# Notebook initialization stick notebooks are [git repositories](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-What-is-Git%3F) containing [Markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org/) formatted text files. Note that while stick uses git, it is not required to have git installed. Initialize one or more notebooks, specifying where the repository should be created. If you would like to use an existing git repository, you may skip this step. ``` stick init /home/stick/notes/johnsnotes ``` # Configuring stick.yml stick is configured via ~/.config/stick/stick.yml (or elsewhere when specified with the --config flag) ## salt Used when hashing data (set to a random string) ## serve Serve notebooks on this address (host:port) ## authors List of authors, specified by email and name ## notebooks List of notebooks, specified by label. Options include: ### repo Path to git repository ### serve List of authors (specified by email) and their access level, which is one of the following: - read - write Including an author named "public" will share the notebook publicly. # Example stick.yml ```yaml # Used when hashing data (set to a random string) salt: xXxsh3cr3txXx # Serve notes on localhost only # Set to :9991 to serve on all interfaces (not recommended, use a reverse proxy instead) serve: localhost:9991 # Authors are defined by email and name (used when committing) authors: john@hotmail.com: John Doe jane@aol.com: Jane Doe # Notebooks can be shared between authors with varying access levels # When an access level isn't specified, read-only is assumed # John's notebook allows read/write access to himself and read-only access to Jane notebooks: John's notes: repo: /home/stick/notes/johnsnotes serve: - john@hotmail.com: write - jane@aol.com Jane's notes: repo: /home/stick/notes/janesnotes serve: - jane@aol.com: write - john@hotmail.com Shared notes: repo: /home/stick/notes/shared serve: - john@hotmail.com: write - jane@aol.com: write Public notes: repo: /home/stick/notes/public serve: - john@hotmail.com: write - jane@aol.com: write - public ```