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Terminal-based Tetris - Part 1: Procedural polyomino generation 2020-01-18T08:30:00-07:00

This is the first part of a series of tutorials on creating a terminal-based Tetris clone with Go.

For a complete implementation of a Tetris clone in Go, see netris.


Tetris is a registered trademark of the Tetris Holding, LLC.

Rocket Nine Labs is in no way affiliated with Tetris Holding, LLC.


Game pieces are called "minos" because they are polyominos. This tutorial series will focus on the seven one-sided terominos, where each piece has four blocks.

         XX      X      X         X      XX     XX
XXXX     XX     XXX     XXX     XXX     XX       XX

 I       O       T       J       L       S       Z

The number of blocks a mino has is also known as its rank.

Mino data model

Tetris is played on an X-Y grid, so we will store minos as slices of points.

{{< highlight go >}} type Point struct { X, Y int }

func (p Point) Rotate90() Point { return Point{p.Y, -p.X} } func (p Point) Rotate180() Point { return Point{-p.X, -p.Y} } func (p Point) Rotate270() Point { return Point{-p.Y, p.X} } func (p Point) Reflect() Point { return Point{-p.X, p.Y} }

type Mino []Point

var exampleMino = Mino{{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {2, 0}, {1, 1}} // T piece {{< / highlight >}}

Generating minos

Instead of hard-coding each piece into our game, let's procedurally generate them. This allows us to play with any size of mino.

Sorting and comparing minos

To compare minos efficiently while generating, we will define a String method which sorts a mino's coordinates before printing them.

This will allow us to identify duplicate minos by comparing their string values.

{{< highlight go >}} func (m Mino) Len() int { return len(m) } func (m Mino) Swap(i, j int) { m[i], m[j] = m[j], m[i] } func (m Mino) Less(i, j int) bool { return m[i].Y < m[j].Y || (m[i].Y == m[j].Y && m[i].X < m[j].X) }

func (m Mino) String() string { sort.Sort(m)

var b strings.Builder
b.Grow(5*len(m) + (len(m) - 1))

for i := range m {
	if i > 0 {


return b.String()

} {{< / highlight >}}

Origin returns a translated mino located at 0,0 and with positive coordinates only.

A mino with the coordinates (-3, -1), (-2, -1), (-1, -1), (-2, 0) would be translated to (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (1, 1).

{{< highlight go >}} func (m Mino) minCoords() (int, int) { minx := m[0].X miny := m[0].Y

for _, p := range m[1:] {
	if p.X < minx {
		minx = p.X
	if p.Y < miny {
		miny = p.Y

return minx, miny


func (m Mino) Origin() Mino { minx, miny := m.minCoords()

newMino := make(Mino, len(m))
for i, p := range m {
	newMino[i].X = p.X - minx
	newMino[i].Y = p.Y - miny

return newMino

} {{< / highlight >}}

Another transformation is applied not only to help identify duplicate minos, but also to retrieve their initial rotation, as pieces should spawn flat-side down.

Flatten calculates the flattest side of a mino and returns a flattened mino.

{{< highlight go >}} func (m Mino) Flatten() Mino { var ( w, h = m.Size() sides [4]int // Left Top Right Bottom ) for i := 0; i < len(m); i++ { if m[i].Y == 0 { sides[3]++ } else if m[i].Y == (h - 1) { sides[1]++ }

	if m[i].X == 0 {
	} else if m[i].X == (w - 1) {

var (
	largestSide   = 3
	largestLength = sides[3]
for i, s := range sides[:2] {
	if s > largestLength {
		largestSide = i
		largestLength = s

var rotateFunc func(Point) Point
switch largestSide {
case 0: // Left
	rotateFunc = Point.Rotate270
case 1: // Top
	rotateFunc = Point.Rotate180
case 2: // Right
	rotateFunc = Point.Rotate90
default: // Bottom
	return m

newMino := make(Mino, len(m))
for i := 0; i < len(m); i++ {
	newMino[i] = rotateFunc(m[i])

return newMino

} {{< / highlight >}}

Variations returns the three other rotations of a mino.

{{< highlight go >}} func (m Mino) Variations() []Mino { v := make([]Mino, 3) for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { v[i] = make(Mino, len(m)) }

for j := 0; j < len(m); j++ {
	v[0][j] = m[j].Rotate90()
	v[1][j] = m[j].Rotate180()
	v[2][j] = m[j].Rotate270()

return v

} {{< / highlight >}}

Canonical returns a flattened mino translated to 0,0.

{{< highlight go >}} func (m Mino) Canonical() Mino { var ( ms = m.Origin().String() c = -1 v = m.Origin().Variations() vs string )

for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
	vs = v[i].Origin().String()
	if vs < ms {
		c = i
		ms = vs

if c == -1 {
	return m.Origin().Flatten().Origin()

return v[c].Origin().Flatten().Origin()

} {{< / highlight >}}

Generating additional minos

Starting with a monomino (a mino with a single point: 0,0), we will generate additional minos by adding neighboring points.

Neighborhood returns the Von Neumann neighborhood of a point.

{{< highlight go >}} func (p Point) Neighborhood() []Point { return []Point{ {p.X - 1, p.Y}, {p.X, p.Y - 1}, {p.X + 1, p.Y}, {p.X, p.Y + 1}} } {{< / highlight >}}

NewPoints calculates the neighborhood of each point of a mino and returns only the new points.

{{< highlight go >}} func (m Mino) HasPoint(p Point) bool { for _, mp := range m { if mp == p { return true } }

return false


func (m Mino) NewPoints() []Point { var newPoints []Point

for _, p := range m {
	for _, np := range p.Neighborhood() {
		if m.HasPoint(np) {

		newPoints = append(newPoints, np)

return newPoints

} {{< / highlight >}}

NewMinos returns a new mino for every new neighborhood point of a supplied mino.

{{< highlight go >}} func (m Mino) NewMinos() []Mino { points := m.NewPoints()

minos := make([]Mino, len(points))
for i, p := range points {
	minos[i] = append(m, p).Canonical()

return minos

} {{< / highlight >}}

Generating unique minos

Generate procedurally generates minos of a supplied rank.

We generate minos for the rank below the requested rank and iterate over the variations of each mino, saving and returning all unique variations.

{{< highlight go >}} func Generate(rank int) ([]Mino, error) { switch { case rank < 0: return nil, errors.New("invalid rank") case rank == 0: return []Mino{}, nil case rank == 1: return []Mino{monomino()}, nil default: r, err := Generate(rank - 1) if err != nil { return nil, err }

	var (
		minos []Mino
		s     string
		found = make(map[string]bool)
	for _, mino := range r {
		for _, newMino := range mino.NewMinos() {
			s = newMino.Canonical().String()
			if found[s] {

			minos = append(minos, newMino.Canonical())
			found[s] = true

	return minos, nil


func monomino() Mino { return Mino{{0, 0}} } {{< / highlight >}}

Stay tuned...

In part two we will create a matrix to hold our minos and implement SRS rotation.