
129 lines
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2020-08-12 16:28:41 +00:00
See README for instructions on configuring, moderating and upgrading your board.
Set TINYIB_DBMODE to a MySQL-related mode if it's available. By default it's set to flatfile, which can be very slow.
2014-10-27 23:55:58 +00:00
// Internationalization
define('TINYIB_LOCALE', ''); // Locale (see README for instructions)
2014-10-27 23:55:58 +00:00
// Administrator/moderator credentials
2016-07-19 21:14:54 +00:00
define('TINYIB_ADMINPASS', ''); // Administrators have full access to the board
define('TINYIB_MODPASS', ''); // Moderators only have access to delete (and moderate if TINYIB_REQMOD is set) posts ['' to disable]
2014-10-27 23:55:58 +00:00
// Board description and behavior
// Warning: Enabling ReCAPTCHA will cause all visitors to be tracked by Google. See https://nearcyan.com/you-probably-dont-need-recaptcha/
2016-07-19 21:14:54 +00:00
define('TINYIB_BOARD', 'b'); // Unique identifier for this board using only letters and numbers
define('TINYIB_BOARDDESC', 'TinyIB'); // Displayed at the top of every page
2017-12-16 03:17:31 +00:00
define('TINYIB_ALWAYSNOKO', false); // Redirect to thread after posting
2016-07-19 21:14:54 +00:00
define('TINYIB_CAPTCHA', ''); // Reduce spam by requiring users to pass a CAPTCHA when posting: simple / recaptcha (click Rebuild All in the management panel after enabling) ['' to disable]
define('TINYIB_MANAGECAPTCHA', ''); // Improve security by requiring users to pass a CAPTCHA when logging in to the management panel: simple / recaptcha ['' to disable]
2020-11-13 20:32:42 +00:00
define('TINYIB_REPORT', false); // Allow users to report posts
define('TINYIB_REQMOD', ''); // Require moderation before displaying posts: files / all ['' to disable]
2014-10-27 23:55:58 +00:00
// Board appearance
2018-07-20 22:48:07 +00:00
define('TINYIB_INDEX', 'index.html'); // Index file
2016-07-19 21:14:54 +00:00
define('TINYIB_LOGO', ''); // Logo HTML
2014-10-27 23:55:58 +00:00
define('TINYIB_THREADSPERPAGE', 10); // Amount of threads shown per index page
define('TINYIB_PREVIEWREPLIES', 3); // Amount of replies previewed on index pages
define('TINYIB_TRUNCATE', 15); // Messages are truncated to this many lines on board index pages [0 to disable]
2018-07-24 23:46:58 +00:00
define('TINYIB_WORDBREAK', 80); // Words longer than this many characters will be broken apart [0 to disable]
2018-02-15 06:19:53 +00:00
define('TINYIB_TIMEZONE', 'UTC'); // See https://secure.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php - e.g. America/Los_Angeles
2020-08-11 13:01:00 +00:00
define('TINYIB_CATALOG', true); // Generate catalog page
2020-08-12 16:28:41 +00:00
define('TINYIB_JSON', true); // Generate JSON files
define('TINYIB_DATEFMT', '%g/%m/%d(%a)%H:%M:%S'); // Date and time format (see php.net/strftime)
$tinyib_hidefieldsop = array(); // Fields to hide when creating a new thread - e.g. array('name', 'email', 'subject', 'message', 'file', 'embed', 'password')
$tinyib_hidefields = array(); // Fields to hide when replying
$tinyib_capcodes = array(array('Admin', 'red'), array('Mod', 'purple')); // Administrator and moderator capcode label and color
2014-10-27 23:55:58 +00:00
// Post control
define('TINYIB_DELAY', 30); // Delay (in seconds) between posts from the same IP address to help control flooding [0 to disable]
define('TINYIB_MAXTHREADS', 100); // Oldest threads are discarded when the thread count passes this limit [0 to disable]
define('TINYIB_MAXREPLIES', 0); // Maximum replies before a thread stops bumping [0 to disable]
// Upload types
2016-09-30 07:17:24 +00:00
// Empty array to disable
// Format: MIME type => (extension, optional thumbnail)
$tinyib_uploads = array('image/jpeg' => array('jpg'),
'image/pjpeg' => array('jpg'),
'image/png' => array('png'),
'image/gif' => array('gif'));
2020-08-12 16:28:41 +00:00
// 'application/x-shockwave-flash' => array('swf', 'swf_thumbnail.png');
// 'audio/aac' => array('aac');
// 'audio/flac' => array('flac');
// 'audio/ogg' => array('ogg');
// 'audio/opus' => array('opus');
// 'audio/mp3' => array('mp3');
// 'audio/mpeg' => array('mp3');
2020-08-12 16:28:41 +00:00
// 'audio/mp4' => array('mp4');
// 'audio/wav' => array('wav');
// 'audio/webm' => array('webm');
// 'video/mp4' => array('mp4'); // Video uploads require mediainfo and ffmpegthumbnailer (see README for instructions)
// 'video/webm' => array('webm');
2016-09-30 07:17:24 +00:00
// oEmbed APIs
// Empty array to disable
$tinyib_embeds = array('SoundCloud' => 'https://soundcloud.com/oembed?format=json&url=TINYIBEMBED',
'Vimeo' => 'https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=TINYIBEMBED',
'YouTube' => 'https://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=TINYIBEMBED&format=json');
2014-10-27 23:55:58 +00:00
// File control
define('TINYIB_MAXKB', 2048); // Maximum file size in kilobytes [0 to disable]
2016-07-19 21:14:54 +00:00
define('TINYIB_MAXKBDESC', '2 MB'); // Human-readable representation of the maximum file size
define('TINYIB_THUMBNAIL', 'gd'); // Thumbnail method to use: gd / imagemagick (see README for instructions)
define('TINYIB_UPLOADVIAURL', false); // Allow files to be uploaded via URL
define('TINYIB_NOFILEOK', false); // Allow the creation of new threads without uploading a file
2014-10-27 23:55:58 +00:00
// Thumbnail size - new thread
define('TINYIB_MAXWOP', 250); // Width
define('TINYIB_MAXHOP', 250); // Height
// Thumbnail size - reply
define('TINYIB_MAXW', 250); // Width
define('TINYIB_MAXH', 250); // Height
// Tripcode seed - Must not change once set!
2020-11-13 20:32:42 +00:00
define('TINYIB_TRIPSEED', ''); // Enter some random text (used when generating secure tripcodes, hashing passwords and hashing IP addresses)
2016-07-19 21:14:54 +00:00
// The following only apply when TINYIB_CAPTCHA is set to recaptcha
// For API keys visit https://www.google.com/recaptcha
define('TINYIB_RECAPTCHA_SITE', ''); // Site key
define('TINYIB_RECAPTCHA_SECRET', '');// Secret key
2014-10-27 23:55:58 +00:00
// Database
// Recommended database modes from best to worst:
// pdo, mysqli, mysql, sqlite3, sqlite (deprecated), flatfile (only useful if you need portability or lack any kind of database)
define('TINYIB_DBMODE', 'flatfile'); // Mode
define('TINYIB_DBMIGRATE', false); // Enable database migration tool (see README for instructions)
define('TINYIB_DBBANS', 'bans'); // Bans table name (use the same table across boards for global bans)
define('TINYIB_DBKEYWORDS', 'keywords'); // Keywords table name (use the same table across boards for global keywords)
define('TINYIB_DBPOSTS', TINYIB_BOARD . '_posts'); // Posts table name
2020-11-13 20:32:42 +00:00
define('TINYIB_DBREPORTS', TINYIB_BOARD . '_reports'); // Reports table name
2014-10-27 23:55:58 +00:00
// Database configuration - MySQL / pgSQL
2014-10-27 23:55:58 +00:00
// The following only apply when TINYIB_DBMODE is set to mysql, mysqli or pdo with default (blank) TINYIB_DBDSN
2016-07-19 21:14:54 +00:00
define('TINYIB_DBHOST', 'localhost'); // Hostname
2014-10-27 23:55:58 +00:00
define('TINYIB_DBPORT', 3306); // Port (set to 0 if you are using a UNIX socket as the host)
2016-07-19 21:14:54 +00:00
define('TINYIB_DBUSERNAME', ''); // Username
define('TINYIB_DBPASSWORD', ''); // Password
define('TINYIB_DBNAME', ''); // Database
2014-10-27 23:55:58 +00:00
2020-08-19 01:16:50 +00:00
// Database configuration - SQLite / SQLite3
// The following only apply when TINYIB_DBMODE is set to sqlite or sqlite3
define('TINYIB_DBPATH', 'tinyib.db'); // SQLite DB path relative to inc/
2014-10-27 23:55:58 +00:00
// Database configuration - PDO
// The following only apply when TINYIB_DBMODE is set to pdo (see README for instructions)
define('TINYIB_DBDRIVER', 'mysql'); // PDO driver to use (mysql / pgsql / sqlite / etc.)
2016-07-19 21:14:54 +00:00
define('TINYIB_DBDSN', ''); // Enter a custom DSN to override all of the connection/driver settings above (see README for instructions)
2014-10-27 23:55:58 +00:00
// When changing this, you should still set TINYIB_DBDRIVER appropriately.
// If you're using PDO with a MySQL or pgSQL database, you should leave this blank.