (m *mockConn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
if m.closed {
return 0, errConnClosed
if m.maxReads > 0 && m.reads > m.maxReads {
return 0, errConnTooManyReads
n = copy(b, += n =[n:]
func (m *mockConn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
if m.closed {
return 0, errConnClosed
if m.maxWrites > 0 && m.writes > m.maxWrites {
return 0, errConnTooManyWrites
n = len(b)
m.written += n
func (m *mockConn) Close() error {
m.closed = true
return nil
func (m *mockConn) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
return m.laddr
func (m *mockConn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
return m.raddr
func (m *mockConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return nil
func (m *mockConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return nil
func (m *mockConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return nil
// make sure mockConn implements the net.Conn interface
var _ net.Conn = new(mockConn)
func TestReadPacketSingleByte(t *testing.T) {
conn := new(mockConn)
mc := &mysqlConn{
buf: newBuffer(conn),
} = []byte{0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff}
conn.maxReads = 1
packet, err := mc.readPacket()
if err != nil {
if len(packet) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected packet lenght: expected %d, got %d", 1, len(packet))
if packet[0] != 0xff {
t.Fatalf("unexpected packet content: expected %x, got %x", 0xff, packet[0])
func TestReadPacketWrongSequenceID(t *testing.T) {
conn := new(mockConn)
mc := &mysqlConn{
buf: newBuffer(conn),
// too low sequence id = []byte{0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff}
conn.maxReads = 1
mc.sequence = 1
_, err := mc.readPacket()
if err != ErrPktSync {
t.Errorf("expected ErrPktSync, got %v", err)
// reset
conn.reads = 0
mc.sequence = 0
mc.buf = newBuffer(conn)
// too high sequence id = []byte{0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x42, 0xff}
_, err = mc.readPacket()
if err != ErrPktSyncMul {
t.Errorf("expected ErrPktSyncMul, got %v", err)
func TestReadPacketSplit(t *testing.T) {
conn := new(mockConn)
mc := &mysqlConn{
buf: newBuffer(conn),
data := make([]byte, maxPacketSize*2+4*3)
const pkt2ofs = maxPacketSize + 4
const pkt3ofs = 2 * (maxPacketSize + 4)
// case 1: payload has length maxPacketSize
data = data[:pkt2ofs+4]
// 1st packet has maxPacketSize length and sequence id 0
// ff ff ff 00 ...
data[0] = 0xff
data[1] = 0xff
data[2] = 0xff
// mark the payload start and end of 1st packet so that we can check if the
// content was correctly appended
data[4] = 0x11
data[maxPacketSize+3] = 0x22
// 2nd packet has payload length 0 and squence id 1
// 00 00 00 01
data[pkt2ofs+3] = 0x01 = data
conn.maxReads = 3
packet, err := mc.readPacket()
if err != nil {
if len(packet) != maxPacketSize {
t.Fatalf("unexpected packet lenght: expected %d, got %d", maxPacketSize, len(packet))
if packet[0] != 0x11 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected payload start: expected %x, got %x", 0x11, packet[0])
if packet[maxPacketSize-1] != 0x22 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected payload end: expected %x, got %x", 0x22, packet[maxPacketSize-1])
// case 2: payload has length which is a multiple of maxPacketSize
data = data[:cap(data)]
// 2nd packet now has maxPacketSize length
data[pkt2ofs] = 0xff
data[pkt2ofs+1] = 0xff
data[pkt2ofs+2] = 0xff
// mark the payload start and end of the 2nd packet
data[pkt2ofs+4] = 0x33
data[pkt2ofs+maxPacketSize+3] = 0x44
// 3rd packet has payload length 0 and squence id 2
// 00 00 00 02
data[pkt3ofs+3] = 0x02 = data
conn.reads = 0
conn.maxReads = 5
mc.sequence = 0
packet, err = mc.readPacket()
if err != nil {
if len(packet) != 2*maxPacketSize {
t.Fatalf("unexpected packet lenght: expected %d, got %d", 2*maxPacketSize, len(packet))
if packet[0] != 0x11 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected payload start: expected %x, got %x", 0x11, packet[0])
if packet[2*maxPacketSize-1] != 0x44 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected payload end: expected %x, got %x", 0x44, packet[2*maxPacketSize-1])
// case 3: payload has a length larger maxPacketSize, which is not an exact
// multiple of it
data = data[:pkt2ofs+4+42]
data[pkt2ofs] = 0x2a
data[pkt2ofs+1] = 0x00
data[pkt2ofs+2] = 0x00
data[pkt2ofs+4+41] = 0x44 = data
conn.reads = 0
conn.maxReads = 4
mc.sequence = 0
packet, err = mc.readPacket()
if err != nil {
if len(packet) != maxPacketSize+42 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected packet lenght: expected %d, got %d", maxPacketSize+42, len(packet))
if packet[0] != 0x11 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected payload start: expected %x, got %x", 0x11, packet[0])
if packet[maxPacketSize+41] != 0x44 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected payload end: expected %x, got %x", 0x44, packet[maxPacketSize+41])
func TestReadPacketFail(t *testing.T) {
conn := new(mockConn)
mc := &mysqlConn{
buf: newBuffer(conn),
// illegal empty (stand-alone) packet = []byte{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}
conn.maxReads = 1
_, err := mc.readPacket()
if err != driver.ErrBadConn {
t.Errorf("expected ErrBadConn, got %v", err)
// reset
conn.reads = 0
mc.sequence = 0
mc.buf = newBuffer(conn)
// fail to read header
conn.closed = true
_, err = mc.readPacket()
if err != driver.ErrBadConn {
t.Errorf("expected ErrBadConn, got %v", err)
// reset
conn.closed = false
conn.reads = 0
mc.sequence = 0
mc.buf = newBuffer(conn)
// fail to read body
conn.maxReads = 1
_, err = mc.readPacket()
if err != driver.ErrBadConn {
t.Errorf("expected ErrBadConn, got %v", err)

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
type mysqlResult struct {
affectedRows int64
insertId int64
func (res *mysqlResult) LastInsertId() (int64, error) {
return res.insertId, nil
func (res *mysqlResult) RowsAffected() (int64, error) {
return res.affectedRows, nil

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
import (
type mysqlField struct {
tableName string
name string
flags fieldFlag
fieldType byte
decimals byte
type mysqlRows struct {
mc *mysqlConn
columns []mysqlField
type binaryRows struct {
type textRows struct {
type emptyRows struct{}
func (rows *mysqlRows) Columns() []string {
columns := make([]string, len(rows.columns))
if != nil && {
for i := range columns {
if tableName := rows.columns[i].tableName; len(tableName) > 0 {
columns[i] = tableName + "." + rows.columns[i].name
} else {
columns[i] = rows.columns[i].name
} else {
for i := range columns {
columns[i] = rows.columns[i].name
return columns
func (rows *mysqlRows) Close() error {
mc :=
if mc == nil {
return nil
if mc.netConn == nil {
return ErrInvalidConn
// Remove unread packets from stream
err := mc.readUntilEOF()
if err == nil {
if err = mc.discardResults(); err != nil {
return err
} = nil
return err
func (rows *binaryRows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error {
if mc :=; mc != nil {
if mc.netConn == nil {
return ErrInvalidConn
// Fetch next row from stream
return rows.readRow(dest)
return io.EOF
func (rows *textRows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error {
if mc :=; mc != nil {
if mc.netConn == nil {
return ErrInvalidConn
// Fetch next row from stream
return rows.readRow(dest)
return io.EOF
func (rows emptyRows) Columns() []string {
return nil
func (rows emptyRows) Close() error {
return nil
func (rows emptyRows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error {
return io.EOF

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@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
import (
type mysqlStmt struct {
mc *mysqlConn
id uint32
paramCount int
columns []mysqlField // cached from the first query
func (stmt *mysqlStmt) Close() error {
if == nil || == nil {
// driver.Stmt.Close can be called more than once, thus this function
// has to be idempotent.
// See also Issue #450 and golang/go#16019.
return driver.ErrBadConn
err :=, = nil
return err
func (stmt *mysqlStmt) NumInput() int {
return stmt.paramCount
func (stmt *mysqlStmt) ColumnConverter(idx int) driver.ValueConverter {
return converter{}
func (stmt *mysqlStmt) Exec(args []driver.Value) (driver.Result, error) {
if == nil {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
// Send command
err := stmt.writeExecutePacket(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mc :=
mc.affectedRows = 0
mc.insertId = 0
// Read Result
resLen, err := mc.readResultSetHeaderPacket()
if err == nil {
if resLen > 0 {
// Columns
err = mc.readUntilEOF()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Rows
err = mc.readUntilEOF()
if err == nil {
return &mysqlResult{
affectedRows: int64(mc.affectedRows),
insertId: int64(mc.insertId),
}, nil
return nil, err
func (stmt *mysqlStmt) Query(args []driver.Value) (driver.Rows, error) {
if == nil {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
// Send command
err := stmt.writeExecutePacket(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mc :=
// Read Result
resLen, err := mc.readResultSetHeaderPacket()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rows := new(binaryRows)
if resLen > 0 { = mc
// Columns
// If not cached, read them and cache them
if stmt.columns == nil {
rows.columns, err = mc.readColumns(resLen)
stmt.columns = rows.columns
} else {
rows.columns = stmt.columns
err = mc.readUntilEOF()
return rows, err
type converter struct{}
func (c converter) ConvertValue(v interface{}) (driver.Value, error) {
if driver.IsValue(v) {
return v, nil
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
// indirect pointers
if rv.IsNil() {
return nil, nil
return c.ConvertValue(rv.Elem().Interface())
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
return rv.Int(), nil
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32:
return int64(rv.Uint()), nil
case reflect.Uint64:
u64 := rv.Uint()
if u64 >= 1<<63 {
return strconv.FormatUint(u64, 10), nil
return int64(u64), nil
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return rv.Float(), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %T, a %s", v, rv.Kind())

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
type mysqlTx struct {
mc *mysqlConn
func (tx *mysqlTx) Commit() (err error) {
if == nil || == nil {
return ErrInvalidConn
err ="COMMIT") = nil
func (tx *mysqlTx) Rollback() (err error) {
if == nil || == nil {
return ErrInvalidConn
err ="ROLLBACK") = nil

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@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
import (
var (
tlsConfigRegister map[string]*tls.Config // Register for custom tls.Configs
// RegisterTLSConfig registers a custom tls.Config to be used with sql.Open.
// Use the key as a value in the DSN where tls=value.
// rootCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()
// pem, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/path/ca-cert.pem")
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// if ok := rootCertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(pem); !ok {
// log.Fatal("Failed to append PEM.")
// }
// clientCert := make([]tls.Certificate, 0, 1)
// certs, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("/path/client-cert.pem", "/path/client-key.pem")
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// clientCert = append(clientCert, certs)
// mysql.RegisterTLSConfig("custom", &tls.Config{
// RootCAs: rootCertPool,
// Certificates: clientCert,
// })
// db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "user@tcp(localhost:3306)/test?tls=custom")
func RegisterTLSConfig(key string, config *tls.Config) error {
if _, isBool := readBool(key); isBool || strings.ToLower(key) == "skip-verify" {
return fmt.Errorf("key '%s' is reserved", key)
if tlsConfigRegister == nil {
tlsConfigRegister = make(map[string]*tls.Config)
tlsConfigRegister[key] = config
return nil
// DeregisterTLSConfig removes the tls.Config associated with key.
func DeregisterTLSConfig(key string) {
if tlsConfigRegister != nil {
delete(tlsConfigRegister, key)
// Returns the bool value of the input.
// The 2nd return value indicates if the input was a valid bool value
func readBool(input string) (value bool, valid bool) {
switch input {
case "1", "true", "TRUE", "True":
return true, true
case "0", "false", "FALSE", "False":
return false, true
// Not a valid bool value
* Authentication *
// Encrypt password using 4.1+ method
func scramblePassword(scramble, password []byte) []byte {
if len(password) == 0 {
return nil
// stage1Hash = SHA1(password)
crypt := sha1.New()
stage1 := crypt.Sum(nil)
// scrambleHash = SHA1(scramble + SHA1(stage1Hash))
// inner Hash
hash := crypt.Sum(nil)
// outer Hash
scramble = crypt.Sum(nil)
// token = scrambleHash XOR stage1Hash
for i := range scramble {
scramble[i] ^= stage1[i]
return scramble
// Encrypt password using pre 4.1 (old password) method
type myRnd struct {
seed1, seed2 uint32
const myRndMaxVal = 0x3FFFFFFF
// Pseudo random number generator
func newMyRnd(seed1, seed2 uint32) *myRnd {
return &myRnd{
seed1: seed1 % myRndMaxVal,
seed2: seed2 % myRndMaxVal,
// Tested to be equivalent to MariaDB's floating point variant
func (r *myRnd) NextByte() byte {
r.seed1 = (r.seed1*3 + r.seed2) % myRndMaxVal
r.seed2 = (r.seed1 + r.seed2 + 33) % myRndMaxVal
return byte(uint64(r.seed1) * 31 / myRndMaxVal)
// Generate binary hash from byte string using insecure pre 4.1 method
func pwHash(password []byte) (result [2]uint32) {
var add uint32 = 7
var tmp uint32
result[0] = 1345345333
result[1] = 0x12345671
for _, c := range password {
// skip spaces and tabs in password
if c == ' ' || c == '\t' {
tmp = uint32(c)
result[0] ^= (((result[0] & 63) + add) * tmp) + (result[0] << 8)
result[1] += (result[1] << 8) ^ result[0]
add += tmp
// Remove sign bit (1<<31)-1)
result[0] &= 0x7FFFFFFF
result[1] &= 0x7FFFFFFF
// Encrypt password using insecure pre 4.1 method
func scrambleOldPassword(scramble, password []byte) []byte {
if len(password) == 0 {
return nil
scramble = scramble[:8]
hashPw := pwHash(password)
hashSc := pwHash(scramble)
r := newMyRnd(hashPw[0]^hashSc[0], hashPw[1]^hashSc[1])
var out [8]byte
for i := range out {
out[i] = r.NextByte() + 64
mask := r.NextByte()
for i := range out {
out[i] ^= mask
return out[:]
* Time related utils *
// NullTime represents a time.Time that may be NULL.
// NullTime implements the Scanner interface so
// it can be used as a scan destination:
// var nt NullTime
// err := db.QueryRow("SELECT time FROM foo WHERE id=?", id).Scan(&nt)
// ...
// if nt.Valid {
// // use nt.Time
// } else {
// // NULL value
// }
// This NullTime implementation is not driver-specific
type NullTime struct {
Time time.Time
Valid bool // Valid is true if Time is not NULL
// Scan implements the Scanner interface.
// The value type must be time.Time or string / []byte (formatted time-string),
// otherwise Scan fails.
func (nt *NullTime) Scan(value interface{}) (err error) {
if value == nil {
nt.Time, nt.Valid = time.Time{}, false
switch v := value.(type) {
case time.Time:
nt.Time, nt.Valid = v, true
case []byte:
nt.Time, err = parseDateTime(string(v), time.UTC)
nt.Valid = (err == nil)
case string:
nt.Time, err = parseDateTime(v, time.UTC)
nt.Valid = (err == nil)
nt.Valid = false
return fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %T to time.Time", value)
// Value implements the driver Valuer interface.
func (nt NullTime) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if !nt.Valid {
return nil, nil
return nt.Time, nil
func parseDateTime(str string, loc *time.Location) (t time.Time, err error) {
base := "0000-00-00 00:00:00.0000000"
switch len(str) {
case 10, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26: // up to "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MMMMMM"
if str == base[:len(str)] {
t, err = time.Parse(timeFormat[:len(str)], str)
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid time string: %s", str)
// Adjust location
if err == nil && loc != time.UTC {
y, mo, d := t.Date()
h, mi, s := t.Clock()
t, err = time.Date(y, mo, d, h, mi, s, t.Nanosecond(), loc), nil
func parseBinaryDateTime(num uint64, data []byte, loc *time.Location) (driver.Value, error) {
switch num {
case 0:
return time.Time{}, nil
case 4:
return time.Date(
int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[:2])), // year
time.Month(data[2]), // month
int(data[3]), // day
0, 0, 0, 0,
), nil
case 7:
return time.Date(
int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[:2])), // year
time.Month(data[2]), // month
int(data[3]), // day
int(data[4]), // hour
int(data[5]), // minutes
int(data[6]), // seconds
), nil
case 11:
return time.Date(
int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[:2])), // year
time.Month(data[2]), // month
int(data[3]), // day
int(data[4]), // hour
int(data[5]), // minutes
int(data[6]), // seconds
int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[7:11]))*1000, // nanoseconds
), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid DATETIME packet length %d", num)
// zeroDateTime is used in formatBinaryDateTime to avoid an allocation
// if the DATE or DATETIME has the zero value.
// It must never be changed.
// The current behavior depends on database/sql copying the result.
var zeroDateTime = []byte("0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000")
const digits01 = "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
const digits10 = "0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999999"
func formatBinaryDateTime(src []byte, length uint8, justTime bool) (driver.Value, error) {
// length expects the deterministic length of the zero value,
// negative time and 100+ hours are automatically added if needed
if len(src) == 0 {
if justTime {
return zeroDateTime[11 : 11+length], nil
return zeroDateTime[:length], nil
var dst []byte // return value
var pt, p1, p2, p3 byte // current digit pair
var zOffs byte // offset of value in zeroDateTime
if justTime {
switch length {
8, // time (can be up to 10 when negative and 100+ hours)
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: // time with fractional seconds
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal TIME length %d", length)
switch len(src) {
case 8, 12:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid TIME packet length %d", len(src))
// +2 to enable negative time and 100+ hours
dst = make([]byte, 0, length+2)
if src[0] == 1 {
dst = append(dst, '-')
if src[1] != 0 {
hour := uint16(src[1])*24 + uint16(src[5])
pt = byte(hour / 100)
p1 = byte(hour - 100*uint16(pt))
dst = append(dst, digits01[pt])
} else {
p1 = src[5]
zOffs = 11
src = src[6:]
} else {
switch length {
case 10, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26:
t := "DATE"
if length > 10 {
t += "TIME"
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal %s length %d", t, length)
switch len(src) {
case 4, 7, 11:
t := "DATE"
if length > 10 {
t += "TIME"
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal %s packet length %d", t, len(src))
dst = make([]byte, 0, length)
// start with the date
year := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(src[:2])
pt = byte(year / 100)
p1 = byte(year - 100*uint16(pt))
p2, p3 = src[2], src[3]
dst = append(dst,
digits10[pt], digits01[pt],
digits10[p1], digits01[p1], '-',
digits10[p2], digits01[p2], '-',
digits10[p3], digits01[p3],
if length == 10 {
return dst, nil
if len(src) == 4 {
return append(dst, zeroDateTime[10:length]...), nil
dst = append(dst, ' ')
p1 = src[4] // hour
src = src[5:]
// p1 is 2-digit hour, src is after hour
p2, p3 = src[0], src[1]
dst = append(dst,
digits10[p1], digits01[p1], ':',
digits10[p2], digits01[p2], ':',
digits10[p3], digits01[p3],
if length <= byte(len(dst)) {
return dst, nil
src = src[2:]
if len(src) == 0 {
return append(dst, zeroDateTime[19:zOffs+length]...), nil
microsecs := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[:4])
p1 = byte(microsecs / 10000)
microsecs -= 10000 * uint32(p1)
p2 = byte(microsecs / 100)
microsecs -= 100 * uint32(p2)
p3 = byte(microsecs)
switch decimals := zOffs + length - 20; decimals {
return append(dst, '.',
digits10[p1], digits01[p1],
digits10[p2], digits01[p2],
digits10[p3], digits01[p3],
), nil
case 1:
return append(dst, '.',
), nil
case 2:
return append(dst, '.',
digits10[p1], digits01[p1],
), nil
case 3:
return append(dst, '.',
digits10[p1], digits01[p1],
), nil
case 4:
return append(dst, '.',
digits10[p1], digits01[p1],
digits10[p2], digits01[p2],
), nil
case 5:
return append(dst, '.',
digits10[p1], digits01[p1],
digits10[p2], digits01[p2],
), nil
* Convert from and to bytes *
func uint64ToBytes(n uint64) []byte {
return []byte{
byte(n >> 8),
byte(n >> 16),
byte(n >> 24),
byte(n >> 32),
byte(n >> 40),
byte(n >> 48),
byte(n >> 56),
func uint64ToString(n uint64) []byte {
var a [20]byte
i := 20
// U+0030 = 0
// ...
// U+0039 = 9
var q uint64
for n >= 10 {
q = n / 10
a[i] = uint8(n-q*10) + 0x30
n = q
a[i] = uint8(n) + 0x30
return a[i:]
// treats string value as unsigned integer representation
func stringToInt(b []byte) int {
val := 0
for i := range b {
val *= 10
val += int(b[i] - 0x30)
return val
// returns the string read as a bytes slice, wheter the value is NULL,
// the number of bytes read and an error, in case the string is longer than
// the input slice
func readLengthEncodedString(b []byte) ([]byte, bool, int, error) {
// Get length
num, isNull, n := readLengthEncodedInteger(b)
if num < 1 {
return b[n:n], isNull, n, nil
n += int(num)
// Check data length
if len(b) >= n {
return b[n-int(num) : n], false, n, nil
return nil, false, n, io.EOF
// returns the number of bytes skipped and an error, in case the string is
// longer than the input slice
func skipLengthEncodedString(b []byte) (int, error) {
// Get length
num, _, n := readLengthEncodedInteger(b)
if num < 1 {
return n, nil
n += int(num)
// Check data length
if len(b) >= n {
return n, nil
return n, io.EOF
// returns the number read, whether the value is NULL and the number of bytes read
func readLengthEncodedInteger(b []byte) (uint64, bool, int) {
// See issue #349
if len(b) == 0 {
return 0, true, 1
switch b[0] {
// 251: NULL
case 0xfb:
return 0, true, 1
// 252: value of following 2
case 0xfc:
return uint64(b[1]) | uint64(b[2])<<8, false, 3
// 253: value of following 3
case 0xfd:
return uint64(b[1]) | uint64(b[2])<<8 | uint64(b[3])<<16, false, 4
// 254: value of following 8
case 0xfe:
return uint64(b[1]) | uint64(b[2])<<8 | uint64(b[3])<<16 |
uint64(b[4])<<24 | uint64(b[5])<<32 | uint64(b[6])<<40 |
uint64(b[7])<<48 | uint64(b[8])<<56,
false, 9
// 0-250: value of first byte
return uint64(b[0]), false, 1
// encodes a uint64 value and appends it to the given bytes slice
func appendLengthEncodedInteger(b []byte, n uint64) []byte {
switch {
case n <= 250:
return append(b, byte(n))
case n <= 0xffff:
return append(b, 0xfc, byte(n), byte(n>>8))
case n <= 0xffffff:
return append(b, 0xfd, byte(n), byte(n>>8), byte(n>>16))
return append(b, 0xfe, byte(n), byte(n>>8), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>24),
byte(n>>32), byte(n>>40), byte(n>>48), byte(n>>56))
// reserveBuffer checks cap(buf) and expand buffer to len(buf) + appendSize.
// If cap(buf) is not enough, reallocate new buffer.
func reserveBuffer(buf []byte, appendSize int) []byte {
newSize := len(buf) + appendSize
if cap(buf) < newSize {
// Grow buffer exponentially
newBuf := make([]byte, len(buf)*2+appendSize)
copy(newBuf, buf)
buf = newBuf
return buf[:newSize]
// escapeBytesBackslash escapes []byte with backslashes (\)
// This escapes the contents of a string (provided as []byte) by adding backslashes before special
// characters, and turning others into specific escape sequences, such as
// turning newlines into \n and null bytes into \0.
func escapeBytesBackslash(buf, v []byte) []byte {
pos := len(buf)
buf = reserveBuffer(buf, len(v)*2)
for _, c := range v {
switch c {
case '\x00':
buf[pos] = '\\'
buf[pos+1] = '0'
pos += 2
case '\n':
buf[pos] = '\\'
buf[pos+1] = 'n'
pos += 2
case '\r':
buf[pos] = '\\'
buf[pos+1] = 'r'
pos += 2
case '\x1a':
buf[pos] = '\\'
buf[pos+1] = 'Z'
pos += 2
case '\'':
buf[pos] = '\\'
buf[pos+1] = '\''
pos += 2
case '"':
buf[pos] = '\\'
buf[pos+1] = '"'
pos += 2
case '\\':
buf[pos] = '\\'
buf[pos+1] = '\\'
pos += 2
buf[pos] = c
return buf[:pos]
// escapeStringBackslash is similar to escapeBytesBackslash but for string.
func escapeStringBackslash(buf []byte, v string) []byte {
pos := len(buf)
buf = reserveBuffer(buf, len(v)*2)
for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ {
c := v[i]
switch c {
case '\x00':
buf[pos] = '\\'
buf[pos+1] = '0'
pos += 2
case '\n':
buf[pos] = '\\'
buf[pos+1] = 'n'
pos += 2
case '\r':
buf[pos] = '\\'
buf[pos+1] = 'r'
pos += 2
case '\x1a':
buf[pos] = '\\'
buf[pos+1] = 'Z'
pos += 2
case '\'':
buf[pos] = '\\'
buf[pos+1] = '\''
pos += 2
case '"':
buf[pos] = '\\'
buf[pos+1] = '"'
pos += 2
case '\\':
buf[pos] = '\\'
buf[pos+1] = '\\'
pos += 2
buf[pos] = c
return buf[:pos]
// escapeBytesQuotes escapes apostrophes in []byte by doubling them up.
// This escapes the contents of a string by doubling up any apostrophes that
// it contains. This is used when the NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES SQL_MODE is in
// effect on the server.
func escapeBytesQuotes(buf, v []byte) []byte {
pos := len(buf)
buf = reserveBuffer(buf, len(v)*2)
for _, c := range v {
if c == '\'' {
buf[pos] = '\''
buf[pos+1] = '\''
pos += 2
} else {
buf[pos] = c
return buf[:pos]
// escapeStringQuotes is similar to escapeBytesQuotes but for string.
func escapeStringQuotes(buf []byte, v string) []byte {
pos := len(buf)
buf = reserveBuffer(buf, len(v)*2)
for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ {
c := v[i]
if c == '\'' {
buf[pos] = '\''
buf[pos+1] = '\''
pos += 2
} else {
buf[pos] = c
return buf[:pos]

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@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package mysql
import (
func TestScanNullTime(t *testing.T) {
var scanTests = []struct {
in interface{}
error bool
valid bool
time time.Time
{tDate, false, true, tDate},
{sDate, false, true, tDate},
{[]byte(sDate), false, true, tDate},
{tDateTime, false, true, tDateTime},
{sDateTime, false, true, tDateTime},
{[]byte(sDateTime), false, true, tDateTime},
{tDate0, false, true, tDate0},
{sDate0, false, true, tDate0},
{[]byte(sDate0), false, true, tDate0},
{sDateTime0, false, true, tDate0},
{[]byte(sDateTime0), false, true, tDate0},
{"", true, false, tDate0},
{"1234", true, false, tDate0},
{0, true, false, tDate0},
var nt = NullTime{}
var err error
for _, tst := range scanTests {
err = nt.Scan(
if (err != nil) != tst.error {
t.Errorf("%v: expected error status %t, got %t",, tst.error, (err != nil))
if nt.Valid != tst.valid {
t.Errorf("%v: expected valid status %t, got %t",, tst.valid, nt.Valid)
if nt.Time != tst.time {
t.Errorf("%v: expected time %v, got %v",, tst.time, nt.Time)
func TestLengthEncodedInteger(t *testing.T) {
var integerTests = []struct {
num uint64
encoded []byte
{0x0000000000000000, []byte{0x00}},
{0x0000000000000012, []byte{0x12}},
{0x00000000000000fa, []byte{0xfa}},
{0x0000000000000100, []byte{0xfc, 0x00, 0x01}},
{0x0000000000001234, []byte{0xfc, 0x34, 0x12}},
{0x000000000000ffff, []byte{0xfc, 0xff, 0xff}},
{0x0000000000010000, []byte{0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01}},
{0x0000000000123456, []byte{0xfd, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12}},
{0x0000000000ffffff, []byte{0xfd, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}},
{0x0000000001000000, []byte{0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}},
{0x123456789abcdef0, []byte{0xfe, 0xf0, 0xde, 0xbc, 0x9a, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12}},
{0xffffffffffffffff, []byte{0xfe, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}},
for _, tst := range integerTests {
num, isNull, numLen := readLengthEncodedInteger(tst.encoded)
if isNull {
t.Errorf("%x: expected %d, got NULL", tst.encoded, tst.num)
if num != tst.num {
t.Errorf("%x: expected %d, got %d", tst.encoded, tst.num, num)
if numLen != len(tst.encoded) {
t.Errorf("%x: expected size %d, got %d", tst.encoded, len(tst.encoded), numLen)
encoded := appendLengthEncodedInteger(nil, num)
if !bytes.Equal(encoded, tst.encoded) {
t.Errorf("%v: expected %x, got %x", num, tst.encoded, encoded)
func TestOldPass(t *testing.T) {
scramble := []byte{9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2}
vectors := []struct {
pass string
out string
{" pass", "47575c5a435b4251"},
{"pass ", "47575c5a435b4251"},
{"123\t456", "575c47505b5b5559"},
{"C0mpl!ca ted#PASS123", "5d5d554849584a45"},
for _, tuple := range vectors {
ours := scrambleOldPassword(scramble, []byte(tuple.pass))
if tuple.out != fmt.Sprintf("%x", ours) {
t.Errorf("Failed old password %q", tuple.pass)
func TestFormatBinaryDateTime(t *testing.T) {
rawDate := [11]byte{}
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(rawDate[:2], 1978) // years
rawDate[2] = 12 // months
rawDate[3] = 30 // days
rawDate[4] = 15 // hours
rawDate[5] = 46 // minutes
rawDate[6] = 23 // seconds
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(rawDate[7:], 987654) // microseconds
expect := func(expected string, inlen, outlen uint8) {
actual, _ := formatBinaryDateTime(rawDate[:inlen], outlen, false)
bytes, ok := actual.([]byte)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("formatBinaryDateTime must return []byte, was %T", actual)
if string(bytes) != expected {
"expected %q, got %q for length in %d, out %d",
bytes, actual, inlen, outlen,
expect("0000-00-00", 0, 10)
expect("0000-00-00 00:00:00", 0, 19)
expect("1978-12-30", 4, 10)
expect("1978-12-30 15:46:23", 7, 19)
expect("1978-12-30 15:46:23.987654", 11, 26)
func TestEscapeBackslash(t *testing.T) {
expect := func(expected, value string) {
actual := string(escapeBytesBackslash([]byte{}, []byte(value)))
if actual != expected {
"expected %s, got %s",
expected, actual,
actual = string(escapeStringBackslash([]byte{}, value))
if actual != expected {
"expected %s, got %s",
expected, actual,
expect("foo\\0bar", "foo\x00bar")
expect("foo\\nbar", "foo\nbar")
expect("foo\\rbar", "foo\rbar")
expect("foo\\Zbar", "foo\x1abar")
expect("foo\\\"bar", "foo\"bar")
expect("foo\\\\bar", "foo\\bar")
expect("foo\\'bar", "foo'bar")
func TestEscapeQuotes(t *testing.T) {
expect := func(expected, value string) {
actual := string(escapeBytesQuotes([]byte{}, []byte(value)))
if actual != expected {
"expected %s, got %s",
expected, actual,
actual = string(escapeStringQuotes([]byte{}, value))
if actual != expected {
"expected %s, got %s",
expected, actual,
expect("foo\x00bar", "foo\x00bar") // not affected
expect("foo\nbar", "foo\nbar") // not affected
expect("foo\rbar", "foo\rbar") // not affected
expect("foo\x1abar", "foo\x1abar") // not affected
expect("foo''bar", "foo'bar") // affected
expect("foo\"bar", "foo\"bar") // not affected

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
language: go
- 1.6.x
- 1.7.x
# go-flags
- go get -d -v ./...
- go build -v ./...
# linting
- go get
- go install
# code coverage
- go get
- go get
- go get
- if [ "$TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS" = "true" ]; then go get; fi
# go-flags
- $(exit $(gofmt -l . | wc -l))
- go test -v ./...
# linting
- go tool vet -all=true -v=true . || true
- $(go env GOPATH | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"} {print $1}')/bin/golint ./...
# code coverage
- $(go env GOPATH | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"} {print $1}')/bin/ginkgo -r -cover
- $(go env GOPATH | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"} {print $1}')/bin/gover
- if [ "$TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS" = "true" ]; then $(go env GOPATH | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"} {print $1}')/bin/goveralls -coverprofile=gover.coverprofile -service=travis-ci -repotoken $COVERALLS_TOKEN; fi
secure: "RCYbiB4P0RjQRIoUx/vG/AjP3mmYCbzOmr86DCww1Z88yNcy3hYr3Cq8rpPtYU5v0g7wTpu4adaKIcqRE9xknYGbqj3YWZiCoBP1/n4Z+9sHW3Dsd9D/GRGeHUus0laJUGARjWoCTvoEtOgTdGQDoX7mH+pUUY0FBltNYUdOiiU="

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Copyright (c) 2012 Jesse van den Kieboom. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.

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@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
go-flags: a go library for parsing command line arguments
[![GoDoc](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](](
This library provides similar functionality to the builtin flag library of
go, but provides much more functionality and nicer formatting. From the
Package flags provides an extensive command line option parser.
The flags package is similar in functionality to the go builtin flag package
but provides more options and uses reflection to provide a convenient and
succinct way of specifying command line options.
Supported features:
* Options with short names (-v)
* Options with long names (--verbose)
* Options with and without arguments (bool v.s. other type)
* Options with optional arguments and default values
* Multiple option groups each containing a set of options
* Generate and print well-formatted help message
* Passing remaining command line arguments after -- (optional)
* Ignoring unknown command line options (optional)
* Supports -I/usr/include -I=/usr/include -I /usr/include option argument specification
* Supports multiple short options -aux
* Supports all primitive go types (string, int{8..64}, uint{8..64}, float)
* Supports same option multiple times (can store in slice or last option counts)
* Supports maps
* Supports function callbacks
* Supports namespaces for (nested) option groups
The flags package uses structs, reflection and struct field tags
to allow users to specify command line options. This results in very simple
and concise specification of your application options. For example:
type Options struct {
Verbose []bool `short:"v" long:"verbose" description:"Show verbose debug information"`
This specifies one option with a short name -v and a long name --verbose.
When either -v or --verbose is found on the command line, a 'true' value
will be appended to the Verbose field. e.g. when specifying -vvv, the
resulting value of Verbose will be {[true, true, true]}.
var opts struct {
// Slice of bool will append 'true' each time the option
// is encountered (can be set multiple times, like -vvv)
Verbose []bool `short:"v" long:"verbose" description:"Show verbose debug information"`
// Example of automatic marshalling to desired type (uint)
Offset uint `long:"offset" description:"Offset"`
// Example of a callback, called each time the option is found.
Call func(string) `short:"c" description:"Call phone number"`
// Example of a required flag
Name string `short:"n" long:"name" description:"A name" required:"true"`
// Example of a value name
File string `short:"f" long:"file" description:"A file" value-name:"FILE"`
// Example of a pointer
Ptr *int `short:"p" description:"A pointer to an integer"`
// Example of a slice of strings
StringSlice []string `short:"s" description:"A slice of strings"`
// Example of a slice of pointers
PtrSlice []*string `long:"ptrslice" description:"A slice of pointers to string"`
// Example of a map
IntMap map[string]int `long:"intmap" description:"A map from string to int"`
// Callback which will invoke callto:<argument> to call a number.
// Note that this works just on OS X (and probably only with
// Skype) but it shows the idea.
opts.Call = func(num string) {
cmd := exec.Command("open", "callto:"+num)
// Make some fake arguments to parse.
args := []string{
"-n", "Me",
"-p", "3",
"-s", "hello",
"-s", "world",
"--ptrslice", "hello",
"--ptrslice", "world",
"--intmap", "a:1",
"--intmap", "b:5",
// Parse flags from `args'. Note that here we use flags.ParseArgs for
// the sake of making a working example. Normally, you would simply use
// flags.Parse(&opts) which uses os.Args
args, err := flags.ParseArgs(&opts, args)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Verbosity: %v\n", opts.Verbose)
fmt.Printf("Offset: %d\n", opts.Offset)
fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", opts.Name)
fmt.Printf("Ptr: %d\n", *opts.Ptr)
fmt.Printf("StringSlice: %v\n", opts.StringSlice)
fmt.Printf("PtrSlice: [%v %v]\n", *opts.PtrSlice[0], *opts.PtrSlice[1])
fmt.Printf("IntMap: [a:%v b:%v]\n", opts.IntMap["a"], opts.IntMap["b"])
fmt.Printf("Remaining args: %s\n", strings.Join(args, " "))
// Output: Verbosity: [true true]
// Offset: 5
// Name: Me
// Ptr: 3
// StringSlice: [hello world]
// PtrSlice: [hello world]
// IntMap: [a:1 b:5]
// Remaining args: arg1 arg2 arg3
More information can be found in the godocs: <>

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package flags
import (
// Arg represents a positional argument on the command line.
type Arg struct {
// The name of the positional argument (used in the help)
Name string
// A description of the positional argument (used in the help)
Description string
// The minimal number of required positional arguments
Required int
// The maximum number of required positional arguments
RequiredMaximum int
value reflect.Value
tag multiTag
func (a *Arg) isRemaining() bool {
return a.value.Type().Kind() == reflect.Slice

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@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
package flags
import (
func TestPositional(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Positional struct {
Command int
Filename string
Rest []string
} `positional-args:"yes" required:"yes"`
p := NewParser(&opts, Default)
ret, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"10", "arg_test.go", "a", "b"})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
if opts.Positional.Command != 10 {
t.Fatalf("Expected opts.Positional.Command to be 10, but got %v", opts.Positional.Command)
if opts.Positional.Filename != "arg_test.go" {
t.Fatalf("Expected opts.Positional.Filename to be \"arg_test.go\", but got %v", opts.Positional.Filename)
assertStringArray(t, opts.Positional.Rest, []string{"a", "b"})
assertStringArray(t, ret, []string{})
func TestPositionalRequired(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Positional struct {
Command int
Filename string
Rest []string
} `positional-args:"yes" required:"yes"`
p := NewParser(&opts, None)
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"10"})
assertError(t, err, ErrRequired, "the required argument `Filename` was not provided")
func TestPositionalRequiredRest1Fail(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Positional struct {
Rest []string `required:"yes"`
} `positional-args:"yes"`
p := NewParser(&opts, None)
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{})
assertError(t, err, ErrRequired, "the required argument `Rest (at least 1 argument)` was not provided")
func TestPositionalRequiredRest1Pass(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Positional struct {
Rest []string `required:"yes"`
} `positional-args:"yes"`
p := NewParser(&opts, None)
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"rest1"})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
if len(opts.Positional.Rest) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected 1 positional rest argument")
assertString(t, opts.Positional.Rest[0], "rest1")
func TestPositionalRequiredRest2Fail(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Positional struct {
Rest []string `required:"2"`
} `positional-args:"yes"`
p := NewParser(&opts, None)
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"rest1"})
assertError(t, err, ErrRequired, "the required argument `Rest (at least 2 arguments, but got only 1)` was not provided")
func TestPositionalRequiredRest2Pass(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Positional struct {
Rest []string `required:"2"`
} `positional-args:"yes"`
p := NewParser(&opts, None)
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"rest1", "rest2", "rest3"})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
if len(opts.Positional.Rest) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("Expected 3 positional rest argument")
assertString(t, opts.Positional.Rest[0], "rest1")
assertString(t, opts.Positional.Rest[1], "rest2")
assertString(t, opts.Positional.Rest[2], "rest3")
func TestPositionalRequiredRestRangeFail(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Positional struct {
Rest []string `required:"1-2"`
} `positional-args:"yes"`
p := NewParser(&opts, None)
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"rest1", "rest2", "rest3"})
assertError(t, err, ErrRequired, "the required argument `Rest (at most 2 arguments, but got 3)` was not provided")
func TestPositionalRequiredRestRangeEmptyFail(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Positional struct {
Rest []string `required:"0-0"`
} `positional-args:"yes"`
p := NewParser(&opts, None)
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"some", "thing"})
assertError(t, err, ErrRequired, "the required argument `Rest (zero arguments)` was not provided")

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@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
package flags
import (
func assertCallerInfo() (string, int) {
ptr := make([]uintptr, 15)
n := runtime.Callers(1, ptr)
if n == 0 {
return "", 0
mef := runtime.FuncForPC(ptr[0])
mefile, meline := mef.FileLine(ptr[0])
for i := 2; i < n; i++ {
f := runtime.FuncForPC(ptr[i])
file, line := f.FileLine(ptr[i])
if file != mefile {
return file, line
return mefile, meline
func assertErrorf(t *testing.T, format string, args ...interface{}) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
file, line := assertCallerInfo()
t.Errorf("%s:%d: %s", path.Base(file), line, msg)
func assertFatalf(t *testing.T, format string, args ...interface{}) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
file, line := assertCallerInfo()
t.Fatalf("%s:%d: %s", path.Base(file), line, msg)
func assertString(t *testing.T, a string, b string) {
if a != b {
assertErrorf(t, "Expected %#v, but got %#v", b, a)
func assertStringArray(t *testing.T, a []string, b []string) {
if len(a) != len(b) {
assertErrorf(t, "Expected %#v, but got %#v", b, a)
for i, v := range a {
if b[i] != v {
assertErrorf(t, "Expected %#v, but got %#v", b, a)
func assertBoolArray(t *testing.T, a []bool, b []bool) {
if len(a) != len(b) {
assertErrorf(t, "Expected %#v, but got %#v", b, a)
for i, v := range a {
if b[i] != v {
assertErrorf(t, "Expected %#v, but got %#v", b, a)
func assertParserSuccess(t *testing.T, data interface{}, args ...string) (*Parser, []string) {
parser := NewParser(data, Default&^PrintErrors)
ret, err := parser.ParseArgs(args)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected parse error: %s", err)
return nil, nil
return parser, ret
func assertParseSuccess(t *testing.T, data interface{}, args ...string) []string {
_, ret := assertParserSuccess(t, data, args...)
return ret
func assertError(t *testing.T, err error, typ ErrorType, msg string) {
if err == nil {
assertFatalf(t, "Expected error: %s", msg)
if e, ok := err.(*Error); !ok {
assertFatalf(t, "Expected Error type, but got %#v", err)
} else {
if e.Type != typ {
assertErrorf(t, "Expected error type {%s}, but got {%s}", typ, e.Type)
if e.Message != msg {
assertErrorf(t, "Expected error message %#v, but got %#v", msg, e.Message)
func assertParseFail(t *testing.T, typ ErrorType, msg string, data interface{}, args ...string) []string {
parser := NewParser(data, Default&^PrintErrors)
ret, err := parser.ParseArgs(args)
assertError(t, err, typ, msg)
return ret
func diff(a, b string) (string, error) {
atmp, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "help-diff")
if err != nil {
return "", err
btmp, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "help-diff")
if err != nil {
return "", err
if _, err := io.WriteString(atmp, a); err != nil {
return "", err
if _, err := io.WriteString(btmp, b); err != nil {
return "", err
ret, err := exec.Command("diff", "-u", "-d", "--label", "got", atmp.Name(), "--label", "expected", btmp.Name()).Output()
if err.Error() == "exit status 1" {
return string(ret), nil
return string(ret), err
func assertDiff(t *testing.T, actual, expected, msg string) {
if actual == expected {
ret, err := diff(actual, expected)
if err != nil {
assertErrorf(t, "Unexpected diff error: %s", err)
assertErrorf(t, "Unexpected %s, expected:\n\n%s\n\nbut got\n\n%s", msg, expected, actual)
} else {
assertErrorf(t, "Unexpected %s:\n\n%s", msg, ret)

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package flags
func levenshtein(s string, t string) int {
if len(s) == 0 {
return len(t)
if len(t) == 0 {
return len(s)
dists := make([][]int, len(s)+1)
for i := range dists {
dists[i] = make([]int, len(t)+1)
dists[i][0] = i
for j := range t {
dists[0][j] = j
for i, sc := range s {
for j, tc := range t {
if sc == tc {
dists[i+1][j+1] = dists[i][j]
} else {
dists[i+1][j+1] = dists[i][j] + 1
if dists[i+1][j] < dists[i+1][j+1] {
dists[i+1][j+1] = dists[i+1][j] + 1
if dists[i][j+1] < dists[i+1][j+1] {
dists[i+1][j+1] = dists[i][j+1] + 1
return dists[len(s)][len(t)]
func closestChoice(cmd string, choices []string) (string, int) {
if len(choices) == 0 {
return "", 0
mincmd := -1
mindist := -1
for i, c := range choices {
l := levenshtein(cmd, c)
if mincmd < 0 || l < mindist {
mindist = l
mincmd = i
return choices[mincmd], mindist

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@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
package flags
import (
// Command represents an application command. Commands can be added to the
// parser (which itself is a command) and are selected/executed when its name
// is specified on the command line. The Command type embeds a Group and
// therefore also carries a set of command specific options.
type Command struct {
// Embedded, see Group for more information
// The name by which the command can be invoked
Name string
// The active sub command (set by parsing) or nil
Active *Command
// Whether subcommands are optional
SubcommandsOptional bool
// Aliases for the command
Aliases []string
// Whether positional arguments are required
ArgsRequired bool
commands []*Command
hasBuiltinHelpGroup bool
args []*Arg
// Commander is an interface which can be implemented by any command added in
// the options. When implemented, the Execute method will be called for the last
// specified (sub)command providing the remaining command line arguments.
type Commander interface {
// Execute will be called for the last active (sub)command. The
// args argument contains the remaining command line arguments. The
// error that Execute returns will be eventually passed out of the
// Parse method of the Parser.
Execute(args []string) error
// Usage is an interface which can be implemented to show a custom usage string
// in the help message shown for a command.
type Usage interface {
// Usage is called for commands to allow customized printing of command
// usage in the generated help message.
Usage() string
type lookup struct {
shortNames map[string]*Option
longNames map[string]*Option
commands map[string]*Command
// AddCommand adds a new command to the parser with the given name and data. The
// data needs to be a pointer to a struct from which the fields indicate which
// options are in the command. The provided data can implement the Command and
// Usage interfaces.
func (c *Command) AddCommand(command string, shortDescription string, longDescription string, data interface{}) (*Command, error) {
cmd := newCommand(command, shortDescription, longDescription, data)
cmd.parent = c
if err := cmd.scan(); err != nil {
return nil, err
c.commands = append(c.commands, cmd)
return cmd, nil
// AddGroup adds a new group to the command with the given name and data. The
// data needs to be a pointer to a struct from which the fields indicate which
// options are in the group.
func (c *Command) AddGroup(shortDescription string, longDescription string, data interface{}) (*Group, error) {
group := newGroup(shortDescription, longDescription, data)
group.parent = c
if err := group.scanType(c.scanSubcommandHandler(group)); err != nil {
return nil, err
c.groups = append(c.groups, group)
return group, nil
// Commands returns a list of subcommands of this command.
func (c *Command) Commands() []*Command {
return c.commands
// Find locates the subcommand with the given name and returns it. If no such
// command can be found Find will return nil.
func (c *Command) Find(name string) *Command {
for _, cc := range c.commands {
if cc.match(name) {
return cc
return nil
// FindOptionByLongName finds an option that is part of the command, or any of
// its parent commands, by matching its long name (including the option
// namespace).
func (c *Command) FindOptionByLongName(longName string) (option *Option) {
for option == nil && c != nil {
option = c.Group.FindOptionByLongName(longName)
c, _ = c.parent.(*Command)
return option
// FindOptionByShortName finds an option that is part of the command, or any of
// its parent commands, by matching its long name (including the option
// namespace).
func (c *Command) FindOptionByShortName(shortName rune) (option *Option) {
for option == nil && c != nil {
option = c.Group.FindOptionByShortName(shortName)
c, _ = c.parent.(*Command)
return option
// Args returns a list of positional arguments associated with this command.
func (c *Command) Args() []*Arg {
ret := make([]*Arg, len(c.args))
copy(ret, c.args)
return ret
func newCommand(name string, shortDescription string, longDescription string, data interface{}) *Command {
return &Command{
Group: newGroup(shortDescription, longDescription, data),
Name: name,
func (c *Command) scanSubcommandHandler(parentg *Group) scanHandler {
f := func(realval reflect.Value, sfield *reflect.StructField) (bool, error) {
mtag := newMultiTag(string(sfield.Tag))
if err := mtag.Parse(); err != nil {
return true, err
positional := mtag.Get("positional-args")
if len(positional) != 0 {
stype := realval.Type()
for i := 0; i < stype.NumField(); i++ {
field := stype.Field(i)
m := newMultiTag((string(field.Tag)))
if err := m.Parse(); err != nil {
return true, err
name := m.Get("positional-arg-name")
if len(name) == 0 {
name = field.Name
required := -1
requiredMaximum := -1
sreq := m.Get("required")
if sreq != "" {
required = 1
rng := strings.SplitN(sreq, "-", 2)
if len(rng) > 1 {
if preq, err := strconv.ParseInt(rng[0], 10, 32); err == nil {
required = int(preq)
if preq, err := strconv.ParseInt(rng[1], 10, 32); err == nil {
requiredMaximum = int(preq)
} else {
if preq, err := strconv.ParseInt(sreq, 10, 32); err == nil {
required = int(preq)
arg := &Arg{
Name: name,
Description: m.Get("description"),
Required: required,
RequiredMaximum: requiredMaximum,
value: realval.Field(i),
tag: m,
c.args = append(c.args, arg)
if len(mtag.Get("required")) != 0 {
c.ArgsRequired = true
return true, nil
subcommand := mtag.Get("command")
if len(subcommand) != 0 {
ptrval := reflect.NewAt(realval.Type(), unsafe.Pointer(realval.UnsafeAddr()))
shortDescription := mtag.Get("description")
longDescription := mtag.Get("long-description")
subcommandsOptional := mtag.Get("subcommands-optional")
aliases := mtag.GetMany("alias")
subc, err := c.AddCommand(subcommand, shortDescription, longDescription, ptrval.Interface())
if err != nil {
return true, err
subc.Hidden = mtag.Get("hidden") != ""
if len(subcommandsOptional) > 0 {
subc.SubcommandsOptional = true
if len(aliases) > 0 {
subc.Aliases = aliases
return true, nil
return parentg.scanSubGroupHandler(realval, sfield)
return f
func (c *Command) scan() error {
return c.scanType(c.scanSubcommandHandler(c.Group))
func (c *Command) eachOption(f func(*Command, *Group, *Option)) {
c.eachCommand(func(c *Command) {
c.eachGroup(func(g *Group) {
for _, option := range g.options {
f(c, g, option)
}, true)
func (c *Command) eachCommand(f func(*Command), recurse bool) {
for _, cc := range c.commands {
if recurse {
cc.eachCommand(f, true)
} else {
func (c *Command) eachActiveGroup(f func(cc *Command, g *Group)) {
c.eachGroup(func(g *Group) {
f(c, g)
if c.Active != nil {
func (c *Command) addHelpGroups(showHelp func() error) {
if !c.hasBuiltinHelpGroup {
c.hasBuiltinHelpGroup = true
for _, cc := range c.commands {
func (c *Command) makeLookup() lookup {
ret := lookup{
shortNames: make(map[string]*Option),
longNames: make(map[string]*Option),
commands: make(map[string]*Command),
parent := c.parent
var parents []*Command
for parent != nil {
if cmd, ok := parent.(*Command); ok {
parents = append(parents, cmd)
parent = cmd.parent
} else {
parent = nil
for i := len(parents) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
parents[i].fillLookup(&ret, true)
c.fillLookup(&ret, false)
return ret
func (c *Command) fillLookup(ret *lookup, onlyOptions bool) {
c.eachGroup(func(g *Group) {
for _, option := range g.options {
if option.ShortName != 0 {
ret.shortNames[string(option.ShortName)] = option
if len(option.LongName) > 0 {
ret.longNames[option.LongNameWithNamespace()] = option
if onlyOptions {
for _, subcommand := range c.commands {
ret.commands[subcommand.Name] = subcommand
for _, a := range subcommand.Aliases {
ret.commands[a] = subcommand
func (c *Command) groupByName(name string) *Group {
if grp := c.Group.groupByName(name); grp != nil {
return grp
for _, subc := range c.commands {
prefix := subc.Name + "."
if strings.HasPrefix(name, prefix) {
if grp := subc.groupByName(name[len(prefix):]); grp != nil {
return grp
} else if name == subc.Name {
return subc.Group
return nil
type commandList []*Command
func (c commandList) Less(i, j int) bool {
return c[i].Name < c[j].Name
func (c commandList) Len() int {
return len(c)
func (c commandList) Swap(i, j int) {
c[i], c[j] = c[j], c[i]
func (c *Command) sortedVisibleCommands() []*Command {
ret := commandList(c.visibleCommands())
return []*Command(ret)
func (c *Command) visibleCommands() []*Command {
ret := make([]*Command, 0, len(c.commands))
for _, cmd := range c.commands {
if !cmd.Hidden {
ret = append(ret, cmd)
return ret
func (c *Command) match(name string) bool {
if c.Name == name {
return true
for _, v := range c.Aliases {
if v == name {
return true
return false
func (c *Command) hasCliOptions() bool {
ret := false
c.eachGroup(func(g *Group) {
if g.isBuiltinHelp {
for _, opt := range g.options {
if opt.canCli() {
ret = true
return ret
func (c *Command) fillParseState(s *parseState) {
s.positional = make([]*Arg, len(c.args))
copy(s.positional, c.args)
s.lookup = c.makeLookup()
s.command = c

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
package flags
import (
func TestCommandInline(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Command struct {
G bool `short:"g"`
} `command:"cmd"`
p, ret := assertParserSuccess(t, &opts, "-v", "cmd", "-g")
assertStringArray(t, ret, []string{})
if p.Active == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected active command")
if !opts.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Value to be true")
if !opts.Command.G {
t.Errorf("Expected Command.G to be true")
if p.Command.Find("cmd") != p.Active {
t.Errorf("Expected to find command `cmd' to be active")
func TestCommandInlineMulti(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
C1 struct {
} `command:"c1"`
C2 struct {
G bool `short:"g"`
} `command:"c2"`
p, ret := assertParserSuccess(t, &opts, "-v", "c2", "-g")
assertStringArray(t, ret, []string{})
if p.Active == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected active command")
if !opts.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Value to be true")
if !opts.C2.G {
t.Errorf("Expected C2.G to be true")
if p.Command.Find("c1") == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected to find command `c1'")
if c2 := p.Command.Find("c2"); c2 == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected to find command `c2'")
} else if c2 != p.Active {
t.Errorf("Expected to find command `c2' to be active")
func TestCommandFlagOrder1(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Command struct {
G bool `short:"g"`
} `command:"cmd"`
assertParseFail(t, ErrUnknownFlag, "unknown flag `g'", &opts, "-v", "-g", "cmd")
func TestCommandFlagOrder2(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Command struct {
G bool `short:"g"`
} `command:"cmd"`
assertParseSuccess(t, &opts, "cmd", "-v", "-g")
if !opts.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Value to be true")
if !opts.Command.G {
t.Errorf("Expected Command.G to be true")
func TestCommandFlagOrderSub(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Command struct {
G bool `short:"g"`
SubCommand struct {
B bool `short:"b"`
} `command:"sub"`
} `command:"cmd"`
assertParseSuccess(t, &opts, "cmd", "sub", "-v", "-g", "-b")
if !opts.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Value to be true")
if !opts.Command.G {
t.Errorf("Expected Command.G to be true")
if !opts.Command.SubCommand.B {
t.Errorf("Expected Command.SubCommand.B to be true")
func TestCommandFlagOverride1(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Command struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
} `command:"cmd"`
assertParseSuccess(t, &opts, "-v", "cmd")
if !opts.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Value to be true")
if opts.Command.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Command.Value to be false")
func TestCommandFlagOverride2(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Command struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
} `command:"cmd"`
assertParseSuccess(t, &opts, "cmd", "-v")
if opts.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Value to be false")
if !opts.Command.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Command.Value to be true")
func TestCommandFlagOverrideSub(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Command struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
SubCommand struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
} `command:"sub"`
} `command:"cmd"`
assertParseSuccess(t, &opts, "cmd", "sub", "-v")
if opts.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Value to be false")
if opts.Command.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Command.Value to be false")
if !opts.Command.SubCommand.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Command.Value to be true")
func TestCommandFlagOverrideSub2(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Command struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
SubCommand struct {
G bool `short:"g"`
} `command:"sub"`
} `command:"cmd"`
assertParseSuccess(t, &opts, "cmd", "sub", "-v")
if opts.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Value to be false")
if !opts.Command.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Command.Value to be true")
func TestCommandEstimate(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Cmd1 struct {
} `command:"remove"`
Cmd2 struct {
} `command:"add"`
p := NewParser(&opts, None)
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{})
assertError(t, err, ErrCommandRequired, "Please specify one command of: add or remove")
func TestCommandEstimate2(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Cmd1 struct {
} `command:"remove"`
Cmd2 struct {
} `command:"add"`
p := NewParser(&opts, None)
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"rmive"})
assertError(t, err, ErrUnknownCommand, "Unknown command `rmive', did you mean `remove'?")
type testCommand struct {
G bool `short:"g"`
Executed bool
EArgs []string
func (c *testCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
c.Executed = true
c.EArgs = args
return nil
func TestCommandExecute(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Command testCommand `command:"cmd"`
assertParseSuccess(t, &opts, "-v", "cmd", "-g", "a", "b")
if !opts.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Value to be true")
if !opts.Command.Executed {
t.Errorf("Did not execute command")
if !opts.Command.G {
t.Errorf("Expected Command.C to be true")
assertStringArray(t, opts.Command.EArgs, []string{"a", "b"})
func TestCommandClosest(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Cmd1 struct {
} `command:"remove"`
Cmd2 struct {
} `command:"add"`
args := assertParseFail(t, ErrUnknownCommand, "Unknown command `addd', did you mean `add'?", &opts, "-v", "addd")
assertStringArray(t, args, []string{"addd"})
func TestCommandAdd(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
var cmd = struct {
G bool `short:"g"`
p := NewParser(&opts, Default)
c, err := p.AddCommand("cmd", "", "", &cmd)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
ret, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"-v", "cmd", "-g", "rest"})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
assertStringArray(t, ret, []string{"rest"})
if !opts.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Value to be true")
if !cmd.G {
t.Errorf("Expected Command.G to be true")
if p.Command.Find("cmd") != c {
t.Errorf("Expected to find command `cmd'")
if p.Commands()[0] != c {
t.Errorf("Expected command %#v, but got %#v", c, p.Commands()[0])
if c.Options()[0].ShortName != 'g' {
t.Errorf("Expected short name `g' but got %v", c.Options()[0].ShortName)
func TestCommandNestedInline(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Command struct {
G bool `short:"g"`
Nested struct {
N string `long:"n"`
} `command:"nested"`
} `command:"cmd"`
p, ret := assertParserSuccess(t, &opts, "-v", "cmd", "-g", "nested", "--n", "n", "rest")
assertStringArray(t, ret, []string{"rest"})
if !opts.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Value to be true")
if !opts.Command.G {
t.Errorf("Expected Command.G to be true")
assertString(t, opts.Command.Nested.N, "n")
if c := p.Command.Find("cmd"); c == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected to find command `cmd'")
} else {
if c != p.Active {
t.Errorf("Expected `cmd' to be the active parser command")
if nested := c.Find("nested"); nested == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected to find command `nested'")
} else if nested != c.Active {
t.Errorf("Expected to find command `nested' to be the active `cmd' command")
func TestRequiredOnCommand(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v" required:"true"`
Command struct {
G bool `short:"g"`
} `command:"cmd"`
assertParseFail(t, ErrRequired, fmt.Sprintf("the required flag `%cv' was not specified", defaultShortOptDelimiter), &opts, "cmd")
func TestRequiredAllOnCommand(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v" required:"true"`
Missing bool `long:"missing" required:"true"`
Command struct {
G bool `short:"g"`
} `command:"cmd"`
assertParseFail(t, ErrRequired, fmt.Sprintf("the required flags `%smissing' and `%cv' were not specified", defaultLongOptDelimiter, defaultShortOptDelimiter), &opts, "cmd")
func TestDefaultOnCommand(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Command struct {
G string `short:"g" default:"value"`
} `command:"cmd"`
assertParseSuccess(t, &opts, "cmd")
if opts.Command.G != "value" {
t.Errorf("Expected G to be \"value\"")
func TestAfterNonCommand(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Cmd1 struct {
} `command:"remove"`
Cmd2 struct {
} `command:"add"`
assertParseFail(t, ErrUnknownCommand, "Unknown command `nocmd'. Please specify one command of: add or remove", &opts, "nocmd", "remove")
func TestSubcommandsOptional(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Cmd1 struct {
} `command:"remove"`
Cmd2 struct {
} `command:"add"`
p := NewParser(&opts, None)
p.SubcommandsOptional = true
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"-v"})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
if !opts.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Value to be true")
func TestSubcommandsOptionalAfterNonCommand(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Cmd1 struct {
} `command:"remove"`
Cmd2 struct {
} `command:"add"`
p := NewParser(&opts, None)
p.SubcommandsOptional = true
retargs, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"nocmd", "remove"})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
assertStringArray(t, retargs, []string{"nocmd", "remove"})
func TestCommandAlias(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Command struct {
G string `short:"g" default:"value"`
} `command:"cmd" alias:"cm"`
assertParseSuccess(t, &opts, "cm")
if opts.Command.G != "value" {
t.Errorf("Expected G to be \"value\"")
func TestSubCommandFindOptionByLongFlag(t *testing.T) {
var opts struct {
Testing bool `long:"testing" description:"Testing"`
var cmd struct {
Other bool `long:"other" description:"Other"`
p := NewParser(&opts, Default)
c, _ := p.AddCommand("command", "Short", "Long", &cmd)
opt := c.FindOptionByLongName("other")
if opt == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected option, but found none")
assertString(t, opt.LongName, "other")
opt = c.FindOptionByLongName("testing")
if opt == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected option, but found none")
assertString(t, opt.LongName, "testing")
func TestSubCommandFindOptionByShortFlag(t *testing.T) {
var opts struct {
Testing bool `short:"t" description:"Testing"`
var cmd struct {
Other bool `short:"o" description:"Other"`
p := NewParser(&opts, Default)
c, _ := p.AddCommand("command", "Short", "Long", &cmd)
opt := c.FindOptionByShortName('o')
if opt == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected option, but found none")
if opt.ShortName != 'o' {
t.Errorf("Expected 'o', but got %v", opt.ShortName)
opt = c.FindOptionByShortName('t')
if opt == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected option, but found none")
if opt.ShortName != 't' {
t.Errorf("Expected 'o', but got %v", opt.ShortName)

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
package flags
import (
// Completion is a type containing information of a completion.
type Completion struct {
// The completed item
Item string
// A description of the completed item (optional)
Description string
type completions []Completion
func (c completions) Len() int {
return len(c)
func (c completions) Less(i, j int) bool {
return c[i].Item < c[j].Item
func (c completions) Swap(i, j int) {
c[i], c[j] = c[j], c[i]
// Completer is an interface which can be implemented by types
// to provide custom command line argument completion.
type Completer interface {
// Complete receives a prefix representing a (partial) value
// for its type and should provide a list of possible valid
// completions.
Complete(match string) []Completion
type completion struct {
parser *Parser
// Filename is a string alias which provides filename completion.
type Filename string
func completionsWithoutDescriptions(items []string) []Completion {
ret := make([]Completion, len(items))
for i, v := range items {
ret[i].Item = v
return ret
// Complete returns a list of existing files with the given
// prefix.
func (f *Filename) Complete(match string) []Completion {
ret, _ := filepath.Glob(match + "*")
return completionsWithoutDescriptions(ret)
func (c *completion) skipPositional(s *parseState, n int) {
if n >= len(s.positional) {
s.positional = nil
} else {
s.positional = s.positional[n:]
func (c *completion) completeOptionNames(s *parseState, prefix string, match string, short bool) []Completion {
if short && len(match) != 0 {
return []Completion{
Item: prefix + match,
var results []Completion
repeats := map[string]bool{}
for name, opt := range s.lookup.longNames {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, match) && !opt.Hidden {
results = append(results, Completion{
Item: defaultLongOptDelimiter + name,
Description: opt.Description,
if short {
repeats[string(opt.ShortName)] = true
if short {
for name, opt := range s.lookup.shortNames {
if _, exist := repeats[name]; !exist && strings.HasPrefix(name, match) && !opt.Hidden {
results = append(results, Completion{
Item: string(defaultShortOptDelimiter) + name,
Description: opt.Description,
return results
func (c *completion) completeNamesForLongPrefix(s *parseState, prefix string, match string) []Completion {
return c.completeOptionNames(s, prefix, match, false)
func (c *completion) completeNamesForShortPrefix(s *parseState, prefix string, match string) []Completion {
return c.completeOptionNames(s, prefix, match, true)
func (c *completion) completeCommands(s *parseState, match string) []Completion {
n := make([]Completion, 0, len(s.command.commands))
for _, cmd := range s.command.commands {
if != c && strings.HasPrefix(cmd.Name, match) {
n = append(n, Completion{
Item: cmd.Name,
Description: cmd.ShortDescription,
return n
func (c *completion) completeValue(value reflect.Value, prefix string, match string) []Completion {
if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
value = reflect.New(value.Type().Elem())
i := value.Interface()
var ret []Completion
if cmp, ok := i.(Completer); ok {
ret = cmp.Complete(match)
} else if value.CanAddr() {
if cmp, ok = value.Addr().Interface().(Completer); ok {
ret = cmp.Complete(match)
for i, v := range ret {
ret[i].Item = prefix + v.Item
return ret
func (c *completion) complete(args []string) []Completion {
if len(args) == 0 {
args = []string{""}
s := &parseState{
args: args,
var opt *Option
for len(s.args) > 1 {
arg := s.pop()
if (c.parser.Options&PassDoubleDash) != None && arg == "--" {
opt = nil
c.skipPositional(s, len(s.args)-1)
if argumentIsOption(arg) {
prefix, optname, islong := stripOptionPrefix(arg)
optname, _, argument := splitOption(prefix, optname, islong)
if argument == nil {
var o *Option
canarg := true
if islong {
o = s.lookup.longNames[optname]
} else {
for i, r := range optname {
sname := string(r)
o = s.lookup.shortNames[sname]
if o == nil {
if i == 0 && o.canArgument() && len(optname) != len(sname) {
canarg = false
if o == nil && (c.parser.Options&PassAfterNonOption) != None {
opt = nil
c.skipPositional(s, len(s.args)-1)
} else if o != nil && o.canArgument() && !o.OptionalArgument && canarg {
if len(s.args) > 1 {
} else {
opt = o
} else {
if len(s.positional) > 0 {
if !s.positional[0].isRemaining() {
// Don't advance beyond a remaining positional arg (because
// it consumes all subsequent args).
s.positional = s.positional[1:]
} else if cmd, ok := s.lookup.commands[arg]; ok {
opt = nil
lastarg := s.args[len(s.args)-1]
var ret []Completion
if opt != nil {
// Completion for the argument of 'opt'
ret = c.completeValue(opt.value, "", lastarg)
} else if argumentStartsOption(lastarg) {
// Complete the option
prefix, optname, islong := stripOptionPrefix(lastarg)
optname, split, argument := splitOption(prefix, optname, islong)
if argument == nil && !islong {
rname, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(optname)
sname := string(rname)
if opt := s.lookup.shortNames[sname]; opt != nil && opt.canArgument() {
ret = c.completeValue(opt.value, prefix+sname, optname[n:])
} else {
ret = c.completeNamesForShortPrefix(s, prefix, optname)
} else if argument != nil {
if islong {
opt = s.lookup.longNames[optname]
} else {
opt = s.lookup.shortNames[optname]
if opt != nil {
ret = c.completeValue(opt.value, prefix+optname+split, *argument)
} else if islong {
ret = c.completeNamesForLongPrefix(s, prefix, optname)
} else {
ret = c.completeNamesForShortPrefix(s, prefix, optname)
} else if len(s.positional) > 0 {
// Complete for positional argument
ret = c.completeValue(s.positional[0].value, "", lastarg)
} else if len(s.command.commands) > 0 {
// Complete for command
ret = c.completeCommands(s, lastarg)
return ret
func (c *completion) print(items []Completion, showDescriptions bool) {
if showDescriptions && len(items) > 1 {
maxl := 0
for _, v := range items {
if len(v.Item) > maxl {
maxl = len(v.Item)
for _, v := range items {
fmt.Printf("%s", v.Item)
if len(v.Description) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("%s # %s", strings.Repeat(" ", maxl-len(v.Item)), v.Description)
} else {
for _, v := range items {

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
package flags
import (
type TestComplete struct {
func (t *TestComplete) Complete(match string) []Completion {
options := []string{
"hello world",
"hello universe",
"hello multiverse",
ret := make([]Completion, 0, len(options))
for _, o := range options {
if strings.HasPrefix(o, match) {
ret = append(ret, Completion{
Item: o,
return ret
var completionTestOptions struct {
Verbose bool `short:"v" long:"verbose" description:"Verbose messages"`
Debug bool `short:"d" long:"debug" description:"Enable debug"`
Info bool `short:"i" description:"Display info"`
Version bool `long:"version" description:"Show version"`
Required bool `long:"required" required:"true" description:"This is required"`
Hidden bool `long:"hidden" hidden:"true" description:"This is hidden"`
AddCommand struct {
Positional struct {
Filename Filename
} `positional-args:"yes"`
} `command:"add" description:"add an item"`
AddMultiCommand struct {
Positional struct {
Filename []Filename
} `positional-args:"yes"`
Extra []Filename `short:"f"`
} `command:"add-multi" description:"add multiple items"`
AddMultiCommandFlag struct {
Files []Filename `short:"f"`
} `command:"add-multi-flag" description:"add multiple items via flags"`
RemoveCommand struct {
Other bool `short:"o"`
File Filename `short:"f" long:"filename"`
} `command:"rm" description:"remove an item"`
RenameCommand struct {
Completed TestComplete `short:"c" long:"completed"`
} `command:"rename" description:"rename an item"`
type completionTest struct {
Args []string
Completed []string
ShowDescriptions bool
var completionTests []completionTest
func init() {
_, sourcefile, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
completionTestSourcedir := filepath.Join(filepath.SplitList(path.Dir(sourcefile))...)
completionTestFilename := []string{filepath.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion.go"), filepath.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion_test.go")}
completionTests = []completionTest{
// Short names
[]string{"--debug", "--required", "--verbose", "--version", "-i"},
// Short names full
// Short names concatenated
// Long names
[]string{"--debug", "--required", "--verbose", "--version"},
// Long names with descriptions
"--debug # Enable debug",
"--required # This is required",
"--verbose # Verbose messages",
"--version # Show version",
// Long names partial
[]string{"--verbose", "--version"},
// Commands
[]string{"add", "add-multi", "add-multi-flag", "rename", "rm"},
// Commands with descriptions
"add # add an item",
"add-multi # add multiple items",
"add-multi-flag # add multiple items via flags",
"rename # rename an item",
"rm # remove an item",
// Commands partial
[]string{"rename", "rm"},
// Positional filename
[]string{"add", filepath.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion")},
// Multiple positional filename (1 arg)
[]string{"add-multi", filepath.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion")},
// Multiple positional filename (2 args)
[]string{"add-multi", filepath.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion.go"), filepath.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion")},
// Multiple positional filename (3 args)
[]string{"add-multi", filepath.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion.go"), filepath.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion.go"), filepath.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion")},
// Flag filename
[]string{"rm", "-f", path.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion")},
// Flag short concat last filename
[]string{"rm", "-of", path.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion")},
// Flag concat filename
[]string{"rm", "-f" + path.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion")},
[]string{"-f" + completionTestFilename[0], "-f" + completionTestFilename[1]},
// Flag equal concat filename
[]string{"rm", "-f=" + path.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion")},
[]string{"-f=" + completionTestFilename[0], "-f=" + completionTestFilename[1]},
// Flag concat long filename
[]string{"rm", "--filename=" + path.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion")},
[]string{"--filename=" + completionTestFilename[0], "--filename=" + completionTestFilename[1]},
// Flag long filename
[]string{"rm", "--filename", path.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion")},
// Custom completed
[]string{"rename", "-c", "hello un"},
[]string{"hello universe"},
// Multiple flag filename
[]string{"add-multi-flag", "-f", filepath.Join(completionTestSourcedir, "completion")},
func TestCompletion(t *testing.T) {
p := NewParser(&completionTestOptions, Default)
c := &completion{parser: p}
for _, test := range completionTests {
if test.ShowDescriptions {
ret := c.complete(test.Args)
items := make([]string, len(ret))
for i, v := range ret {
items[i] = v.Item
if !reflect.DeepEqual(items, test.Completed) {
t.Errorf("Args: %#v, %#v\n Expected: %#v\n Got: %#v", test.Args, test.ShowDescriptions, test.Completed, items)
func TestParserCompletion(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range completionTests {
if test.ShowDescriptions {
os.Setenv("GO_FLAGS_COMPLETION", "verbose")
} else {
os.Setenv("GO_FLAGS_COMPLETION", "1")
tmp := os.Stdout
r, w, _ := os.Pipe()
os.Stdout = w
out := make(chan string)
go func() {
var buf bytes.Buffer
io.Copy(&buf, r)
out <- buf.String()
p := NewParser(&completionTestOptions, None)
p.CompletionHandler = func(items []Completion) {
comp := &completion{parser: p}
comp.print(items, test.ShowDescriptions)
_, err := p.ParseArgs(test.Args)
os.Stdout = tmp
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
got := strings.Split(strings.Trim(<-out, "\n"), "\n")
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.Completed) {
t.Errorf("Expected: %#v\nGot: %#v", test.Completed, got)
os.Setenv("GO_FLAGS_COMPLETION", "")

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@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
// Copyright 2012 Jesse van den Kieboom. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package flags
import (
// Marshaler is the interface implemented by types that can marshal themselves
// to a string representation of the flag.
type Marshaler interface {
// MarshalFlag marshals a flag value to its string representation.
MarshalFlag() (string, error)
// Unmarshaler is the interface implemented by types that can unmarshal a flag
// argument to themselves. The provided value is directly passed from the
// command line.
type Unmarshaler interface {
// UnmarshalFlag unmarshals a string value representation to the flag
// value (which therefore needs to be a pointer receiver).
UnmarshalFlag(value string) error
func getBase(options multiTag, base int) (int, error) {
sbase := options.Get("base")
var err error
var ivbase int64
if sbase != "" {
ivbase, err = strconv.ParseInt(sbase, 10, 32)
base = int(ivbase)
return base, err
func convertMarshal(val reflect.Value) (bool, string, error) {
// Check first for the Marshaler interface
if val.Type().NumMethod() > 0 && val.CanInterface() {
if marshaler, ok := val.Interface().(Marshaler); ok {
ret, err := marshaler.MarshalFlag()
return true, ret, err
return false, "", nil
func convertToString(val reflect.Value, options multiTag) (string, error) {
if ok, ret, err := convertMarshal(val); ok {
return ret, err
tp := val.Type()
// Support for time.Duration
if tp == reflect.TypeOf((*time.Duration)(nil)).Elem() {
stringer := val.Interface().(fmt.Stringer)
return stringer.String(), nil
switch tp.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
return val.String(), nil
case reflect.Bool:
if val.Bool() {
return "true", nil
return "false", nil
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
base, err := getBase(options, 10)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return strconv.FormatInt(val.Int(), base), nil
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
base, err := getBase(options, 10)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return strconv.FormatUint(val.Uint(), base), nil
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return strconv.FormatFloat(val.Float(), 'g', -1, tp.Bits()), nil
case reflect.Slice:
if val.Len() == 0 {
return "", nil
ret := "["
for i := 0; i < val.Len(); i++ {
if i != 0 {
ret += ", "
item, err := convertToString(val.Index(i), options)
if err != nil {
return "", err
ret += item
return ret + "]", nil
case reflect.Map:
ret := "{"
for i, key := range val.MapKeys() {
if i != 0 {
ret += ", "
keyitem, err := convertToString(key, options)
if err != nil {
return "", err
item, err := convertToString(val.MapIndex(key), options)
if err != nil {
return "", err
ret += keyitem + ":" + item
return ret + "}", nil
case reflect.Ptr:
return convertToString(reflect.Indirect(val), options)
case reflect.Interface:
if !val.IsNil() {
return convertToString(val.Elem(), options)
return "", nil
func convertUnmarshal(val string, retval reflect.Value) (bool, error) {
if retval.Type().NumMethod() > 0 && retval.CanInterface() {
if unmarshaler, ok := retval.Interface().(Unmarshaler); ok {
if retval.IsNil() {
// Re-assign from the new value
unmarshaler = retval.Interface().(Unmarshaler)
return true, unmarshaler.UnmarshalFlag(val)
if retval.Type().Kind() != reflect.Ptr && retval.CanAddr() {
return convertUnmarshal(val, retval.Addr())
if retval.Type().Kind() == reflect.Interface && !retval.IsNil() {
return convertUnmarshal(val, retval.Elem())
return false, nil
func convert(val string, retval reflect.Value, options multiTag) error {
if ok, err := convertUnmarshal(val, retval); ok {
return err
tp := retval.Type()
// Support for time.Duration
if tp == reflect.TypeOf((*time.Duration)(nil)).Elem() {
parsed, err := time.ParseDuration(val)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
switch tp.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
case reflect.Bool:
if val == "" {
} else {
b, err := strconv.ParseBool(val)
if err != nil {
return err
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
base, err := getBase(options, 10)
if err != nil {
return err
parsed, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, base, tp.Bits())
if err != nil {
return err
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
base, err := getBase(options, 10)
if err != nil {
return err
parsed, err := strconv.ParseUint(val, base, tp.Bits())
if err != nil {
return err
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
parsed, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, tp.Bits())
if err != nil {
return err
case reflect.Slice:
elemtp := tp.Elem()
elemvalptr := reflect.New(elemtp)
elemval := reflect.Indirect(elemvalptr)
if err := convert(val, elemval, options); err != nil {
return err
retval.Set(reflect.Append(retval, elemval))
case reflect.Map:
parts := strings.SplitN(val, ":", 2)
key := parts[0]
var value string
if len(parts) == 2 {
value = parts[1]
keytp := tp.Key()
keyval := reflect.New(keytp)
if err := convert(key, keyval, options); err != nil {
return err
valuetp := tp.Elem()
valueval := reflect.New(valuetp)
if err := convert(value, valueval, options); err != nil {
return err
if retval.IsNil() {
retval.SetMapIndex(reflect.Indirect(keyval), reflect.Indirect(valueval))
case reflect.Ptr:
if retval.IsNil() {
return convert(val, reflect.Indirect(retval), options)
case reflect.Interface:
if !retval.IsNil() {
return convert(val, retval.Elem(), options)
return nil
func isPrint(s string) bool {
for _, c := range s {
if !strconv.IsPrint(c) {
return false
return true
func quoteIfNeeded(s string) string {
if !isPrint(s) {
return strconv.Quote(s)
return s
func quoteIfNeededV(s []string) []string {
ret := make([]string, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
ret[i] = quoteIfNeeded(v)
return ret
func quoteV(s []string) []string {
ret := make([]string, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
ret[i] = strconv.Quote(v)
return ret
func unquoteIfPossible(s string) (string, error) {
if len(s) == 0 || s[0] != '"' {
return s, nil
return strconv.Unquote(s)

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@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
package flags
import (
func expectConvert(t *testing.T, o *Option, expected string) {
s, err := convertToString(o.value, o.tag)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
assertString(t, s, expected)
func TestConvertToString(t *testing.T) {
d, _ := time.ParseDuration("1h2m4s")
var opts = struct {
String string `long:"string"`
Int int `long:"int"`
Int8 int8 `long:"int8"`
Int16 int16 `long:"int16"`
Int32 int32 `long:"int32"`
Int64 int64 `long:"int64"`
Uint uint `long:"uint"`
Uint8 uint8 `long:"uint8"`
Uint16 uint16 `long:"uint16"`
Uint32 uint32 `long:"uint32"`
Uint64 uint64 `long:"uint64"`
Float32 float32 `long:"float32"`
Float64 float64 `long:"float64"`
Duration time.Duration `long:"duration"`
Bool bool `long:"bool"`
IntSlice []int `long:"int-slice"`
IntFloatMap map[int]float64 `long:"int-float-map"`
PtrBool *bool `long:"ptr-bool"`
Interface interface{} `long:"interface"`
Int32Base int32 `long:"int32-base" base:"16"`
Uint32Base uint32 `long:"uint32-base" base:"16"`
[]int{-3, 4, -2},
map[int]float64{-2: 4.5},
p := NewNamedParser("test", Default)
grp, _ := p.AddGroup("test group", "", &opts)
expects := []string{
"[-3, 4, -2]",
for i, v := range grp.Options() {
expectConvert(t, v, expects[i])
func TestConvertToStringInvalidIntBase(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Int int `long:"int" base:"no"`
p := NewNamedParser("test", Default)
grp, _ := p.AddGroup("test group", "", &opts)
o := grp.Options()[0]
_, err := convertToString(o.value, o.tag)
if err != nil {
err = newErrorf(ErrMarshal, "%v", err)
assertError(t, err, ErrMarshal, "strconv.ParseInt: parsing \"no\": invalid syntax")
func TestConvertToStringInvalidUintBase(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Uint uint `long:"uint" base:"no"`
p := NewNamedParser("test", Default)
grp, _ := p.AddGroup("test group", "", &opts)
o := grp.Options()[0]
_, err := convertToString(o.value, o.tag)
if err != nil {
err = newErrorf(ErrMarshal, "%v", err)
assertError(t, err, ErrMarshal, "strconv.ParseInt: parsing \"no\": invalid syntax")

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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
package flags
import (
// ErrorType represents the type of error.
type ErrorType uint
const (
// ErrUnknown indicates a generic error.
ErrUnknown ErrorType = iota
// ErrExpectedArgument indicates that an argument was expected.
// ErrUnknownFlag indicates an unknown flag.
// ErrUnknownGroup indicates an unknown group.
// ErrMarshal indicates a marshalling error while converting values.
// ErrHelp indicates that the built-in help was shown (the error
// contains the help message).
// ErrNoArgumentForBool indicates that an argument was given for a
// boolean flag (which don't not take any arguments).
// ErrRequired indicates that a required flag was not provided.
// ErrShortNameTooLong indicates that a short flag name was specified,
// longer than one character.
// ErrDuplicatedFlag indicates that a short or long flag has been
// defined more than once
// ErrTag indicates an error while parsing flag tags.
// ErrCommandRequired indicates that a command was required but not
// specified
// ErrUnknownCommand indicates that an unknown command was specified.
// ErrInvalidChoice indicates an invalid option value which only allows
// a certain number of choices.
// ErrInvalidTag indicates an invalid tag or invalid use of an existing tag
func (e ErrorType) String() string {
switch e {
case ErrUnknown:
return "unknown"
case ErrExpectedArgument:
return "expected argument"
case ErrUnknownFlag:
return "unknown flag"
case ErrUnknownGroup:
return "unknown group"
case ErrMarshal:
return "marshal"
case ErrHelp:
return "help"
case ErrNoArgumentForBool:
return "no argument for bool"
case ErrRequired:
return "required"
case ErrShortNameTooLong:
return "short name too long"
case ErrDuplicatedFlag:
return "duplicated flag"
case ErrTag:
return "tag"
case ErrCommandRequired:
return "command required"
case ErrUnknownCommand:
return "unknown command"
case ErrInvalidChoice:
return "invalid choice"
case ErrInvalidTag:
return "invalid tag"
return "unrecognized error type"
// Error represents a parser error. The error returned from Parse is of this
// type. The error contains both a Type and Message.
type Error struct {
// The type of error
Type ErrorType
// The error message
Message string
// Error returns the error's message
func (e *Error) Error() string {
return e.Message
func newError(tp ErrorType, message string) *Error {
return &Error{
Type: tp,
Message: message,
func newErrorf(tp ErrorType, format string, args ...interface{}) *Error {
return newError(tp, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
func wrapError(err error) *Error {
ret, ok := err.(*Error)
if !ok {
return newError(ErrUnknown, err.Error())
return ret

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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
// Example of use of the flags package.
package flags
import (
func Example() {
var opts struct {
// Slice of bool will append 'true' each time the option
// is encountered (can be set multiple times, like -vvv)
Verbose []bool `short:"v" long:"verbose" description:"Show verbose debug information"`
// Example of automatic marshalling to desired type (uint)
Offset uint `long:"offset" description:"Offset"`
// Example of a callback, called each time the option is found.
Call func(string) `short:"c" description:"Call phone number"`
// Example of a required flag
Name string `short:"n" long:"name" description:"A name" required:"true"`
// Example of a value name
File string `short:"f" long:"file" description:"A file" value-name:"FILE"`
// Example of a pointer
Ptr *int `short:"p" description:"A pointer to an integer"`
// Example of a slice of strings
StringSlice []string `short:"s" description:"A slice of strings"`
// Example of a slice of pointers
PtrSlice []*string `long:"ptrslice" description:"A slice of pointers to string"`
// Example of a map
IntMap map[string]int `long:"intmap" description:"A map from string to int"`
// Example of a filename (useful for completion)
Filename Filename `long:"filename" description:"A filename"`
// Example of positional arguments
Args struct {
ID string
Num int
Rest []string
} `positional-args:"yes" required:"yes"`
// Callback which will invoke callto:<argument> to call a number.
// Note that this works just on OS X (and probably only with
// Skype) but it shows the idea.
opts.Call = func(num string) {
cmd := exec.Command("open", "callto:"+num)
// Make some fake arguments to parse.
args := []string{
"-n", "Me",
"-p", "3",
"-s", "hello",
"-s", "world",
"--ptrslice", "hello",
"--ptrslice", "world",
"--intmap", "a:1",
"--intmap", "b:5",
"--filename", "hello.go",
// Parse flags from `args'. Note that here we use flags.ParseArgs for
// the sake of making a working example. Normally, you would simply use
// flags.Parse(&opts) which uses os.Args
_, err := ParseArgs(&opts, args)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Verbosity: %v\n", opts.Verbose)
fmt.Printf("Offset: %d\n", opts.Offset)
fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", opts.Name)
fmt.Printf("Ptr: %d\n", *opts.Ptr)
fmt.Printf("StringSlice: %v\n", opts.StringSlice)
fmt.Printf("PtrSlice: [%v %v]\n", *opts.PtrSlice[0], *opts.PtrSlice[1])
fmt.Printf("IntMap: [a:%v b:%v]\n", opts.IntMap["a"], opts.IntMap["b"])
fmt.Printf("Filename: %v\n", opts.Filename)
fmt.Printf("Args.ID: %s\n", opts.Args.ID)
fmt.Printf("Args.Num: %d\n", opts.Args.Num)
fmt.Printf("Args.Rest: %v\n", opts.Args.Rest)
// Output: Verbosity: [true true]
// Offset: 5
// Name: Me
// Ptr: 3
// StringSlice: [hello world]
// PtrSlice: [hello world]
// IntMap: [a:1 b:5]
// Filename: hello.go
// Args.ID: id
// Args.Num: 10
// Args.Rest: [remaining1 remaining2]

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package main
import (
type AddCommand struct {
All bool `short:"a" long:"all" description:"Add all files"`
var addCommand AddCommand
func (x *AddCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
fmt.Printf("Adding (all=%v): %#v\n", x.All, args)
return nil
func init() {
"Add a file",
"The add command adds a file to the repository. Use -a to add all files.",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
_examples() {
local IFS=$'\n'
return 1
complete -F _examples examples

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
package main
import (
type EditorOptions struct {
Input flags.Filename `short:"i" long:"input" description:"Input file" default:"-"`
Output flags.Filename `short:"o" long:"output" description:"Output file" default:"-"`
type Point struct {
X, Y int
func (p *Point) UnmarshalFlag(value string) error {
parts := strings.Split(value, ",")
if len(parts) != 2 {
return errors.New("expected two numbers separated by a ,")
x, err := strconv.ParseInt(parts[0], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return err
y, err := strconv.ParseInt(parts[1], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return err
p.X = int(x)
p.Y = int(y)
return nil
func (p Point) MarshalFlag() (string, error) {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d", p.X, p.Y), nil
type Options struct {
// Example of verbosity with level
Verbose []bool `short:"v" long:"verbose" description:"Verbose output"`
// Example of optional value
User string `short:"u" long:"user" description:"User name" optional:"yes" optional-value:"pancake"`
// Example of map with multiple default values
Users map[string]string `long:"users" description:"User e-mail map" default:"" default:""`
// Example of option group
Editor EditorOptions `group:"Editor Options"`
// Example of custom type Marshal/Unmarshal
Point Point `long:"point" description:"A x,y point" default:"1,2"`
var options Options
var parser = flags.NewParser(&options, flags.Default)
func main() {
if _, err := parser.Parse(); err != nil {
if flagsErr, ok := err.(*flags.Error); ok && flagsErr.Type == flags.ErrHelp {
} else {

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package main
import (
type RmCommand struct {
Force bool `short:"f" long:"force" description:"Force removal of files"`
var rmCommand RmCommand
func (x *RmCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
fmt.Printf("Removing (force=%v): %#v\n", x.Force, args)
return nil
func init() {
"Remove a file",
"The rm command removes a file to the repository. Use -f to force removal of files.",

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@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
// Copyright 2012 Jesse van den Kieboom. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Package flags provides an extensive command line option parser.
The flags package is similar in functionality to the go built-in flag package
but provides more options and uses reflection to provide a convenient and
succinct way of specifying command line options.
Supported features
The following features are supported in go-flags:
Options with short names (-v)
Options with long names (--verbose)
Options with and without arguments (bool v.s. other type)
Options with optional arguments and default values
Option default values from ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES, including slice and map values
Multiple option groups each containing a set of options
Generate and print well-formatted help message
Passing remaining command line arguments after -- (optional)
Ignoring unknown command line options (optional)
Supports -I/usr/include -I=/usr/include -I /usr/include option argument specification
Supports multiple short options -aux
Supports all primitive go types (string, int{8..64}, uint{8..64}, float)
Supports same option multiple times (can store in slice or last option counts)
Supports maps
Supports function callbacks
Supports namespaces for (nested) option groups
Additional features specific to Windows:
Options with short names (/v)
Options with long names (/verbose)
Windows-style options with arguments use a colon as the delimiter
Modify generated help message with Windows-style / options
Windows style options can be disabled at build time using the "forceposix"
build tag
Basic usage
The flags package uses structs, reflection and struct field tags
to allow users to specify command line options. This results in very simple
and concise specification of your application options. For example:
type Options struct {
Verbose []bool `short:"v" long:"verbose" description:"Show verbose debug information"`
This specifies one option with a short name -v and a long name --verbose.
When either -v or --verbose is found on the command line, a 'true' value
will be appended to the Verbose field. e.g. when specifying -vvv, the
resulting value of Verbose will be {[true, true, true]}.
Slice options work exactly the same as primitive type options, except that
whenever the option is encountered, a value is appended to the slice.
Map options from string to primitive type are also supported. On the command
line, you specify the value for such an option as key:value. For example
type Options struct {
AuthorInfo string[string] `short:"a"`
Then, the AuthorInfo map can be filled with something like
-a name:Jesse -a "surname:van den Kieboom".
Finally, for full control over the conversion between command line argument
values and options, user defined types can choose to implement the Marshaler
and Unmarshaler interfaces.
Available field tags
The following is a list of tags for struct fields supported by go-flags:
short: the short name of the option (single character)
long: the long name of the option
required: if non empty, makes the option required to appear on the command
line. If a required option is not present, the parser will
return ErrRequired (optional)
description: the description of the option (optional)
long-description: the long description of the option. Currently only
displayed in generated man pages (optional)
no-flag: if non-empty, this field is ignored as an option (optional)
optional: if non-empty, makes the argument of the option optional. When an
argument is optional it can only be specified using
--option=argument (optional)
optional-value: the value of an optional option when the option occurs
without an argument. This tag can be specified multiple
times in the case of maps or slices (optional)
default: the default value of an option. This tag can be specified
multiple times in the case of slices or maps (optional)
default-mask: when specified, this value will be displayed in the help
instead of the actual default value. This is useful
mostly for hiding otherwise sensitive information from
showing up in the help. If default-mask takes the special
value "-", then no default value will be shown at all
env: the default value of the option is overridden from the
specified environment variable, if one has been defined.
env-delim: the 'env' default value from environment is split into
multiple values with the given delimiter string, use with
slices and maps (optional)
value-name: the name of the argument value (to be shown in the help)
choice: limits the values for an option to a set of values.
This tag can be specified multiple times (optional)
hidden: if non-empty, the option is not visible in the help or man page.
base: a base (radix) used to convert strings to integer values, the
default base is 10 (i.e. decimal) (optional)
ini-name: the explicit ini option name (optional)
no-ini: if non-empty this field is ignored as an ini option
group: when specified on a struct field, makes the struct
field a separate group with the given name (optional)
namespace: when specified on a group struct field, the namespace
gets prepended to every option's long name and
subgroup's namespace of this group, separated by
the parser's namespace delimiter (optional)
command: when specified on a struct field, makes the struct
field a (sub)command with the given name (optional)
subcommands-optional: when specified on a command struct field, makes
any subcommands of that command optional (optional)
alias: when specified on a command struct field, adds the
specified name as an alias for the command. Can be
be specified multiple times to add more than one
alias (optional)
positional-args: when specified on a field with a struct type,
uses the fields of that struct to parse remaining
positional command line arguments into (in order
of the fields). If a field has a slice type,
then all remaining arguments will be added to it.
Positional arguments are optional by default,
unless the "required" tag is specified together
with the "positional-args" tag. The "required" tag
can also be set on the individual rest argument
fields, to require only the first N positional
arguments. If the "required" tag is set on the
rest arguments slice, then its value determines
the minimum amount of rest arguments that needs to
be provided (e.g. `required:"2"`) (optional)
positional-arg-name: used on a field in a positional argument struct; name
of the positional argument placeholder to be shown in
the help (optional)
Either the `short:` tag or the `long:` must be specified to make the field eligible as an
Option groups
Option groups are a simple way to semantically separate your options. All
options in a particular group are shown together in the help under the name
of the group. Namespaces can be used to specify option long names more
precisely and emphasize the options affiliation to their group.
There are currently three ways to specify option groups.
1. Use NewNamedParser specifying the various option groups.
2. Use AddGroup to add a group to an existing parser.
3. Add a struct field to the top-level options annotated with the
group:"group-name" tag.
The flags package also has basic support for commands. Commands are often
used in monolithic applications that support various commands or actions.
Take git for example, all of the add, commit, checkout, etc. are called
commands. Using commands you can easily separate multiple functions of your
There are currently two ways to specify a command.
1. Use AddCommand on an existing parser.
2. Add a struct field to your options struct annotated with the
command:"command-name" tag.
The most common, idiomatic way to implement commands is to define a global
parser instance and implement each command in a separate file. These
command files should define a go init function which calls AddCommand on
the global parser.
When parsing ends and there is an active command and that command implements
the Commander interface, then its Execute method will be run with the
remaining command line arguments.
Command structs can have options which become valid to parse after the
command has been specified on the command line, in addition to the options
of all the parent commands. I.e. considering a -v flag on the parser and an
add command, the following are equivalent:
./app -v add
./app add -v
However, if the -v flag is defined on the add command, then the first of
the two examples above would fail since the -v flag is not defined before
the add command.
go-flags has builtin support to provide bash completion of flags, commands
and argument values. To use completion, the binary which uses go-flags
can be invoked in a special environment to list completion of the current
command line argument. It should be noted that this `executes` your application,
and it is up to the user to make sure there are no negative side effects (for
example from init functions).
Setting the environment variable `GO_FLAGS_COMPLETION=1` enables completion
by replacing the argument parsing routine with the completion routine which
outputs completions for the passed arguments. The basic invocation to
complete a set of arguments is therefore:
GO_FLAGS_COMPLETION=1 ./completion-example arg1 arg2 arg3
where `completion-example` is the binary, `arg1` and `arg2` are
the current arguments, and `arg3` (the last argument) is the argument
to be completed. If the GO_FLAGS_COMPLETION is set to "verbose", then
descriptions of possible completion items will also be shown, if there
are more than 1 completion items.
To use this with bash completion, a simple file can be written which
calls the binary which supports go-flags completion:
_completion_example() {
# All arguments except the first one
# Only split on newlines
local IFS=$'\n'
# Call completion (note that the first element of COMP_WORDS is
# the executable itself)
return 0
complete -F _completion_example completion-example
Completion requires the parser option PassDoubleDash and is therefore enforced if the environment variable GO_FLAGS_COMPLETION is set.
Customized completion for argument values is supported by implementing
the flags.Completer interface for the argument value type. An example
of a type which does so is the flags.Filename type, an alias of string
allowing simple filename completion. A slice or array argument value
whose element type implements flags.Completer will also be completed.
package flags

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@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
// Copyright 2012 Jesse van den Kieboom. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package flags
import (
// ErrNotPointerToStruct indicates that a provided data container is not
// a pointer to a struct. Only pointers to structs are valid data containers
// for options.
var ErrNotPointerToStruct = errors.New("provided data is not a pointer to struct")
// Group represents an option group. Option groups can be used to logically
// group options together under a description. Groups are only used to provide
// more structure to options both for the user (as displayed in the help message)
// and for you, since groups can be nested.
type Group struct {
// A short description of the group. The
// short description is primarily used in the built-in generated help
// message
ShortDescription string
// A long description of the group. The long
// description is primarily used to present information on commands
// (Command embeds Group) in the built-in generated help and man pages.
LongDescription string
// The namespace of the group
Namespace string
// If true, the group is not displayed in the help or man page
Hidden bool
// The parent of the group or nil if it has no parent
parent interface{}
// All the options in the group
options []*Option
// All the subgroups
groups []*Group
// Whether the group represents the built-in help group
isBuiltinHelp bool
data interface{}
type scanHandler func(reflect.Value, *reflect.StructField) (bool, error)
// AddGroup adds a new group to the command with the given name and data. The
// data needs to be a pointer to a struct from which the fields indicate which
// options are in the group.
func (g *Group) AddGroup(shortDescription string, longDescription string, data interface{}) (*Group, error) {
group := newGroup(shortDescription, longDescription, data)
group.parent = g
if err := group.scan(); err != nil {
return nil, err
g.groups = append(g.groups, group)
return group, nil
// Groups returns the list of groups embedded in this group.
func (g *Group) Groups() []*Group {
return g.groups
// Options returns the list of options in this group.
func (g *Group) Options() []*Option {
return g.options
// Find locates the subgroup with the given short description and returns it.
// If no such group can be found Find will return nil. Note that the description
// is matched case insensitively.
func (g *Group) Find(shortDescription string) *Group {
lshortDescription := strings.ToLower(shortDescription)
var ret *Group
g.eachGroup(func(gg *Group) {
if gg != g && strings.ToLower(gg.ShortDescription) == lshortDescription {
ret = gg
return ret
func (g *Group) findOption(matcher func(*Option) bool) (option *Option) {
g.eachGroup(func(g *Group) {
for _, opt := range g.options {
if option == nil && matcher(opt) {
option = opt
return option
// FindOptionByLongName finds an option that is part of the group, or any of its
// subgroups, by matching its long name (including the option namespace).
func (g *Group) FindOptionByLongName(longName string) *Option {
return g.findOption(func(option *Option) bool {
return option.LongNameWithNamespace() == longName
// FindOptionByShortName finds an option that is part of the group, or any of
// its subgroups, by matching its short name.
func (g *Group) FindOptionByShortName(shortName rune) *Option {
return g.findOption(func(option *Option) bool {
return option.ShortName == shortName
func newGroup(shortDescription string, longDescription string, data interface{}) *Group {
return &Group{
ShortDescription: shortDescription,
LongDescription: longDescription,
data: data,
func (g *Group) optionByName(name string, namematch func(*Option, string) bool) *Option {
prio := 0
var retopt *Option
g.eachGroup(func(g *Group) {
for _, opt := range g.options {
if namematch != nil && namematch(opt, name) && prio < 4 {
retopt = opt
prio = 4
if name == opt.field.Name && prio < 3 {
retopt = opt
prio = 3
if name == opt.LongNameWithNamespace() && prio < 2 {
retopt = opt
prio = 2
if opt.ShortName != 0 && name == string(opt.ShortName) && prio < 1 {
retopt = opt
prio = 1
return retopt
func (g *Group) eachGroup(f func(*Group)) {
for _, gg := range g.groups {
func isStringFalsy(s string) bool {
return s == "" || s == "false" || s == "no" || s == "0"
func (g *Group) scanStruct(realval reflect.Value, sfield *reflect.StructField, handler scanHandler) error {
stype := realval.Type()
if sfield != nil {
if ok, err := handler(realval, sfield); err != nil {
return err
} else if ok {
return nil
for i := 0; i < stype.NumField(); i++ {
field := stype.Field(i)
// PkgName is set only for non-exported fields, which we ignore
if field.PkgPath != "" && !field.Anonymous {
mtag := newMultiTag(string(field.Tag))
if err := mtag.Parse(); err != nil {
return err
// Skip fields with the no-flag tag
if mtag.Get("no-flag") != "" {
// Dive deep into structs or pointers to structs
kind := field.Type.Kind()
fld := realval.Field(i)
if kind == reflect.Struct {
if err := g.scanStruct(fld, &field, handler); err != nil {
return err
} else if kind == reflect.Ptr && field.Type.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
flagCountBefore := len(g.options) + len(g.groups)
if fld.IsNil() {
fld = reflect.New(fld.Type().Elem())
if err := g.scanStruct(reflect.Indirect(fld), &field, handler); err != nil {
return err
if len(g.options)+len(g.groups) != flagCountBefore {
longname := mtag.Get("long")
shortname := mtag.Get("short")
// Need at least either a short or long name
if longname == "" && shortname == "" && mtag.Get("ini-name") == "" {
short := rune(0)
rc := utf8.RuneCountInString(shortname)
if rc > 1 {
return newErrorf(ErrShortNameTooLong,
"short names can only be 1 character long, not `%s'",
} else if rc == 1 {
short, _ = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(shortname)
description := mtag.Get("description")
def := mtag.GetMany("default")
optionalValue := mtag.GetMany("optional-value")
valueName := mtag.Get("value-name")
defaultMask := mtag.Get("default-mask")
optional := !isStringFalsy(mtag.Get("optional"))
required := !isStringFalsy(mtag.Get("required"))
choices := mtag.GetMany("choice")
hidden := !isStringFalsy(mtag.Get("hidden"))
option := &Option{
Description: description,
ShortName: short,
LongName: longname,
Default: def,
EnvDefaultKey: mtag.Get("env"),
EnvDefaultDelim: mtag.Get("env-delim"),
OptionalArgument: optional,
OptionalValue: optionalValue,
Required: required,
ValueName: valueName,
DefaultMask: defaultMask,
Choices: choices,
Hidden: hidden,
group: g,
field: field,
value: realval.Field(i),
tag: mtag,
if option.isBool() && option.Default != nil {
return newErrorf(ErrInvalidTag,
"boolean flag `%s' may not have default values, they always default to `false' and can only be turned on",
g.options = append(g.options, option)
return nil
func (g *Group) checkForDuplicateFlags() *Error {
shortNames := make(map[rune]*Option)
longNames := make(map[string]*Option)
var duplicateError *Error
g.eachGroup(func(g *Group) {
for _, option := range g.options {
if option.LongName != "" {
longName := option.LongNameWithNamespace()
if otherOption, ok := longNames[longName]; ok {
duplicateError = newErrorf(ErrDuplicatedFlag, "option `%s' uses the same long name as option `%s'", option, otherOption)
longNames[longName] = option
if option.ShortName != 0 {
if otherOption, ok := shortNames[option.ShortName]; ok {
duplicateError = newErrorf(ErrDuplicatedFlag, "option `%s' uses the same short name as option `%s'", option, otherOption)
shortNames[option.ShortName] = option
return duplicateError
func (g *Group) scanSubGroupHandler(realval reflect.Value, sfield *reflect.StructField) (bool, error) {
mtag := newMultiTag(string(sfield.Tag))
if err := mtag.Parse(); err != nil {
return true, err
subgroup := mtag.Get("group")
if len(subgroup) != 0 {
ptrval := reflect.NewAt(realval.Type(), unsafe.Pointer(realval.UnsafeAddr()))
description := mtag.Get("description")
group, err := g.AddGroup(subgroup, description, ptrval.Interface())
if err != nil {
return true, err
group.Namespace = mtag.Get("namespace")
group.Hidden = mtag.Get("hidden") != ""
return true, nil
return false, nil
func (g *Group) scanType(handler scanHandler) error {
// Get all the public fields in the data struct
ptrval := reflect.ValueOf(
if ptrval.Type().Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
stype := ptrval.Type().Elem()
if stype.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
realval := reflect.Indirect(ptrval)
if err := g.scanStruct(realval, nil, handler); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.checkForDuplicateFlags(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (g *Group) scan() error {
return g.scanType(g.scanSubGroupHandler)
func (g *Group) groupByName(name string) *Group {
if len(name) == 0 {
return g
return g.Find(name)

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@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
package flags
import (
func TestGroupInline(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Group struct {
G bool `short:"g"`
} `group:"Grouped Options"`
p, ret := assertParserSuccess(t, &opts, "-v", "-g")
assertStringArray(t, ret, []string{})
if !opts.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Value to be true")
if !opts.Group.G {
t.Errorf("Expected Group.G to be true")
if p.Command.Group.Find("Grouped Options") == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected to find group `Grouped Options'")
func TestGroupAdd(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
var grp = struct {
G bool `short:"g"`
p := NewParser(&opts, Default)
g, err := p.AddGroup("Grouped Options", "", &grp)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
ret, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"-v", "-g", "rest"})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
assertStringArray(t, ret, []string{"rest"})
if !opts.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Value to be true")
if !grp.G {
t.Errorf("Expected Group.G to be true")
if p.Command.Group.Find("Grouped Options") != g {
t.Errorf("Expected to find group `Grouped Options'")
if p.Groups()[1] != g {
t.Errorf("Expected group %#v, but got %#v", g, p.Groups()[0])
if g.Options()[0].ShortName != 'g' {
t.Errorf("Expected short name `g' but got %v", g.Options()[0].ShortName)
func TestGroupNestedInline(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Value bool `short:"v"`
Group struct {
G bool `short:"g"`
Nested struct {
N string `long:"n"`
} `group:"Nested Options"`
} `group:"Grouped Options"`
p, ret := assertParserSuccess(t, &opts, "-v", "-g", "--n", "n", "rest")
assertStringArray(t, ret, []string{"rest"})
if !opts.Value {
t.Errorf("Expected Value to be true")
if !opts.Group.G {
t.Errorf("Expected Group.G to be true")
assertString(t, opts.Group.Nested.N, "n")
if p.Command.Group.Find("Grouped Options") == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected to find group `Grouped Options'")
if p.Command.Group.Find("Nested Options") == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected to find group `Nested Options'")
func TestGroupNestedInlineNamespace(t *testing.T) {
var opts = struct {
Opt string `long:"opt"`
Group struct {
Opt string `long:"opt"`
Group struct {
Opt string `long:"opt"`
} `group:"Subsubgroup" namespace:"sap"`
} `group:"Subgroup" namespace:"sip"`
p, ret := assertParserSuccess(t, &opts, "--opt", "a", "--sip.opt", "b", "", "c", "rest")
assertStringArray(t, ret, []string{"rest"})
assertString(t, opts.Opt, "a")
assertString(t, opts.Group.Opt, "b")
assertString(t, opts.Group.Group.Opt, "c")
for _, name := range []string{"Subgroup", "Subsubgroup"} {
if p.Command.Group.Find(name) == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected to find group '%s'", name)
func TestDuplicateShortFlags(t *testing.T) {
var opts struct {
Verbose []bool `short:"v" long:"verbose" description:"Show verbose debug information"`
Variables []string `short:"v" long:"variable" description:"Set a variable value."`
args := []string{
"-v", "123",
"-v", "456",
_, err := ParseArgs(&opts, args)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected an error with type ErrDuplicatedFlag")
} else {
err2 := err.(*Error)
if err2.Type != ErrDuplicatedFlag {
t.Errorf("Expected an error with type ErrDuplicatedFlag")
func TestDuplicateLongFlags(t *testing.T) {
var opts struct {
Test1 []bool `short:"a" long:"testing" description:"Test 1"`
Test2 []string `short:"b" long:"testing" description:"Test 2."`
args := []string{
_, err := ParseArgs(&opts, args)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected an error with type ErrDuplicatedFlag")
} else {
err2 := err.(*Error)
if err2.Type != ErrDuplicatedFlag {
t.Errorf("Expected an error with type ErrDuplicatedFlag")
func TestFindOptionByLongFlag(t *testing.T) {
var opts struct {
Testing bool `long:"testing" description:"Testing"`
p := NewParser(&opts, Default)
opt := p.FindOptionByLongName("testing")
if opt == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected option, but found none")
assertString(t, opt.LongName, "testing")
func TestFindOptionByShortFlag(t *testing.T) {
var opts struct {
Testing bool `short:"t" description:"Testing"`
p := NewParser(&opts, Default)
opt := p.FindOptionByShortName('t')
if opt == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected option, but found none")
if opt.ShortName != 't' {
t.Errorf("Expected 't', but got %v", opt.ShortName)
func TestFindOptionByLongFlagInSubGroup(t *testing.T) {
var opts struct {
Group struct {
Testing bool `long:"testing" description:"Testing"`
} `group:"sub-group"`
p := NewParser(&opts, Default)
opt := p.FindOptionByLongName("testing")
if opt == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected option, but found none")
assertString(t, opt.LongName, "testing")
func TestFindOptionByShortFlagInSubGroup(t *testing.T) {
var opts struct {
Group struct {
Testing bool `short:"t" description:"Testing"`
} `group:"sub-group"`
p := NewParser(&opts, Default)
opt := p.FindOptionByShortName('t')
if opt == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected option, but found none")
if opt.ShortName != 't' {
t.Errorf("Expected 't', but got %v", opt.ShortName)

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
// Copyright 2012 Jesse van den Kieboom. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package flags
import (
type alignmentInfo struct {
maxLongLen int
hasShort bool
hasValueName bool
terminalColumns int
indent bool
const (
paddingBeforeOption = 2
distanceBetweenOptionAndDescription = 2
func (a *alignmentInfo) descriptionStart() int {
ret := a.maxLongLen + distanceBetweenOptionAndDescription
if a.hasShort {
ret += 2
if a.maxLongLen > 0 {
ret += 4
if a.hasValueName {
ret += 3
return ret
func (a *alignmentInfo) updateLen(name string, indent bool) {
l := utf8.RuneCountInString(name)
if indent {
l = l + 4
if l > a.maxLongLen {
a.maxLongLen = l
func (p *Parser) getAlignmentInfo() alignmentInfo {
ret := alignmentInfo{
maxLongLen: 0,
hasShort: false,
hasValueName: false,
terminalColumns: getTerminalColumns(),
if ret.terminalColumns <= 0 {
ret.terminalColumns = 80
var prevcmd *Command
p.eachActiveGroup(func(c *Command, grp *Group) {
if c != prevcmd {
for _, arg := range c.args {
ret.updateLen(arg.Name, c != p.Command)
for _, info := range grp.options {
if !info.canCli() {
if info.ShortName != 0 {
ret.hasShort = true
if len(info.ValueName) > 0 {
ret.hasValueName = true
l := info.LongNameWithNamespace() + info.ValueName
if len(info.Choices) != 0 {
l += "[" + strings.Join(info.Choices, "|") + "]"
ret.updateLen(l, c != p.Command)
return ret
func wrapText(s string, l int, prefix string) string {
var ret string
if l < 10 {
l = 10
// Basic text wrapping of s at spaces to fit in l
lines := strings.Split(s, "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
var retline string
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
for len(line) > l {
// Try to split on space
suffix := ""
pos := strings.LastIndex(line[:l], " ")
if pos < 0 {
pos = l - 1
suffix = "-\n"
if len(retline) != 0 {
retline += "\n" + prefix
retline += strings.TrimSpace(line[:pos]) + suffix
line = strings.TrimSpace(line[pos:])
if len(line) > 0 {
if len(retline) != 0 {
retline += "\n" + prefix
retline += line
if len(ret) > 0 {
ret += "\n"
if len(retline) > 0 {
ret += prefix
ret += retline
return ret
func (p *Parser) writeHelpOption(writer *bufio.Writer, option *Option, info alignmentInfo) {
line := &bytes.Buffer{}
prefix := paddingBeforeOption
if info.indent {
prefix += 4
if option.Hidden {
line.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", prefix))
if option.ShortName != 0 {
} else if info.hasShort {
line.WriteString(" ")
descstart := info.descriptionStart() + paddingBeforeOption
if len(option.LongName) > 0 {
if option.ShortName != 0 {
line.WriteString(", ")
} else if info.hasShort {
line.WriteString(" ")
if option.canArgument() {
if len(option.ValueName) > 0 {
if len(option.Choices) > 0 {
line.WriteString("[" + strings.Join(option.Choices, "|") + "]")
written := line.Len()
if option.Description != "" {
dw := descstart - written
writer.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", dw))
var def string
if len(option.DefaultMask) != 0 {
if option.DefaultMask != "-" {
def = option.DefaultMask
} else {
def = option.defaultLiteral
var envDef string
if option.EnvDefaultKey != "" {
var envPrintable string
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
envPrintable = "%" + option.EnvDefaultKey + "%"
} else {
envPrintable = "$" + option.EnvDefaultKey
envDef = fmt.Sprintf(" [%s]", envPrintable)
var desc string
if def != "" {
desc = fmt.Sprintf("%s (default: %v)%s", option.Description, def, envDef)
} else {
desc = option.Description + envDef
strings.Repeat(" ", descstart)))
func maxCommandLength(s []*Command) int {
if len(s) == 0 {
return 0
ret := len(s[0].Name)
for _, v := range s[1:] {
l := len(v.Name)
if l > ret {
ret = l
return ret
// WriteHelp writes a help message containing all the possible options and
// their descriptions to the provided writer. Note that the HelpFlag parser
// option provides a convenient way to add a -h/--help option group to the
// command line parser which will automatically show the help messages using
// this method.
func (p *Parser) WriteHelp(writer io.Writer) {
if writer == nil {
wr := bufio.NewWriter(writer)
aligninfo := p.getAlignmentInfo()
cmd := p.Command
for cmd.Active != nil {
cmd = cmd.Active
if p.Name != "" {
wr.WriteString(" ")
allcmd := p.Command
for allcmd != nil {
var usage string
if allcmd == p.Command {
if len(p.Usage) != 0 {
usage = p.Usage
} else if p.Options&HelpFlag != 0 {
usage = "[OPTIONS]"
} else if us, ok :=; ok {
usage = us.Usage()
} else if allcmd.hasCliOptions() {
usage = fmt.Sprintf("[%s-OPTIONS]", allcmd.Name)
if len(usage) != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(wr, " %s %s", allcmd.Name, usage)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(wr, " %s", allcmd.Name)
if len(allcmd.args) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(wr, " ")
for i, arg := range allcmd.args {
if i != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(wr, " ")
name := arg.Name
if arg.isRemaining() {
name = name + "..."
if !allcmd.ArgsRequired {
fmt.Fprintf(wr, "[%s]", name)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(wr, "%s", name)
if allcmd.Active == nil && len(allcmd.commands) > 0 {
var co, cc string
if allcmd.SubcommandsOptional {
co, cc = "[", "]"
} else {
co, cc = "<", ">"
visibleCommands := allcmd.visibleCommands()
if len(visibleCommands) > 3 {
fmt.Fprintf(wr, " %scommand%s", co, cc)
} else {
subcommands := allcmd.sortedVisibleCommands()
names := make([]string, len(subcommands))
for i, subc := range subcommands {
names[i] = subc.Name
fmt.Fprintf(wr, " %s%s%s", co, strings.Join(names, " | "), cc)
allcmd = allcmd.Active
if len(cmd.LongDescription) != 0 {
t := wrapText(cmd.LongDescription,
fmt.Fprintln(wr, t)
c := p.Command
for c != nil {
printcmd := c != p.Command
c.eachGroup(func(grp *Group) {
first := true
// Skip built-in help group for all commands except the top-level
// parser
if grp.Hidden || (grp.isBuiltinHelp && c != p.Command) {
for _, info := range grp.options {
if !info.canCli() || info.Hidden {
if printcmd {
fmt.Fprintf(wr, "\n[%s command options]\n", c.Name)
aligninfo.indent = true
printcmd = false
if first && cmd.Group != grp {
if aligninfo.indent {
wr.WriteString(" ")
fmt.Fprintf(wr, "%s:\n", grp.ShortDescription)
first = false
p.writeHelpOption(wr, info, aligninfo)
var args []*Arg
for _, arg := range c.args {
if arg.Description != "" {
args = append(args, arg)
if len(args) > 0 {
if c == p.Command {
fmt.Fprintf(wr, "\nArguments:\n")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(wr, "\n[%s command arguments]\n", c.Name)
descStart := aligninfo.descriptionStart() + paddingBeforeOption
for _, arg := range args {
argPrefix := strings.Repeat(" ", paddingBeforeOption)
argPrefix += arg.Name
if len(arg.Description) > 0 {
argPrefix += ":"
// Space between "arg:" and the description start
descPadding := strings.Repeat(" ", descStart-len(argPrefix))
// How much space the description gets before wrapping
descWidth := aligninfo.terminalColumns - 1 - descStart
// Whitespace to which we can indent new description lines
descPrefix := strings.Repeat(" ", descStart)
wr.WriteString(wrapText(arg.Description, descWidth, descPrefix))
} else {
c = c.Active
scommands := cmd.sortedVisibleCommands()
if len(scommands) > 0 {
maxnamelen := maxCommandLength(scommands)
fmt.Fprintln(wr, "Available commands:")
for _, c := range scommands {
fmt.Fprintf(wr, " %s", c.Name)
if len(c.ShortDescription) > 0 {
pad := strings.Repeat(" ", maxnamelen-len(c.Name))
fmt.Fprintf(wr, "%s %s", pad, c.ShortDescription)
if len(c.Aliases) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(wr, " (aliases: %s)", strings.Join(c.Aliases, ", "))

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@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
package flags
import (
type helpOptions struct {
Verbose []bool `short:"v" long:"verbose" description:"Show verbose debug information" ini-name:"verbose"`
Call func(string) `short:"c" description:"Call phone number" ini-name:"call"`
PtrSlice []*string `long:"ptrslice" description:"A slice of pointers to string"`
EmptyDescription bool `long:"empty-description"`
Default string `long:"default" default:"Some\nvalue" description:"Test default value"`
DefaultArray []string `long:"default-array" default:"Some value" default:"Other\tvalue" description:"Test default array value"`
DefaultMap map[string]string `long:"default-map" default:"some:value" default:"another:value" description:"Testdefault map value"`
EnvDefault1 string `long:"env-default1" default:"Some value" env:"ENV_DEFAULT" description:"Test env-default1 value"`
EnvDefault2 string `long:"env-default2" env:"ENV_DEFAULT" description:"Test env-default2 value"`
OptionWithArgName string `long:"opt-with-arg-name" value-name:"something" description:"Option with named argument"`
OptionWithChoices string `long:"opt-with-choices" value-name:"choice" choice:"dog" choice:"cat" description:"Option with choices"`
Hidden string `long:"hidden" description:"Hidden option" hidden:"yes"`
OnlyIni string `ini-name:"only-ini" description:"Option only available in ini"`
Other struct {
StringSlice []string `short:"s" default:"some" default:"value" description:"A slice of strings"`
IntMap map[string]int `long:"intmap" default:"a:1" description:"A map from string to int" ini-name:"int-map"`
} `group:"Other Options"`
HiddenGroup struct {
InsideHiddenGroup string `long:"inside-hidden-group" description:"Inside hidden group"`
} `group:"Hidden group" hidden:"yes"`
Group struct {
Opt string `long:"opt" description:"This is a subgroup option"`
HiddenInsideGroup string `long:"hidden-inside-group" description:"Hidden inside group" hidden:"yes"`
NotHiddenInsideGroup string `long:"not-hidden-inside-group" description:"Not hidden inside group" hidden:"false"`
Group struct {
Opt string `long:"opt" description:"This is a subsubgroup option"`
} `group:"Subsubgroup" namespace:"sap"`
} `group:"Subgroup" namespace:"sip"`
Command struct {
ExtraVerbose []bool `long:"extra-verbose" description:"Use for extra verbosity"`
} `command:"command" alias:"cm" alias:"cmd" description:"A command"`
HiddenCommand struct {
ExtraVerbose []bool `long:"extra-verbose" description:"Use for extra verbosity"`
} `command:"hidden-command" description:"A hidden command" hidden:"yes"`
Args struct {
Filename string `positional-arg-name:"filename" description:"A filename with a long description to trigger line wrapping"`
Number int `positional-arg-name:"num" description:"A number"`
HiddenInHelp float32 `positional-arg-name:"hidden-in-help" required:"yes"`
} `positional-args:"yes"`
func TestHelp(t *testing.T) {
oldEnv := EnvSnapshot()
defer oldEnv.Restore()
os.Setenv("ENV_DEFAULT", "env-def")
var opts helpOptions
p := NewNamedParser("TestHelp", HelpFlag)
p.AddGroup("Application Options", "The application options", &opts)
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"--help"})
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected help error")
if e, ok := err.(*Error); !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected flags.Error, but got %T", err)
} else {
if e.Type != ErrHelp {
t.Errorf("Expected flags.ErrHelp type, but got %s", e.Type)
var expected string
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
expected = `Usage:
TestHelp [OPTIONS] [filename] [num] [hidden-in-help] <command>
Application Options:
/v, /verbose Show verbose debug information
/c: Call phone number
/ptrslice: A slice of pointers to string
/default: Test default value (default:
/default-array: Test default array value (default:
Some value, "Other\tvalue")
/default-map: Testdefault map value (default:
some:value, another:value)
/env-default1: Test env-default1 value (default:
Some value) [%ENV_DEFAULT%]
/env-default2: Test env-default2 value
/opt-with-arg-name:something Option with named argument
/opt-with-choices:choice[dog|cat] Option with choices
Other Options:
/s: A slice of strings (default: some,
/intmap: A map from string to int (default:
/sip.opt: This is a subgroup option
/sip.not-hidden-inside-group: Not hidden inside group
/ This is a subsubgroup option
Help Options:
/? Show this help message
/h, /help Show this help message
filename: A filename with a long description
to trigger line wrapping
num: A number
Available commands:
command A command (aliases: cm, cmd)
} else {
expected = `Usage:
TestHelp [OPTIONS] [filename] [num] [hidden-in-help] <command>
Application Options:
-v, --verbose Show verbose debug information
-c= Call phone number
--ptrslice= A slice of pointers to string
--default= Test default value (default:
--default-array= Test default array value (default:
Some value, "Other\tvalue")
--default-map= Testdefault map value (default:
some:value, another:value)
--env-default1= Test env-default1 value (default:
Some value) [$ENV_DEFAULT]
--env-default2= Test env-default2 value
--opt-with-arg-name=something Option with named argument
--opt-with-choices=choice[dog|cat] Option with choices
Other Options:
-s= A slice of strings (default: some,
--intmap= A map from string to int (default:
--sip.opt= This is a subgroup option
--sip.not-hidden-inside-group= Not hidden inside group
Subsubgroup: This is a subsubgroup option
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
filename: A filename with a long description
to trigger line wrapping
num: A number
Available commands:
command A command (aliases: cm, cmd)
assertDiff(t, e.Message, expected, "help message")
func TestMan(t *testing.T) {
oldEnv := EnvSnapshot()
defer oldEnv.Restore()
os.Setenv("ENV_DEFAULT", "env-def")
var opts helpOptions
p := NewNamedParser("TestMan", HelpFlag)
p.ShortDescription = "Test manpage generation"
p.LongDescription = "This is a somewhat `longer' description of what this does"
p.AddGroup("Application Options", "The application options", &opts)
p.Commands()[0].LongDescription = "Longer `command' description"
var buf bytes.Buffer
got := buf.String()
tt := time.Now()
var envDefaultName string
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
envDefaultName = "%ENV_DEFAULT%"
} else {
envDefaultName = "$ENV_DEFAULT"
expected := fmt.Sprintf(`.TH TestMan 1 "%s"
TestMan \- Test manpage generation
\fBTestMan\fP [OPTIONS]
This is a somewhat \fBlonger\fP description of what this does
.SS Application Options
The application options
\fB\fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR\fP
Show verbose debug information
Call phone number
A slice of pointers to string
\fB\fB\-\-default\fR <default: \fI"Some\\nvalue"\fR>\fP
Test default value
\fB\fB\-\-default-array\fR <default: \fI"Some value", "Other\\tvalue"\fR>\fP
Test default array value
\fB\fB\-\-default-map\fR <default: \fI"some:value", "another:value"\fR>\fP
Testdefault map value
\fB\fB\-\-env-default1\fR <default: \fI"Some value"\fR>\fP
Test env-default1 value
\fB\fB\-\-env-default2\fR <default: \fI%s\fR>\fP
Test env-default2 value
\fB\fB\-\-opt-with-arg-name\fR \fIsomething\fR\fP
Option with named argument
\fB\fB\-\-opt-with-choices\fR \fIchoice\fR\fP
Option with choices
.SS Other Options
\fB\fB\-s\fR <default: \fI"some", "value"\fR>\fP
A slice of strings
\fB\fB\-\-intmap\fR <default: \fI"a:1"\fR>\fP
A map from string to int
.SS Subgroup
This is a subgroup option
Not hidden inside group
.SS Subsubgroup
This is a subsubgroup option
.SS command
A command
Longer \fBcommand\fP description
\fBUsage\fP: TestMan [OPTIONS] command [command-OPTIONS]
\fBAliases\fP: cm, cmd
Use for extra verbosity
`, tt.Format("2 January 2006"), envDefaultName)
assertDiff(t, got, expected, "man page")
type helpCommandNoOptions struct {
Command struct {
} `command:"command" description:"A command"`
func TestHelpCommand(t *testing.T) {
oldEnv := EnvSnapshot()
defer oldEnv.Restore()
os.Setenv("ENV_DEFAULT", "env-def")
var opts helpCommandNoOptions
p := NewNamedParser("TestHelpCommand", HelpFlag)
p.AddGroup("Application Options", "The application options", &opts)
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"command", "--help"})
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected help error")
if e, ok := err.(*Error); !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected flags.Error, but got %T", err)
} else {
if e.Type != ErrHelp {
t.Errorf("Expected flags.ErrHelp type, but got %s", e.Type)
var expected string
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
expected = `Usage:
TestHelpCommand [OPTIONS] command
Help Options:
/? Show this help message
/h, /help Show this help message
} else {
expected = `Usage:
TestHelpCommand [OPTIONS] command
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
assertDiff(t, e.Message, expected, "help message")
func TestHelpDefaults(t *testing.T) {
var expected string
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
expected = `Usage:
TestHelpDefaults [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
/with-default: With default (default: default-value)
/without-default: Without default
/with-programmatic-default: With programmatic default (default:
Help Options:
/? Show this help message
/h, /help Show this help message
} else {
expected = `Usage:
TestHelpDefaults [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
--with-default= With default (default: default-value)
--without-default= Without default
--with-programmatic-default= With programmatic default (default:
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
tests := []struct {
Args []string
Output string
Args: []string{"-h"},
Output: expected,
Args: []string{"--with-default", "other-value", "--with-programmatic-default", "other-value", "-h"},
Output: expected,
for _, test := range tests {
var opts struct {
WithDefault string `long:"with-default" default:"default-value" description:"With default"`
WithoutDefault string `long:"without-default" description:"Without default"`
WithProgrammaticDefault string `long:"with-programmatic-default" description:"With programmatic default"`
opts.WithProgrammaticDefault = "default-value"
p := NewNamedParser("TestHelpDefaults", HelpFlag)
p.AddGroup("Application Options", "The application options", &opts)
_, err := p.ParseArgs(test.Args)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected help error")
if e, ok := err.(*Error); !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected flags.Error, but got %T", err)
} else {
if e.Type != ErrHelp {
t.Errorf("Expected flags.ErrHelp type, but got %s", e.Type)
assertDiff(t, e.Message, test.Output, "help message")
func TestHelpRestArgs(t *testing.T) {
opts := struct {
Verbose bool `short:"v"`
p := NewNamedParser("TestHelpDefaults", HelpFlag)
p.AddGroup("Application Options", "The application options", &opts)
retargs, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"-h", "-v", "rest"})
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected help error")
assertStringArray(t, retargs, []string{"-v", "rest"})
func TestWrapText(t *testing.T) {
s := "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."
got := wrapText(s, 60, " ")
expected := `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit
esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint
occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia
deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.`
assertDiff(t, got, expected, "wrapped text")
func TestWrapParagraph(t *testing.T) {
s := "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.\n\n"
s += "Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.\n\n"
s += "Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.\n\n"
s += "Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\n"
got := wrapText(s, 60, " ")
expected := `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit
esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in
culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
assertDiff(t, got, expected, "wrapped paragraph")
func TestHelpDefaultMask(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
opts interface{}
present string
opts: &struct {
Value string `short:"v" default:"123" description:"V"`
present: "V (default: 123)\n",
opts: &struct {
Value string `short:"v" default:"123" default-mask:"abc" description:"V"`
present: "V (default: abc)\n",
opts: &struct {
Value string `short:"v" default:"123" default-mask:"-" description:"V"`
present: "V\n",
opts: &struct {
Value string `short:"v" description:"V"`
}{Value: "123"},
present: "V (default: 123)\n",
opts: &struct {
Value string `short:"v" default-mask:"abc" description:"V"`
}{Value: "123"},
present: "V (default: abc)\n",
opts: &struct {
Value string `short:"v" default-mask:"-" description:"V"`
}{Value: "123"},
present: "V\n",
for _, test := range tests {
p := NewParser(test.opts, HelpFlag)
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"-h"})
if flagsErr, ok := err.(*Error); ok && flagsErr.Type == ErrHelp {
err = nil
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
h := &bytes.Buffer{}
w := bufio.NewWriter(h)
p.writeHelpOption(w, p.FindOptionByShortName('v'), p.getAlignmentInfo())
if strings.Index(h.String(), test.present) < 0 {
t.Errorf("Not present %q\n%s", test.present, h.String())

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
package flags
import (
// IniError contains location information on where an error occurred.
type IniError struct {
// The error message.
Message string
// The filename of the file in which the error occurred.
File string
// The line number at which the error occurred.
LineNumber uint
// Error provides a "file:line: message" formatted message of the ini error.
func (x *IniError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"%s:%d: %s",
// IniOptions for writing
type IniOptions uint
const (
// IniNone indicates no options.
IniNone IniOptions = 0
// IniIncludeDefaults indicates that default values should be written.
IniIncludeDefaults = 1 << iota
// IniCommentDefaults indicates that if IniIncludeDefaults is used
// options with default values are written but commented out.
// IniIncludeComments indicates that comments containing the description
// of an option should be written.
// IniDefault provides a default set of options.
IniDefault = IniIncludeComments
// IniParser is a utility to read and write flags options from and to ini
// formatted strings.
type IniParser struct {
ParseAsDefaults bool // override default flags
parser *Parser
type iniValue struct {
Name string
Value string
Quoted bool
LineNumber uint
type iniSection []iniValue
type ini struct {
File string
Sections map[string]iniSection
// NewIniParser creates a new ini parser for a given Parser.
func NewIniParser(p *Parser) *IniParser {
return &IniParser{
parser: p,
// IniParse is a convenience function to parse command line options with default
// settings from an ini formatted file. The provided data is a pointer to a struct
// representing the default option group (named "Application Options"). For
// more control, use flags.NewParser.
func IniParse(filename string, data interface{}) error {
p := NewParser(data, Default)
return NewIniParser(p).ParseFile(filename)
// ParseFile parses flags from an ini formatted file. See Parse for more
// information on the ini file format. The returned errors can be of the type
// flags.Error or flags.IniError.
func (i *IniParser) ParseFile(filename string) error {
ini, err := readIniFromFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
return i.parse(ini)
// Parse parses flags from an ini format. You can use ParseFile as a
// convenience function to parse from a filename instead of a general
// io.Reader.
// The format of the ini file is as follows:
// [Option group name]
// option = value
// Each section in the ini file represents an option group or command in the
// flags parser. The default flags parser option group (i.e. when using
// flags.Parse) is named 'Application Options'. The ini option name is matched
// in the following order:
// 1. Compared to the ini-name tag on the option struct field (if present)
// 2. Compared to the struct field name
// 3. Compared to the option long name (if present)
// 4. Compared to the option short name (if present)
// Sections for nested groups and commands can be addressed using a dot `.'
// namespacing notation (i.e [subcommand.Options]). Group section names are
// matched case insensitive.
// The returned errors can be of the type flags.Error or flags.IniError.
func (i *IniParser) Parse(reader io.Reader) error {
ini, err := readIni(reader, "")
if err != nil {
return err
return i.parse(ini)
// WriteFile writes the flags as ini format into a file. See Write
// for more information. The returned error occurs when the specified file
// could not be opened for writing.
func (i *IniParser) WriteFile(filename string, options IniOptions) error {
return writeIniToFile(i, filename, options)
// Write writes the current values of all the flags to an ini format.
// See Parse for more information on the ini file format. You typically
// call this only after settings have been parsed since the default values of each
// option are stored just before parsing the flags (this is only relevant when
// IniIncludeDefaults is _not_ set in options).
func (i *IniParser) Write(writer io.Writer, options IniOptions) {
writeIni(i, writer, options)
func readFullLine(reader *bufio.Reader) (string, error) {
var line []byte
for {
l, more, err := reader.ReadLine()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if line == nil && !more {
return string(l), nil
line = append(line, l...)
if !more {
return string(line), nil
func optionIniName(option *Option) string {
name := option.tag.Get("_read-ini-name")
if len(name) != 0 {
return name
name = option.tag.Get("ini-name")
if len(name) != 0 {
return name
return option.field.Name
func writeGroupIni(cmd *Command, group *Group, namespace string, writer io.Writer, options IniOptions) {
var sname string
if len(namespace) != 0 {
sname = namespace
if cmd.Group != group && len(group.ShortDescription) != 0 {
if len(sname) != 0 {
sname += "."
sname += group.ShortDescription
sectionwritten := false
comments := (options & IniIncludeComments) != IniNone
for _, option := range group.options {
if option.isFunc() || option.Hidden {
if len(option.tag.Get("no-ini")) != 0 {
val := option.value
if (options&IniIncludeDefaults) == IniNone && option.valueIsDefault() {
if !sectionwritten {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "[%s]\n", sname)
sectionwritten = true
if comments && len(option.Description) != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "; %s\n", option.Description)
oname := optionIniName(option)
commentOption := (options&(IniIncludeDefaults|IniCommentDefaults)) == IniIncludeDefaults|IniCommentDefaults && option.valueIsDefault()
kind := val.Type().Kind()
switch kind {
case reflect.Slice:
kind = val.Type().Elem().Kind()
if val.Len() == 0 {
writeOption(writer, oname, kind, "", "", true, option.iniQuote)
} else {
for idx := 0; idx < val.Len(); idx++ {
v, _ := convertToString(val.Index(idx), option.tag)
writeOption(writer, oname, kind, "", v, commentOption, option.iniQuote)
case reflect.Map:
kind = val.Type().Elem().Kind()
if val.Len() == 0 {
writeOption(writer, oname, kind, "", "", true, option.iniQuote)
} else {
mkeys := val.MapKeys()
keys := make([]string, len(val.MapKeys()))
kkmap := make(map[string]reflect.Value)
for i, k := range mkeys {
keys[i], _ = convertToString(k, option.tag)
kkmap[keys[i]] = k
for _, k := range keys {
v, _ := convertToString(val.MapIndex(kkmap[k]), option.tag)
writeOption(writer, oname, kind, k, v, commentOption, option.iniQuote)
v, _ := convertToString(val, option.tag)
writeOption(writer, oname, kind, "", v, commentOption, option.iniQuote)
if comments {
if sectionwritten && !comments {
func writeOption(writer io.Writer, optionName string, optionType reflect.Kind, optionKey string, optionValue string, commentOption bool, forceQuote bool) {
if forceQuote || (optionType == reflect.String && !isPrint(optionValue)) {
optionValue = strconv.Quote(optionValue)
comment := ""
if commentOption {
comment = "; "
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s%s =", comment, optionName)
if optionKey != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, " %s:%s", optionKey, optionValue)
} else if optionValue != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, " %s", optionValue)
func writeCommandIni(command *Command, namespace string, writer io.Writer, options IniOptions) {
command.eachGroup(func(group *Group) {
if !group.Hidden {
writeGroupIni(command, group, namespace, writer, options)
for _, c := range command.commands {
var nns string
if c.Hidden {
if len(namespace) != 0 {
nns = c.Name + "." + nns
} else {
nns = c.Name
writeCommandIni(c, nns, writer, options)
func writeIni(parser *IniParser, writer io.Writer, options IniOptions) {
writeCommandIni(parser.parser.Command, "", writer, options)
func writeIniToFile(parser *IniParser, filename string, options IniOptions) error {
file, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
writeIni(parser, file, options)
return nil
func readIniFromFile(filename string) (*ini, error) {
file, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
return readIni(file, filename)
func readIni(contents io.Reader, filename string) (*ini, error) {
ret := &ini{
File: filename,
Sections: make(map[string]iniSection),
reader := bufio.NewReader(contents)
// Empty global section
section := make(iniSection, 0, 10)
sectionname := ""
ret.Sections[sectionname] = section
var lineno uint
for {
line, err := readFullLine(reader)
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
// Skip empty lines and lines starting with ; (comments)
if len(line) == 0 || line[0] == ';' || line[0] == '#' {
if line[0] == '[' {
if line[0] != '[' || line[len(line)-1] != ']' {
return nil, &IniError{
Message: "malformed section header",
File: filename,
LineNumber: lineno,
name := strings.TrimSpace(line[1 : len(line)-1])
if len(name) == 0 {
return nil, &IniError{
Message: "empty section name",
File: filename,
LineNumber: lineno,
sectionname = name
section = ret.Sections[name]
if section == nil {
section = make(iniSection, 0, 10)
ret.Sections[name] = section
// Parse option here
keyval := strings.SplitN(line, "=", 2)
if len(keyval) != 2 {
return nil, &IniError{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("malformed key=value (%s)", line),
File: filename,
LineNumber: lineno,
name := strings.TrimSpace(keyval[0])
value := strings.TrimSpace(keyval[1])
quoted := false
if len(value) != 0 && value[0] == '"' {
if v, err := strconv.Unquote(value); err == nil {
value = v
quoted = true
} else {
return nil, &IniError{
Message: err.Error(),
File: filename,
LineNumber: lineno,
section = append(section, iniValue{
Name: name,
Value: value,
Quoted: quoted,
LineNumber: lineno,
ret.Sections[sectionname] = section
return ret, nil
func (i *IniParser) matchingGroups(name string) []*Group {
if len(name) == 0 {
var ret []*Group
i.parser.eachGroup(func(g *Group) {
ret = append(ret, g)
return ret
g := i.parser.groupByName(name)
if g != nil {
return []*Group{g}
return nil
func (i *IniParser) parse(ini *ini) error {
p := i.parser
var quotesLookup = make(map[*Option]bool)
for name, section := range ini.Sections {
groups := i.matchingGroups(name)
if len(groups) == 0 {
return newErrorf(ErrUnknownGroup, "could not find option group `%s'", name)
for _, inival := range section {
var opt *Option
for _, group := range groups {
opt = group.optionByName(inival.Name, func(o *Option, n string) bool {
return strings.ToLower(o.tag.Get("ini-name")) == strings.ToLower(n)
if opt != nil && len(opt.tag.Get("no-ini")) != 0 {
opt = nil
if opt != nil {
if opt == nil {
if (p.Options & IgnoreUnknown) == None {
return &IniError{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("unknown option: %s", inival.Name),
File: ini.File,
LineNumber: inival.LineNumber,
// ini value is ignored if override is set and
// value was previously set from non default
if i.ParseAsDefaults && !opt.isSetDefault {
pval := &inival.Value
if !opt.canArgument() && len(inival.Value) == 0 {
pval = nil
} else {
if opt.value.Type().Kind() == reflect.Map {
parts := strings.SplitN(inival.Value, ":", 2)
// only handle unquoting
if len(parts) == 2 && parts[1][0] == '"' {
if v, err := strconv.Unquote(parts[1]); err == nil {
parts[1] = v
inival.Quoted = true
} else {
return &IniError{
Message: err.Error(),
File: ini.File,
LineNumber: inival.LineNumber,
s := parts[0] + ":" + parts[1]
pval = &s
if err := opt.set(pval); err != nil {
return &IniError{
Message: err.Error(),
File: ini.File,
LineNumber: inival.LineNumber,
// either all INI values are quoted or only values who need quoting
if _, ok := quotesLookup[opt]; !inival.Quoted || !ok {
quotesLookup[opt] = inival.Quoted
opt.tag.Set("_read-ini-name", inival.Name)
for opt, quoted := range quotesLookup {
opt.iniQuote = quoted
return nil

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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