This document covers command-line options available when launching netris. Some options (such as keybindings) are only available in-game. # Client ``` Usage of ./netris: -connect string connect to server address or socket path -debug enable debug logging -debug-address string address to serve debug info -matrix string pre-fill matrix with pieces -nick string nickname (default "Anonymous") -scale int UI scale -verbose enable verbose logging ``` ### -scale Defaults to 0, automatically scaling up to 3x standard size based on the terminal window's dimensions. Specify an integer to only use that UI scale. ### -connect A TCP address in the form of address:port or socket path may be supplied. # Server ``` Usage of ./netris-server: -debug enable debug logging -debug-address string address to serve debug info -listen-socket string host server on socket path -listen-ssh string host SSH server on network address -listen-tcp string host server on network address -netris string path to netris client -verbose enable verbose logging ``` ### -listen-ssh and -netris The netris client will be launched to serve incoming SSH connections. Update client and server binaries together.